
说明:请以刘明的名义写一封求职信。 时间:2012年3月18日。 内容:


2.你今年28岁, 毕业于复旦大学中文系,获文学硕士学位;

3.有3年的工作经验,之前在“华文”培训构做中文教师,自认为能胜任这份工作; 4.附上个人简历,期待答复。

Words for reference: 文学硕士学位a master ’s degree in literature 培训机构training institution 范文:

March 18, 2012

Dear Sirs,

China Youth Daily yesterday about hiring a teacher teaching Chinese .I am very interested in it .I graduated from Chinese Department, Fudan University with a master ’s degree in literature .I am 28.I have worked for three years in Huawen Training Institution after I graduated and I am sure that I can do the job well. give me a reply at your earliest convenience.

Y ours sincerely,

Liu Ming

说明:假如你是一家旅行社的经理李明。当地旅游职业学院外事办的王主任4月15日给你写信,询问是否能考虑赞助他们将在6月举办的为期一周的艺术节。你给工主任写封回信。 时间:2012年4月20日。




3.建议他明年再写信联系并预祝艺术节成功。 注意信函格式!

Words for reference: 赞助sponsorship 范文:

April 20, 2012

Dear Mr. Wang,

April 15,which said a week-long art festival will be held in your college in June this year.

I am vey interested in this activity,but I regret to say that we have a fixed budget for sponsorship each year and the sponsorship of new items will not be considered until next year.I hope you can understand it.

I suggest that you contact us again next year.I hope you will have a truly fruitful art festival. Y ours faithfully,

Li Ming Manager

说明:请以李军的名义写一则寻物启事。 时间:2012年3月12日。

内容:今天中午在餐厅吃饭时,将书包忘在那里。书包为棕色,里面有一本课本、一本笔记本和一个MP5。拾到者请致电67689903,将当面酬谢。 范文:


March 12,2012

I have lost my bookbag in the dining hall this noon .It is brown,with a book,a notebook and an MP5 in it.

As its loss is causing me great inconvenience,I should appreciate it if the finder can contact me at person .

Li Jun

说明:请以王丽的名义用下面所提供的信息写一份简历。 内容:



3.家庭地址:山东省济南市市中区87号; 4.联系电话:136XXXX5358

5.2005~2009年在山东大学英语学院主修商务英语专业,并选修了会计和国际贸易课程, 以优异成绩毕业;


理,主要负责翻译和外事接待工作。 Words for reference:

商务英语专业Business English 翻译(口译) interpreting 范文:


Name :Wang Li

Sex :Female

Date of birth:15 / 6/ 1988 Major :Business English

Address :No .87 Shizhong District,Jinan City,Shandong Province Tel :136××xX5358 Education background:

2005—2009 Majoring in Business English in English Department of Shandong University,also choosing Accounting and International Trading as optional courses and graduating with high scores. Working experience:

2009~2011 Working as an assistant to the manager in Xunda Communication Company ,mainly in charge of interpreting and receptions of the foreigners.

说明:请以英语系学生会的名义写一则海报。 时间:2012年3月15日。 内容:为丰富课外活动,提高学生英语口语能力,学生会定于下周三下午1点半在主楼404教室举办全系英语演讲比赛。凡是愿意参加者在本周六以前向各班班长报名,届时将有英美外籍老师参加并进行评判。凡参加者均有奖品,欢迎大家踊跃参加。 范文:

English Speaking Contest

In order to enrich after-class activities and improve our ability to speak English,our student union will hold an English Speaking Contest on Wednesday afternoon,next week.

Several native speakers from Britain and America will attend our contest and will give comments on the speeches.

Those who are interested in English and are willing to take part in the contest may sign your name with your monitor before this Saturday.

Anyone who participates will be awarded as an encouragement .

Time :1:30 p.m .next Wednesday. Place :Room 404,the Main Building.

The Student Union of English Department

March 15,2012

说明:假设你是Leek Air-conditioning 公司售后服务部的John Green,写一封道歉信。 时间:2012年3月17日。


Words for reference:

售后服务部after-sale department 范文:

March 17,2012 Dear Sir,

I ’m John Green from after-sale department,Leek Air-conditioning Company .I'm writing to I received your letter yesterday ,which said that your newly bought air conditioner was not fixed as it was scheduled .I am terribly sorry for that .All of this is due to the fact that I misread the time .And We promise to finish the installment next Monday.

Sincerely yours,

John Green

说明:假如你是清华大学物理系的Peter Smith 教授,你的学生李华要申请去剑桥大学学习,请你为她写一封推荐信。 时间:2012年3月l 7日。 内容:

1.写信的原因; 2.推荐的理由; 3.殷切的期望。 注意信函格式!

Words for reference:

剑桥大学Cambridge University


March 17,2012

Dear Sir or Madam,

I ’m Peter Smith ,professor in Department of Physics ,Tsinghua University .I ’m writing to ,one of my favorite students,for admission to your distinguished university. Li Hua is a diligent student who studies very hard during her four years’college 1ife.With great passion for academic research, she is very active in class activities and always brings US new ideas .And in daily life ,she is an optimistic ,cheerful and creative girl. In a word,she really deserves the opportunity to pursue further study in Cambridge University.If you accept her,you ’ll never regret the decision you make .

Sincerely yours,

Peter Smith

说明:假设你是学生会主席Johnson ,请按以下提示写一则通知。

时间:201 2年12月17日。




3.25日在学校餐厅附近的报告厅彩排; 4.活动的意义。 Words for reference: 彩排rehearsal 范文:


We are going to hold the evening party on December 3 1 to celebrate the New Y ear .It is required that every department should prepare three programs for it.And on December25,we are going to conduct the rehearsal in the lecture hall near the canteen.

We hope that every student will be active in this activity .This is a good opportunity to strengthen your ability and show your talent to the whole school.We are here to look forward to your participation in this young and energetic team.


Chairman of The Students’ Union

December 17,2012

说明:请以伍德高科技公司(wood Hi —tech Company) 员工Peter 的名义给新华科技市场经理写一封订货信。

时问:2012年3月17日。 内容:

1.近日在网上看到E625型打印机; 2.需要订购10台;

3.期望每台价格为¥1 000; 4.期望最迟于3月25日给予答复。 注意信函格式! Words for reference: 打印机 printer 范文:

March 17,2012

Dear Manager,

1'm Peter from Wood Hi-tech Companywriting to ask the information about the products

Recently I have seen NO .E625 printers on the Internet which are what we need now.So we would like to order 10 printers of this model with the expected price at ¥1 000 per printer .If you think our offer is reasonable,please give us a reply before March 25.Otherwise ,I would be glad if you can offer us your lowest price.

We are looking forward to your early reply.

Sincerely yours,


说明:假设你是ABC 公司的采购部经理Lisa Jones 时间:2012年3月19日。 内容:


2.将破损显示器寄回,并要求对方重新发货; 3.对自己造成的损失进行赔偿; 4.期望尽快回复。 注意信函格式! Words for reference:

显示器monitor 范文:

March19, 2012

Dear Sir,

I ’m Lisa Jones ,manager of purchasing department ,ABC Companya claim on the computers you sent us.

The monitors of NO.W380 computers which we received on March 16 were broken .As scheduled ,we will send you back these broken monitors and require you to redeliver the goods .Meantime ,you should offer us some compensation for the loss you caused to us. reply as soon as possible.

Sincerely yours,

Lisa Jones

说明:假设你是人事部经理Frank Smith ,给员工Woody 写一封解雇信。 时间:201 2年3月17日。 内容:

1.说明要解雇Woody ;


3.对Woody 的工作给予肯定,如果需要,可以为他写推荐信。 注意信函格式!

Words for reference:

推荐recommend v./recommendation n. 范文:

March 17,2012

Dear Woody,

This is Frank Smith ,manager of Personnel Department .I am terribly sorry to inform you that your employment in our company will be over on March 31,2012.

It is really hard for us to make this decision since you are very diligent and have excellent performance in our company .But due to the economic depression and low profits of our company, we have to lay off some workers. If you would like, I would be glad to write a recommendation letter for you.Please accept our

deepest apology again.

Sincerely yours,

Frank Smith

说明:根据下面内容写一封投诉信。 写信日期:201 2年3月20日。 投诉人:陈明 投诉对象:百货公司 投诉商品:Smith 啤酒

投诉原因:过了保质期,包装与内容不符等 投诉要求:退货或换货 提出希望:尽快回复 注意信函格式!

Words for reference: 保质期expiry date 范文:

March 20,2012

Dear Sir,

I am a regular customer in your department store your store.

Y esterday I bought a dozen of Smith beer in your department store.But when I was going to enjoy the beer at home ,I found the beer has already expired.Meantime ,the packages are not in accordance with the contents.

So I hope you can take immediate action to deal with this matter and take back or exchange the beer for me .I am looking forward to receiving your reply as soon as possible.

Sincerely yours,

Chen Ming

说明:假设你是Carry Trade 公司的市场部经理王刚,请按以下内容给Smith 先生写一封催款信。



1.Smith 先生已于两个月前收到合同规定的ST218型号的洗衣机,却一直未付款; 2.几天前写过催款信,却一直未见回复; 3.本月30日是最后期限,如果没有收到钱款,将向法院起诉。 注意信函格式!

Words for reference: 催款信collection letter

向法院起诉submit a case to court 范文:

March 17.2012

Dear Mr.Smith ,

This is Wang Gang, marketing manager from Carry Trade Company.

Y ou have already received NO. ST218 washing machines under the contract for two months ,but didn’t offer us the payment.We have sent you a collection letter several days ago but received no response .We hope that you can comply with the contract to pay us the money.The deadline is March 30,if at that moment ,our company still doesn’t receive the due money,we have to submit the case to court.

Sincerely yours,

Wang Gang


时间:2012年3月21日。 内容:




4.再次表达感谢。 Words for reference: 感谢gratitude 范文:

March 21,2012

Dear Sir,

This is Zhou Li,a patient in your hospitala11.

First ,I want to thank all the doctors who cure my disease and all the nurses who take care of me .With professional knowledge and great patience ,you bring me the hope.Second ,due to my poor economic condition ,Shenhua Hospital

offers me the treatment for free which makes me moved greatly.Third ,I also want to thank you for providing me much convenience and the subsequent consultation.

In a word,it is Shenhua Hospital that gives me the second chance to live .heartfelt thanks again.

Sincerely yours,

Zhou Li


时问:2012年3月12日。 内容:

1.写信原因:在网上看到Total Trade公司招聘销售经理;



4.联系方法:0531—26××523,wangliang@163.corn ;

5.表达希望:尽快回复。 注意信函格式!

Words for reference: 营销学marketing 范文:

March 12,2012

Dear Sir,

This is Wang Liang ,a college graduate majoring in marketing.I would like to apply for .

My background ensures me that I’m qualified for the job.First ,I'm a marketing major and have excellent communicative ability .Second ,I have rich experience in this field and focus on improving my ability .Third ,I have a sound understanding of your company which will enable me to work better for it.

I hope that you would Please contact me by telephone:0531—26××523,or by e-mail :wangliang0503@163.com .I ’m looking forward to

receiving your reply as soon as possible.

Sincerely yours,

Wang Liang

说明:假设你是Info 外贸公司销售部经理John Green ,请按照下面内容给Max 玩具公司写封信,希望可以和对方合作。 时间:2012年3月17日。 内容:

1.从网上看到了Max 公司的最新系列玩具,对其感兴趣;



4.希望建立长期的合作关系,期待尽快回复。 注意信函格式!

Words for reference:

外贸公司foreign trade corporation 范文:

March 17, 2012

Dear Sir,

This is John Green,sales manager from Info Foreign Trade Corporation .I ’m writing to ask about the information of the toys in your company .

I saw your latest series of toys on the Internet which aroused my great interest.I wonder whether you would like to offer me clear information about the function,usage ,price and important notice of these toys .And I want to be an agent of your company .

.I ’m looking forward to receiving your reply as soon as possible.

Sincerely yours,

John Green

说明:假设你是一名导游,请按照下面内容写一段导游词。 内容:





4.注意事项:有什么问题随时咨询,不要掉队; 5.祝大家旅途愉快。 注意信函格式! Words for refcrcnce: 路线route 范文:

My dear friends,

Welcome to take part in this tour which will 1ast two days.

According to the scheduled route, we will leave Jinan for Taian and then come back to Jinan .The specific arrangement is like this:First ,as soon as we arrive at Taian in the afternoon,we will visit Mount Tai .We ’ll stay overnight at the top ,so that we can enjoy the magnificent sunrise the next morning.Then we may come down by the cableway .After that we will make a trip to Lashan Forest Park and then come hack to Jinan.Finally ,I would like to remind you that if you have any questions ,please feel free to ask me and don’t get lost!

I wish you a good trip! Thanks!

说明:假设你是青岛大学外语学院的张涵教授,现在需要给北京大学的李浩教授写一封邀请信。 时间:2012年3月1 7日。 内容:


2.讲座时间:2012年4月1日到 2012年4月7日;


4.讲座受众:英语系大一到大四学生; 5.讲课待遇:讲课费丰厚,饮食住宿以及往返机票全包;

6.提出希望:尽快回复。 注意信函格式!

Words for reference:

语用学pragmatics 讲课费honorarium 范文:

March i7。2012

I)ear Professor Li,

I am Zhang Han, a professor from Foreign

Language College at Qingdao University .would like to invite you with great honor to come to our university and deliver lectures to the students .

The lecture session will extend from April 1 to April 7,2012,which is on the topic of English pragmatics .AII of the English majors in our university ranging from freshmen to seniors will attend the lectures.

For this tour,we will provide you with generous honorarium ,the accommodation and the round-trip tickets .We are looking forward to receiving your reply .

Y ours faithfully,

Zhang Han

说明:Shell 公司现招聘一名经理助理,请按照下列条件写一则招聘广告。 内容:


2.经济学专业,专科学历及以上; 3.两年销售经验;

4.善于与人沟通,能承受较大压力; 5.愿意经常出差;

6. 有意者请将简历发送至公司邮箱:humanresources@shellforeigntrade.com ,请勿来电来访。 注意信函格式!

Words for reference:

经理助理assistant manager 范文:


Shell Company is looking for an assistant manager .Our company carries on inter-national trade and has already gained much reputation over the past few years.

: First , the applicant should be under 30 years’old ,male .Second ,the applicant should be the graduate of Economics with college degree or above.Third ,the applicant should have two-year sales experience. Fourth,the ability to deal with interpersonal relationship and endure great pressure is essential .Last ,the

applicant would like to go out on frequent business .

If you are interested in this offer,please send your resume to humanresources @ shellforeigntrade . corn . No phone call or direct visit is acceptable.

Shell Company

说明:请以Lisa Brown的名义给Blue 先生写一封祝贺信。

时间:201 2年4月17日。 内容:

1.祝贺Blue 先生晋升; 2.肯定其工作; 3.认可其成就; 4.再次祝贺。 注意信函格式! 范文:

April 17,2012 Dear Mr.Blue,

This is Lisa Brown.I'm writing to express my .

This promotion is in recognition of the fine work you have done for your companyIt is no doubt that you will meet the new responsibilities which accompany the position with great passion and energy.Still you definitely will bring greater benefits to your company.

Please accept my congratulations on your new promotion again and hope to hear of your next good news soon.

Sincerely yours,

Lisa Brown

一月 January 二月 February 三月 Marcy 四月 April 五月 May 六月 June 七月 July 八月 August 九月 September 十月 October 十一月 November 十二月 December

说明:请以刘明的名义写一封求职信。 时间:2012年3月18日。 内容:


2.你今年28岁, 毕业于复旦大学中文系,获文学硕士学位;

3.有3年的工作经验,之前在“华文”培训构做中文教师,自认为能胜任这份工作; 4.附上个人简历,期待答复。

Words for reference: 文学硕士学位a master ’s degree in literature 培训机构training institution 范文:

March 18, 2012

Dear Sirs,

China Youth Daily yesterday about hiring a teacher teaching Chinese .I am very interested in it .I graduated from Chinese Department, Fudan University with a master ’s degree in literature .I am 28.I have worked for three years in Huawen Training Institution after I graduated and I am sure that I can do the job well. give me a reply at your earliest convenience.

Y ours sincerely,

Liu Ming

说明:假如你是一家旅行社的经理李明。当地旅游职业学院外事办的王主任4月15日给你写信,询问是否能考虑赞助他们将在6月举办的为期一周的艺术节。你给工主任写封回信。 时间:2012年4月20日。




3.建议他明年再写信联系并预祝艺术节成功。 注意信函格式!

Words for reference: 赞助sponsorship 范文:

April 20, 2012

Dear Mr. Wang,

April 15,which said a week-long art festival will be held in your college in June this year.

I am vey interested in this activity,but I regret to say that we have a fixed budget for sponsorship each year and the sponsorship of new items will not be considered until next year.I hope you can understand it.

I suggest that you contact us again next year.I hope you will have a truly fruitful art festival. Y ours faithfully,

Li Ming Manager

说明:请以李军的名义写一则寻物启事。 时间:2012年3月12日。

内容:今天中午在餐厅吃饭时,将书包忘在那里。书包为棕色,里面有一本课本、一本笔记本和一个MP5。拾到者请致电67689903,将当面酬谢。 范文:


March 12,2012

I have lost my bookbag in the dining hall this noon .It is brown,with a book,a notebook and an MP5 in it.

As its loss is causing me great inconvenience,I should appreciate it if the finder can contact me at person .

Li Jun

说明:请以王丽的名义用下面所提供的信息写一份简历。 内容:



3.家庭地址:山东省济南市市中区87号; 4.联系电话:136XXXX5358

5.2005~2009年在山东大学英语学院主修商务英语专业,并选修了会计和国际贸易课程, 以优异成绩毕业;


理,主要负责翻译和外事接待工作。 Words for reference:

商务英语专业Business English 翻译(口译) interpreting 范文:


Name :Wang Li

Sex :Female

Date of birth:15 / 6/ 1988 Major :Business English

Address :No .87 Shizhong District,Jinan City,Shandong Province Tel :136××xX5358 Education background:

2005—2009 Majoring in Business English in English Department of Shandong University,also choosing Accounting and International Trading as optional courses and graduating with high scores. Working experience:

2009~2011 Working as an assistant to the manager in Xunda Communication Company ,mainly in charge of interpreting and receptions of the foreigners.

说明:请以英语系学生会的名义写一则海报。 时间:2012年3月15日。 内容:为丰富课外活动,提高学生英语口语能力,学生会定于下周三下午1点半在主楼404教室举办全系英语演讲比赛。凡是愿意参加者在本周六以前向各班班长报名,届时将有英美外籍老师参加并进行评判。凡参加者均有奖品,欢迎大家踊跃参加。 范文:

English Speaking Contest

In order to enrich after-class activities and improve our ability to speak English,our student union will hold an English Speaking Contest on Wednesday afternoon,next week.

Several native speakers from Britain and America will attend our contest and will give comments on the speeches.

Those who are interested in English and are willing to take part in the contest may sign your name with your monitor before this Saturday.

Anyone who participates will be awarded as an encouragement .

Time :1:30 p.m .next Wednesday. Place :Room 404,the Main Building.

The Student Union of English Department

March 15,2012

说明:假设你是Leek Air-conditioning 公司售后服务部的John Green,写一封道歉信。 时间:2012年3月17日。


Words for reference:

售后服务部after-sale department 范文:

March 17,2012 Dear Sir,

I ’m John Green from after-sale department,Leek Air-conditioning Company .I'm writing to I received your letter yesterday ,which said that your newly bought air conditioner was not fixed as it was scheduled .I am terribly sorry for that .All of this is due to the fact that I misread the time .And We promise to finish the installment next Monday.

Sincerely yours,

John Green

说明:假如你是清华大学物理系的Peter Smith 教授,你的学生李华要申请去剑桥大学学习,请你为她写一封推荐信。 时间:2012年3月l 7日。 内容:

1.写信的原因; 2.推荐的理由; 3.殷切的期望。 注意信函格式!

Words for reference:

剑桥大学Cambridge University


March 17,2012

Dear Sir or Madam,

I ’m Peter Smith ,professor in Department of Physics ,Tsinghua University .I ’m writing to ,one of my favorite students,for admission to your distinguished university. Li Hua is a diligent student who studies very hard during her four years’college 1ife.With great passion for academic research, she is very active in class activities and always brings US new ideas .And in daily life ,she is an optimistic ,cheerful and creative girl. In a word,she really deserves the opportunity to pursue further study in Cambridge University.If you accept her,you ’ll never regret the decision you make .

Sincerely yours,

Peter Smith

说明:假设你是学生会主席Johnson ,请按以下提示写一则通知。

时间:201 2年12月17日。




3.25日在学校餐厅附近的报告厅彩排; 4.活动的意义。 Words for reference: 彩排rehearsal 范文:


We are going to hold the evening party on December 3 1 to celebrate the New Y ear .It is required that every department should prepare three programs for it.And on December25,we are going to conduct the rehearsal in the lecture hall near the canteen.

We hope that every student will be active in this activity .This is a good opportunity to strengthen your ability and show your talent to the whole school.We are here to look forward to your participation in this young and energetic team.


Chairman of The Students’ Union

December 17,2012

说明:请以伍德高科技公司(wood Hi —tech Company) 员工Peter 的名义给新华科技市场经理写一封订货信。

时问:2012年3月17日。 内容:

1.近日在网上看到E625型打印机; 2.需要订购10台;

3.期望每台价格为¥1 000; 4.期望最迟于3月25日给予答复。 注意信函格式! Words for reference: 打印机 printer 范文:

March 17,2012

Dear Manager,

1'm Peter from Wood Hi-tech Companywriting to ask the information about the products

Recently I have seen NO .E625 printers on the Internet which are what we need now.So we would like to order 10 printers of this model with the expected price at ¥1 000 per printer .If you think our offer is reasonable,please give us a reply before March 25.Otherwise ,I would be glad if you can offer us your lowest price.

We are looking forward to your early reply.

Sincerely yours,


说明:假设你是ABC 公司的采购部经理Lisa Jones 时间:2012年3月19日。 内容:


2.将破损显示器寄回,并要求对方重新发货; 3.对自己造成的损失进行赔偿; 4.期望尽快回复。 注意信函格式! Words for reference:

显示器monitor 范文:

March19, 2012

Dear Sir,

I ’m Lisa Jones ,manager of purchasing department ,ABC Companya claim on the computers you sent us.

The monitors of NO.W380 computers which we received on March 16 were broken .As scheduled ,we will send you back these broken monitors and require you to redeliver the goods .Meantime ,you should offer us some compensation for the loss you caused to us. reply as soon as possible.

Sincerely yours,

Lisa Jones

说明:假设你是人事部经理Frank Smith ,给员工Woody 写一封解雇信。 时间:201 2年3月17日。 内容:

1.说明要解雇Woody ;


3.对Woody 的工作给予肯定,如果需要,可以为他写推荐信。 注意信函格式!

Words for reference:

推荐recommend v./recommendation n. 范文:

March 17,2012

Dear Woody,

This is Frank Smith ,manager of Personnel Department .I am terribly sorry to inform you that your employment in our company will be over on March 31,2012.

It is really hard for us to make this decision since you are very diligent and have excellent performance in our company .But due to the economic depression and low profits of our company, we have to lay off some workers. If you would like, I would be glad to write a recommendation letter for you.Please accept our

deepest apology again.

Sincerely yours,

Frank Smith

说明:根据下面内容写一封投诉信。 写信日期:201 2年3月20日。 投诉人:陈明 投诉对象:百货公司 投诉商品:Smith 啤酒

投诉原因:过了保质期,包装与内容不符等 投诉要求:退货或换货 提出希望:尽快回复 注意信函格式!

Words for reference: 保质期expiry date 范文:

March 20,2012

Dear Sir,

I am a regular customer in your department store your store.

Y esterday I bought a dozen of Smith beer in your department store.But when I was going to enjoy the beer at home ,I found the beer has already expired.Meantime ,the packages are not in accordance with the contents.

So I hope you can take immediate action to deal with this matter and take back or exchange the beer for me .I am looking forward to receiving your reply as soon as possible.

Sincerely yours,

Chen Ming

说明:假设你是Carry Trade 公司的市场部经理王刚,请按以下内容给Smith 先生写一封催款信。



1.Smith 先生已于两个月前收到合同规定的ST218型号的洗衣机,却一直未付款; 2.几天前写过催款信,却一直未见回复; 3.本月30日是最后期限,如果没有收到钱款,将向法院起诉。 注意信函格式!

Words for reference: 催款信collection letter

向法院起诉submit a case to court 范文:

March 17.2012

Dear Mr.Smith ,

This is Wang Gang, marketing manager from Carry Trade Company.

Y ou have already received NO. ST218 washing machines under the contract for two months ,but didn’t offer us the payment.We have sent you a collection letter several days ago but received no response .We hope that you can comply with the contract to pay us the money.The deadline is March 30,if at that moment ,our company still doesn’t receive the due money,we have to submit the case to court.

Sincerely yours,

Wang Gang


时间:2012年3月21日。 内容:




4.再次表达感谢。 Words for reference: 感谢gratitude 范文:

March 21,2012

Dear Sir,

This is Zhou Li,a patient in your hospitala11.

First ,I want to thank all the doctors who cure my disease and all the nurses who take care of me .With professional knowledge and great patience ,you bring me the hope.Second ,due to my poor economic condition ,Shenhua Hospital

offers me the treatment for free which makes me moved greatly.Third ,I also want to thank you for providing me much convenience and the subsequent consultation.

In a word,it is Shenhua Hospital that gives me the second chance to live .heartfelt thanks again.

Sincerely yours,

Zhou Li


时问:2012年3月12日。 内容:

1.写信原因:在网上看到Total Trade公司招聘销售经理;



4.联系方法:0531—26××523,wangliang@163.corn ;

5.表达希望:尽快回复。 注意信函格式!

Words for reference: 营销学marketing 范文:

March 12,2012

Dear Sir,

This is Wang Liang ,a college graduate majoring in marketing.I would like to apply for .

My background ensures me that I’m qualified for the job.First ,I'm a marketing major and have excellent communicative ability .Second ,I have rich experience in this field and focus on improving my ability .Third ,I have a sound understanding of your company which will enable me to work better for it.

I hope that you would Please contact me by telephone:0531—26××523,or by e-mail :wangliang0503@163.com .I ’m looking forward to

receiving your reply as soon as possible.

Sincerely yours,

Wang Liang

说明:假设你是Info 外贸公司销售部经理John Green ,请按照下面内容给Max 玩具公司写封信,希望可以和对方合作。 时间:2012年3月17日。 内容:

1.从网上看到了Max 公司的最新系列玩具,对其感兴趣;



4.希望建立长期的合作关系,期待尽快回复。 注意信函格式!

Words for reference:

外贸公司foreign trade corporation 范文:

March 17, 2012

Dear Sir,

This is John Green,sales manager from Info Foreign Trade Corporation .I ’m writing to ask about the information of the toys in your company .

I saw your latest series of toys on the Internet which aroused my great interest.I wonder whether you would like to offer me clear information about the function,usage ,price and important notice of these toys .And I want to be an agent of your company .

.I ’m looking forward to receiving your reply as soon as possible.

Sincerely yours,

John Green

说明:假设你是一名导游,请按照下面内容写一段导游词。 内容:





4.注意事项:有什么问题随时咨询,不要掉队; 5.祝大家旅途愉快。 注意信函格式! Words for refcrcnce: 路线route 范文:

My dear friends,

Welcome to take part in this tour which will 1ast two days.

According to the scheduled route, we will leave Jinan for Taian and then come back to Jinan .The specific arrangement is like this:First ,as soon as we arrive at Taian in the afternoon,we will visit Mount Tai .We ’ll stay overnight at the top ,so that we can enjoy the magnificent sunrise the next morning.Then we may come down by the cableway .After that we will make a trip to Lashan Forest Park and then come hack to Jinan.Finally ,I would like to remind you that if you have any questions ,please feel free to ask me and don’t get lost!

I wish you a good trip! Thanks!

说明:假设你是青岛大学外语学院的张涵教授,现在需要给北京大学的李浩教授写一封邀请信。 时间:2012年3月1 7日。 内容:


2.讲座时间:2012年4月1日到 2012年4月7日;


4.讲座受众:英语系大一到大四学生; 5.讲课待遇:讲课费丰厚,饮食住宿以及往返机票全包;

6.提出希望:尽快回复。 注意信函格式!

Words for reference:

语用学pragmatics 讲课费honorarium 范文:

March i7。2012

I)ear Professor Li,

I am Zhang Han, a professor from Foreign

Language College at Qingdao University .would like to invite you with great honor to come to our university and deliver lectures to the students .

The lecture session will extend from April 1 to April 7,2012,which is on the topic of English pragmatics .AII of the English majors in our university ranging from freshmen to seniors will attend the lectures.

For this tour,we will provide you with generous honorarium ,the accommodation and the round-trip tickets .We are looking forward to receiving your reply .

Y ours faithfully,

Zhang Han

说明:Shell 公司现招聘一名经理助理,请按照下列条件写一则招聘广告。 内容:


2.经济学专业,专科学历及以上; 3.两年销售经验;

4.善于与人沟通,能承受较大压力; 5.愿意经常出差;

6. 有意者请将简历发送至公司邮箱:humanresources@shellforeigntrade.com ,请勿来电来访。 注意信函格式!

Words for reference:

经理助理assistant manager 范文:


Shell Company is looking for an assistant manager .Our company carries on inter-national trade and has already gained much reputation over the past few years.

: First , the applicant should be under 30 years’old ,male .Second ,the applicant should be the graduate of Economics with college degree or above.Third ,the applicant should have two-year sales experience. Fourth,the ability to deal with interpersonal relationship and endure great pressure is essential .Last ,the

applicant would like to go out on frequent business .

If you are interested in this offer,please send your resume to humanresources @ shellforeigntrade . corn . No phone call or direct visit is acceptable.

Shell Company

说明:请以Lisa Brown的名义给Blue 先生写一封祝贺信。

时间:201 2年4月17日。 内容:

1.祝贺Blue 先生晋升; 2.肯定其工作; 3.认可其成就; 4.再次祝贺。 注意信函格式! 范文:

April 17,2012 Dear Mr.Blue,

This is Lisa Brown.I'm writing to express my .

This promotion is in recognition of the fine work you have done for your companyIt is no doubt that you will meet the new responsibilities which accompany the position with great passion and energy.Still you definitely will bring greater benefits to your company.

Please accept my congratulations on your new promotion again and hope to hear of your next good news soon.

Sincerely yours,

Lisa Brown

一月 January 二月 February 三月 Marcy 四月 April 五月 May 六月 June 七月 July 八月 August 九月 September 十月 October 十一月 November 十二月 December


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