


摘要: 今天为大家带来了雅思写作真题解析:”看电视的利与弊“的思路分析及范文相关内容,希望大家能够掌握雅思考试当中阅读的答题技巧和应对策略,只有这样才能快速提高自己的雅思考试成绩。

一、 雅思 写作:看电视的利与弊的思路解析



Some people believe that time spent on television, video and computer games can be valuable for children. Others believe this has negative effects on a child. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.






1. 你觉得电视节目和电脑游戏对孩子来说有什么积极影响和消极影响?





●Some children may be addicted in it, leading to waste much time, do harm to health and be confused by the untruth presented on TV.

2. 你觉得电视节目和电脑游戏对孩子来说有什么积极影响?


●It can arouse children's imagination as well as broaden their outlook.



3. 当你还是小孩子的时候,你会不会看电视或者玩电脑游戏?一般都看什么电视(玩什么游戏)?



●I was fond of watching cartoons on TV in my childhood.


4. 你觉得有什么方法可以降低消极影响?


● Children should manage to strength the ablity of self-discipline in terms of time-control and programs/games selection. On the other hand, TV programs or computer games should be regulated by relevant departments.



二、 雅思写作 真题:看电视的利与弊的参考范文

It is true that a lot of children, from below 3 to high school, would like to spend time in watching a range of TV programs and videos. One of the most obvious reasons for this is that these are so attractive, vivid and touching our lives that the children who are curious cannot resist their temptation at all.

Some people, especially the parents, argue that this is very damaging. They probably begin by pointing out that their

children who are limited in self-control and self-principle will easily take too much time in watching instead of being back to study after doing for a short while. In addition to this, it is well aware that the amount of violence and

unhealthy pictures are filled with videos for some reasons. When children who are still simple watch too much amount without any correct guidance, some of them will easily break the laws in the realistic world by imitating the details of crimes.

However, others who disbelieve watching TV or video is bad claim that TV programs and the amount of videos can fully help children understand outside world or relax their stressful brains after intense study. Obviously, those who often watch TV have a wider range of knowledge and better understandings to our society than those who do not. All of this is beneficial to children’s growth and their future social life.

Overall, I would like to say that watching TV or videos are necessary for children who need knowledge and

information, but the point is that parents must ensure their children not to watch too much or too long, and at the same time the Government should give a harsh warning to media with overuse of unhealthy contents.


一个月击破雅思大作文学习计划: DAY 1 全球化



相关字搜索: 雅思写作材料



摘要: 今天为大家带来了雅思写作真题解析:”看电视的利与弊“的思路分析及范文相关内容,希望大家能够掌握雅思考试当中阅读的答题技巧和应对策略,只有这样才能快速提高自己的雅思考试成绩。

一、 雅思 写作:看电视的利与弊的思路解析



Some people believe that time spent on television, video and computer games can be valuable for children. Others believe this has negative effects on a child. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.






1. 你觉得电视节目和电脑游戏对孩子来说有什么积极影响和消极影响?





●Some children may be addicted in it, leading to waste much time, do harm to health and be confused by the untruth presented on TV.

2. 你觉得电视节目和电脑游戏对孩子来说有什么积极影响?


●It can arouse children's imagination as well as broaden their outlook.



3. 当你还是小孩子的时候,你会不会看电视或者玩电脑游戏?一般都看什么电视(玩什么游戏)?



●I was fond of watching cartoons on TV in my childhood.


4. 你觉得有什么方法可以降低消极影响?


● Children should manage to strength the ablity of self-discipline in terms of time-control and programs/games selection. On the other hand, TV programs or computer games should be regulated by relevant departments.



二、 雅思写作 真题:看电视的利与弊的参考范文

It is true that a lot of children, from below 3 to high school, would like to spend time in watching a range of TV programs and videos. One of the most obvious reasons for this is that these are so attractive, vivid and touching our lives that the children who are curious cannot resist their temptation at all.

Some people, especially the parents, argue that this is very damaging. They probably begin by pointing out that their

children who are limited in self-control and self-principle will easily take too much time in watching instead of being back to study after doing for a short while. In addition to this, it is well aware that the amount of violence and

unhealthy pictures are filled with videos for some reasons. When children who are still simple watch too much amount without any correct guidance, some of them will easily break the laws in the realistic world by imitating the details of crimes.

However, others who disbelieve watching TV or video is bad claim that TV programs and the amount of videos can fully help children understand outside world or relax their stressful brains after intense study. Obviously, those who often watch TV have a wider range of knowledge and better understandings to our society than those who do not. All of this is beneficial to children’s growth and their future social life.

Overall, I would like to say that watching TV or videos are necessary for children who need knowledge and

information, but the point is that parents must ensure their children not to watch too much or too long, and at the same time the Government should give a harsh warning to media with overuse of unhealthy contents.


一个月击破雅思大作文学习计划: DAY 1 全球化



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