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下面为大家讲解的是剑桥雅思官方指南中Test 6 Tsk

2的范文,原题目为In the past, when students did a universitydegree, they tended to study in their own country. Nowadays,they have more opportunity to study abroad. What are the

advantages and disadvantages of this development? You shoulduse your own ideas, knowledge and experience and support yourarguments with examples and relevant evidence.






The pursuit of knowledge is a concept that is valued by mostcultures. In the 21st century, we now have many more optionsregarding how and where to find that knowledge.


If you are a French national you can apply to do an

economics degree in the USA, and likewise an American citizencan take a course in linguistics in France.

Indeed, most universities across the world now have a goodproportion of foreign students enrolled in their programmes.

The pursuit of knowledge 对知识的追求

regarding 关于

likewise 同样地,也 (此处进行了类比论证,逻辑衔接比较好,是本段的一大亮点,考生可以借鉴学习)

apply to 应用

take a course in 上...课

have a good proportion of 按比例...



Certainly, there are numerous advantages of studying in adifferent country.


1) 许多学生这样做是因为他们知道像斯坦福商学院那样的大学有很好的声望,他们认为从这些大学毕业后,回国会有更多机会找到稳定工作。

Many students choose to do this because they know that aparticular university, (举例)for instance Stanford Business School,has an excellent reputation. Graduating from here, they believe,will increase their chances of securing a decent position in acompany back home.

decent 得体的,相当好的

2) 出国留字还有机会结交不同国籍的朋友,也能够对以后的职业社会网的发展带来很大的帮助。

Students studying abroad also have the opportunity to formfriendships with people of various nationalities: in time, thesemay develop into useful professional networks.

3) 远离家人和朋友还能使年轻人变得更独立和自给自足。

Furthermore, living far from family and friends can enableyoung people to become more independent and self-sufficient.

self-sufficient 自给自足的


Unfortunately, the experience of studying abroad is notalways a positive one.

1) 研究显示,有少部分人饱受煎熬去适应新的环境以及遭受了强烈的文化冲击。

Research suggests that a small percentage of young peoplestruggle to adapt to their new environment and suffer fromsevere culture shock.


Research suggests 运用数据论证来支撑论述

adapt to 适应

culture shock 文化冲击

The situation can become worse if the student is not matureenough to cope by themselves.

if 运用假设论证证来支撑论述



Different approaches to teaching and learning may alsocome as an unwelcome surprise to some students.


In essence, the key to a good experience at a foreign

university is an open mind. If a student is presented with thisopportunity, they should certainly seize it.

In essence 本质上

open mind 开放的思想

seize vt. 抓住

is presented with 被提供


The pursuit of knowledge is a concept that is valued by mostcultures. In the 21st century, we now have many more optionsregarding how and where to find that knowledge. If you are aFrench national you can apply to do an economics degree in the

USA, and likewise an American citizen can take a course in

linguistics in France. Indeed, most universities across the worldnow have a good proportion of foreign students enrolled in theirprogrammes.

Certainly, there are numerous advantages of studying in adifferent country. Many students choose to do this because theyknow that a particular university, for instance Stanford BusinessSchool, has an excellent reputation. Graduating from here, theybelieve, will increase their chances of securing a decent positionin a company back home. Students studying abroad also havethe opportunity to form friendships with people of various

nationalities: in time, these may develop into useful professionalnetworks. Furthermore, living far from family and friends canenable young people to become more independent andself-sufficient.

Unfortunately, the experience of studying abroad is not

always a positive one. Research suggests that a small percentageof young people struggle to adapt to their new environment andsuffer from severe culture shock. The situation can become worseif the student is not mature enough to cope by themselves.

Different approaches to teaching and learning may also come asan unwelcome surprise to some students.

In essence, the key to a good experience at a foreign

university is an open mind. If a student is presented with thisopportunity, they should certainly seize it.

智 课 网 雅 思 备 考 资 料


下面为大家讲解的是剑桥雅思官方指南中Test 6 Tsk

2的范文,原题目为In the past, when students did a universitydegree, they tended to study in their own country. Nowadays,they have more opportunity to study abroad. What are the

advantages and disadvantages of this development? You shoulduse your own ideas, knowledge and experience and support yourarguments with examples and relevant evidence.






The pursuit of knowledge is a concept that is valued by mostcultures. In the 21st century, we now have many more optionsregarding how and where to find that knowledge.


If you are a French national you can apply to do an

economics degree in the USA, and likewise an American citizencan take a course in linguistics in France.

Indeed, most universities across the world now have a goodproportion of foreign students enrolled in their programmes.

The pursuit of knowledge 对知识的追求

regarding 关于

likewise 同样地,也 (此处进行了类比论证,逻辑衔接比较好,是本段的一大亮点,考生可以借鉴学习)

apply to 应用

take a course in 上...课

have a good proportion of 按比例...



Certainly, there are numerous advantages of studying in adifferent country.


1) 许多学生这样做是因为他们知道像斯坦福商学院那样的大学有很好的声望,他们认为从这些大学毕业后,回国会有更多机会找到稳定工作。

Many students choose to do this because they know that aparticular university, (举例)for instance Stanford Business School,has an excellent reputation. Graduating from here, they believe,will increase their chances of securing a decent position in acompany back home.

decent 得体的,相当好的

2) 出国留字还有机会结交不同国籍的朋友,也能够对以后的职业社会网的发展带来很大的帮助。

Students studying abroad also have the opportunity to formfriendships with people of various nationalities: in time, thesemay develop into useful professional networks.

3) 远离家人和朋友还能使年轻人变得更独立和自给自足。

Furthermore, living far from family and friends can enableyoung people to become more independent and self-sufficient.

self-sufficient 自给自足的


Unfortunately, the experience of studying abroad is notalways a positive one.

1) 研究显示,有少部分人饱受煎熬去适应新的环境以及遭受了强烈的文化冲击。

Research suggests that a small percentage of young peoplestruggle to adapt to their new environment and suffer fromsevere culture shock.


Research suggests 运用数据论证来支撑论述

adapt to 适应

culture shock 文化冲击

The situation can become worse if the student is not matureenough to cope by themselves.

if 运用假设论证证来支撑论述



Different approaches to teaching and learning may alsocome as an unwelcome surprise to some students.


In essence, the key to a good experience at a foreign

university is an open mind. If a student is presented with thisopportunity, they should certainly seize it.

In essence 本质上

open mind 开放的思想

seize vt. 抓住

is presented with 被提供


The pursuit of knowledge is a concept that is valued by mostcultures. In the 21st century, we now have many more optionsregarding how and where to find that knowledge. If you are aFrench national you can apply to do an economics degree in the

USA, and likewise an American citizen can take a course in

linguistics in France. Indeed, most universities across the worldnow have a good proportion of foreign students enrolled in theirprogrammes.

Certainly, there are numerous advantages of studying in adifferent country. Many students choose to do this because theyknow that a particular university, for instance Stanford BusinessSchool, has an excellent reputation. Graduating from here, theybelieve, will increase their chances of securing a decent positionin a company back home. Students studying abroad also havethe opportunity to form friendships with people of various

nationalities: in time, these may develop into useful professionalnetworks. Furthermore, living far from family and friends canenable young people to become more independent andself-sufficient.

Unfortunately, the experience of studying abroad is not

always a positive one. Research suggests that a small percentageof young people struggle to adapt to their new environment andsuffer from severe culture shock. The situation can become worseif the student is not mature enough to cope by themselves.

Different approaches to teaching and learning may also come asan unwelcome surprise to some students.

In essence, the key to a good experience at a foreign

university is an open mind. If a student is presented with thisopportunity, they should certainly seize it.


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