
关于“建议性信函” 的写作方法



• 第一段:引出话题 第二、三段:提出正反两方面的观点,陈述各自理由

• 第四段:总结利弊,表明作者态度


1. 话题的提出要开门见山不要拖泥带水;2.正反对比论据要正确,条理要清楚,语言应准确、精练;

3.作者的观点必须鲜明,不能模棱两可;4 .议论文的主体时态多用一般现在时;



1. I don’t think it is a very good way to. . . 2. In my opinion, it is wrong to do. . .

3. As far as I am concerned, we should. . . 4. The main disadvantages of. . . are as follows.

5. First. . . ;Second. . . ;Third. . . ;Finally. . . 6. I would very much like to advise you to. . .

7. Now that you. . . , why not. . . ? 8. No matter how. . . , I do believe. .






1. 无论何时你待在宿舍,房间里总是充满了一种难闻的气味。

①待在某地 stay at/ be in some place ②总是充满了 be always filled with. . .

③难闻的气味 a terrible smell

2. 吸烟有害健康,而且总是与癌症相联系。

①对…有害 do harm to/ be harmful to ②与…相联系 be connected with/ be related to. . .

3. 由于空气被污染你的室友不愿待在房间里

①某物被污染 sth. is polluted ②不愿做某事 be unwilling to do sth. /avoid doing sth.

4. 如果你确实想戒烟的话,这样做也不难。

①做某事不困难 It is not difficult to do sth. ②戒烟 give up smoking

• 【连句成篇】15mins

• My dearest friend,

• Recently I have noticed a habit of yours that is becoming a serious problem. It’s your smoking.

• . I’ll

Yours sincerely,

Wang Ping




注意: 1. 信中要包括下表中的所有内容; 2. 词数:120左右;

参考词汇:不能上网cannot surf the Internet 开通网络open network

查找资料look up some information 浏览新闻read various news online

形成自己的判断力 building up our sense of judgment


1. I’m writing to persuade you to ... 2. First of all, I think it would be better if ...

3. Here I’d like to give my advice on ... / I would like to suggest that ...

4. If I were you, I would ... 5. Please take my advice into consideration and make a final decision. 黄金模板

Dear _____,

I’m writing to persuade you to ______.

First of all, I think it would be better if ______. Secondly, ______. Last but not least, ______.

I do hope you can take my suggestion into consideration and make a final decision.

Looking forward to your reply.



(15 mins)

Dear Headmaster,

I’m writing to persuade you to let us surf the Internet in the classroom.


Looking forward to your reply.


Li Ming


Dear Headmaster,

I’m writing to persuade you to let us surf the Internet in the classroom. We know you’re afraid that we may be exposed to unhealthy websites. Actually every coin has two sides. We still think that surfing the Internet can bring us much more advantages.

First of all, I think it would be better if we can surf the Internet, because there is a wide range of learning resources on the Internet. We should make good use of it. Furthermore, we can broaden our horizons by reading various news online. Last but not least, as high school students, we are building up our sense of judgment. Given chances, we are sure that we will learn how to stay away from unhealthy websites. I do hope you can take my suggestion into consideration and make a final decision.

Looking forward to your reply.


Li Ming

关于“建议性信函” 的写作方法



• 第一段:引出话题 第二、三段:提出正反两方面的观点,陈述各自理由

• 第四段:总结利弊,表明作者态度


1. 话题的提出要开门见山不要拖泥带水;2.正反对比论据要正确,条理要清楚,语言应准确、精练;

3.作者的观点必须鲜明,不能模棱两可;4 .议论文的主体时态多用一般现在时;



1. I don’t think it is a very good way to. . . 2. In my opinion, it is wrong to do. . .

3. As far as I am concerned, we should. . . 4. The main disadvantages of. . . are as follows.

5. First. . . ;Second. . . ;Third. . . ;Finally. . . 6. I would very much like to advise you to. . .

7. Now that you. . . , why not. . . ? 8. No matter how. . . , I do believe. .






1. 无论何时你待在宿舍,房间里总是充满了一种难闻的气味。

①待在某地 stay at/ be in some place ②总是充满了 be always filled with. . .

③难闻的气味 a terrible smell

2. 吸烟有害健康,而且总是与癌症相联系。

①对…有害 do harm to/ be harmful to ②与…相联系 be connected with/ be related to. . .

3. 由于空气被污染你的室友不愿待在房间里

①某物被污染 sth. is polluted ②不愿做某事 be unwilling to do sth. /avoid doing sth.

4. 如果你确实想戒烟的话,这样做也不难。

①做某事不困难 It is not difficult to do sth. ②戒烟 give up smoking

• 【连句成篇】15mins

• My dearest friend,

• Recently I have noticed a habit of yours that is becoming a serious problem. It’s your smoking.

• . I’ll

Yours sincerely,

Wang Ping




注意: 1. 信中要包括下表中的所有内容; 2. 词数:120左右;

参考词汇:不能上网cannot surf the Internet 开通网络open network

查找资料look up some information 浏览新闻read various news online

形成自己的判断力 building up our sense of judgment


1. I’m writing to persuade you to ... 2. First of all, I think it would be better if ...

3. Here I’d like to give my advice on ... / I would like to suggest that ...

4. If I were you, I would ... 5. Please take my advice into consideration and make a final decision. 黄金模板

Dear _____,

I’m writing to persuade you to ______.

First of all, I think it would be better if ______. Secondly, ______. Last but not least, ______.

I do hope you can take my suggestion into consideration and make a final decision.

Looking forward to your reply.



(15 mins)

Dear Headmaster,

I’m writing to persuade you to let us surf the Internet in the classroom.


Looking forward to your reply.


Li Ming


Dear Headmaster,

I’m writing to persuade you to let us surf the Internet in the classroom. We know you’re afraid that we may be exposed to unhealthy websites. Actually every coin has two sides. We still think that surfing the Internet can bring us much more advantages.

First of all, I think it would be better if we can surf the Internet, because there is a wide range of learning resources on the Internet. We should make good use of it. Furthermore, we can broaden our horizons by reading various news online. Last but not least, as high school students, we are building up our sense of judgment. Given chances, we are sure that we will learn how to stay away from unhealthy websites. I do hope you can take my suggestion into consideration and make a final decision.

Looking forward to your reply.


Li Ming


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