


The aging population has been regarded as a worldwide

phenomenon. (交代背景)Fundamentally, such trend is an evitable outcome of the improvement of educational level and medical progress and the achievement of public health programs. (分析成因)However, disadvantages brought with such demographic change can never be neglected.(提出个人观点)

First, as life expectancy has risen and will continue to increase, the pension system will pose a far more serious financial burden on

governments.(中心论点) Increase in the number of retired people means a higher pressure for those financing their pensions.(进一步论证) Such unsustainable situation calls for governments to carry out more effective measures to keep their pension systems afloat. Unfortunately, measures such as raising the retirement age to bring down huge public deficits has proved to be quite unpopular among people.(事例论证)

资料来源:教育优选 http://www.jybest.cn/

In addition, with more employers retiring and less workforce

available, economy would definitely suffer. (中心论点)The number of job vacancies in China are predicted to reach over one hundred million in twenty years.(事例论证) If there are not enough young adults replenish the labor pool, Chinese government will probably have to rely largely on immigrants from South-eastern countries to guarantee a sufficient labor supply and even abolish one-child policy in response to its ongoing economic crisis.(反证)

From what is discussed above, different areas of aging research all point to the same conclusion that disadvantages of an aging society far outweighs its advantages.(重申观点)Therefore, countries should cooperate very closely with each other and establish more platforms for academicians and scientists to research and reverse the ongoing trend.(升华主题)

资料来源:教育优选 http://www.jybest.cn/



The aging population has been regarded as a worldwide

phenomenon. (交代背景)Fundamentally, such trend is an evitable outcome of the improvement of educational level and medical progress and the achievement of public health programs. (分析成因)However, disadvantages brought with such demographic change can never be neglected.(提出个人观点)

First, as life expectancy has risen and will continue to increase, the pension system will pose a far more serious financial burden on

governments.(中心论点) Increase in the number of retired people means a higher pressure for those financing their pensions.(进一步论证) Such unsustainable situation calls for governments to carry out more effective measures to keep their pension systems afloat. Unfortunately, measures such as raising the retirement age to bring down huge public deficits has proved to be quite unpopular among people.(事例论证)

资料来源:教育优选 http://www.jybest.cn/

In addition, with more employers retiring and less workforce

available, economy would definitely suffer. (中心论点)The number of job vacancies in China are predicted to reach over one hundred million in twenty years.(事例论证) If there are not enough young adults replenish the labor pool, Chinese government will probably have to rely largely on immigrants from South-eastern countries to guarantee a sufficient labor supply and even abolish one-child policy in response to its ongoing economic crisis.(反证)

From what is discussed above, different areas of aging research all point to the same conclusion that disadvantages of an aging society far outweighs its advantages.(重申观点)Therefore, countries should cooperate very closely with each other and establish more platforms for academicians and scientists to research and reverse the ongoing trend.(升华主题)

资料来源:教育优选 http://www.jybest.cn/


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