
dear sir,
we are very glad to receive your fax inquiry. since it is the first time we contact, we would be highly appreciated if you could provide us your bank name and address.
we realize the types of ic you need, but we do not know the specification you require for that ic such as the voltage current. could you please tell us the purpose of this ic?
the fax you send us is not very clear for the wording part. therefore, please fax it again (no need for graph ).we wish we could provide the best services to you .
sincerely yours.
dear sir,
firstly, we’d like to apologize for the late reply due to the problem of our computer network. we have repaired the machine and mailed back to you. do you receive it ? the repair charge is us$ 1500, and the receipt will be based on the us$1200 as you requested. after the confirmation, please transfer us$1500 repairing charge to the following a/c : to show our sincerity, we are willing to reduce price of rs10000 to the lowest us $114,000 . besides, regarding to the 3 items you request, we will mail to you by express .
thank you for your cooperation and we wish you success in your business.
p.s.: we are the smt machine manufacturer, and we only produce the new machines.since we do not carry on the sales of used machines, we are unable to provide you the related information.
您送修的机器已经修理完成且已寄回,不知您收到没?修理的费用是1500美元,发票开立如您所要求1200美元,如果确认无误, 请贵公司将修理费用1500美元汇至下列账户:

dear sir,
we are very glad to receive your fax inquiry. since it is the first time we contact, we would be highly appreciated if you could provide us your bank name and address.
we realize the types of ic you need, but we do not know the specification you require for that ic such as the voltage current. could you please tell us the purpose of this ic?
the fax you send us is not very clear for the wording part. therefore, please fax it again (no need for graph ).we wish we could provide the best services to you .
sincerely yours.
dear sir,
firstly, we’d like to apologize for the late reply due to the problem of our computer network. we have repaired the machine and mailed back to you. do you receive it ? the repair charge is us$ 1500, and the receipt will be based on the us$1200 as you requested. after the confirmation, please transfer us$1500 repairing charge to the following a/c : to show our sincerity, we are willing to reduce price of rs10000 to the lowest us $114,000 . besides, regarding to the 3 items you request, we will mail to you by express .
thank you for your cooperation and we wish you success in your business.
p.s.: we are the smt machine manufacturer, and we only produce the new machines.since we do not carry on the sales of used machines, we are unable to provide you the related information.
您送修的机器已经修理完成且已寄回,不知您收到没?修理的费用是1500美元,发票开立如您所要求1200美元,如果确认无误, 请贵公司将修理费用1500美元汇至下列账户:


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