
智课网IELTS 备考资料


摘要: 为了帮助考生们更好地复习雅思考试,小马过河网雅思频道为各位考生整理了雅思写作范文:游客应该入乡随俗吗,供考生们参考使用,更多雅思写作辅导请继续关注小马过河网雅思频道。

下面小马过河网 雅思 频道为大家整理了雅思写作范文:游客应该入乡随俗吗,供考生们参考,以下是详细内容。

Some people think that visitors to other countries should imitate local customs and behaviors. Other people disagree. They think that the host country should welcome different cultures.What is your point of view on the issue?

雅思写作 范文

The shifting of the term ‘a melting pot’, a traditional way of understanding America’s identity into ‘ a salad bowl’, now preferred by many minority groups, who have worked to preserve the distinct culture of their group shows, in my opinion, the view of multiculturalism deep rooted among the people.

People of one culture who move to a country where another culture dominates may feel confused when they deal with people there. This kind of cultural shock usually passes if a person stays in a new culture long enough to

understand it and get used to its ways. Some of them may also give up their old ways and imitate local customs and behaviors. In a multicultural society, however, assimilation does not always occur.

A multicultural society, on the other hand, supports the view that many distinct cultures are good and desirable. In the United States, for instance, millions of people speak both English and the language of their own culture. They eat both American foods, such as apple pie and ethnic food. They celebrate both national holidays – Fourth of July and their ethnic holidays. In Chinese communities across the United States, parades and other festivities mark the Chinese New Year.

To conclude, multiculturalism, I think, outstrips the concept of assimilation for the former welcomes different ethnic groups and promotes freedom of expression and awareness and understanding of cultural differences. While ethnic groups in turn can bring variety and richness to a society by introducing their own ideas and customs. (250 words)

以上就是 小马 过河网雅思频道为大家整理的 雅思写作范文 :游客应该入乡随俗吗,非常实用。更多资讯、资料尽在 小马过河 网雅思频道。最后,小马过河网雅思频道预祝大家在 雅思考试 中取得好成绩!

智课网IELTS 备考资料


摘要: 为了帮助考生们更好地复习雅思考试,小马过河网雅思频道为各位考生整理了雅思写作范文:游客应该入乡随俗吗,供考生们参考使用,更多雅思写作辅导请继续关注小马过河网雅思频道。

下面小马过河网 雅思 频道为大家整理了雅思写作范文:游客应该入乡随俗吗,供考生们参考,以下是详细内容。

Some people think that visitors to other countries should imitate local customs and behaviors. Other people disagree. They think that the host country should welcome different cultures.What is your point of view on the issue?

雅思写作 范文

The shifting of the term ‘a melting pot’, a traditional way of understanding America’s identity into ‘ a salad bowl’, now preferred by many minority groups, who have worked to preserve the distinct culture of their group shows, in my opinion, the view of multiculturalism deep rooted among the people.

People of one culture who move to a country where another culture dominates may feel confused when they deal with people there. This kind of cultural shock usually passes if a person stays in a new culture long enough to

understand it and get used to its ways. Some of them may also give up their old ways and imitate local customs and behaviors. In a multicultural society, however, assimilation does not always occur.

A multicultural society, on the other hand, supports the view that many distinct cultures are good and desirable. In the United States, for instance, millions of people speak both English and the language of their own culture. They eat both American foods, such as apple pie and ethnic food. They celebrate both national holidays – Fourth of July and their ethnic holidays. In Chinese communities across the United States, parades and other festivities mark the Chinese New Year.

To conclude, multiculturalism, I think, outstrips the concept of assimilation for the former welcomes different ethnic groups and promotes freedom of expression and awareness and understanding of cultural differences. While ethnic groups in turn can bring variety and richness to a society by introducing their own ideas and customs. (250 words)

以上就是 小马 过河网雅思频道为大家整理的 雅思写作范文 :游客应该入乡随俗吗,非常实用。更多资讯、资料尽在 小马过河 网雅思频道。最后,小马过河网雅思频道预祝大家在 雅思考试 中取得好成绩!


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