

1. go let’s shopping Danny

2. do you buy want what to

3. help I may you

4. to let’s restaurant eat go a to ice cream

5. are where going you

6. let’s buy and go a kite

7. a works a in waiter restaurant

8. an businesswoman in works office building a

9. the cold snowy is weather and

10.we an need umbrella

11. let’s to go silk shop the

12.a store a in works clerk

13.is sunny hot it and

14.some buy market the let’s to fruit to go

15.goes city to the Jenny

16.is a teacher he

17.work they do where

18.dress a buy I want please to

19.either I like don’t fish

20.where the ice cream is

21.to watch movie the go movie to let’s theatre

22.doctor in a hospital a works

23.tired am I not

24.let’s shopping go

25.I want to don’t an ice cream eat

26.you dress this like do

27.go the library to to let’s a read book

28.to gym us play let go the to

29.the point to can donut you

30.dessert have for I a donut

31. same we dessert have the

32.matter is the what

33.she to on computer likes play the

34.like I play to basketball my with father

35.chant a ready are for you

36.cat yellow fur the has

37.now is raining it

38.shoes has this clothes department store and

39.lunch favourite what’s for your food

40.our we purple like skirts


1. go let’s shopping Danny

2. do you buy want what to

3. help I may you

4. to let’s restaurant eat go a to ice cream

5. are where going you

6. let’s buy and go a kite

7. a works a in waiter restaurant

8. an businesswoman in works office building a

9. the cold snowy is weather and

10.we an need umbrella

11. let’s to go silk shop the

12.a store a in works clerk

13.is sunny hot it and

14.some buy market the let’s to fruit to go

15.goes city to the Jenny

16.is a teacher he

17.work they do where

18.dress a buy I want please to

19.either I like don’t fish

20.where the ice cream is

21.to watch movie the go movie to let’s theatre

22.doctor in a hospital a works

23.tired am I not

24.let’s shopping go

25.I want to don’t an ice cream eat

26.you dress this like do

27.go the library to to let’s a read book

28.to gym us play let go the to

29.the point to can donut you

30.dessert have for I a donut

31. same we dessert have the

32.matter is the what

33.she to on computer likes play the

34.like I play to basketball my with father

35.chant a ready are for you

36.cat yellow fur the has

37.now is raining it

38.shoes has this clothes department store and

39.lunch favourite what’s for your food

40.our we purple like skirts


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