

Changzhou is to have a written history of 2,500 years of ancient culture (the history of the "City" another name), but it is also full of a modern, more advanced economies in the emerging industrial city. Changzhou dominates Jintan, the two Liyang City and Wujin county level, the new North, Ning days, the clock tower, five Qishuyan Administrative Region of China, the city's total area of 4375 square kilometers, the city's household population 3,547,000 people. Changzhou in the beautiful and rich Yangtze River Golden Triangle region, with Shanghai, Nanjing, the two equidistant across the city, and Suzhou, Wuxi into a film together, constituted the Suzhou-Wuxi-Changzhou metropolitan area. Changzhou has a very advantageous location and convenient water and land and air traffic conditions in the urban areas bounded by the Yangtze River, near South Lake Taihu, the Shanghai-Nanjing Railway, Shanghai-Nanjing Expressway, 312 National Highway, Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal and had to wear throughout. The city's water network of interwoven vertical and horizontal, Lianjiang sea. Changzhou Changjiang in Hong Kong as a class of open ports in cargo throughput of more than 1,000,000 tons.


Changzhou, nicknamed the Dragon City, is a city with a history of 2,500 years. Situated in the downstream of Yangtze River Drainage Basin and on the southern bank of the Yangtze River, Changzhou has been a national tourist hub and one of provincial industrial centers.

The earliest history of Changzhou started at the beginning of the Western Zhou Dynasty and the original town was founded as a commandery in 221 B.C. Changzhou got its current name, meaning “ordinary prefecture”, in 589 A.D., and after the Grand Canal was constructed, the town became a canal port and a transshipment point. In later Taiping Rebellion Period, there were lots of municipal constructions including palaces and government offices, housing leaders of the dynasty. In the 1920s, Changzhou started to attract mill owners for cotton industry and the industry finally made Changzhou a national textile center in China.

Changzhou City is one of Jiangsu thirteen prefecture-level cities which administers five old municipal districts and two county-level cities.

Noted with its people ’s honesty and faithfulness, Changzhou boasts its economic and cultural prosperity, social harmony, and its excellent protected environment.

Chinese Dinosaur Park is a first stage project started and developed by the Changzhou modern tourism and leisure area. The Chinese Dinosaur House covers a total area of 14000 square meters. The highest spot of the vault is 36 meters high while that of dragon head is as high as 71 meters. It becomes a symbolic building of Changzhou tourism for its great space and unique architectural language.

The Chinese Dinosaur House is composed of five main halls and six auxiliary halls. All the halls radiate, converge, and are related with each other through logical routes.

It takes the evolution history of species as the design background and gives prominence to the magistral line of idea from the survival through reproduction and evolution to the extinction of the dinosaurs, and reveals the profound theme that human beings must protect the ecological environment due to the interdependence of life and environment.

The unique survival environment of the Mesozoic is reproduced by splashing waterfalls, suddenly extruding mountain rocks, an ocean devoid of water, luxuriant jungles and prehistoric caves, etc. The fossil display employs varied techniques, which applies high-tech devices and sound, light and electricity, and combines screen and video image formation, cartoon and animation, turning model of dinosaur, internet game and all sorts of scientific making, causes Chinese Dinosaur House to break through the traditional concept of “natural science ” and become a modern new type dinosaur

museum with shocking power that blends natural science, scientific popularization, admiration, amusement and participation into one.

There are more than twenty breathtaking and driving rhythm entertainment items arranged around the dinosaur house in the park, including traversing the Jurassic Period, the stereo maze of the Cretaceous Period, the devil's cave of diapason in Trias, drifting on barren waste, dynamic and stereoscopic motion picture, upper air slip rope, rocket man, super flying hero, hot air balloon lift-off, simulated rock climbing, lovers’ bicycle ride, ball rolling on grass slope, earthquake plate, horse riding track, parent-child park and water bicycle, etc, which relaxes tourists’ body and mind and lets them linger on without any thought of leaving.


Changzhou is to have a written history of 2,500 years of ancient culture (the history of the "City" another name), but it is also full of a modern, more advanced economies in the emerging industrial city. Changzhou dominates Jintan, the two Liyang City and Wujin county level, the new North, Ning days, the clock tower, five Qishuyan Administrative Region of China, the city's total area of 4375 square kilometers, the city's household population 3,547,000 people. Changzhou in the beautiful and rich Yangtze River Golden Triangle region, with Shanghai, Nanjing, the two equidistant across the city, and Suzhou, Wuxi into a film together, constituted the Suzhou-Wuxi-Changzhou metropolitan area. Changzhou has a very advantageous location and convenient water and land and air traffic conditions in the urban areas bounded by the Yangtze River, near South Lake Taihu, the Shanghai-Nanjing Railway, Shanghai-Nanjing Expressway, 312 National Highway, Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal and had to wear throughout. The city's water network of interwoven vertical and horizontal, Lianjiang sea. Changzhou Changjiang in Hong Kong as a class of open ports in cargo throughput of more than 1,000,000 tons.


Changzhou, nicknamed the Dragon City, is a city with a history of 2,500 years. Situated in the downstream of Yangtze River Drainage Basin and on the southern bank of the Yangtze River, Changzhou has been a national tourist hub and one of provincial industrial centers.

The earliest history of Changzhou started at the beginning of the Western Zhou Dynasty and the original town was founded as a commandery in 221 B.C. Changzhou got its current name, meaning “ordinary prefecture”, in 589 A.D., and after the Grand Canal was constructed, the town became a canal port and a transshipment point. In later Taiping Rebellion Period, there were lots of municipal constructions including palaces and government offices, housing leaders of the dynasty. In the 1920s, Changzhou started to attract mill owners for cotton industry and the industry finally made Changzhou a national textile center in China.

Changzhou City is one of Jiangsu thirteen prefecture-level cities which administers five old municipal districts and two county-level cities.

Noted with its people ’s honesty and faithfulness, Changzhou boasts its economic and cultural prosperity, social harmony, and its excellent protected environment.

Chinese Dinosaur Park is a first stage project started and developed by the Changzhou modern tourism and leisure area. The Chinese Dinosaur House covers a total area of 14000 square meters. The highest spot of the vault is 36 meters high while that of dragon head is as high as 71 meters. It becomes a symbolic building of Changzhou tourism for its great space and unique architectural language.

The Chinese Dinosaur House is composed of five main halls and six auxiliary halls. All the halls radiate, converge, and are related with each other through logical routes.

It takes the evolution history of species as the design background and gives prominence to the magistral line of idea from the survival through reproduction and evolution to the extinction of the dinosaurs, and reveals the profound theme that human beings must protect the ecological environment due to the interdependence of life and environment.

The unique survival environment of the Mesozoic is reproduced by splashing waterfalls, suddenly extruding mountain rocks, an ocean devoid of water, luxuriant jungles and prehistoric caves, etc. The fossil display employs varied techniques, which applies high-tech devices and sound, light and electricity, and combines screen and video image formation, cartoon and animation, turning model of dinosaur, internet game and all sorts of scientific making, causes Chinese Dinosaur House to break through the traditional concept of “natural science ” and become a modern new type dinosaur

museum with shocking power that blends natural science, scientific popularization, admiration, amusement and participation into one.

There are more than twenty breathtaking and driving rhythm entertainment items arranged around the dinosaur house in the park, including traversing the Jurassic Period, the stereo maze of the Cretaceous Period, the devil's cave of diapason in Trias, drifting on barren waste, dynamic and stereoscopic motion picture, upper air slip rope, rocket man, super flying hero, hot air balloon lift-off, simulated rock climbing, lovers’ bicycle ride, ball rolling on grass slope, earthquake plate, horse riding track, parent-child park and water bicycle, etc, which relaxes tourists’ body and mind and lets them linger on without any thought of leaving.


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