

The modern family due to the continuous improvement in living conditions, living standards gradually improve, so love flowers, flowers and flower fashion. Some are sent home like plant flowers and grass http://www.meiguoqianggeng.com/ in the courtyard, but some from the south into the variety of its poor cold resistance, winter cold problems also exist. In general, cultivation of a biennial flower, perennial flowers and plants kind of adaptability, such as chrysanthemum, Petunia, violet, Oxalis, poor grass, peony, quince, rose etc.. But there are also some flowers such as dahlia, Canna, smiling, plantains, sweet scented osmanthus, have the ability to keep out the cold, but not resistant to low temperature. In the north of the Yangtze River area, every winter, still need to strengthen the protection, to ensure the flowers in winter. Outdoor flowers cold often adopt the following methods:


(1) careful management, enhance the flower itself Hangzhou cold capacity. When autumn comes, the weather gradually http://www.yeyanmaigw.net/ cool, entered the late growth stage of flower, it is time to control the nitrogen fertilizer application, more P and K, and control water quantity, make plant grows to enrich, enhance the cold resistance of. Into the winter dormant period, can intertillage fertilizing time, available manure, manure or fertilizer, to increase soil solution concentration, enhance outdoor flower's ability to keep out the cold.


(2) covering the freezing cold http://www.jiyinyugeng.com/ winter. A few more years of perennial flowers, flower, such as peony, Canna, dahlia, tulip, incense, in Huaihe to the natural winter north area prone to injury. In the case of the cold season, in the rhizosphere of flowers on the ground covered leaves, straw, straw or plastic film and other materials. This method is simple, the effect is good, use is widespread, the night after the box may be removed.


(3) earth Yong soil, freezing in winter. Some flowers in the winter comes, the ground part of all sleep, only the roots are still slow growth, such as peony, hydrangea, hibiscus etc.. In the root of flowers around the earth, forming a small mound. The plant began to sprout in spring, the earth opens.


(4) wrapped insulation materials, cold winter. For some larger ornamental flowers and trees, the tree is bigger, not buried or covered with grass, paper, available packages and package covered plastic film for cold protection. And the fear of cold wind or just planted some flowers for the strong cold resistance, can be used to set up barriers, namely in the west, North on both sides with flowers and trees, and other materials the erection of barriers. To the north of Huaihe area planted cedar when they used the cold.


The modern family due to the continuous improvement in living conditions, living standards gradually improve, so love flowers, flowers and flower fashion. Some are sent home like plant flowers and grass http://www.meiguoqianggeng.com/ in the courtyard, but some from the south into the variety of its poor cold resistance, winter cold problems also exist. In general, cultivation of a biennial flower, perennial flowers and plants kind of adaptability, such as chrysanthemum, Petunia, violet, Oxalis, poor grass, peony, quince, rose etc.. But there are also some flowers such as dahlia, Canna, smiling, plantains, sweet scented osmanthus, have the ability to keep out the cold, but not resistant to low temperature. In the north of the Yangtze River area, every winter, still need to strengthen the protection, to ensure the flowers in winter. Outdoor flowers cold often adopt the following methods:


(1) careful management, enhance the flower itself Hangzhou cold capacity. When autumn comes, the weather gradually http://www.yeyanmaigw.net/ cool, entered the late growth stage of flower, it is time to control the nitrogen fertilizer application, more P and K, and control water quantity, make plant grows to enrich, enhance the cold resistance of. Into the winter dormant period, can intertillage fertilizing time, available manure, manure or fertilizer, to increase soil solution concentration, enhance outdoor flower's ability to keep out the cold.


(2) covering the freezing cold http://www.jiyinyugeng.com/ winter. A few more years of perennial flowers, flower, such as peony, Canna, dahlia, tulip, incense, in Huaihe to the natural winter north area prone to injury. In the case of the cold season, in the rhizosphere of flowers on the ground covered leaves, straw, straw or plastic film and other materials. This method is simple, the effect is good, use is widespread, the night after the box may be removed.


(3) earth Yong soil, freezing in winter. Some flowers in the winter comes, the ground part of all sleep, only the roots are still slow growth, such as peony, hydrangea, hibiscus etc.. In the root of flowers around the earth, forming a small mound. The plant began to sprout in spring, the earth opens.


(4) wrapped insulation materials, cold winter. For some larger ornamental flowers and trees, the tree is bigger, not buried or covered with grass, paper, available packages and package covered plastic film for cold protection. And the fear of cold wind or just planted some flowers for the strong cold resistance, can be used to set up barriers, namely in the west, North on both sides with flowers and trees, and other materials the erection of barriers. To the north of Huaihe area planted cedar when they used the cold.


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