

Beijing Asia Science and Technology Co.,Ltd



在公司全体员工的不懈努力下, 亚科晨旭科技有限公司已经与众多电子、微电子设备行业的国际著名企业建立了良好的合作关系(如:OKI ,ASYMTEK ,UNIVERSAL, REHM, VISION, PHOENIX,CHEMTOOLS 、PALOMAR ,ROYCE, HYBOND, SHINAPEX, SSEC,MARCH ,UNITEK ,KEKO )为用户提供完整的微组装及SMT 生产工艺及设备;通过对国际先进生产技术的不断跟踪,亚科晨旭科技有限公司也可为客户提供完整的LTCC 生产工艺及设备、半导体前端生产设备等。


亚科电子同时服务于国内外诸多知名电子企业客户服务(NOKIA, MOTOROLA, 索尼爱立信, 贝尔, 海尔, 联想, 伟创力, 捷普, 富士康, 大唐电讯,华为等), 成为他们的工艺及设备供应商和服务商中的佼佼者。


北京亚科晨旭科技有限公司历年来秉承 “客户至上,锐意进取”的核心宗旨为用户提供整套微组装工艺方案、设备,以及优质的售后服务, 实现了真正意义上的交钥匙工程。优良的设备及专业的服务是我们成功的基石。我们期待与更多国内外客户合作!


1. 全套SMT 设备.

2. 全套微电子设备.

3. 电子行业用耗材.

4. 工业用各类胶水.

ASTChina was established in 1998, specializing in providing electronic

packaging equipments and technical services. We have a great team of experienced technical engineers focusing on not only providing a complete set of excellent equipments of electronic packaging , and wholehearted services in semiconductor industry, but also in charge of establishing feasible scheme of technique according to actual requirements from each customer.

Through more than ten years of growing up, ASTChina has established branch offices in Shanghai, Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Xi’an and Chengdu in succession, so that we can serve our users effectively and timely.

Thanks to the hard work of our staffs, ASTChina has built business networking with many widely-known electron and micro-electronic equipment suppliers, such as OKI ,ASYMTEK ,UNIVERSAL, REHM, VISION, PHOENIX,CHEMTOOLS ,PALOMAR ,ROYCE, HYBOND, SHINAPEX, SSEC,MARCH ,UNITEK ,KEKO , to name a few. We are supplying the whole micro-packaging & SMT

productive technology and series of equipments on the assembly line. Furthermore, our customers will be given service for the whole set of LTCC productive technology and equipments, as well as productive equipments of preceding semiconductor by AST China. We will be always keeping pace with internatinal advanced technologies. ASTChina has succeed in joining hands with numerous scientific research

institutions and factories affiliated with CETC, Aerospace China, Air China,CSSC ,and China Weapon Industry, etc., providing our top-class products and services. In the scientific research institutes and military field, we have gained outstanding

achievement. At present, our customers have extended over top ten war industries in China. ASTChina has won a good reputation and deeply trust from all these enterprises by right of professional service.

In the mean time, ASTChina are in the service of a lot of electronic enterprises (For example, NOKIA, MOTOROLA, Sony Ericsson, Bell, Haier, Lenovo,

Flextronics, Foxconn, Jabil, Datang telecommunications, Huawei, etc.), which has triumphantly pioneered the suppliers of their equipments and productive technology.

Nowadays, ASTChina can provide the whole micro-electronics process and

equipments, as well as splendid after-sales service, realizing a turn-key project indeed. ASTChina will be always insisting on the core tenet“Keep Forging Ahead First, Satisfy Our Customer Paramount”. Excellent equipments and professional service is cornerstone of having success in our career. We are looking forward to much more cooperation with customers from home and abroad!

1. Complete set of SMT equipments

2. Complete set of micro-electronics equipments

3. Electronic consumable

4. PCB Conformal Coating/Instant Adhesives Cyanoacrylate /Thread Locker/Thread Sealants/PCB Wash/Flux Remover, etc

AST Service Network


Beijing Asia Science and Technology Co.,Ltd



在公司全体员工的不懈努力下, 亚科晨旭科技有限公司已经与众多电子、微电子设备行业的国际著名企业建立了良好的合作关系(如:OKI ,ASYMTEK ,UNIVERSAL, REHM, VISION, PHOENIX,CHEMTOOLS 、PALOMAR ,ROYCE, HYBOND, SHINAPEX, SSEC,MARCH ,UNITEK ,KEKO )为用户提供完整的微组装及SMT 生产工艺及设备;通过对国际先进生产技术的不断跟踪,亚科晨旭科技有限公司也可为客户提供完整的LTCC 生产工艺及设备、半导体前端生产设备等。


亚科电子同时服务于国内外诸多知名电子企业客户服务(NOKIA, MOTOROLA, 索尼爱立信, 贝尔, 海尔, 联想, 伟创力, 捷普, 富士康, 大唐电讯,华为等), 成为他们的工艺及设备供应商和服务商中的佼佼者。


北京亚科晨旭科技有限公司历年来秉承 “客户至上,锐意进取”的核心宗旨为用户提供整套微组装工艺方案、设备,以及优质的售后服务, 实现了真正意义上的交钥匙工程。优良的设备及专业的服务是我们成功的基石。我们期待与更多国内外客户合作!


1. 全套SMT 设备.

2. 全套微电子设备.

3. 电子行业用耗材.

4. 工业用各类胶水.

ASTChina was established in 1998, specializing in providing electronic

packaging equipments and technical services. We have a great team of experienced technical engineers focusing on not only providing a complete set of excellent equipments of electronic packaging , and wholehearted services in semiconductor industry, but also in charge of establishing feasible scheme of technique according to actual requirements from each customer.

Through more than ten years of growing up, ASTChina has established branch offices in Shanghai, Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Xi’an and Chengdu in succession, so that we can serve our users effectively and timely.

Thanks to the hard work of our staffs, ASTChina has built business networking with many widely-known electron and micro-electronic equipment suppliers, such as OKI ,ASYMTEK ,UNIVERSAL, REHM, VISION, PHOENIX,CHEMTOOLS ,PALOMAR ,ROYCE, HYBOND, SHINAPEX, SSEC,MARCH ,UNITEK ,KEKO , to name a few. We are supplying the whole micro-packaging & SMT

productive technology and series of equipments on the assembly line. Furthermore, our customers will be given service for the whole set of LTCC productive technology and equipments, as well as productive equipments of preceding semiconductor by AST China. We will be always keeping pace with internatinal advanced technologies. ASTChina has succeed in joining hands with numerous scientific research

institutions and factories affiliated with CETC, Aerospace China, Air China,CSSC ,and China Weapon Industry, etc., providing our top-class products and services. In the scientific research institutes and military field, we have gained outstanding

achievement. At present, our customers have extended over top ten war industries in China. ASTChina has won a good reputation and deeply trust from all these enterprises by right of professional service.

In the mean time, ASTChina are in the service of a lot of electronic enterprises (For example, NOKIA, MOTOROLA, Sony Ericsson, Bell, Haier, Lenovo,

Flextronics, Foxconn, Jabil, Datang telecommunications, Huawei, etc.), which has triumphantly pioneered the suppliers of their equipments and productive technology.

Nowadays, ASTChina can provide the whole micro-electronics process and

equipments, as well as splendid after-sales service, realizing a turn-key project indeed. ASTChina will be always insisting on the core tenet“Keep Forging Ahead First, Satisfy Our Customer Paramount”. Excellent equipments and professional service is cornerstone of having success in our career. We are looking forward to much more cooperation with customers from home and abroad!

1. Complete set of SMT equipments

2. Complete set of micro-electronics equipments

3. Electronic consumable

4. PCB Conformal Coating/Instant Adhesives Cyanoacrylate /Thread Locker/Thread Sealants/PCB Wash/Flux Remover, etc

AST Service Network


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