暑期阅读 | 亲子必读锦囊

Dear parents and students:


Summer is a good time to rest, relax, and rejuvenate the mind, body, and spirit for both students and teachers. It is also a good time to get to those things we did not get a chance to do or finish during a busy school year. This also includes a good book and some fun reading for pleasure!


Brain Science and Education Research show that just 10 minutes of reading a day can help maintain - improve brain function and overall school scores! With technology we are reading even more than ever, and it is a good idea to “train your brain” even on a holiday.


Choose a format you prefer: paper books, eReaders (Kindle), tablets, laptops, computers, all work. Then find a “good fit” book. Here are some helpful tips on how to find a book that is just right for you!


I P.I.C.K “good fit” books!

“I P.I.C.K”法:

I – I choose a book and look inside.


P – Purpose. Why do I want to read it?


I – Interest. Does this book genuinely interest me?


C – Comprehend. Do I understand what I am reading?


K – Know. I know MOST of the words.


THEN… use the “Check 5 Finger” Rule to see if the book is at YOUR level:


Pick any page of the book that interests you.


Read ONE page, from anywhere in the book.


Try a sample page online (they are often free when linked to amazon.cn)


Keep track of the words that you do NOT know/understand.



0 – 1: Okay. An easy read.

0 – 1:说明你可以轻松完成阅读

2: Just right. A good choice.


3: A little bit hard, but it could be fun to try.


4: This will be difficult to read, you might need your friends, parents, or a dictionary.


5+: Too hard for now, save it for next year and try a different book.


Parents: How can you support reading at home?


If you have younger Primary aged child – read along with them! If you do not read English, have your child read to you! Stop every once and a while and have them check for understanding by asking them to translate and explain the story so far to you.


If you are reading to your child (in Chinese), stop periodically and say, “Let’s see if we remember what I just read? Think about who the story is about, and what has happened.” Do this 3 or 4 times throughout the story.


If your child is reading on their own, do ask them about what they are reading! Ask your child the following questions:


Who did you just read about?


What just happened in your book?


Do you understand what you read?


What do you do if you don’t remember?


As parents this is an excellent opportunity to model the behaviour and habits you wish your child to have, so why not join in and read too? Find some time to join your child with a book, a snack, and a conversation about what you are reading too.


You could even read the same book and have a family “book club!” My mother (in Canada), sister (in UK), and I (here in China with my Kindle) are always exchanging books and sharing our thoughts on them. It is quite a global book club! Some of my favourite memories are of our Harry Potter midnight premiere reading marathons (I always won!) and reading scary monster books and Stephen King novels with my father at our country home in the summer when I was younger. Now we read the morning newspaper together over coffee and toast.


Take the time and enjoy the investment you are putting into your child’s education. Below are just some of the many excellent book titles in both Chinese and English you may wish to explore this summer with your child.


Many more classic & modern titles will be used starting in September 2017 for both the MYP Library Book Club (Wednesday evenings) & the new DP Library Book Club (Tuesday evenings). All Library events, activities, and programs are free of charge. All that is required is your enthusiasm and excellent self!


Thank you for your continued support of Reading !


Sincerely yours


The Secondary Library Team


Dear parents and students:


Summer is a good time to rest, relax, and rejuvenate the mind, body, and spirit for both students and teachers. It is also a good time to get to those things we did not get a chance to do or finish during a busy school year. This also includes a good book and some fun reading for pleasure!


Brain Science and Education Research show that just 10 minutes of reading a day can help maintain - improve brain function and overall school scores! With technology we are reading even more than ever, and it is a good idea to “train your brain” even on a holiday.


Choose a format you prefer: paper books, eReaders (Kindle), tablets, laptops, computers, all work. Then find a “good fit” book. Here are some helpful tips on how to find a book that is just right for you!


I P.I.C.K “good fit” books!

“I P.I.C.K”法:

I – I choose a book and look inside.


P – Purpose. Why do I want to read it?


I – Interest. Does this book genuinely interest me?


C – Comprehend. Do I understand what I am reading?


K – Know. I know MOST of the words.


THEN… use the “Check 5 Finger” Rule to see if the book is at YOUR level:


Pick any page of the book that interests you.


Read ONE page, from anywhere in the book.


Try a sample page online (they are often free when linked to amazon.cn)


Keep track of the words that you do NOT know/understand.



0 – 1: Okay. An easy read.

0 – 1:说明你可以轻松完成阅读

2: Just right. A good choice.


3: A little bit hard, but it could be fun to try.


4: This will be difficult to read, you might need your friends, parents, or a dictionary.


5+: Too hard for now, save it for next year and try a different book.


Parents: How can you support reading at home?


If you have younger Primary aged child – read along with them! If you do not read English, have your child read to you! Stop every once and a while and have them check for understanding by asking them to translate and explain the story so far to you.


If you are reading to your child (in Chinese), stop periodically and say, “Let’s see if we remember what I just read? Think about who the story is about, and what has happened.” Do this 3 or 4 times throughout the story.


If your child is reading on their own, do ask them about what they are reading! Ask your child the following questions:


Who did you just read about?


What just happened in your book?


Do you understand what you read?


What do you do if you don’t remember?


As parents this is an excellent opportunity to model the behaviour and habits you wish your child to have, so why not join in and read too? Find some time to join your child with a book, a snack, and a conversation about what you are reading too.


You could even read the same book and have a family “book club!” My mother (in Canada), sister (in UK), and I (here in China with my Kindle) are always exchanging books and sharing our thoughts on them. It is quite a global book club! Some of my favourite memories are of our Harry Potter midnight premiere reading marathons (I always won!) and reading scary monster books and Stephen King novels with my father at our country home in the summer when I was younger. Now we read the morning newspaper together over coffee and toast.


Take the time and enjoy the investment you are putting into your child’s education. Below are just some of the many excellent book titles in both Chinese and English you may wish to explore this summer with your child.


Many more classic & modern titles will be used starting in September 2017 for both the MYP Library Book Club (Wednesday evenings) & the new DP Library Book Club (Tuesday evenings). All Library events, activities, and programs are free of charge. All that is required is your enthusiasm and excellent self!


Thank you for your continued support of Reading !


Sincerely yours


The Secondary Library Team



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