


1)豆腐渣工程 jerry-built projects

2)素质教育 education for all-round development

3)下岗工人 laid-off worker

4)合资企业 joint venture

5)独资企业 solely-foreign-funded company

6)国有企业 state-owned enterprise

7)宏观调控 macro-control

8)西部大开发 Development of the West Regions

9)台湾同胞 Taiwan compatriots

10)弱势群体 disadvantaged groups

11)小康社会 a well-off society

12)与时俱进 advance with the times

13)三个代表 Three Represents Theory

14)西电东送,西气东输 electricity and gas transmission from the West to the East 15)下岗工人再就业 the re-employment of laid-off workers

16)和谐社会 harmonious society

17)义务教育 compulsory education

18)计划生育 family planning / one-child policy

19)扩大内需 expand domestic demand / stimulate domestic demand

20)对外开放 open up to the outside world

21)改革开放 reform and opening-up

22)现代化建设 modernization drive


24)抗日战争 War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression; Anti-Japan War

25)一国两制 one country, two systems.

26)港人治港 Hong Kong people administering Hong Kong

27)全国人民代表大会 National People’s Congress (NPC)

28)全国人大代表 deputy to the National People’s Congress

29)中共中央委员会 CPC (Communist Party of China) Central Committee

30)中国政协委员 member of the National Committee of the CPPCC

31)中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会(简称全国政协)National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC)

32)第十届全国人民代表大会第五次会议 the Fifth Session of the Tenth National People’s Congress

33)高等教育“211”工程:the “211” Project for higher education

34)最高人民法院 Supreme People’s Court

35)国务院 the State Council

36)中央军委 the Central Military Commission

37)最高检察院 the Supreme People’s Procuratorate

38)常务委员会 Standing Committee

39)科学技术是第一生产力 Science and technology are the primary productive force.

40)平等互利,协商一致,求同存异,自主自愿 advocating equality and mutual benefit, reaching consensus through consultation and seeking common ground while reserving differences.



1)豆腐渣工程 jerry-built projects

2)素质教育 education for all-round development

3)下岗工人 laid-off worker

4)合资企业 joint venture

5)独资企业 solely-foreign-funded company

6)国有企业 state-owned enterprise

7)宏观调控 macro-control

8)西部大开发 Development of the West Regions

9)台湾同胞 Taiwan compatriots

10)弱势群体 disadvantaged groups

11)小康社会 a well-off society

12)与时俱进 advance with the times

13)三个代表 Three Represents Theory

14)西电东送,西气东输 electricity and gas transmission from the West to the East 15)下岗工人再就业 the re-employment of laid-off workers

16)和谐社会 harmonious society

17)义务教育 compulsory education

18)计划生育 family planning / one-child policy

19)扩大内需 expand domestic demand / stimulate domestic demand

20)对外开放 open up to the outside world

21)改革开放 reform and opening-up

22)现代化建设 modernization drive


24)抗日战争 War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression; Anti-Japan War

25)一国两制 one country, two systems.

26)港人治港 Hong Kong people administering Hong Kong

27)全国人民代表大会 National People’s Congress (NPC)

28)全国人大代表 deputy to the National People’s Congress

29)中共中央委员会 CPC (Communist Party of China) Central Committee

30)中国政协委员 member of the National Committee of the CPPCC

31)中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会(简称全国政协)National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC)

32)第十届全国人民代表大会第五次会议 the Fifth Session of the Tenth National People’s Congress

33)高等教育“211”工程:the “211” Project for higher education

34)最高人民法院 Supreme People’s Court

35)国务院 the State Council

36)中央军委 the Central Military Commission

37)最高检察院 the Supreme People’s Procuratorate

38)常务委员会 Standing Committee

39)科学技术是第一生产力 Science and technology are the primary productive force.

40)平等互利,协商一致,求同存异,自主自愿 advocating equality and mutual benefit, reaching consensus through consultation and seeking common ground while reserving differences.


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