



Olympic Rings

The colours of the interlinked Olympic rings were chosen by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) , to represent the union of the 5 continents , Australia , Africa , America , Asia and Europe and further signify the meeting of the worlds athletes at the Olympic Games.

The plain white background of the Olympic flag is symbolic of peace throughout the games. The five colours of the rings from left to right are blue, black and red across the top with yellow and green along the bottom , these colours may be found on most flags of the world and officially hold no other particular significance , although some believe each colour represents a particular continent.

奥运会五环旗是在顾拜旦主持下制定的。五环分别为蓝、黑、红、黄、绿色,三环在上,两环在下,环环相扣,紧紧联在一起。按照顾拜旦对此的解释,五环“象征世界上承认奥林匹克运动、并准备参加奥林匹克竞赛的五大洲,而第六种颜色白色——旗帜的底色,意指所有国家都毫无例外地能在自己国家的旗帜下参加比赛”。 后来有的人解释说,国际奥委会最初采用蓝、黑、红、黄、绿色作为五环的颜色是因为它能代表当时参加国际奥委会所有国家国旗的颜色。自1920年第7届奥运会起,五环的五种颜色象征五大洲:蓝色代表欧洲,黑色意指非洲,红色象征美洲,黄色标志着亚洲,而绿色喻作澳洲。 1973年国际奥委会会刊《奥林匹克论坛》则强调:“会徽和会旗的五环含义是象征着五大洲的团结,全世界的运动员以公正、坦率的比赛和友好的精神,在奥运会上相见。”

The Olympic Games olympic flag

The Olympic Games olympic flag is the management formulates in GuBaidan under. Five links be blue, black, are respectively red, yellow,the green, three links in on, two links in under, are linked together,tight association in same place. Does obeisance the day regarding thisexplanation according to the attendance, five links "in the symbolicworld acknowledged the Olympics movement, and prepares to attend theOlympic Games the five continents, but the sixth kind of color white -flag bottom color, Italy refers to all countries all without a singleexception to be able to attend the competition in under the oneselfcountry flag". Afterwards some people explained that, IOC used atfirst blue, black, is red, yellow, the green took five links thecolors were because it could represent participates in the IOC allcountries national flag at that time the color. The 7th session ofOlympic Games got up from 1920, five links five kind of colorssymbolized the five continents: The blue color represents Europe,black Italy refers to Africa, red symbolizes the Americas, the yellowsymbolizes Asia, but the green explains makes Australia. In 1973 theIOC published conference proceeding "the Olympics Forum" emphasizedthat, "The conference symbol and the meeting pennant five linksmeaning is symbolizing five continents' unity, world athlete by fair,frank competition and friendly spirit, meets at the Olympic Games."




Olympic Rings

The colours of the interlinked Olympic rings were chosen by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) , to represent the union of the 5 continents , Australia , Africa , America , Asia and Europe and further signify the meeting of the worlds athletes at the Olympic Games.

The plain white background of the Olympic flag is symbolic of peace throughout the games. The five colours of the rings from left to right are blue, black and red across the top with yellow and green along the bottom , these colours may be found on most flags of the world and officially hold no other particular significance , although some believe each colour represents a particular continent.

奥运会五环旗是在顾拜旦主持下制定的。五环分别为蓝、黑、红、黄、绿色,三环在上,两环在下,环环相扣,紧紧联在一起。按照顾拜旦对此的解释,五环“象征世界上承认奥林匹克运动、并准备参加奥林匹克竞赛的五大洲,而第六种颜色白色——旗帜的底色,意指所有国家都毫无例外地能在自己国家的旗帜下参加比赛”。 后来有的人解释说,国际奥委会最初采用蓝、黑、红、黄、绿色作为五环的颜色是因为它能代表当时参加国际奥委会所有国家国旗的颜色。自1920年第7届奥运会起,五环的五种颜色象征五大洲:蓝色代表欧洲,黑色意指非洲,红色象征美洲,黄色标志着亚洲,而绿色喻作澳洲。 1973年国际奥委会会刊《奥林匹克论坛》则强调:“会徽和会旗的五环含义是象征着五大洲的团结,全世界的运动员以公正、坦率的比赛和友好的精神,在奥运会上相见。”

The Olympic Games olympic flag

The Olympic Games olympic flag is the management formulates in GuBaidan under. Five links be blue, black, are respectively red, yellow,the green, three links in on, two links in under, are linked together,tight association in same place. Does obeisance the day regarding thisexplanation according to the attendance, five links "in the symbolicworld acknowledged the Olympics movement, and prepares to attend theOlympic Games the five continents, but the sixth kind of color white -flag bottom color, Italy refers to all countries all without a singleexception to be able to attend the competition in under the oneselfcountry flag". Afterwards some people explained that, IOC used atfirst blue, black, is red, yellow, the green took five links thecolors were because it could represent participates in the IOC allcountries national flag at that time the color. The 7th session ofOlympic Games got up from 1920, five links five kind of colorssymbolized the five continents: The blue color represents Europe,black Italy refers to Africa, red symbolizes the Americas, the yellowsymbolizes Asia, but the green explains makes Australia. In 1973 theIOC published conference proceeding "the Olympics Forum" emphasizedthat, "The conference symbol and the meeting pennant five linksmeaning is symbolizing five continents' unity, world athlete by fair,frank competition and friendly spirit, meets at the Olympic Games."


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