

Below are some of the symptoms of a Procrastinator and the remedies to try.以下是一些拖延的症状表现以及可以尝试的补救措施。

1.Lack of Vision1.缺乏愿景

Not having a clear vision for the future is one of the biggest reasons people procrastinate. If you can’t see the benefits of completing certain tasks why would you bother starting them?人们拖延的最重要的原因之一就是对未来缺乏足够清晰的愿景。如果你不能明确完成特定任务可以带来的好处,那么为何要为开始这种任务而烦恼呢?

Remedy: Have a clear picture of all that needs to be achieved and the reasons why, you are much more likely to be motivated to get going and get things done.补救方案:对将要达到的目标和为何这样做的原因有个清晰的构想,那么你会足够的动力去努力并完成任务。

2.Lack of Time2.缺少时间

Lack of time is the most popular excuse banded about for not getting things done. But fortunately there are very few people in this world that don’t have the scope for becoming at least 10% more efficient. Being busy doesn’t equate to being efficient. Regularly when someone lacks time in their lives, it is due to poor organization skills, poor prioritization or the inability to say no.缺少时间是我们为无法完成任务找的最多的借口了。但幸运的是世上几乎没有人不可以做到提升10%甚至更高的效率。忙于做事并不意味着高效率。通常当某些人发现在他们的生活中缺少时间时,大多源于低下的组织能力、混乱的优先级顺序或者难以对他人说不。

Remedy: Learn to become more efficient with one’s time. This can free up many hours a week to get the more important stuff done.补救方案:学会更有效率的利用时间。这会为你每周空出不少时间去完成更重要的事情。

3.Lack of Organization 3.缺乏组织力

The infamous words of Peter Druker say it clearly “Fail to Plan and Plan to Fail”. If you are disorganized and don’t keep a schedule you are likely to forget tasks and miss deadlines. 皮特•德鲁克说过一句著名的话:“失败的计划正计划走向失败”。如果你做事没有条理而且没有按计划表行事,那么你将会更容易忘记任务并错过截止期限。

Remedy: Keeping a schedule will help you to track all the tasks that you have to do and ensure that tasks aren’t forgotten.补救方案:按日程表行事将会帮助你追踪所有你必须完成的任务并确保你不会忘记。


Some will use the excuse of being too tired to get started. Many people delay and procrastinate on their home duties because they are too tired when they get home from work.有些人会用太过劳累为借口拒绝开始行动。许多人推迟、拖延家务活是因为他们做完工作回家后实在是太累了。

Remedy: Find out the reason for your tiredness. Are you eating right? Are you exercising? Not getting enough sleep? Find your reason and try to remedy it by changing your ways.补救方案:找到你疲劳的原因。你的饮食正确吗?你锻炼了吗?没有足够的睡眠?找到你的原因并通过改变你的生活方式来进行补救。


Fear of the outcome can be another delaying factor. Some people fear failure; they won’t be able to do the task to a good enough standard so they delay in getting started. Others — believe it or not — fear success. They may know that by completing a certain task, the outcome may lead them places they are unsure they want to go.对结果感到害怕是拖延的另一个原因。一些人害怕失败;他们没有良好的完成任务的能力,因此他们推迟行动。不管你信不信,还有另一些人是害怕成功。他们可能知道完成特定的任务会给他们带来一些并不想要的结果。

Remedy:  Become clear about the consequences of completing or not completing a task.补救方案:对完成或不完成一项任务的结局有明确的认识。

6.Easily distracted6.易受扰乱

In the modern age we are bombarded with technology and external stimulation that it becomes more difficult to stay focused.在现代我们更容易受技术和额外的刺激影响,从而更难于保持注意力集中。

Remedy: Turn of email notifications and only check emails at allocated times during your day. Switch off your phone and allow messages to go to voicemail. Close your office door and let people know you are not to be disturbed. Remember to stay in control of your technology and not let it control you.补救方案:关掉邮件提醒,在你日程中规定的时间查看邮件。将你手机关机,让信息转到语音信箱。关上你办公室的门,让人们知道不要打扰你。记住是你控制你所拥有的技术而不是受其控制。

7.Feeling Overwhelmed7.挫败感

Some tasks at hand can make us feel overwhelmed, mostly because we don’t know how to get started.我们手中的一些任务会使我们感觉挫败,大多数是因为我们不知道如何开始。

Remedy: Break it down into bite sized chunks. Then break it down even more. Plan each part of the task so that you are focusing on completing the sub task rather than the overall task. This helps to feel in control and not overwhelmed. Zoom in and zoom out every now and again to make sure you are moving forward with the overall task.补救方案:将任务分解成可以搞定的几部分。然后再将其分解的更细。对每一部分的任务作出计划,这样你能够将注意集中到完成子任务上而不是整个任务。这有助于使你感到一切处于控制之中而不是挫败感。时而不时地从全局和部分来看任务计划,确保你在完成整个任务过程中一直在前进。

But the best and simplest advice is to make a start on any important task. No matter how small or how insignificant in the overall picture, just get moving. In keeping with the laws of physics — “An object in motion tends to stay in motion” — you can start to get rid of procrastination by moving forward.但是最好也最简单的建议就是从任何重要的任务开始。不管在整个任务构想中该子任务是如何小或者如何不显著,只要行动。根据物理学定律—“物体有保持运动的惯性”—你可以通过不断前进来摆脱拖延。


Below are some of the symptoms of a Procrastinator and the remedies to try.以下是一些拖延的症状表现以及可以尝试的补救措施。

1.Lack of Vision1.缺乏愿景

Not having a clear vision for the future is one of the biggest reasons people procrastinate. If you can’t see the benefits of completing certain tasks why would you bother starting them?人们拖延的最重要的原因之一就是对未来缺乏足够清晰的愿景。如果你不能明确完成特定任务可以带来的好处,那么为何要为开始这种任务而烦恼呢?

Remedy: Have a clear picture of all that needs to be achieved and the reasons why, you are much more likely to be motivated to get going and get things done.补救方案:对将要达到的目标和为何这样做的原因有个清晰的构想,那么你会足够的动力去努力并完成任务。

2.Lack of Time2.缺少时间

Lack of time is the most popular excuse banded about for not getting things done. But fortunately there are very few people in this world that don’t have the scope for becoming at least 10% more efficient. Being busy doesn’t equate to being efficient. Regularly when someone lacks time in their lives, it is due to poor organization skills, poor prioritization or the inability to say no.缺少时间是我们为无法完成任务找的最多的借口了。但幸运的是世上几乎没有人不可以做到提升10%甚至更高的效率。忙于做事并不意味着高效率。通常当某些人发现在他们的生活中缺少时间时,大多源于低下的组织能力、混乱的优先级顺序或者难以对他人说不。

Remedy: Learn to become more efficient with one’s time. This can free up many hours a week to get the more important stuff done.补救方案:学会更有效率的利用时间。这会为你每周空出不少时间去完成更重要的事情。

3.Lack of Organization 3.缺乏组织力

The infamous words of Peter Druker say it clearly “Fail to Plan and Plan to Fail”. If you are disorganized and don’t keep a schedule you are likely to forget tasks and miss deadlines. 皮特•德鲁克说过一句著名的话:“失败的计划正计划走向失败”。如果你做事没有条理而且没有按计划表行事,那么你将会更容易忘记任务并错过截止期限。

Remedy: Keeping a schedule will help you to track all the tasks that you have to do and ensure that tasks aren’t forgotten.补救方案:按日程表行事将会帮助你追踪所有你必须完成的任务并确保你不会忘记。


Some will use the excuse of being too tired to get started. Many people delay and procrastinate on their home duties because they are too tired when they get home from work.有些人会用太过劳累为借口拒绝开始行动。许多人推迟、拖延家务活是因为他们做完工作回家后实在是太累了。

Remedy: Find out the reason for your tiredness. Are you eating right? Are you exercising? Not getting enough sleep? Find your reason and try to remedy it by changing your ways.补救方案:找到你疲劳的原因。你的饮食正确吗?你锻炼了吗?没有足够的睡眠?找到你的原因并通过改变你的生活方式来进行补救。


Fear of the outcome can be another delaying factor. Some people fear failure; they won’t be able to do the task to a good enough standard so they delay in getting started. Others — believe it or not — fear success. They may know that by completing a certain task, the outcome may lead them places they are unsure they want to go.对结果感到害怕是拖延的另一个原因。一些人害怕失败;他们没有良好的完成任务的能力,因此他们推迟行动。不管你信不信,还有另一些人是害怕成功。他们可能知道完成特定的任务会给他们带来一些并不想要的结果。

Remedy:  Become clear about the consequences of completing or not completing a task.补救方案:对完成或不完成一项任务的结局有明确的认识。

6.Easily distracted6.易受扰乱

In the modern age we are bombarded with technology and external stimulation that it becomes more difficult to stay focused.在现代我们更容易受技术和额外的刺激影响,从而更难于保持注意力集中。

Remedy: Turn of email notifications and only check emails at allocated times during your day. Switch off your phone and allow messages to go to voicemail. Close your office door and let people know you are not to be disturbed. Remember to stay in control of your technology and not let it control you.补救方案:关掉邮件提醒,在你日程中规定的时间查看邮件。将你手机关机,让信息转到语音信箱。关上你办公室的门,让人们知道不要打扰你。记住是你控制你所拥有的技术而不是受其控制。

7.Feeling Overwhelmed7.挫败感

Some tasks at hand can make us feel overwhelmed, mostly because we don’t know how to get started.我们手中的一些任务会使我们感觉挫败,大多数是因为我们不知道如何开始。

Remedy: Break it down into bite sized chunks. Then break it down even more. Plan each part of the task so that you are focusing on completing the sub task rather than the overall task. This helps to feel in control and not overwhelmed. Zoom in and zoom out every now and again to make sure you are moving forward with the overall task.补救方案:将任务分解成可以搞定的几部分。然后再将其分解的更细。对每一部分的任务作出计划,这样你能够将注意集中到完成子任务上而不是整个任务。这有助于使你感到一切处于控制之中而不是挫败感。时而不时地从全局和部分来看任务计划,确保你在完成整个任务过程中一直在前进。

But the best and simplest advice is to make a start on any important task. No matter how small or how insignificant in the overall picture, just get moving. In keeping with the laws of physics — “An object in motion tends to stay in motion” — you can start to get rid of procrastination by moving forward.但是最好也最简单的建议就是从任何重要的任务开始。不管在整个任务构想中该子任务是如何小或者如何不显著,只要行动。根据物理学定律—“物体有保持运动的惯性”—你可以通过不断前进来摆脱拖延。


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