
Boston Legal:Closing结案陈词汇总帖05(2010-06-21 09:48:12)

标签: 娱乐


检察官Valerie Murrow: 这里没有正当防卫或别种性质的防卫,我不会浪费时间告诉你们那些已知的事情。被告只是觉得,自我觉得Bernard Ferrion不应该再存活,两记敲在脑袋上的重击,不管Catherine Piper是在做刽子手还是伸张正义,她都杀了人。法律并不只是你一周四天在电视上看到的东西,我们作为人的正直品质,我们是一个有法之邦这个理念紧密相连。你们,陪审员发誓要维护法律,在这样的一个时代,我们美国人日益被标注为权利之上的社会,我真诚的希望我们道德社会的遗产,你们选择遵循那一誓言。There was no self-defense, or defense of others here. I’m not going to waste time telling you something you already know. The defendant simply made a decision, a reflective one, that Bernard Ferrion should no longer be among the living. Two whacks to the back of the head. Whether Catherine Piper was playing at executioner or God, she committed murder. Law and Order isn’t simply something found on television four nights a week. Our integrity as a people is inextricably bound up with the idea that we are a nation of laws. You as jurors took an oath to uphold the law. In a time when we as Americans are increasingly labeled as a ‘Might makes right’ society, I sincerely hope for our legacy as a moral society you choose to honor that oath.

Alan Shore:在2003年,这个国家发生了16500起谋杀案,6200件没有侦破,另外的4000件我们逮捕了一些人,被告最终都无罪释放,这个国家抓不到杀手。自从1960年以来,2000000件谋杀案没被侦破,忘了那些我们没能定罪的案件,有200000起我们束手无策。我们可以启用更多些义务警员,当你挥动那个长柄锅时,得由自己负责,我向你保证。杀死一个无辜的人,你应该进监狱,但是Catherine Piper不是。Catherine Piper试图维护法律和秩序,她吓得要命,她为其他人的生命安全不安,在这种恐惧下,她挥动了那个长柄锅,完成了警察没能做到的一些职责,她了结了那个坏蛋。我当然不希望人们肆意玩弄法律,我知道你也不希望,但是送CatherinePiper入狱,这个社会显然不会更安全,甚至一点好处都得不到。不像公诉人,我并不觉得我们这样的一个国家,不可避免的把法律与纪律和民族正直性连在一块,我更愿意觉得我们是一个民族更多的关心人性,而人性并不具有吹嘘道德优越的权利。人性,是热情,甚至是宽恕,Catherine Piper尽管很害怕,但还是做出了非常人性的举动,她现在此,恳求你们也做出同样的举动。

In 2003 we had 16,500 murders in this country. 6200 went unsolved. On another 4000 we made arrests! The defendants eventually went free. We don’t catch killers in this country. Since 1960 200,000 murders have gone unsolved. Forget about the ones where we just failed to convict! For 200,000 we were baffled! Ask me, we could use a few more vigilantes. Now! You swing that skillet at your own risk, I grant you. Kill an innocent person? Off to prison you should go. But Catherine Piper didn’t do that. Catherine Piper tried law and order. She was scared for her life. She did fear for the safety of others. And in the heat of that fear she swung that skillet! Accomplishing in the process something the police couldn’t. She got the bad guy. Now, I certainly don’t want a society where people start arbitrarily taking the law into their own hands. I know you don’t. But

society certainly isn’t safeguarded, nor is it remotely benefited by putting Catherine Piper in prison. Unlike the District Attorney, I don’t think we’re a country inextricably bound up with law and order or some National integrity. I like to think we’re a people. Mostly about humanity. And humanity isn’t about the right to trumpet moral superiority. Humanity is about compassion, even forgiveness. Catherine Piper in all her fear reacted in a very human way. She’s here now asking you to do the same.

Boston Legal:Closing结案陈词汇总帖05(2010-06-21 09:48:12)

标签: 娱乐


检察官Valerie Murrow: 这里没有正当防卫或别种性质的防卫,我不会浪费时间告诉你们那些已知的事情。被告只是觉得,自我觉得Bernard Ferrion不应该再存活,两记敲在脑袋上的重击,不管Catherine Piper是在做刽子手还是伸张正义,她都杀了人。法律并不只是你一周四天在电视上看到的东西,我们作为人的正直品质,我们是一个有法之邦这个理念紧密相连。你们,陪审员发誓要维护法律,在这样的一个时代,我们美国人日益被标注为权利之上的社会,我真诚的希望我们道德社会的遗产,你们选择遵循那一誓言。There was no self-defense, or defense of others here. I’m not going to waste time telling you something you already know. The defendant simply made a decision, a reflective one, that Bernard Ferrion should no longer be among the living. Two whacks to the back of the head. Whether Catherine Piper was playing at executioner or God, she committed murder. Law and Order isn’t simply something found on television four nights a week. Our integrity as a people is inextricably bound up with the idea that we are a nation of laws. You as jurors took an oath to uphold the law. In a time when we as Americans are increasingly labeled as a ‘Might makes right’ society, I sincerely hope for our legacy as a moral society you choose to honor that oath.

Alan Shore:在2003年,这个国家发生了16500起谋杀案,6200件没有侦破,另外的4000件我们逮捕了一些人,被告最终都无罪释放,这个国家抓不到杀手。自从1960年以来,2000000件谋杀案没被侦破,忘了那些我们没能定罪的案件,有200000起我们束手无策。我们可以启用更多些义务警员,当你挥动那个长柄锅时,得由自己负责,我向你保证。杀死一个无辜的人,你应该进监狱,但是Catherine Piper不是。Catherine Piper试图维护法律和秩序,她吓得要命,她为其他人的生命安全不安,在这种恐惧下,她挥动了那个长柄锅,完成了警察没能做到的一些职责,她了结了那个坏蛋。我当然不希望人们肆意玩弄法律,我知道你也不希望,但是送CatherinePiper入狱,这个社会显然不会更安全,甚至一点好处都得不到。不像公诉人,我并不觉得我们这样的一个国家,不可避免的把法律与纪律和民族正直性连在一块,我更愿意觉得我们是一个民族更多的关心人性,而人性并不具有吹嘘道德优越的权利。人性,是热情,甚至是宽恕,Catherine Piper尽管很害怕,但还是做出了非常人性的举动,她现在此,恳求你们也做出同样的举动。

In 2003 we had 16,500 murders in this country. 6200 went unsolved. On another 4000 we made arrests! The defendants eventually went free. We don’t catch killers in this country. Since 1960 200,000 murders have gone unsolved. Forget about the ones where we just failed to convict! For 200,000 we were baffled! Ask me, we could use a few more vigilantes. Now! You swing that skillet at your own risk, I grant you. Kill an innocent person? Off to prison you should go. But Catherine Piper didn’t do that. Catherine Piper tried law and order. She was scared for her life. She did fear for the safety of others. And in the heat of that fear she swung that skillet! Accomplishing in the process something the police couldn’t. She got the bad guy. Now, I certainly don’t want a society where people start arbitrarily taking the law into their own hands. I know you don’t. But

society certainly isn’t safeguarded, nor is it remotely benefited by putting Catherine Piper in prison. Unlike the District Attorney, I don’t think we’re a country inextricably bound up with law and order or some National integrity. I like to think we’re a people. Mostly about humanity. And humanity isn’t about the right to trumpet moral superiority. Humanity is about compassion, even forgiveness. Catherine Piper in all her fear reacted in a very human way. She’s here now asking you to do the same.


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