
Joy of my Olympic Games dream confused to came 2008, olympic Games match was about to begin immediately. After all, I ability is 14 years old, cannot attend the Olympic Games. But, my suffering practiced hard a ping-pong 8 years, it is ace. Introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad chairman feels my ping-pong is hit very well, expended a tremedous effort to just make an Olympic committee special allow me to attend the Olympic Games. I am very nervous really, good insecurity... came 2008, olympic Games match was about to begin immediately. After all, I ability is 14 years old, cannot attend the Olympic Games. But, my suffering practiced hard a ping-pong 8 years, it is ace. Introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad chairman feels my ping-pong is hit very well, expended a tremedous effort to just make an Olympic committee special allow me to attend the Olympic Games. I am very nervous really, good insecurity... eventually, I stand beside the ping-pong stage of Olympic Games competition ground. Many a ping-pong ace is driven by me nonofficeholding, they are to me " pediatric " . Then, came again the person comes first of ping-pong of a Hunan Province challenge me, my not needing the slightest effort defeated him, . Later, opponent is more and more formidable, I expended a tremedous effort to just defeat them. I am more nervous, nervous... end ping-pong match is aunt of I and Deng Yaping is compared. This one bureau after all who can win? Entry composition net, you also but contribute. This one bureau is coronal runner-up final, use 5 bureaus 3 get the better of. Adversary eager to do well in everything is big, not a little while, the first bureau ended, she with 11: 7 won me. The 2nd bureau began, she often sends left loop drive, I a dozen pasts, she with respect to drop shot, make I must lose a lot of minutes. 10: 8 when, this she serves, she wants use again her unique skill -- left loop drive. I remembered a kind of method that accepts this kind of ball: With arc exceeds on the right side of the fight back that carry turn ball. Then, I receive a ball according to this kind of method, she one drop shot, this ball cast the net. Now 10: 9, still this she serves. But her luck is very good, sent an edge ball, I do not have catching. This bureau her with 11: 9 won me. Because I defeated the unexpected tricky move of Deng Yaping aunt, the 3rd bureau and the 4th bureau with 15: 13 buckle 19: 17 won Deng Yaping aunt. Everybody noticed, one bureau is bureau of decide the issue of the battle below... as a result of my carelessness, now Deng Yaping aunt with 10: 6 banner, now this I serve. My a running fire two edge ball, deng Yaping aunt was not received. Deng Yaping aunt served. She serves twice error, score is now 10: 10! I sent an edge ball, deng Yaping aunt does not have catching again. Aunt of this Deng Yaping served, she sent not to turn ball, I am used easy to doly attacked a ball to receive the past. Cannot think of, deng Yaping aunt came suddenly a drop shot. The wallop of as powerful as a thunderbolt the situation with topple the mountains and overturn the seas, as if to be hit to us in seconds a minute on ping-pong stage, gave out deafening blare. The ball is hit on my beat, dozen flew. I am praying secretly: "Fast appear on the stage! Fast appear on the stage! " as expected, the ball appeared on the stage, and brushed an edge, but Deng Yaping aunt not catching, it is false alarm really ah! "I won! I won! I become ping-pong world champion! I become ping-pong world champion! " I am so excited that I call loudly. "Got up! " mom raves, "You are whole making a noise in the evening. " mom says then: "You are to daydream really when world champion -- wishful thinking ah! " although I had awaked, but return the setting in recalling a dream, in the heart feeling pleased still.

Joy of my Olympic Games dream confused to came 2008, olympic Games match was about to begin immediately. After all, I ability is 14 years old, cannot attend the Olympic Games. But, my suffering practiced hard a ping-pong 8 years, it is ace. Introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad chairman feels my ping-pong is hit very well, expended a tremedous effort to just make an Olympic committee special allow me to attend the Olympic Games. I am very nervous really, good insecurity... came 2008, olympic Games match was about to begin immediately. After all, I ability is 14 years old, cannot attend the Olympic Games. But, my suffering practiced hard a ping-pong 8 years, it is ace. Introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad chairman feels my ping-pong is hit very well, expended a tremedous effort to just make an Olympic committee special allow me to attend the Olympic Games. I am very nervous really, good insecurity... eventually, I stand beside the ping-pong stage of Olympic Games competition ground. Many a ping-pong ace is driven by me nonofficeholding, they are to me " pediatric " . Then, came again the person comes first of ping-pong of a Hunan Province challenge me, my not needing the slightest effort defeated him, . Later, opponent is more and more formidable, I expended a tremedous effort to just defeat them. I am more nervous, nervous... end ping-pong match is aunt of I and Deng Yaping is compared. This one bureau after all who can win? Entry composition net, you also but contribute. This one bureau is coronal runner-up final, use 5 bureaus 3 get the better of. Adversary eager to do well in everything is big, not a little while, the first bureau ended, she with 11: 7 won me. The 2nd bureau began, she often sends left loop drive, I a dozen pasts, she with respect to drop shot, make I must lose a lot of minutes. 10: 8 when, this she serves, she wants use again her unique skill -- left loop drive. I remembered a kind of method that accepts this kind of ball: With arc exceeds on the right side of the fight back that carry turn ball. Then, I receive a ball according to this kind of method, she one drop shot, this ball cast the net. Now 10: 9, still this she serves. But her luck is very good, sent an edge ball, I do not have catching. This bureau her with 11: 9 won me. Because I defeated the unexpected tricky move of Deng Yaping aunt, the 3rd bureau and the 4th bureau with 15: 13 buckle 19: 17 won Deng Yaping aunt. Everybody noticed, one bureau is bureau of decide the issue of the battle below... as a result of my carelessness, now Deng Yaping aunt with 10: 6 banner, now this I serve. My a running fire two edge ball, deng Yaping aunt was not received. Deng Yaping aunt served. She serves twice error, score is now 10: 10! I sent an edge ball, deng Yaping aunt does not have catching again. Aunt of this Deng Yaping served, she sent not to turn ball, I am used easy to doly attacked a ball to receive the past. Cannot think of, deng Yaping aunt came suddenly a drop shot. The wallop of as powerful as a thunderbolt the situation with topple the mountains and overturn the seas, as if to be hit to us in seconds a minute on ping-pong stage, gave out deafening blare. The ball is hit on my beat, dozen flew. I am praying secretly: "Fast appear on the stage! Fast appear on the stage! " as expected, the ball appeared on the stage, and brushed an edge, but Deng Yaping aunt not catching, it is false alarm really ah! "I won! I won! I become ping-pong world champion! I become ping-pong world champion! " I am so excited that I call loudly. "Got up! " mom raves, "You are whole making a noise in the evening. " mom says then: "You are to daydream really when world champion -- wishful thinking ah! " although I had awaked, but return the setting in recalling a dream, in the heart feeling pleased still.


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