

What a_________ do you like? I like dogs.

I love cats . T_________ cute.

I like t________ very much. Because they are brave(勇敢).

I like h____________. They can run fast.

What does he have? He h________ a yo-yo.

My father h_________ some footballs.

Mike h___________ a model plane.

_______ go to the park. Good idea.

I ’d like to m________ a fruit salad. 一:根据上下文情景完成句子。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

10. Do you have a________ fruit?

11. I like m___________. They’re sweet.

12. What fruit do you like? I like g____________.

13. Look at o________ fruit salad. How nice.

14. I can play tennis well. C__________

15. How many stickers do you have? I have t___________.

16. C_______ I have a look? S___________.

17. I have e_______________ pencils. They are in different(不同的) colours.

18. What sports do you like ? I like t________ t__________.

19. I can’t jump high. Have a r___________. 20. What can you do ? I can s_____________.

21. I am s____________ because I didn’t pass the exam. 通过考试

22. The parrot can f_________ high.

23. Mike can’t play the piano. Helen can’t e___________.

24. What can you do ? I can play b____________.

25. L_________are the king of the forest(森林).

26. How many r__________ (机器人)do you have? I have sixteen.

27. The story is so f_________. We all like to read it.

28. What ’s in the b____________(盒子)? There are some dolls in it.

29. Do you like m__________? Yes, they are clever.

30. The apples are o_________ the tree. There is a cat i_________ in the tree.


What a_________ do you like? I like dogs.

I love cats . T_________ cute.

I like t________ very much. Because they are brave(勇敢).

I like h____________. They can run fast.

What does he have? He h________ a yo-yo.

My father h_________ some footballs.

Mike h___________ a model plane.

_______ go to the park. Good idea.

I ’d like to m________ a fruit salad. 一:根据上下文情景完成句子。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

10. Do you have a________ fruit?

11. I like m___________. They’re sweet.

12. What fruit do you like? I like g____________.

13. Look at o________ fruit salad. How nice.

14. I can play tennis well. C__________

15. How many stickers do you have? I have t___________.

16. C_______ I have a look? S___________.

17. I have e_______________ pencils. They are in different(不同的) colours.

18. What sports do you like ? I like t________ t__________.

19. I can’t jump high. Have a r___________. 20. What can you do ? I can s_____________.

21. I am s____________ because I didn’t pass the exam. 通过考试

22. The parrot can f_________ high.

23. Mike can’t play the piano. Helen can’t e___________.

24. What can you do ? I can play b____________.

25. L_________are the king of the forest(森林).

26. How many r__________ (机器人)do you have? I have sixteen.

27. The story is so f_________. We all like to read it.

28. What ’s in the b____________(盒子)? There are some dolls in it.

29. Do you like m__________? Yes, they are clever.

30. The apples are o_________ the tree. There is a cat i_________ in the tree.


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