

中文标题 现代医学的局限性

英文标题The Limits of Modern Medicine

作 者 姓 名:

学 科 专 业:


指 导 教 师:

论文提交日期 2015/6/26

XX 大 学


The Limits of Modern Medicine


Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for

The Term Credit of Medical English Reading



Supervisor: xxx

Abstract Modern medicine has become more powerful during hundreds years of developing, preventing people from suffering and improving the quality of life. Hyperlipidemia, for instance, can be competed with numerous kinds of pills, which will relieve symptoms. However, there are still many problems and limits of modern medicine that emerge these years and become obstacles in its development. Four areas are listed for the limits: 1.the limits of pills themselves, which refer to their side effects and bad compliance when applied; 2. complicated classification of departments; 3. Paying more attention to pathophysiology than relieving suffering; 4. Little benefit on spirits.

Key Words: Modern medicine, hyperlipidemia, side effect, compliance, overtreatment, holism


Hyperlipidemia involves abnormally elevated levels of any lipids or lipoproteins in the blood[1]. It is the most common form of dyslipidemia (which includes any abnormal lipid levels). Nearly 3600 people die of hyperlipidemia-induced cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases every day all over the world. Epidemiological investigation confirms that the prevalence of dyslipidemia among Chinese adults has reached as high as 18.16%;in other words, about 160 million people are living with abnormal blood lipids [2]. Hyperlipidemia has become a major public

health problem that we need to face to

However, there are many problems of the treatment, including side effects and bad clinical compliance of the pills. Thus, I take the treatment of hyperlipidemia as an example of the limits of modern medicine. Chapter 1 On the pills

I.I Side effects

Treatment is expensive, invasive, and often comes with side effects that, at times, may be worse than the disease itself being treated. Many patients with hyperlipidemia require treatment with statins (HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors) to reduce cardiovascular risk. If the triglyceride level is obviously raised, fibrates (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-alpha agonists) may be preferable due to their beneficial effects. Combination treatment with statins and fibrates, while highly effective, causes a markedly increased risk of myopathy , rhabdomyolysis and liver damages, so it is only done under close supervision[3].

On the other hand, the commonly used lipid-lowering prescription drug includes cholic acid, chelating agent, nicotinic acid and phenoxyacetate, which have potential adverse reactions, such as gastrointestinal discomfort, liver damage and allergic reactions. I.II Bad compliance

As mentioned in previous text, prescription drugs need to be administered under the guidance of a doctor and require a certain treatment course as well as periodically blood test, which is so complex that not everyone can meet the demands [5]. Furthermore [6], the price of the drug is also an important factor for patients to consider about, especially for Chinese patients, who easily think of the proverb “the drug is one-third of poison.”

In conclusion, the patients might not to comply with instructions and behave passively in the treatment as expectation and thus the doctors’ advice cannot exactly play a significant role in the process of treatment. Chapter 2 complicated classification of departments

Nowadays, the doctors have been divided into many departments, such as obstetrician, pediatrician, gynecologist, dermatologist, even hand specialists who are proficient in the nerves, vessels, and thin frail tendons on human’s hands . So that they cannot handle the complete situation about a complex individual. It is usual that a patient has hyperlipidemia as well as other disease, especially when the patient is old. In the fragmented health care system, the reliable communication and coordinating care among doctors are both challenging and important [7]. Unfortunately, the specialists ’ opinions easily vary from individuals to individuals so drawing the consensus is usually difficult.

On the other hand, considering complicatedly clinical situation, the

patients often do not know which department they should register. For example, disfunction of some endocrine organs may result in hyperlipidemia, so the patients usually go to the hematology department first, but not the endocrinology department. That will cost them much time to find the right department, contributing to the deterioration of the disease.

Chapter 3 Paying more attention to pathophysiology than relieving suffering

One of the tenets of modern medicine is that we must diagnose accurately before we give a treatimet. With the available technology, diagnosis is frequently translated into direct visualization of the pathologic process. The misunderstanding results in the change of the goal of medicine. In the past, the medicine is used to relieve suffering, to help people and to heal. Correct diagnosis, based on our understanding of pathophysiology, is one way to achieve the goals. However, in modern medicine understanding diagnosis is often considered higher status than successful treatment. In some doctors’ eyes, stopping the pathologic process became extremely important, regardless of patients ’ real suffering, which is reflected in overtreatment [8], especially for old people and patients with terminal cancers. Some researchers think that overtreatment of 50-year-olds is mostly a matter of inconvenience and waste, whereas

overtreatment of 80-year-olds borders on assault.

Chapter 4 Little benefit on spirits

It goes without saying that doctors have an ever-expanding technical arsenal and knowledge of hundreds of drugs to help them treat the diseases. From the first moments in medical schools, we were taught to focus on disease rather than health, pathology rather than the person.

Maybe doctors can manage hyperlipidemia and coronary artery diseases, but they cannot comprehend or even fathom a sad and emotionally damaged person pushed into crisis by factors. It is ironic that we are so absorbed with miracles of modern technology that we have lost trust, faithes and knowledge of the extraordinary healing powers of the humans ’ minds, bodies and spirits. As we have invested in the miracles of technology, we have disinvested from the miracles of our humanities. Perhaps modern medicine, so strongly impacted by modern society with all its high-technology, became heartless and incapable of dealing with pain emanating from the soul.

A theory called holism [9], as conventionally understood, states that minds, bodies, and spirits are inseparable. Holistic healing expands this perspective to include an understanding of individuals’ attitudes, beliefs, values, support systems and environments. Such a comprehensive understanding of the causative factors in health and disease results in

more effective healing.

As George.L said [10], “A biopsychosocial model is proposed that provides a blue print for research, a framework for teaching, and a design for action in the real world of health care.”


There is still large space for modern medicine to improve, and the problems are supposed to be solved first: 1.the limits of pills themselves, which refers to their side effect and not good compliance when applied; 2. complicated classification of departments; 3. Paying more attention to pathophysiology than relieving suffering; 4. Little benefit on spirits. Modern medicine is like a skyscraper located in cities, and it still requires industry of doctors and medical educators to break the clouds.


[1] Bahmani M, Mirhoseini M, Shirzad H. etc. 2015A Review on Promising Natural Agents Effective on Hyperlipidemia. J Evid Based Complementary Altern Med. 20(3):228-238.

[2] Nelson RH. 2013 Hyperlipidemia as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Prim Care. 40(1):195-211.

[3] Chang JT, Staffa JA, Parks M. etc. 2004 Rhabdomyolysis with HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors and gemfibrozil combination therapy. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 13(7):417-426.

[4] Fundam 2007 Clin Nicotinic acid in the treatment of hyperlipidaemia. Drexel H. Pharmacol. 2:5-6.

[5] Erdine S. 2012 How do compliance, convenience, and tolerability affect blood pressure goal rates? Am J Cardiovasc Drugs. 12(5):295-302.

[6] La Cour B, Mølgaard P, Yi Z. 1995 Traditional Chinese medicine in treatment of hyperlipidaemia. [J] Ethnopharmacol. 46(2):125-129.

[7] O'Malley AS, Reschovsky JD, Saiontz-Martinez CJ. 2015 Interspecialty communication supported by health information technology associated with lower hospitalization rates for ambulatory care-sensitive conditions. Am Board Fam.28(3):404-417..

[8] Goodwin JS. 1999 Geriatrics and the limits of modern medicine. The New England journal of medicine. 340(16):1283-1285.

[9] Erickson HL. 2007 Philosophy and theory of holism. Nurs Clin North Am. 42(2):139-163.

[10] Engel GL. 1977 The need for a new medical model: a challenge for biomedicine. Science. 196(4286):129-136.


中文标题 现代医学的局限性

英文标题The Limits of Modern Medicine

作 者 姓 名:

学 科 专 业:


指 导 教 师:

论文提交日期 2015/6/26

XX 大 学


The Limits of Modern Medicine


Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for

The Term Credit of Medical English Reading



Supervisor: xxx

Abstract Modern medicine has become more powerful during hundreds years of developing, preventing people from suffering and improving the quality of life. Hyperlipidemia, for instance, can be competed with numerous kinds of pills, which will relieve symptoms. However, there are still many problems and limits of modern medicine that emerge these years and become obstacles in its development. Four areas are listed for the limits: 1.the limits of pills themselves, which refer to their side effects and bad compliance when applied; 2. complicated classification of departments; 3. Paying more attention to pathophysiology than relieving suffering; 4. Little benefit on spirits.

Key Words: Modern medicine, hyperlipidemia, side effect, compliance, overtreatment, holism


Hyperlipidemia involves abnormally elevated levels of any lipids or lipoproteins in the blood[1]. It is the most common form of dyslipidemia (which includes any abnormal lipid levels). Nearly 3600 people die of hyperlipidemia-induced cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases every day all over the world. Epidemiological investigation confirms that the prevalence of dyslipidemia among Chinese adults has reached as high as 18.16%;in other words, about 160 million people are living with abnormal blood lipids [2]. Hyperlipidemia has become a major public

health problem that we need to face to

However, there are many problems of the treatment, including side effects and bad clinical compliance of the pills. Thus, I take the treatment of hyperlipidemia as an example of the limits of modern medicine. Chapter 1 On the pills

I.I Side effects

Treatment is expensive, invasive, and often comes with side effects that, at times, may be worse than the disease itself being treated. Many patients with hyperlipidemia require treatment with statins (HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors) to reduce cardiovascular risk. If the triglyceride level is obviously raised, fibrates (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-alpha agonists) may be preferable due to their beneficial effects. Combination treatment with statins and fibrates, while highly effective, causes a markedly increased risk of myopathy , rhabdomyolysis and liver damages, so it is only done under close supervision[3].

On the other hand, the commonly used lipid-lowering prescription drug includes cholic acid, chelating agent, nicotinic acid and phenoxyacetate, which have potential adverse reactions, such as gastrointestinal discomfort, liver damage and allergic reactions. I.II Bad compliance

As mentioned in previous text, prescription drugs need to be administered under the guidance of a doctor and require a certain treatment course as well as periodically blood test, which is so complex that not everyone can meet the demands [5]. Furthermore [6], the price of the drug is also an important factor for patients to consider about, especially for Chinese patients, who easily think of the proverb “the drug is one-third of poison.”

In conclusion, the patients might not to comply with instructions and behave passively in the treatment as expectation and thus the doctors’ advice cannot exactly play a significant role in the process of treatment. Chapter 2 complicated classification of departments

Nowadays, the doctors have been divided into many departments, such as obstetrician, pediatrician, gynecologist, dermatologist, even hand specialists who are proficient in the nerves, vessels, and thin frail tendons on human’s hands . So that they cannot handle the complete situation about a complex individual. It is usual that a patient has hyperlipidemia as well as other disease, especially when the patient is old. In the fragmented health care system, the reliable communication and coordinating care among doctors are both challenging and important [7]. Unfortunately, the specialists ’ opinions easily vary from individuals to individuals so drawing the consensus is usually difficult.

On the other hand, considering complicatedly clinical situation, the

patients often do not know which department they should register. For example, disfunction of some endocrine organs may result in hyperlipidemia, so the patients usually go to the hematology department first, but not the endocrinology department. That will cost them much time to find the right department, contributing to the deterioration of the disease.

Chapter 3 Paying more attention to pathophysiology than relieving suffering

One of the tenets of modern medicine is that we must diagnose accurately before we give a treatimet. With the available technology, diagnosis is frequently translated into direct visualization of the pathologic process. The misunderstanding results in the change of the goal of medicine. In the past, the medicine is used to relieve suffering, to help people and to heal. Correct diagnosis, based on our understanding of pathophysiology, is one way to achieve the goals. However, in modern medicine understanding diagnosis is often considered higher status than successful treatment. In some doctors’ eyes, stopping the pathologic process became extremely important, regardless of patients ’ real suffering, which is reflected in overtreatment [8], especially for old people and patients with terminal cancers. Some researchers think that overtreatment of 50-year-olds is mostly a matter of inconvenience and waste, whereas

overtreatment of 80-year-olds borders on assault.

Chapter 4 Little benefit on spirits

It goes without saying that doctors have an ever-expanding technical arsenal and knowledge of hundreds of drugs to help them treat the diseases. From the first moments in medical schools, we were taught to focus on disease rather than health, pathology rather than the person.

Maybe doctors can manage hyperlipidemia and coronary artery diseases, but they cannot comprehend or even fathom a sad and emotionally damaged person pushed into crisis by factors. It is ironic that we are so absorbed with miracles of modern technology that we have lost trust, faithes and knowledge of the extraordinary healing powers of the humans ’ minds, bodies and spirits. As we have invested in the miracles of technology, we have disinvested from the miracles of our humanities. Perhaps modern medicine, so strongly impacted by modern society with all its high-technology, became heartless and incapable of dealing with pain emanating from the soul.

A theory called holism [9], as conventionally understood, states that minds, bodies, and spirits are inseparable. Holistic healing expands this perspective to include an understanding of individuals’ attitudes, beliefs, values, support systems and environments. Such a comprehensive understanding of the causative factors in health and disease results in

more effective healing.

As George.L said [10], “A biopsychosocial model is proposed that provides a blue print for research, a framework for teaching, and a design for action in the real world of health care.”


There is still large space for modern medicine to improve, and the problems are supposed to be solved first: 1.the limits of pills themselves, which refers to their side effect and not good compliance when applied; 2. complicated classification of departments; 3. Paying more attention to pathophysiology than relieving suffering; 4. Little benefit on spirits. Modern medicine is like a skyscraper located in cities, and it still requires industry of doctors and medical educators to break the clouds.


[1] Bahmani M, Mirhoseini M, Shirzad H. etc. 2015A Review on Promising Natural Agents Effective on Hyperlipidemia. J Evid Based Complementary Altern Med. 20(3):228-238.

[2] Nelson RH. 2013 Hyperlipidemia as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Prim Care. 40(1):195-211.

[3] Chang JT, Staffa JA, Parks M. etc. 2004 Rhabdomyolysis with HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors and gemfibrozil combination therapy. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 13(7):417-426.

[4] Fundam 2007 Clin Nicotinic acid in the treatment of hyperlipidaemia. Drexel H. Pharmacol. 2:5-6.

[5] Erdine S. 2012 How do compliance, convenience, and tolerability affect blood pressure goal rates? Am J Cardiovasc Drugs. 12(5):295-302.

[6] La Cour B, Mølgaard P, Yi Z. 1995 Traditional Chinese medicine in treatment of hyperlipidaemia. [J] Ethnopharmacol. 46(2):125-129.

[7] O'Malley AS, Reschovsky JD, Saiontz-Martinez CJ. 2015 Interspecialty communication supported by health information technology associated with lower hospitalization rates for ambulatory care-sensitive conditions. Am Board Fam.28(3):404-417..

[8] Goodwin JS. 1999 Geriatrics and the limits of modern medicine. The New England journal of medicine. 340(16):1283-1285.

[9] Erickson HL. 2007 Philosophy and theory of holism. Nurs Clin North Am. 42(2):139-163.

[10] Engel GL. 1977 The need for a new medical model: a challenge for biomedicine. Science. 196(4286):129-136.


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