谭词 | 鸡年典故跟我学(五)


鸡犬不惊  (neither the chickens nor the dogs are alarmed) ①peace and tranquility ② fine military discipline: 不许一人掳掠,~the strict military discipline dictates that no one engage in looting | 鸡犬不留  (not even a chicken or a dog is left) mass slaughter; total extermination: 杀了个~ engage in mass killing | 鸡犬不宁 (not even the chickens and dogs are left in peace) great disturbance; pandemonium: 闹得~run riot or raise an uproar | 鸡犬桑麻 (cocks crow, dogs bark, mulberry and hem trees grow densely) peaceful and tranquil rural life | 鸡犬升天 (one’s dogs and chickens rise to heaven with one) followers gain (when their leader gains power): 古话说的好:一人得道,~ as the old saying goes, “when a man attains the Tao, even his pets ascend to heaven.” | 鸡犬相闻 (to hear each other’s cocks crow and dogs bark) ① dense population: 这儿已是~的村落了 it has now become a densly populated village ② to live nearby or in the neighbourhood | 鸡犬之声相闻, 老死不相往来 (people never visit each other, though the crowing of their cocks and the barking of their dogs are within hearing distance) to live within hail but never visit each other; to live in seclusion and autarky

鸡窝里飞出金凤凰  (a golden phoenix flying out of a henhouse) a person of humble origin rising to prominence

鸡争鹅斗  (chickens quarreling and geese squabbling) noisy quarreling and verbal abuse




鸡犬不惊  (neither the chickens nor the dogs are alarmed) ①peace and tranquility ② fine military discipline: 不许一人掳掠,~the strict military discipline dictates that no one engage in looting | 鸡犬不留  (not even a chicken or a dog is left) mass slaughter; total extermination: 杀了个~ engage in mass killing | 鸡犬不宁 (not even the chickens and dogs are left in peace) great disturbance; pandemonium: 闹得~run riot or raise an uproar | 鸡犬桑麻 (cocks crow, dogs bark, mulberry and hem trees grow densely) peaceful and tranquil rural life | 鸡犬升天 (one’s dogs and chickens rise to heaven with one) followers gain (when their leader gains power): 古话说的好:一人得道,~ as the old saying goes, “when a man attains the Tao, even his pets ascend to heaven.” | 鸡犬相闻 (to hear each other’s cocks crow and dogs bark) ① dense population: 这儿已是~的村落了 it has now become a densly populated village ② to live nearby or in the neighbourhood | 鸡犬之声相闻, 老死不相往来 (people never visit each other, though the crowing of their cocks and the barking of their dogs are within hearing distance) to live within hail but never visit each other; to live in seclusion and autarky

鸡窝里飞出金凤凰  (a golden phoenix flying out of a henhouse) a person of humble origin rising to prominence

鸡争鹅斗  (chickens quarreling and geese squabbling) noisy quarreling and verbal abuse




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