小学生名著推荐小勋爵读书英文小报 A3

Content introduction

rious English Earl’s youngest son,

his father’s prejudice against America, married an American girl in New York. Afterwards he died of an illness, his son Cedric——the hero of the story, lived with his mother alone. Suddenly one day, he knew he had an grandfather in England, and he is an Earl. The old Earl is an bad-tempered man, after he knew his most loving son’s death, he decided to let his grandson come back and be the heir. Faced his serious





surroundings, with his cheerful, optimistic attitude and kindest heart in the world, he finally melted

ice his grandfather’s heart, and with his good friends’ help, they saw through the fraud Minna ——a material girl. At last, he became the next Earl of


The character I like

C edric is my favourite character. Because he had the kindest heart in the world, he was always kind to his mother, his friend and everyone. So whether people knew him or not, they all loved him. His heart was soft, he felt pity for anyone who was in grim situations and he felt grateful for everything around him. When his friends was in trouble, he always donate his money from his pocket. He bought a golden watch

with their names back for Hobbs. He paid for Bridget’s rent and bought food for Bridget’s husband and her children. He gave new brushes, a big new sign, and the best boot-black business in New York to Dick. He also wrote to Newick to let him give Higgins more time to pay for his rent. So, I like Cedric best.

Grade 2, Class 10 ——name

Content introduction

rious English Earl’s youngest son,

his father’s prejudice against America, married an American girl in New York. Afterwards he died of an illness, his son Cedric——the hero of the story, lived with his mother alone. Suddenly one day, he knew he had an grandfather in England, and he is an Earl. The old Earl is an bad-tempered man, after he knew his most loving son’s death, he decided to let his grandson come back and be the heir. Faced his serious





surroundings, with his cheerful, optimistic attitude and kindest heart in the world, he finally melted

ice his grandfather’s heart, and with his good friends’ help, they saw through the fraud Minna ——a material girl. At last, he became the next Earl of


The character I like

C edric is my favourite character. Because he had the kindest heart in the world, he was always kind to his mother, his friend and everyone. So whether people knew him or not, they all loved him. His heart was soft, he felt pity for anyone who was in grim situations and he felt grateful for everything around him. When his friends was in trouble, he always donate his money from his pocket. He bought a golden watch

with their names back for Hobbs. He paid for Bridget’s rent and bought food for Bridget’s husband and her children. He gave new brushes, a big new sign, and the best boot-black business in New York to Dick. He also wrote to Newick to let him give Higgins more time to pay for his rent. So, I like Cedric best.

Grade 2, Class 10 ——name


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