Vienna 英文简介

Vienna is located in north-eastern Austria, at the easternmost extension of the Alps in the Vienna Basin. Vienna is the capital and largest city of Austria and one of the nine states of Austria.

German as the Austria's official language, is spoken nearly by eighty-nine percent of the population In Vienna, if you want to live in a pleasance cottage, you will cost around 60 to 90 euros.

In Vienna, people enjoy the slower pace of life, every afternoon, the roadside restaurants, cafes, or the park often full of people, to drink a cup of coffee, or chatting or reading.

In Vienna, Major tourist attractions include the imperial palaces of the Hofburg Palace and Schonbrunn, the cultural highlights include the Burgtheater , the Wiener Staatsoper , There are also more than 100 art museums, which together attract over eight million visitors every year. Vienna is known as the city of music .The "Golden Hall" is famous with its excellent acoustics. And it is considered one of the finest concert halls in the world. Annually the New Year's Concert is broadcasted from the Golden Hall to all around the world.

Vienna is located in north-eastern Austria, at the easternmost extension of the Alps in the Vienna Basin. Vienna is the capital and largest city of Austria and one of the nine states of Austria.

German as the Austria's official language, is spoken nearly by eighty-nine percent of the population In Vienna, if you want to live in a pleasance cottage, you will cost around 60 to 90 euros.

In Vienna, people enjoy the slower pace of life, every afternoon, the roadside restaurants, cafes, or the park often full of people, to drink a cup of coffee, or chatting or reading.

In Vienna, Major tourist attractions include the imperial palaces of the Hofburg Palace and Schonbrunn, the cultural highlights include the Burgtheater , the Wiener Staatsoper , There are also more than 100 art museums, which together attract over eight million visitors every year. Vienna is known as the city of music .The "Golden Hall" is famous with its excellent acoustics. And it is considered one of the finest concert halls in the world. Annually the New Year's Concert is broadcasted from the Golden Hall to all around the world.


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