
Hello, everybody!

My name is Lucy. I’m five years old. I come from big class of fengdan kindergarden. I love English very much. Now, (here is)a story for you:

The Blue Wooden Cabin in the Forest

There is an old beautiful blue wooden cabin in the forest. A river runs around it and there are many beautiful flowers and lots of green grass near it. All of(不要of语感更好) the animals like this beautiful and clean (不要and,变成this clean,beautiful place)place.

The fox says: “I love the green grass. I love to play(I like playing) on the grass!”

The duck says: “I love the clean river. I like to swim (like swimming)in it.”

One day. A man from the city finds(found) this beautiful place. He shouts(shouted): “Oh! What a beautiful blue wooden cabin! I like it! I’ll tell others in the city.”

“Beep! Beep!” Many people arrive at(把arrive at改成came to) the cabin by bus. They shout(shouted): “What a beautiful place! Let’s sing and dance!” They make a big noise in the forest. All of(不要of) the animals are afraid to go out!

In the evening, all the people go home. The animals go(came) out and they find (不要they,把find改成found)that everything has(had) changed.

The blue wooden cabin is very dirty. The garbage smells terrible.

The fox is very angry. He says: “It is very dirty. I can’t live here. I’ll move my home(my house)!”

The duck says: “I can’t swim in the dirty river. I’ll move my home, too!”

The elephant says: “Don’t move your homes. This is our home. Come on everybody. Let’s clean up the garbage together!”

The next day. The people find all the animals are cleaning up the garbage. They say “Sorry! Sorry! Let’s clean up the garbage together!”

In the end, the blue wooden cabin is clean again. The animals and human live together belongs to everyone forever!

That’s all, thank you!

Hello, everybody!

My name is Lucy. I’m five years old. I come from big class of fengdan kindergarden. I love English very much. Now, (here is)a story for you:

The Blue Wooden Cabin in the Forest

There is an old beautiful blue wooden cabin in the forest. A river runs around it and there are many beautiful flowers and lots of green grass near it. All of(不要of语感更好) the animals like this beautiful and clean (不要and,变成this clean,beautiful place)place.

The fox says: “I love the green grass. I love to play(I like playing) on the grass!”

The duck says: “I love the clean river. I like to swim (like swimming)in it.”

One day. A man from the city finds(found) this beautiful place. He shouts(shouted): “Oh! What a beautiful blue wooden cabin! I like it! I’ll tell others in the city.”

“Beep! Beep!” Many people arrive at(把arrive at改成came to) the cabin by bus. They shout(shouted): “What a beautiful place! Let’s sing and dance!” They make a big noise in the forest. All of(不要of) the animals are afraid to go out!

In the evening, all the people go home. The animals go(came) out and they find (不要they,把find改成found)that everything has(had) changed.

The blue wooden cabin is very dirty. The garbage smells terrible.

The fox is very angry. He says: “It is very dirty. I can’t live here. I’ll move my home(my house)!”

The duck says: “I can’t swim in the dirty river. I’ll move my home, too!”

The elephant says: “Don’t move your homes. This is our home. Come on everybody. Let’s clean up the garbage together!”

The next day. The people find all the animals are cleaning up the garbage. They say “Sorry! Sorry! Let’s clean up the garbage together!”

In the end, the blue wooden cabin is clean again. The animals and human live together belongs to everyone forever!

That’s all, thank you!


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