
Theory of Straightening on Two Roll Bar Straighteners


Bars are straightened on a two roll straightening machine by bending the bar beyond its yield point and at the same time rotating it. The bending is carried out across the horns of the concave roll.


Consider the simplified case of ‘point’ support and application of loads.


W = Straightening Load矫直力

L = Bending Centres弯曲中心距

≈ Profile Length辊身曲线长度

From bending theory按弯曲理论 = I y


M = Bending Moment 弯矩


棒材上 = 2 2 的弯矩

= W.L / 4

I = 2nd Moment of area of bar being straightened被矫直棒材面积的第二个弯矩

= p.D4 / 64 where其中 D = bar diameter.棒材直径

s = Stress induced in section of bar material being considered. 所计算的棒材断面上承受的应力 y = Distance from neutral axis to point of bar being considered. 所计算的棒材上一点到中心轴线的距离


The maximum stress is

induced in the outer fibres of 棒材

the bar. 中心线


即: i.e. y = D/2

In order to straighten the bar, sufficient bending moment must be applied to yield the bar some way below the surface. The depth of material subject to yielding must be sufficient for the outer straightened portion of the bar to overcome the unstraightened inner portion. In practice it is found that if the calculated stress induced at the surface of the bar is 1.3 times the material yield strength sy then the required straightening effect is achieved.


Therefore 所以:



4 p x D4 W



L x 64 x D


3 1.96 x L

The straightening load produces a deflection in the bar being straightened, the deflection can be calculated as follows矫直载荷使棒材在矫直时产生挠度,挠度可计算如下


d = 3 48 x E x I


331.96 x L x 48 x E x p x D4


24.62 x E x D

From the above it can be seen that the deflection required to induce sufficient stress to straighten the bar is proportional to the yield strength of the bar material and inversely proportional to the diameter of the bar.


The deflection required to straighten a bar is obtained by the bottom (convex) work roll bending the bar over the horns of the top (concave) work roll. The angle that the top work roll is set at determines the maximum amount of deflection that can be applied.


Effective shape of Top Work Roll

on Centre Line of Bar at Various Roll Angles. 在不同辊子角度时,沿棒材中心线,上辊的有效形状

辊子角度 为20º 辊子角度为10º



The above shows that as the top roll angle is increased, the deflection that can be applied

to the bar over the horns is reduced.


The effective shape of the bottom work roll is also affected by the angle at which it is set. 下辊的有效形状也被其设定角度所影响。

实际辊子曲线 (辊子角度为0º)

辊子角度为10º 辊子角度为20º

Effective shape of Bottom Work Roll

on Centre Line of Bar at Various Roll Angles. 在不同辊子角度时,沿棒材中心线,下辊的有效形状

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The deflection required to straighten a bar is achieved by a combination of the setting of the top roll angle and the height of the top roll, which regulates the gap between rolls.

矫直棒材所需的变形通过上辊角度和上辊高度(调整两辊之间的辊缝)设定的组合而实现。 The setting of the top roll angle determines the potential maximum amount of deflection that can be applied to a bar, but the amount of deflection that is actually applied can vary from zero up to this maximum by different vertical adjustment of the top roll.


The two diagrams below show two different combinations of setting that achieve the same magnitude of deflection to the bar. In both cases the diameter of the bar is relatively large compared to the capacity of the machine, although a similar situation would apply to smaller bar diameters.


In Figure 1 the top roll angle is small and the vertical adjustment such that the roll gap is considerably larger than the bar diameter. The deflection may be sufficient to straighten the bar, but this is not a good setting. The small length of contact between the bar and top roll, (localised at the roll horns) results in high contact stress and wear to the rolls and potential scroll marking of the product.


Figure 1.图1.

Figure 2 shows a better combination of angle and vertical adjustment. The top roll angle is smaller and the gap reduced to be just larger than the bar diameter. The contact length on the top roll is longer, reducing the contact pressure and danger of scroll marking the product.


Figure 2图2

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The setting of the bottom work roll angle is less critical in achieving good straightness, in fact it would be possible to achieve acceptable results for most bars with the roll angle fixed near to 20º. However for optimum surface condition of the straightened bars the angle of the bottom roll should be reduced to follow the path of the bar. This means for bars requiring less deflection the bottom roll angle should be smaller.


Care should be taken to avoid too small a bottom roll angle for any particular top roll angle, in which case a pinch condition can occur near the top roll horns. This gives little

straightening effect, produces badly marked bars and can result in spalling damage to the work rolls.


For correct straightness it is important that the guide bars are set equally about the machine centre line and are adjusted correctly as wear occurs.


The following diagram shows how opposite ends of the guide bars are loaded, the guide bars wear most where the contact load is highest. As wear occurs the guide bar should be adjusted in towards the bar, this will ensure the bar continues to take the correct path through the centre line of the machine.


If the guide bar wear is not compensated the bar will start to take an angled path through the machine, reducing the potential amount of deflection available into the top work roll and resulting in poor straightness.


Theory of Straightening on Two Roll Bar Straighteners


Bars are straightened on a two roll straightening machine by bending the bar beyond its yield point and at the same time rotating it. The bending is carried out across the horns of the concave roll.


Consider the simplified case of ‘point’ support and application of loads.


W = Straightening Load矫直力

L = Bending Centres弯曲中心距

≈ Profile Length辊身曲线长度

From bending theory按弯曲理论 = I y


M = Bending Moment 弯矩


棒材上 = 2 2 的弯矩

= W.L / 4

I = 2nd Moment of area of bar being straightened被矫直棒材面积的第二个弯矩

= p.D4 / 64 where其中 D = bar diameter.棒材直径

s = Stress induced in section of bar material being considered. 所计算的棒材断面上承受的应力 y = Distance from neutral axis to point of bar being considered. 所计算的棒材上一点到中心轴线的距离


The maximum stress is

induced in the outer fibres of 棒材

the bar. 中心线


即: i.e. y = D/2

In order to straighten the bar, sufficient bending moment must be applied to yield the bar some way below the surface. The depth of material subject to yielding must be sufficient for the outer straightened portion of the bar to overcome the unstraightened inner portion. In practice it is found that if the calculated stress induced at the surface of the bar is 1.3 times the material yield strength sy then the required straightening effect is achieved.


Therefore 所以:



4 p x D4 W



L x 64 x D


3 1.96 x L

The straightening load produces a deflection in the bar being straightened, the deflection can be calculated as follows矫直载荷使棒材在矫直时产生挠度,挠度可计算如下


d = 3 48 x E x I


331.96 x L x 48 x E x p x D4


24.62 x E x D

From the above it can be seen that the deflection required to induce sufficient stress to straighten the bar is proportional to the yield strength of the bar material and inversely proportional to the diameter of the bar.


The deflection required to straighten a bar is obtained by the bottom (convex) work roll bending the bar over the horns of the top (concave) work roll. The angle that the top work roll is set at determines the maximum amount of deflection that can be applied.


Effective shape of Top Work Roll

on Centre Line of Bar at Various Roll Angles. 在不同辊子角度时,沿棒材中心线,上辊的有效形状

辊子角度 为20º 辊子角度为10º



The above shows that as the top roll angle is increased, the deflection that can be applied

to the bar over the horns is reduced.


The effective shape of the bottom work roll is also affected by the angle at which it is set. 下辊的有效形状也被其设定角度所影响。

实际辊子曲线 (辊子角度为0º)

辊子角度为10º 辊子角度为20º

Effective shape of Bottom Work Roll

on Centre Line of Bar at Various Roll Angles. 在不同辊子角度时,沿棒材中心线,下辊的有效形状

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The deflection required to straighten a bar is achieved by a combination of the setting of the top roll angle and the height of the top roll, which regulates the gap between rolls.

矫直棒材所需的变形通过上辊角度和上辊高度(调整两辊之间的辊缝)设定的组合而实现。 The setting of the top roll angle determines the potential maximum amount of deflection that can be applied to a bar, but the amount of deflection that is actually applied can vary from zero up to this maximum by different vertical adjustment of the top roll.


The two diagrams below show two different combinations of setting that achieve the same magnitude of deflection to the bar. In both cases the diameter of the bar is relatively large compared to the capacity of the machine, although a similar situation would apply to smaller bar diameters.


In Figure 1 the top roll angle is small and the vertical adjustment such that the roll gap is considerably larger than the bar diameter. The deflection may be sufficient to straighten the bar, but this is not a good setting. The small length of contact between the bar and top roll, (localised at the roll horns) results in high contact stress and wear to the rolls and potential scroll marking of the product.


Figure 1.图1.

Figure 2 shows a better combination of angle and vertical adjustment. The top roll angle is smaller and the gap reduced to be just larger than the bar diameter. The contact length on the top roll is longer, reducing the contact pressure and danger of scroll marking the product.


Figure 2图2

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The setting of the bottom work roll angle is less critical in achieving good straightness, in fact it would be possible to achieve acceptable results for most bars with the roll angle fixed near to 20º. However for optimum surface condition of the straightened bars the angle of the bottom roll should be reduced to follow the path of the bar. This means for bars requiring less deflection the bottom roll angle should be smaller.


Care should be taken to avoid too small a bottom roll angle for any particular top roll angle, in which case a pinch condition can occur near the top roll horns. This gives little

straightening effect, produces badly marked bars and can result in spalling damage to the work rolls.


For correct straightness it is important that the guide bars are set equally about the machine centre line and are adjusted correctly as wear occurs.


The following diagram shows how opposite ends of the guide bars are loaded, the guide bars wear most where the contact load is highest. As wear occurs the guide bar should be adjusted in towards the bar, this will ensure the bar continues to take the correct path through the centre line of the machine.


If the guide bar wear is not compensated the bar will start to take an angled path through the machine, reducing the potential amount of deflection available into the top work roll and resulting in poor straightness.



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