
1.you helped me laugh
you dried my tears
because of you
i have no fears
together we live
together we grow
teaching each other
what we must know
you came in my life
and i was blessed
i luv you friend
you are the best
release my hand
and say good-bye
please my friend
don't you cry
i promise you this
it's not the end
'cause like i said
you're my friend
2.i wish for you…
comfort on difficult days
smiles when sadneintrudes
rainbows to follow the clouds
laughter to kiyour lips
sunsets to warm your heart
gentle hugs when your spirits sag
friendships to brighten your being
beauty for your eyes to see
confidence for when you're in doubt
faith so that you can believe
courage to know yourself
patience to accept the truth
and love to complete your life.
3. you're a very special person,
and i want you to know.
how i loved to be your teacher,
how fast the weeks did go!
please come back to visit me
as through the grades you grow,
try hard to learn all that you can
there is so much to know!!
the one thing i try to teach you
to last your whole life through,
is to know that you are special
just because you are you!!!
4.forget about the days
when it's been cloudy,
but don't forget your hours in the sun.
forget about the times
you've been defeated,
but don't forget the victories you've won.
forget about the mistakes
that you can't change now,
but don't forget the lessons.
forget about the misfortunes
you've encountered,
but don't forget the times your luck has turned.

forget about the days
when you've been lonely,
but don't forget the friendly
smiles you've seen……
forget about the plans
that didn't seem to work out right,
but don't forget to always have a dream

1.you helped me laugh
you dried my tears
because of you
i have no fears
together we live
together we grow
teaching each other
what we must know
you came in my life
and i was blessed
i luv you friend
you are the best
release my hand
and say good-bye
please my friend
don't you cry
i promise you this
it's not the end
'cause like i said
you're my friend
2.i wish for you…
comfort on difficult days
smiles when sadneintrudes
rainbows to follow the clouds
laughter to kiyour lips
sunsets to warm your heart
gentle hugs when your spirits sag
friendships to brighten your being
beauty for your eyes to see
confidence for when you're in doubt
faith so that you can believe
courage to know yourself
patience to accept the truth
and love to complete your life.
3. you're a very special person,
and i want you to know.
how i loved to be your teacher,
how fast the weeks did go!
please come back to visit me
as through the grades you grow,
try hard to learn all that you can
there is so much to know!!
the one thing i try to teach you
to last your whole life through,
is to know that you are special
just because you are you!!!
4.forget about the days
when it's been cloudy,
but don't forget your hours in the sun.
forget about the times
you've been defeated,
but don't forget the victories you've won.
forget about the mistakes
that you can't change now,
but don't forget the lessons.
forget about the misfortunes
you've encountered,
but don't forget the times your luck has turned.

forget about the days
when you've been lonely,
but don't forget the friendly
smiles you've seen……
forget about the plans
that didn't seem to work out right,
but don't forget to always have a dream


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