
常 见 西 餐 名 称

8.肉 meat

红焖里脊 braised fillet 铁扒里脊 grilled fillet 炸里脊片 fried fillet slices

洋葱软炸里脊片 soft fried fillet slices with onion 红酒里脊 fillet with red wine 罐焖里脊 fillet a la Duchesse 里脊串 fillet shashlik 火锅里脊 fillet podjarka 里脊扒 fillet steak

鸡蛋里脊扒 fillet steak with egg

口蘑汁里脊扒 fillet steak with mushroom sauce 奶油口蘑里脊丝 fillet a la Stroganoff 咖哩里脊丝 curry shredded fillet 总会牛排 club steak 牛肉扒 beef steak

牛肉扒托蛋 beef steak with egg 鸡蛋牛肉扒 beef steak with egg 葱头牛肉扒 beef steak with onion 蔬菜牛肉扒 beef steak with vegetables 汉堡牛排 Hamburg steak; hamburger 德式牛肉扒 Hamburg steak; hamburger 德式鸡蛋牛肉扒 Hamburg steak with egg 德式牛肉扒蛋 Hamburg steak with egg 法式牛肉扒 French steak

罗马尼亚式牛肉扒 Rum steak

奶油口蘑牛肉丝 beef a la Stroganoff

番茄汁奶油口蘑牛肉丝 beef a la Stroganoff with tomato sauce 什锦汁牛肉丸子 beef balls with mixed sauce 牛肉丸子米饭 beef balls with rice 咖哩牛肉 curry beef

咖哩牛肉米饭 curry beef with rice 蔬菜烤牛肉 roast beef with vegetables 铁扒牛肉片 grilled beef slices

面条烩牛肉 stewed beef with noodles 焖牛肉 braised beef

家常焖牛肉 braised beef in home style 犹太式焖牛肉 braised beef in Jewish style 洋葱焖牛肉 braised beef with onions

通心粉红焖牛肉 braised beef with macaroni 细面条红焖牛肉 braised beef with spaghetti 咖哩牛肉米饭 braised beef rolls with rice 焖小牛胸口 braised veal breast 酿馅小牛胸口 stuffed veal breast

土豆泥软煎小牛胸口 soft fried veal breast with mashed potatoes 炸小牛肉片 fried veal slices

土豆泥煎小牛排 fried veal chop with mashed potato 煎小牛肝 fried veal liver 小牛肉串 veal shashlik 炸牛腰子 fried ox kidney 炸牛脑 fried ox brain

蔬菜炸牛脑 fried ox brain with vegetables 炸牛舌 fried ox tongue 焖牛舌 braised ox tongue

家常焖牛舌 braised ox tongue in home style 罐焖牛舌 ox tongue a la Duchesse 土豆烧牛肉 goulash

黄油焖羊肉 braised mutton with butter

奶油烩羊肉片米饭 stewed mutton slices in cream with rice 蔬菜炸羊排 fried mutton chop with vegetables 炸羔羊腿 fried lamb leg 烤羔羊腿 roast lamb leg

黄油焖羔羊腰子 braised lamb kidney with butter 羊肉串 mutton shashlik 羔羊肉串 lamb shashlik

清煎猪排 natural fried pork chop 炸猪排 fried pork chop

什锦汁煎猪肉 fried pork with mixed sauce

洋葱汁煎猪肉 fried pork slices with onion sauce

奶油洋葱汁煎猪肉片 fried pork slices with cream and onion sauce

干葱头煎猪肝 fried pork liver with dry onion 烤猪肉 roast pork

酸菜烤猪肉 roast pork with sour cabbage

酸菜烤猪排 roast pork chop with sour cabbage 白豆焖猪排 braised pork chop with white beans 黄油焖猪里脊 braised pork fillet with butter 奶油烩猪肉片 stewed pork slices with cream 火锅猪肉片 pork podjarka 火锅猪排 pork chop podjarka 法式猪排 pork chop a la France 猪里脊串 pork fillet shashlik 罐焖猪肉 pork a la Duchesse

奶油焖山猫 braised hare with cream

奶油烩杂拌肉 stewed mixed meat with cream 奶油烩香肠 stewed sausage with cream 烩丸子 stewed meat balls

肉丸子米饭 meat balls with rice

奶酪口蘑烤杂拌肉 mixed meat au gratin 烤叉烧 barbecued pork

9.通心粉 macaroni 通心粉 macaroni

肉丝炒通心粉 fried macaroni with shredded meat 番茄汁炒通心粉 fried macaroni with tomato sauce 黄油炒通心粉 fried macaroni with butter

鸡肉火腿炒通心粉 fried macaroni with chicken and ham 肉汁炒通心粉 fried macaroni with meat sauce

大虾鸡蛋炒通心粉 fried macaroni with prawns and eggs 奶酪口蘑烤通心粉 macaroni au gratin 奶酪烤通心粉 baked macaroni with cheese

肉丝番茄烤通心粉 baked macaroni with shredded meat and tomato 细通心粉 spaghetti 意式面条 spaghetti

鸡肉火腿炒面 fried spaghetti with chicken and ham

鸡丝番茄炒面 fried spaghetti with shredded chicken and tomato 大虾肉炒面 fried spaghetti with prawn and meat 大虾番茄炒面 fried noodles with prawn and tomato 大虾番茄烤面条 baked noodles with prawn and tomato

10.粥 porridge

牛奶大米粥 rice porridge with milk 麦片粥 oatmeal porridge

11.炒饭 fried rice 炒饭 fried rice

肉末炒饭 fried rice with minced meat 什锦炒饭 fried rice with mixed meat

番茄鸡丁炒饭 fried rice with tomato and chicken cubes 鸡蛋炒饭 fried rice with eggs

鱼丁炒饭 fried rice with chopped fish 大虾炒饭 fried rice with prawns 黄油炒饭 fried rice with butter

12.面包 bread

面包 bread 面包干 rusk

磨牙面包干 teething rusk 面包屑 bread crumbs; crumbs 面包渣儿 bread crumbs; crumbs 新烤的面包 freshly baked bread 不新鲜的面包 stale bread 陈面包 stale bread

未烤透的面包 soggy bread 受潮的面包 soggy bread 水泡的面包 soggy bread 佐餐面包 loaf

面包片 sliced bread; slice of bread 一片面包 a slice of bread 烤面包片 toast 奶酪烤面包片 cheese toast 无黄油烤面包片 dry toast 抹黄油的面包 bread and butter

面包抹黄油 bread and butter 黄油面包 butter bread 无黄油面包 dry bread

白面包 white bread 黑面包 black bread; brown bread; rye bread 裸麦面包 rye bread 粗裸麦面包 pumpernickel 自然发酵面包 self-rising bread 死面面包 unleavened bread 姜饼 ginger bread

法式面包 French bread

小圆面包 bun 小甜面包 bun 奶油面包 cream bun 果酱面包 jam bun 红肠面包 hot dog 热狗 hot dog 面包卷 roll

奶酪面包卷 cheese roll 咖啡面包卷 coffee roll 羊角面包 crescent-shaped roll; crescent; croissant 牛角面包 crescent-shaped roll; crescent; croissant 新月形面包 crescent-shaped roll; crescent; croissant

短棍面包 baton 棒状面包卷 baton roll 法式小面包 French roll 油炸面包丁 croutons

a.三明治 sandwich

夹肉面包 sandwich 三明治 sandwich

火腿三明治 ham sandwich 香肠三明治 sausage sandwich 杂肉三明治 mixed meat sandwich 鸡肉三明治 chicken sandwich 总会三明治 club sandwich 奶酪三明治 cheese sandwich 炒蛋三明治 omelette/omelet sandwich

13.馅饼 pie

馅饼 pie 饼 pie 排 pie 派 pie 小馅饼 patty

肉馅饼 meat pie; patty 牛肉馅饼 hamburger patty; hamburger 汉堡包 hamburger patty; hamburger 薄荷糕 pepper mint patty 苹果饼 apple pie; apple tart 苹果排 apple pie; apple tart 苹果馅饼 apple pie; apple tart

水果馅饼 fruit pie; fruit flan 果馅饼 tart; flan

巧克力馅饼 chocolate pie 巧克力饼 chocolate pie 巧克力排 chocolate pie

柠檬饼 lemon pie 柠檬排 lemon pie 香蕉饼 banana pie 香蕉排 banana pie 奶昔饼 milk curd pie 奶昔排 milk curd pie 法式甜馅饼 French pastry

14.肉饼 cutlet

牛肉饼 minced beef cutlet

清煎小牛肉饼 natural fried veal cutlet

蔬菜猪肉饼 minced pork cutlet with vegetables

土豆泥拌肉饼 minced meat cutlet with mashed potatoes 葱头肉饼 meat cutlet with onion

奶酪口蘑烤鸡排 chicken cutlet au gratin 炸鸡排 fried chicken cutlet

炸鸡肉饼 fried minced chicken cutlet

蔬菜鸡肉饼 chicken cutlet with vegetables

土豆泥清煎鸡肉饼 fried chicken cutlet with mashed potatoes 炸鱼肉饼 fried fish cutlet

炸鱼虾饼 fried fish and prawn cutlet

土豆泥煎鱼饼 fried fish cutlet with mashed potatoes 鲜豌豆饼 fresh pea cutlet

15.饼卷 pancake roll

肉馅煎饼卷 fried pancake roll with meat filling 炸口蘑鸡卷 fried chicken roll with mushrooms 炸奶酪鸡卷 fried chicken roll with cheese

炸龙虾鸡肝卷 fried lobster roll with chicken liver 炸奶酪虾卷 fried prawn roll with cheese 炸口蘑虾卷 fried prawn roll with mushrooms

炸鸭肝馅虾卷 fried prawn roll with duck liver filling

炸枣咸肉卷 fried bacon roll with dates 烤火腿鸭卷 roast duck roll with ham 香肠肉卷 sausage roll 奶油卷 cream roll 鸡蛋卷 crispy egg roll; egg roll 蛋卷 egg roll 果酱鸡蛋卷 egg roll with jam

16.布丁 pudding

葡萄干布丁 raisin pudding 牛奶布丁 milk pudding 黄油布丁 butter pudding 面包布丁 bread pudding 水果面包布丁 fruit and bread pudding 大米布丁 rice pudding

奶蛋饼布丁 custard pudding 煎白兰地布丁 fried brandy pudding

17.饭后甜食 dessert

甜食 dessert 甜点心 dessert 炸果饼 fritter

炸苹果饼 apple fritter 蛋奶酥 souffle

苹果蛋奶酥 apple souffle 奶酪蛋奶酥 cheese souffle 水果冻 fruit jelly 果冻 fruit jelly

菠萝冻 pineapple jelly 巧克力冻 chocolate jelly 奶油可可冻 chocolate jelly 松糕 trifle

松饼 puff pastry 可可松饼 cocoa puff 奶油松饼 cream puff 奶蛋饼 custard

烩蜜桃 stewed peach 烩杏 stewed apricot 烩梨 stewed pear 烩蜜枣 stewed dates

鲜水果沙拉 fresh fruit salad 蜜桃沙拉 peach salad 菠萝沙拉 pineapple salad 桔子沙拉 orange salad

常 见 西 餐 名 称

8.肉 meat

红焖里脊 braised fillet 铁扒里脊 grilled fillet 炸里脊片 fried fillet slices

洋葱软炸里脊片 soft fried fillet slices with onion 红酒里脊 fillet with red wine 罐焖里脊 fillet a la Duchesse 里脊串 fillet shashlik 火锅里脊 fillet podjarka 里脊扒 fillet steak

鸡蛋里脊扒 fillet steak with egg

口蘑汁里脊扒 fillet steak with mushroom sauce 奶油口蘑里脊丝 fillet a la Stroganoff 咖哩里脊丝 curry shredded fillet 总会牛排 club steak 牛肉扒 beef steak

牛肉扒托蛋 beef steak with egg 鸡蛋牛肉扒 beef steak with egg 葱头牛肉扒 beef steak with onion 蔬菜牛肉扒 beef steak with vegetables 汉堡牛排 Hamburg steak; hamburger 德式牛肉扒 Hamburg steak; hamburger 德式鸡蛋牛肉扒 Hamburg steak with egg 德式牛肉扒蛋 Hamburg steak with egg 法式牛肉扒 French steak

罗马尼亚式牛肉扒 Rum steak

奶油口蘑牛肉丝 beef a la Stroganoff

番茄汁奶油口蘑牛肉丝 beef a la Stroganoff with tomato sauce 什锦汁牛肉丸子 beef balls with mixed sauce 牛肉丸子米饭 beef balls with rice 咖哩牛肉 curry beef

咖哩牛肉米饭 curry beef with rice 蔬菜烤牛肉 roast beef with vegetables 铁扒牛肉片 grilled beef slices

面条烩牛肉 stewed beef with noodles 焖牛肉 braised beef

家常焖牛肉 braised beef in home style 犹太式焖牛肉 braised beef in Jewish style 洋葱焖牛肉 braised beef with onions

通心粉红焖牛肉 braised beef with macaroni 细面条红焖牛肉 braised beef with spaghetti 咖哩牛肉米饭 braised beef rolls with rice 焖小牛胸口 braised veal breast 酿馅小牛胸口 stuffed veal breast

土豆泥软煎小牛胸口 soft fried veal breast with mashed potatoes 炸小牛肉片 fried veal slices

土豆泥煎小牛排 fried veal chop with mashed potato 煎小牛肝 fried veal liver 小牛肉串 veal shashlik 炸牛腰子 fried ox kidney 炸牛脑 fried ox brain

蔬菜炸牛脑 fried ox brain with vegetables 炸牛舌 fried ox tongue 焖牛舌 braised ox tongue

家常焖牛舌 braised ox tongue in home style 罐焖牛舌 ox tongue a la Duchesse 土豆烧牛肉 goulash

黄油焖羊肉 braised mutton with butter

奶油烩羊肉片米饭 stewed mutton slices in cream with rice 蔬菜炸羊排 fried mutton chop with vegetables 炸羔羊腿 fried lamb leg 烤羔羊腿 roast lamb leg

黄油焖羔羊腰子 braised lamb kidney with butter 羊肉串 mutton shashlik 羔羊肉串 lamb shashlik

清煎猪排 natural fried pork chop 炸猪排 fried pork chop

什锦汁煎猪肉 fried pork with mixed sauce

洋葱汁煎猪肉 fried pork slices with onion sauce

奶油洋葱汁煎猪肉片 fried pork slices with cream and onion sauce

干葱头煎猪肝 fried pork liver with dry onion 烤猪肉 roast pork

酸菜烤猪肉 roast pork with sour cabbage

酸菜烤猪排 roast pork chop with sour cabbage 白豆焖猪排 braised pork chop with white beans 黄油焖猪里脊 braised pork fillet with butter 奶油烩猪肉片 stewed pork slices with cream 火锅猪肉片 pork podjarka 火锅猪排 pork chop podjarka 法式猪排 pork chop a la France 猪里脊串 pork fillet shashlik 罐焖猪肉 pork a la Duchesse

奶油焖山猫 braised hare with cream

奶油烩杂拌肉 stewed mixed meat with cream 奶油烩香肠 stewed sausage with cream 烩丸子 stewed meat balls

肉丸子米饭 meat balls with rice

奶酪口蘑烤杂拌肉 mixed meat au gratin 烤叉烧 barbecued pork

9.通心粉 macaroni 通心粉 macaroni

肉丝炒通心粉 fried macaroni with shredded meat 番茄汁炒通心粉 fried macaroni with tomato sauce 黄油炒通心粉 fried macaroni with butter

鸡肉火腿炒通心粉 fried macaroni with chicken and ham 肉汁炒通心粉 fried macaroni with meat sauce

大虾鸡蛋炒通心粉 fried macaroni with prawns and eggs 奶酪口蘑烤通心粉 macaroni au gratin 奶酪烤通心粉 baked macaroni with cheese

肉丝番茄烤通心粉 baked macaroni with shredded meat and tomato 细通心粉 spaghetti 意式面条 spaghetti

鸡肉火腿炒面 fried spaghetti with chicken and ham

鸡丝番茄炒面 fried spaghetti with shredded chicken and tomato 大虾肉炒面 fried spaghetti with prawn and meat 大虾番茄炒面 fried noodles with prawn and tomato 大虾番茄烤面条 baked noodles with prawn and tomato

10.粥 porridge

牛奶大米粥 rice porridge with milk 麦片粥 oatmeal porridge

11.炒饭 fried rice 炒饭 fried rice

肉末炒饭 fried rice with minced meat 什锦炒饭 fried rice with mixed meat

番茄鸡丁炒饭 fried rice with tomato and chicken cubes 鸡蛋炒饭 fried rice with eggs

鱼丁炒饭 fried rice with chopped fish 大虾炒饭 fried rice with prawns 黄油炒饭 fried rice with butter

12.面包 bread

面包 bread 面包干 rusk

磨牙面包干 teething rusk 面包屑 bread crumbs; crumbs 面包渣儿 bread crumbs; crumbs 新烤的面包 freshly baked bread 不新鲜的面包 stale bread 陈面包 stale bread

未烤透的面包 soggy bread 受潮的面包 soggy bread 水泡的面包 soggy bread 佐餐面包 loaf

面包片 sliced bread; slice of bread 一片面包 a slice of bread 烤面包片 toast 奶酪烤面包片 cheese toast 无黄油烤面包片 dry toast 抹黄油的面包 bread and butter

面包抹黄油 bread and butter 黄油面包 butter bread 无黄油面包 dry bread

白面包 white bread 黑面包 black bread; brown bread; rye bread 裸麦面包 rye bread 粗裸麦面包 pumpernickel 自然发酵面包 self-rising bread 死面面包 unleavened bread 姜饼 ginger bread

法式面包 French bread

小圆面包 bun 小甜面包 bun 奶油面包 cream bun 果酱面包 jam bun 红肠面包 hot dog 热狗 hot dog 面包卷 roll

奶酪面包卷 cheese roll 咖啡面包卷 coffee roll 羊角面包 crescent-shaped roll; crescent; croissant 牛角面包 crescent-shaped roll; crescent; croissant 新月形面包 crescent-shaped roll; crescent; croissant

短棍面包 baton 棒状面包卷 baton roll 法式小面包 French roll 油炸面包丁 croutons

a.三明治 sandwich

夹肉面包 sandwich 三明治 sandwich

火腿三明治 ham sandwich 香肠三明治 sausage sandwich 杂肉三明治 mixed meat sandwich 鸡肉三明治 chicken sandwich 总会三明治 club sandwich 奶酪三明治 cheese sandwich 炒蛋三明治 omelette/omelet sandwich

13.馅饼 pie

馅饼 pie 饼 pie 排 pie 派 pie 小馅饼 patty

肉馅饼 meat pie; patty 牛肉馅饼 hamburger patty; hamburger 汉堡包 hamburger patty; hamburger 薄荷糕 pepper mint patty 苹果饼 apple pie; apple tart 苹果排 apple pie; apple tart 苹果馅饼 apple pie; apple tart

水果馅饼 fruit pie; fruit flan 果馅饼 tart; flan

巧克力馅饼 chocolate pie 巧克力饼 chocolate pie 巧克力排 chocolate pie

柠檬饼 lemon pie 柠檬排 lemon pie 香蕉饼 banana pie 香蕉排 banana pie 奶昔饼 milk curd pie 奶昔排 milk curd pie 法式甜馅饼 French pastry

14.肉饼 cutlet

牛肉饼 minced beef cutlet

清煎小牛肉饼 natural fried veal cutlet

蔬菜猪肉饼 minced pork cutlet with vegetables

土豆泥拌肉饼 minced meat cutlet with mashed potatoes 葱头肉饼 meat cutlet with onion

奶酪口蘑烤鸡排 chicken cutlet au gratin 炸鸡排 fried chicken cutlet

炸鸡肉饼 fried minced chicken cutlet

蔬菜鸡肉饼 chicken cutlet with vegetables

土豆泥清煎鸡肉饼 fried chicken cutlet with mashed potatoes 炸鱼肉饼 fried fish cutlet

炸鱼虾饼 fried fish and prawn cutlet

土豆泥煎鱼饼 fried fish cutlet with mashed potatoes 鲜豌豆饼 fresh pea cutlet

15.饼卷 pancake roll

肉馅煎饼卷 fried pancake roll with meat filling 炸口蘑鸡卷 fried chicken roll with mushrooms 炸奶酪鸡卷 fried chicken roll with cheese

炸龙虾鸡肝卷 fried lobster roll with chicken liver 炸奶酪虾卷 fried prawn roll with cheese 炸口蘑虾卷 fried prawn roll with mushrooms

炸鸭肝馅虾卷 fried prawn roll with duck liver filling

炸枣咸肉卷 fried bacon roll with dates 烤火腿鸭卷 roast duck roll with ham 香肠肉卷 sausage roll 奶油卷 cream roll 鸡蛋卷 crispy egg roll; egg roll 蛋卷 egg roll 果酱鸡蛋卷 egg roll with jam

16.布丁 pudding

葡萄干布丁 raisin pudding 牛奶布丁 milk pudding 黄油布丁 butter pudding 面包布丁 bread pudding 水果面包布丁 fruit and bread pudding 大米布丁 rice pudding

奶蛋饼布丁 custard pudding 煎白兰地布丁 fried brandy pudding

17.饭后甜食 dessert

甜食 dessert 甜点心 dessert 炸果饼 fritter

炸苹果饼 apple fritter 蛋奶酥 souffle

苹果蛋奶酥 apple souffle 奶酪蛋奶酥 cheese souffle 水果冻 fruit jelly 果冻 fruit jelly

菠萝冻 pineapple jelly 巧克力冻 chocolate jelly 奶油可可冻 chocolate jelly 松糕 trifle

松饼 puff pastry 可可松饼 cocoa puff 奶油松饼 cream puff 奶蛋饼 custard

烩蜜桃 stewed peach 烩杏 stewed apricot 烩梨 stewed pear 烩蜜枣 stewed dates

鲜水果沙拉 fresh fruit salad 蜜桃沙拉 peach salad 菠萝沙拉 pineapple salad 桔子沙拉 orange salad


  • 西餐的英语单词名称
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  • 职业技能大赛之酒店服务与管理赛项规程 一.大赛内容说明 (一) 比赛项目 1.餐厅服务(中餐摆台) 2.餐厅服务(西餐摆台) 3.客房服务(中式铺床) 4.调酒(鸡尾酒调制) (二)比赛内容 1.仪容仪表(10分):主要考察选手的仪容仪表是否符合酒店服务行业的基本要求及岗位要求. 2.理论知识(30 ...

  • 寒假社会实践报告-西餐厅打工
  • 费伦斯堡西餐厅寒假社会实践报告 在短短四十几天的假期里,为了提高自己的社会适应能力,树立自己的责任意识,积累工作经验,我进入了费伦斯堡西餐厅,成为了一名西餐厅服务生.短暂又难忘的实践旅程就像白驹过隙般,转眼即逝.在西餐厅实习的这一个多月,自己变的成熟了,也独立了许多. 在西餐厅最基本的就是为客人端倒 ...

  • 全国旅游饭店服务技能大赛比赛规则和评分标准
  • 全国旅游饭店服务技能大赛比赛规则和评分标准 客房服务(中式铺床)比赛规则和评分标准 一比赛内容:标准中式铺床 二比赛要求 1操作时间3分钟(提前完成不加分,每超过10秒扣2分,不足10秒按10秒计算,超过1分钟不予计分) 2选手必须佩带参赛证提前进入比赛场地,裁判员统一口令开始准备后进行准备,准备时 ...

  • 西餐厅岗位职责及任职条件
  • 西餐厅经理岗位职责及任职条件 一.岗位职责 1. 指导.监督餐厅的日常经营活动,保证餐厅各项服务质量保持在酒店要求的水平上. 2. 每餐前召开班前会,总结当日工作重点,明确分工,及时向员工传达意见. 3. 巡视餐厅营业区域,确保经营.服务工作高效率,注意物品是否齐备,检查摆台是否符合标准.卫生情况是 ...

  • 酒吧常见西餐名称英语
  • 酒名及酒吧用具的中英文对照 一.白兰地(BRANDY) 一般纯饮.使用白兰地杯.但如客人要求加冰饮用则用古典杯(OLD FASHION GLASS)或(ROCK GLASS).白兰地的产地在法国.法国白兰地是用法定大香槟区的优质葡萄来酿造的.又分为干邑(COGNAC)和雅马邑(ARMAGNAC)两大 ...

  • 酒店各职位英语名称
  • 酒店各职位英语名称 董事长:Director 收银主管:Cashier Officer 总经理:General Manager 信贷主管: Loan Officer 总经办:Executive Office 应付主管:Payable Officer 总经办主任:Director of Executi ...

  • 西餐汁酱小常识
  • 烧汁 将牛肉及牛骨放入焗炉焗香透 杂菜(洋葱.西芹.甘笋)用蕃茄酱一同炒香至熟透 加入适量的水,放入西餐常用的杂香草,连同焗好的肉同骨一起熬上6小时以上,待其汁水收浓即可. 一般所有的西餐扒类汁酱都是用烧汁来做汁底配以其他香料或原料来煮成,以其名做汁酱名称. 例如: 黑椒汁 (配黑椒碎煮) 杂菌汁 ...

  • 西餐英语大全
  • 西餐英语大全 西餐英语大全 Flatware 西餐具 Setting the silver doesn't require a road map. Place the pieces in the order they'll be used, working from the outside in. ...