美国教育 (英语版)

The education in America

[1**********]4 郭濛濛 The United States is a young country in the history of the world. In contrast, its education starts later, but his development is extremely rapid. On the one hand, because the United States social development is better, and good for the development of the individual future, on the other hand , the United States education is strong .The United States is a big country in education and a powerful educational power. Discussing American education is a very complex problem, because the United States is a multicultural country, fifty states have 50 different educational system. In my view, there are many reasons for the influence of American education and the formation of the American education system . Education is a belief. The American believes that one person, regardless of what situation, there are two things that must be done, and with the life, one is educated, the first is the new religion. Education and religion parallel, education and religion as important. The American value of education reached the same religious realm as the religion. This is a notable feature of American education system, which is different from other European countries. The Western way of education is close to nature and is closer to the society. School exams and thorough understanding of knowledge are the goal of Chinese education, while western students pay more attention to practice and exercise all aspects of the ability. The main purpose of the study is to develop students' innovative thinking.. The advantage of American education is that it pays attention to the

students' ability to think independently and to think about the problem, and cultivate students' ability of dialectical thinking.. This can be into a society to focus on innovative thinking to prepare for. Its education goal is precisely and creates the talented person density society's request to conform to.

The education in America

[1**********]4 郭濛濛 The United States is a young country in the history of the world. In contrast, its education starts later, but his development is extremely rapid. On the one hand, because the United States social development is better, and good for the development of the individual future, on the other hand , the United States education is strong .The United States is a big country in education and a powerful educational power. Discussing American education is a very complex problem, because the United States is a multicultural country, fifty states have 50 different educational system. In my view, there are many reasons for the influence of American education and the formation of the American education system . Education is a belief. The American believes that one person, regardless of what situation, there are two things that must be done, and with the life, one is educated, the first is the new religion. Education and religion parallel, education and religion as important. The American value of education reached the same religious realm as the religion. This is a notable feature of American education system, which is different from other European countries. The Western way of education is close to nature and is closer to the society. School exams and thorough understanding of knowledge are the goal of Chinese education, while western students pay more attention to practice and exercise all aspects of the ability. The main purpose of the study is to develop students' innovative thinking.. The advantage of American education is that it pays attention to the

students' ability to think independently and to think about the problem, and cultivate students' ability of dialectical thinking.. This can be into a society to focus on innovative thinking to prepare for. Its education goal is precisely and creates the talented person density society's request to conform to.


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