
推荐Eric Clapton的My Father's Eyes,很动听!
歌词 Eric Clapton - My Father’s Eyes
   Sailing down behind the sun,
   Waiting for my prince to come.
   Praying for the healing rain
   To restore my soul again.
   Just a toerag on the run.
How did I get here?
What have I done?
   When will all my hopes arise?
How will I know him?
   When I look in my father’s eyes.
My father’s eyes.
   When I look in my father’s eyes.
My father’s eyes.
   Then the light begins to shine
   And I hear those ancient lullabies.
   And as I watch this seedling grow,
   Feel my heart start to overflow.
   Where do I find the words to say?
How do I teach him?
What do we play?
   Bit by bit, I’ve realized
   That’s when I need them,
   That’s when I need my father’s eyes.
My father’s eyes.
   That’s when I need my father’s eyes.
My father’s eyes.
   Then the jagged edge appears
   Through the distant clouds of tears.
   I’m like a bridge that was washed away;
   My foundations were made of clay.
   As my soul slides down to die.
   How could I lose him?
What did I try?
   Bit by bit, I’ve realized
   That he was here with me;
   I looked into my father’s eyes.
My father’s eyes.
   I looked into my father’s eyes.
My father’s eyes.
My father’s eyes.
My father’s eyes.
   I looked into my father’s eyes.
My father’s eyes.

推荐Eric Clapton的My Father's Eyes,很动听!
歌词 Eric Clapton - My Father’s Eyes
   Sailing down behind the sun,
   Waiting for my prince to come.
   Praying for the healing rain
   To restore my soul again.
   Just a toerag on the run.
How did I get here?
What have I done?
   When will all my hopes arise?
How will I know him?
   When I look in my father’s eyes.
My father’s eyes.
   When I look in my father’s eyes.
My father’s eyes.
   Then the light begins to shine
   And I hear those ancient lullabies.
   And as I watch this seedling grow,
   Feel my heart start to overflow.
   Where do I find the words to say?
How do I teach him?
What do we play?
   Bit by bit, I’ve realized
   That’s when I need them,
   That’s when I need my father’s eyes.
My father’s eyes.
   That’s when I need my father’s eyes.
My father’s eyes.
   Then the jagged edge appears
   Through the distant clouds of tears.
   I’m like a bridge that was washed away;
   My foundations were made of clay.
   As my soul slides down to die.
   How could I lose him?
What did I try?
   Bit by bit, I’ve realized
   That he was here with me;
   I looked into my father’s eyes.
My father’s eyes.
   I looked into my father’s eyes.
My father’s eyes.
My father’s eyes.
My father’s eyes.
   I looked into my father’s eyes.
My father’s eyes.


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