
  In that Faraway Land(Preface)



  It was raining outside, so the room seemed rather dark and unusually quiet. I walked back and forth in the room, changed the water in the flower vase, straightened up all the cushions, and wiped the tea-table glass until it was spotless. No one rang the doorbell, and no one called me on the phone. After pacing back and forth a few times in front of the window and behind the door, I finally could find no more excuses, so I had to sit myself down on the sofa.


  My heart was pounding wildly as I placed the photo album squarely in front of me. I didn’t know what I would see after I opened it, nor did I know what sort of feelings would come over me.


  But there was one thing I was sure of: once I opened the album, I would never be the one I used to be.


  Finally, I opened it.


  Then, right on the first page, right in the first photograph, was that river, that river that grandma spoke of so many times when I was a little child in her arms――Under layers of gray purple clouds, the enormous Xilamulun River rushes out to me from gently rolling hills with shining waves and powerful sound.


  At that point I burst into tears, in a gloomy, quiet room on a drizzly afternoon in Southern China.


  That river originates in my mother’s hometown――Hexigten Banner of Chifeng City in Inner Mongolia.


  The source of the river is hidden in an untrodden primeval forest where the trees stretch on for hundreds of miles, where birds sing happily from morning till night, and where cataracts surge like galloping horses. Under those lonely enormous Frigid Zone trees, little rivulets flow together one by one, winding and weaving their way over the forest floor till they form a wide swell of swirling water gushing down into the endless grassland.



  My mother once said that if one travels by car from the Mongolia Enclose to Duolun County in Chahar province, one has to cross 150 kilometers of timberland. “It was a veritable sea of trees,” she said, “and it seemed one would never walk out of it. When we crossed over it in the spring, the whole forest was just bursting with fragrances. You could distinguish the scent of flowers from the scent of the grasses and that of the trees. I always felt even the fog and dews which left on my coat were full of fresh fragrance.


  Once when the jeep we were riding in had just left the forest and entered a huge stretch of grassland, a whole herd of wild horses galloped past right before us. Among them there was one horse that had incredibly pure white hair, shining as white as snow and as bright as midday. At that moment how I wished I was not sitting in a jeep, but on the back of that snow-white stallion. ”


  Grandma once told us that my mother was always an obedient and considerate child, and that during the years that she brought up the five of us kids, she was always a gentle and quiet wife. But I would always remember her expression when she spoke of her youth, of the youth time when she caught sight of that wild white horse .


  It has already been twenty-two years since grandma passed away, and my mother also left us this past spring. Ah, how things pass away in this world, in this endless succession of days and nights! Only that river continues to flow on and on, over that same vast stretch of grassland.


  A friend wrote to me in a letter, “I once walked for a while along the Xilamulun River. If you had been in my place, I wondered, how would you have felt?


  I didn’t have to wait, I thought, until I walked along that river to begin to think of my family. Right at this moment I was thinking of them so intensely, thinking of my mother, of my mother’s mother, thinking of their lives of wandering, of that long, long road that they should not have set out upon in the first place, but in the end had to set out upon.


  Would I feel that it was too late?


  What I meant was if . . . if one day I really came to that river, would it already be too late?


  I prayed with all my heart that everything would not be too late. I hoped that the source of the river would still be there. I hoped that the endless pine forest would still be a sea of trees. It was right at the end of spring and the beginning of summer, and the sun was shining brightly. There are flowers and trees everywhere, and the forest was brimming with fragrances. I hoped that on the great grasslands at the edge of the forest, I would see a herd of wild horses galloping past right before my eyes. And I hoped that among them there would be one horse galloping as fast as an arrow, its hair as white as snow, shimmering brightly in the rays of the sun.

  In that Faraway Land(Preface)



  It was raining outside, so the room seemed rather dark and unusually quiet. I walked back and forth in the room, changed the water in the flower vase, straightened up all the cushions, and wiped the tea-table glass until it was spotless. No one rang the doorbell, and no one called me on the phone. After pacing back and forth a few times in front of the window and behind the door, I finally could find no more excuses, so I had to sit myself down on the sofa.


  My heart was pounding wildly as I placed the photo album squarely in front of me. I didn’t know what I would see after I opened it, nor did I know what sort of feelings would come over me.


  But there was one thing I was sure of: once I opened the album, I would never be the one I used to be.


  Finally, I opened it.


  Then, right on the first page, right in the first photograph, was that river, that river that grandma spoke of so many times when I was a little child in her arms――Under layers of gray purple clouds, the enormous Xilamulun River rushes out to me from gently rolling hills with shining waves and powerful sound.


  At that point I burst into tears, in a gloomy, quiet room on a drizzly afternoon in Southern China.


  That river originates in my mother’s hometown――Hexigten Banner of Chifeng City in Inner Mongolia.


  The source of the river is hidden in an untrodden primeval forest where the trees stretch on for hundreds of miles, where birds sing happily from morning till night, and where cataracts surge like galloping horses. Under those lonely enormous Frigid Zone trees, little rivulets flow together one by one, winding and weaving their way over the forest floor till they form a wide swell of swirling water gushing down into the endless grassland.



  My mother once said that if one travels by car from the Mongolia Enclose to Duolun County in Chahar province, one has to cross 150 kilometers of timberland. “It was a veritable sea of trees,” she said, “and it seemed one would never walk out of it. When we crossed over it in the spring, the whole forest was just bursting with fragrances. You could distinguish the scent of flowers from the scent of the grasses and that of the trees. I always felt even the fog and dews which left on my coat were full of fresh fragrance.


  Once when the jeep we were riding in had just left the forest and entered a huge stretch of grassland, a whole herd of wild horses galloped past right before us. Among them there was one horse that had incredibly pure white hair, shining as white as snow and as bright as midday. At that moment how I wished I was not sitting in a jeep, but on the back of that snow-white stallion. ”


  Grandma once told us that my mother was always an obedient and considerate child, and that during the years that she brought up the five of us kids, she was always a gentle and quiet wife. But I would always remember her expression when she spoke of her youth, of the youth time when she caught sight of that wild white horse .


  It has already been twenty-two years since grandma passed away, and my mother also left us this past spring. Ah, how things pass away in this world, in this endless succession of days and nights! Only that river continues to flow on and on, over that same vast stretch of grassland.


  A friend wrote to me in a letter, “I once walked for a while along the Xilamulun River. If you had been in my place, I wondered, how would you have felt?


  I didn’t have to wait, I thought, until I walked along that river to begin to think of my family. Right at this moment I was thinking of them so intensely, thinking of my mother, of my mother’s mother, thinking of their lives of wandering, of that long, long road that they should not have set out upon in the first place, but in the end had to set out upon.


  Would I feel that it was too late?


  What I meant was if . . . if one day I really came to that river, would it already be too late?


  I prayed with all my heart that everything would not be too late. I hoped that the source of the river would still be there. I hoped that the endless pine forest would still be a sea of trees. It was right at the end of spring and the beginning of summer, and the sun was shining brightly. There are flowers and trees everywhere, and the forest was brimming with fragrances. I hoped that on the great grasslands at the edge of the forest, I would see a herd of wild horses galloping past right before my eyes. And I hoped that among them there would be one horse galloping as fast as an arrow, its hair as white as snow, shimmering brightly in the rays of the sun.


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