
dear sir,

the news of your accident just reached me this morning. i’m greatly shocked to learn that you were knocked down by a car yesterday. how are you feeling today?
the only good thing about it is that your mother told me that you are progressing nicely, i hope that you are doing well after the operation, and that you’ll be out of the hospital in about a wee. i’m coming to see you on sunday and trust that your condition will remarkably improve by then.
a little package from rose and me will reach you a day or two. we hope the small thing will interest you.
with every good wishes for your swift recovery!

sincerely yours, li ming

dear john,
i am shocked to hear that you have a severe influenza and now are in hospital. i get this news from your mother and know you must be absent for half a month from the classes. do be careful while you are ill.
don’t worry about your lesson and i am willing to help you learn it when you return. we are best friends so i will never allow you to fall behind.
you can watch television or listen to radio programs to help pass the time and forget your pains while you recuperate. i do hope that i can see you soon and bring you some funny cartoons.
if there is anything you need me to do, just let me know. we all miss you and shall be happy when you are back.
your truly,

li ming

dear sir,

the news of your accident just reached me this morning. i’m greatly shocked to learn that you were knocked down by a car yesterday. how are you feeling today?
the only good thing about it is that your mother told me that you are progressing nicely, i hope that you are doing well after the operation, and that you’ll be out of the hospital in about a wee. i’m coming to see you on sunday and trust that your condition will remarkably improve by then.
a little package from rose and me will reach you a day or two. we hope the small thing will interest you.
with every good wishes for your swift recovery!

sincerely yours, li ming

dear john,
i am shocked to hear that you have a severe influenza and now are in hospital. i get this news from your mother and know you must be absent for half a month from the classes. do be careful while you are ill.
don’t worry about your lesson and i am willing to help you learn it when you return. we are best friends so i will never allow you to fall behind.
you can watch television or listen to radio programs to help pass the time and forget your pains while you recuperate. i do hope that i can see you soon and bring you some funny cartoons.
if there is anything you need me to do, just let me know. we all miss you and shall be happy when you are back.
your truly,

li ming


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