
一.九句让人感慨的英文 1.One is always on a strange road, watching strange scenery and listening to strange music. Then one day, you will find that the things you try hard to forget are already gone. 人总是走在陌生的路上,看着陌生的风景,听着陌生的音乐。然后有一天,你会发现你曾经努力去遗忘的东西早已变为过眼云烟。 2. Happiness is not about being immortal nor having food or rights in one's hand. It's about having each tiny wish come true, or having something to eat when you are hungry or having someone's love when you need love. 幸福并非是长生不老、有食裹腹、有权在握。幸福的意义在于:每一个微小的心愿都能实现,饥饿时有食物,想爱时便能爱。 3. Love is a lamp, while friendship is the shadow. When the lamp is off, you will find the shadow everywhere. Friend is who can give you strength at last. 爱情是灯,友情是影子,当灯灭了,你会发现你的周围都是影子。朋友,是在最后可以给你力量的人。 4. I love you not for who you are, but for who I am with you. 我爱你不是因为你是谁,而是和你在一起时我会是谁。 5.Love makes man grow up or sink down. 爱情要么让人成熟,要么让人堕落。 6. If you can hold something up and put it down, it is called weight-lifting; if you can hold something up but can never put it down, it’s called burden-bearing. It is a pity, most of people are bearing heavy burdens when they are in love. 拿得起放得下,是举重;拿得起放不下,是负担。很遗憾,很多恋爱中的人负着沉重的担。 7.We take a minute to know someone, one hour to like someone, and one day to love someone, but the whole life to forget someone. 认识一个人只要一分钟,喜欢上一个人只要一小时,爱上一个人也不过一天时间,但是忘记一个人却需要一生。 8. One may fall in love with many people during the life time. When you finally get your own happiness, you will understand the previous sadness is kind of treasure, which makes you better to hold and cherish the people you love. 一个人一生中可能会爱上很多人,但是当你找到自己的幸福时,你会发现之前的种种悲伤都是宝藏,会让你更好地珍惜你爱的人。 9. When you are young, you may want several love experiences. But as time goes on, you will realize that if you really love someone, the whole life will not be enough. You need time to know, to forgive and to love. 年幼时,你可能渴望多段感情经历。但是随着年龄渐长,你会意识到当你真正爱一个人时,一辈子的时间都不够用来爱她,因为你需要时间去了解、去原谅、去深爱。

二.面试时要懂得说的黄金五条 The best things you can say in an interview won’t necessarily get you the job on their own, but they can certainly pave the way. Keep these five things in mind as you go through the interviewing process to give yourself the best chance at landing the job. 光凭一张巧嘴不一定能让你得到心仪的工作,可有些时候,好口才确实是块不错的敲门砖。面试的时候,记住这五件事可以让你有更多被录用的可能。 Ask Good Questions 提好的问题 According to Howard Pines, founder and CEO of BeamPines, “the best thing a candidate can do at an interview is ask good questions.” Howard Pines是BeamPines (纽约一家大型人才管理公司)的CEO 和创立者。他说道:“候选人在面试中能做的最好的事,就是精明地提问。” Doing so shows that you are thoughtful and interested in understanding the company. There’s usually a chance to ask questions at the end of your interview, so be ready with questions that show you’re engaged in the process. 这样做可以让对方觉得你很有想法,而且对公司有着浓厚的兴趣。面试结尾通常都有提问的机会,所以为了显示自己的专业性,在你的提问上下点功夫吧。 Pines suggests several questions, including: Pines 推荐了以下几个问题: What are the biggest short- and long-term issues I would need to focus on in this position? 在这个职位中,我长期和短期上最重要的关注点是什么? What would I need to focus on differently than the previous person in this position? 跟上任员工相比,我应该更注重哪些不同的方面? What organizational issues should I be aware of? 我应该注意哪些组织上的问题? “I’m flexible.” 我工作上很灵活 Whether it’s about possible job duties, a potential start date or simply timing for the second interview, stressing your flexibility makes you easy to get along with. 不管提到工作职责,开始工作的时间或者简单的第二次面试的时间,你都可以通过强调你的灵活性,来表现你易于共事。 Hiring managers don’t like complications, and having to coordinate complicated schedules or haggle over a job description eventually just makes you look difficult. While you certainly don’t want to be a pushover — and “flexible” shouldn’t define your salary negotiation — show your potential employer that you’re interested in results that work for everyone.

招聘者讨厌繁琐。当他们不得不为你调整复杂的时间表,还要在职位描述上跟你字斟句酌时,你就显得很难共处。当然,谁也不想显得好欺负——你的薪资水平就不能那么灵活了——告诉你未来的雇主,你对金钱这个万金油很有兴趣。 The Company’s Own Words 用公司的行话 Before your interview, become familiar with the company’s website and literature. Pay attention to the words used — what’s important to the organization? 在你面试之前,要多熟悉公司的网站和宣传用语。留心他们的措辞,搞清楚对这个组织而言,什么是最重要的。 “In your interview, hit key words that appeared on the company website or brochure,” says Olivia Ford of Adeptio. “These key words might include team, leadership, simplistic, culture or growth.” “面试时,用公司网站和宣传册上的关键词语点睛,”来自Adeptio (美国一家商务培训机构)的Olivia Ford说道,“这些关键词语应该会包括团队,领导力,精简主义,企业文化和员工成长。 Mixing these keywords into your answers can provide a subtle hint that you are plugged in to what the organization is looking for. 回答问题时把这些关键词语掺在里面,巧妙地暗示面试官你就是公司要找的那种人。 “That’s a Good Question.” 这个问题提得好 Use this phrase instead of blurting out “I don’t know” if the interviewer stumps you with a surprise question. It can give you a few moments to come up with an answer and, in the meantime, strokes the interviewer's ego a little bit too. 用这句话来替代一句生硬的“我不知道”。如果面试官抛出一个意料之外的问题,这句话可以让你有时间去考虑自己的答案。同时,这句话也可以略微地打击一下面试官的自大情绪。 Avoid the “I don’t know” answer when possible, but of course don’t lie about your experience or training. 尽可能地避免说“我不知道”,当然,也不必为了这个就在自己的经历或培训方面上撒谎。 Reasons You Want the Job. 你需要这份工作的原因 Knowing a job prospect’s motivations is important for managers who are hiring. 对人事经理来说,了解候选人的动机是非常重要的。 During your interview, talk about how this position fits into your future plans and the ideas you have about your career, how it fits with your values, and what you would like to learn from it. Talk about how you see yourself in relation to the company and what you believe you can bring to the position. 在你面试期间,谈论一下这份工作如何与你的未来规划和对事业的认知相符,谈论一下这份工作如何与你的个人价值观相符,以及你希

望从中学到什么。谈论一下你如何看待与公司的关系,以及在这个岗位上你能为公司所做的贡献。 These kinds of thoughts show who you are as a person, and go a long way toward giving the hiring manager an idea about how you might fit in the company’s culture and values. 这些想法可以丰富你的个人形象,而且有助于给人事经理一个你能够适合企业文化和价值观的印象。 三. 关于时间的七大错觉 Ever felt like time stands still while you’re waiting for something, or that as you get older, the years slip through your fingertips with much more ease? With swaths of tech around us and virtually everything being available on demand, it’s a very real possibility that our body clocks and perception of time have changed. 可曾在等人的时候觉得时间仿佛停滞不前?或是感到年纪越大,光阴就越容易从指尖溜走?我们被各种酷炫科技包围着,无论想要什么都能伸手即来,而我们的生物钟和时间感很有可能也正因此发生了改变。 Time Doesn’t Fly 时间不会飞 As the adage goes, “Time flies when we’re having fun”. In reality, though, we know fully well that it does not. Nevertheless, psychologist James J. Kellaris conducted his own experiment to find out whether there’s any truth to the aphorism. Kellaris had people listen to a piece of music they liked, and when he later asked them how much time they thought had passed, the listeners’ estimates were usually longer. 一句谚语说得好:”欢乐光阴去如飞“。而现实生活中,我们都明白,事实并非如此。不过,心理学家詹姆斯·J·克拉李斯(James J. Keller’s) 开展了一项实验,试图探寻这句谚语是否某种程度上真有其事。克拉李斯让人们听一曲自己喜欢的音乐,然后问他们觉得过去了多长时间,结果,这些被试估计的时间往往偏长。 Keller’s suggested that when we’re enjoying ourselves, we pay more attention to the event and our minds perceive that as extra time. That’s how we get the saying ‘Lost in the music’. On the other hand, the adage might lend itself to a self-fulfilling prophecy: if we believe that time is meant to fly when we’re having fun, we’re more likely to t hink we’re enjoying ourselves when it passes faster. 克拉李斯提出观点认为,我们在自得其乐时,会对手头的事情给予更多的关注,而我们的大脑将之处理为额外的时间。这也就是为什么会有”迷失在音乐里“的说法了。另一方面,上面提到的这句谚语可能本身就是一个自证预言:如果我们坚信欢乐的时光一定过得飞快,那么当我们感到时间过得飞快的时候,也更容易认为自己过得开心。 We’re Tricked by Tech 高科技的时间骗局

As if we didn’t warp time enough on our own, a recent study has suggested that technology, too, is capable of altering our perception of time. In a world where we lead virtual and physical lives, it is hardly surprising that social media sites lend themselves to becoming veritable time sucks. A 2012 survey carried out by the clever folks at Cisco revealed that 60% of 18-30 year-olds check their smartphones compulsively for updates, with each glance taking with it bits and pieces of the day. 好像光靠我们自己扭曲时间还不够一样,最近一项研究发现,科技同样能够改变我们的时间感。当下这个世界,人们除了在为现实生活奔波之外,还拥有着虚拟人生,因此,社交网站成为名符其实的时间陷阱,也就毫不意外了。思科电子公司的聪明员工们在2012年进行了一项调查,他们发现,18岁到30岁的人群中,有60%会强迫性地打开智能手机查看社交网站更新,而时间就在这“看一眼,再看一眼”的过程中一点点消失了。 Stanford University psychologist Dr. Phillip Zimbardo thinks that this newfound obsession with the ‘right now’ moment has altered our idea of time. Having so much information readily available at out fingertips speeds up our internal clock. Likewise, each time we check Facebook or log in to Twitter, we subconsciously note the time, making us more aware of how much of it has passed in our day-to-day habits. Talking to the Huffington Post, Zimbardo said that “Technology makes us impatient for anything that takes more than seconds to achieve.” 斯坦福心理学家菲利普·津巴多(Phillips Zimbardo)博士认为,这种新兴的对“当下”时间的痴迷改变了我们的时间观念。触手可及的大量信息拨快了我们体内的时钟。而且,我们每刷一次脸书或者微博,都会潜意识地注意一下时间,从而让我们更强烈地意识到日常习惯行为会消磨多少光阴。在赫芬顿邮报(Huffington Post) 的采访中,津巴多说道:“科技让我们丧失了耐心,多等待几秒钟都受不了。” Moving in Slow Motion 慢动作运动 We’ve all seen thrillers where actors walk away from an explosion in slow motion for dramatic effect, but these slow-mo moments might also be experienced outside the of the silver screen. In life-threatening or dangerous situations, people often say that time seems to slow down, and there’s a fairly logical reason why. 我们都在电影里看到过这样的刺激场景,演员们慢动作逃离爆炸现场,镜头充满戏剧性。不过在银幕之外,我们同样能体验到类似的“慢动作”时间。人们总是说,在危及生命的险要关头会感到时间的脚步都慢下来了,这其中有一种很合逻辑的解释。 In 2007, a group of psychologists carried out a test where people fell 50 meters into a safety net and then were asked about their experience. Aside from being obviously terrified, researchers found that the test subjects recalled the experience as longer that it actually was, largely due to the way our bodies respond to danger. The

adrenaline we produce allows us to concentrate better when in a life-threatening situation so that we can stay alive. As a result, everything seems to pass in slow motion because we remember far more details over a short period of time. 2007年,一群心理学家进行了一项实验,他们让实验参加者从50米高空跳下来,落在一个安全网内,然后让他们描述自己的体验。被试们明显都被吓坏了,不过,研究者还发现,他们记忆中整个下落过程所花的时间要比实际时间长,其中很大一部分原因在于我们身体面对危险时的反应。危险处境下,我们体内分泌的肾上腺素让自己注意力更集中,从而保证了我们的生命安全。于是,周围的一切仿佛都在做慢动作运动,因为我们在短短的时间内记住了比平时多得多的细节。 Speeding Up With Age 年纪越大,时间越快 It’s commonly said that as we get older, time passes in the “blink of an eye”. Aside from the part that technology plays in speeding up our understanding of time, another factor affects our perception of time as we get older, and it’s something we can’t really change. 人们常说,年纪越大,时间越是“转瞬即逝”。随着我们逐渐变老,一方面,不断进步的科技的确在加快我们的时间感,,除此之外,还有另外一个因素在影响着我们的时间知觉,而且不像科技,对于这个因素我们可以说是束手无策。 When young and fresh-faced, we’re constantly discovering new and exciting things that we’ve not experienced before, and we naturally pay a lot more attention to them. As we get older, though, those “new” experiences grow pale. By extension, time seems to pass more quickly. Interestingly, a study carried out in 1997 by Mandan and Bolinsky went some way to proving that older people really do perceive time differently. While people in their 20’s could guess when three minutes had passed fairly accurately, those in their 60’s overestimated the time elapsed by about 20%, giving some credence to the idea that time really does speed up with age. 当我们还年轻,面带朝气,我们能够不断地发现之前从未体验过的刺激新鲜事儿,自然而然的,我们会对这些新鲜事物投以更多的注意力。而随着年龄增长,那些新奇的体验变得黯淡无光,乃至连时间的流逝都似乎变快了。有趣的是,在1997年,梅根(Megan)和柏林斯基(Bolinsky)开展了一项研究,初步证明了老年人感受时间的方式的确不一样。20多岁的年轻人能够相当精确地估计到何时刚好距离开始时间过去了3分钟,而60多岁的老年人中有20%高估了过去的时间长短,这个结果为“年纪越大时间过得越快”的说法提供了一定的可信度。 Afternoon Naps 午睡时光 One of the smallest but most enjoyable pleasures in the world is the humble afternoon nap. A quick, 20-minute power nap can revitalize us just enough to carry on with the rest of the day, but any longer than that and our ability to tell the time goes out the window.

午睡虽不起眼,但是可以说是世界上最微不足道但却幸福感慢慢的享受之一了。飞快地睡上20分钟充电午觉,能恰到好处地让我们恢复元气、精神饱满地度过一天剩下的时光,不过若是比这再多睡一会儿,我们就能明显感到窗外的时间流逝了。 When we’re tired, our perception of time goes completely off-kilter. That’s because when we’re sleep deprived, our brains just can’t keep up with discerning between short and long stretches of time. The length of time we nap is also key to how our mind keeps time. After 20 minutes of napping, we enter something called slow-wave sleep. If you break the wave mid-way through, it will take a while for you to accurately perceive time again, which is precisely why they call it a 20 minute power nap. 在疲劳的时候,我们的时间感会完全崩坏。因为一旦睡眠被剥夺,我们的大脑就不能够清晰地分辨时间的长短。午睡时间的长度对于大脑计时来说非常关键。小睡20分钟后,我们就进入了所谓的慢波睡眠状态。如果慢波睡眠被打断了,要想重新准确地知觉时间,就得花上一会儿工夫。这也正是为什么人们会把20分钟午觉称作“充电小睡“的原因。 Time Stands Still 时间静止 Remember watching the clock in high school and waiting for the bell to ring? If it felt like time was standing still, that might be because your brain genuinely thought it was. The “optical” illusion of time standing still is something that happens when our eyes move quickly from one point to another. According to Kielan Yarrow and a whole host of other psychologists, when our gaze fixes suddenly on the second hand of a clock, our perception of time stretches slightly backwards to compensate for that movement. As a result, your mind tells you that you’ve been looking at the second hand for longer, and thus fills in the blank with what it thinks should be there. 记不记得在高中的时候,盯着时钟等待下课铃响?如果当时你觉得时间仿佛静止了,可能因为你的大脑真的就是这么想的。当我们的眼睛快速地从一个点移动到另外一个点时,就会发生“时间静止”的视觉错觉。齐兰·雅罗(Kielan Yarrow)以及其他很多心理学家认为,当我们的视线突然聚焦在时钟的秒针上时,为了对这一动作进行补偿,我们的时间知觉会轻微提前。于是,你的大脑会告诉你,其实你已经盯着秒针看了一会儿了,从而填补上视线移动导致的时间空白,当然,这个空白并非真实存在,只不过你的大脑坚信它存在而已。 Getting Emotional 情绪化 Many like to think that they’re not ruled by their emotions, but they do affect our bodies more than you think—at least in terms of how we perceive time. At the bottom of a long list of ways in which our brain is constantly finding new ways to trick us, negative emotions in particular can wreak havoc on our time-keeping abilities. While

boredom can make time seem to stand still, just about any emotion will change how fast or slow the time goes—especially anxiety. 很多人宁愿相信他们并不受情绪左右,但是,情绪对身体的影响可能超出你的认识——至少在时间知觉方面确有此事。我们的大脑在不断开发新的花招骗得我们团团转,而在这个长长的“骗术”表单的最末,就是负面情绪,它能肆意破坏我们计时的能力。无聊能让时间静止,不光如此,几乎所有情绪都能让时间的进程变快或是变慢——焦虑情绪尤为明显。 For a few years now, psychologists have carried out studies on the subject and have concluded that individuals experiencing negative emotions concentrate more on the passing of time than those who are in a good mood, which makes a particularly anxiety-filled moment seem longer. That might explain why after we argue, the room’s tension-ridden atmosphere makes time seem to drag on and on. 过去几年,心理学家们就这个问题开展了多项研究,并总结发现,与心情好的人比,怀有负面情绪的人会更多地关注时间的流逝,从而让焦虑的一刻显得更漫长。这也许能够解释为什么我们在大吵一架之后,房间里紧绷的气氛能让时间看起来无限拖沓。 四,10个好习惯让你最大化利用时间 Time. You can't recover it, make up for it, or reverse it. There are 24 hours in a day and 168 in a week, and those numbers aren't changing. What you can do is use the hours more efficiently and wisely to free up at least 60 minutes a week. 时间——既不能收回,也无法弥补或倒流。一天24小时,一周168小时,永远不多不少。你能做的只有更有效地利用好这些时间,努力争取每周挤哪怕60分钟出来。 Many of my executive clients work 60-plus hours a week still find a way to do things for themselves and their families. How? They do it by prioritizing. They know what's truly important, what's urgent, and what isn't. They know how to say no to certain things and yes to other things. And they know how to maximize the time that they do have and not dwell on time that they don't have. 我的很多管理层客户每周至少工作60小时,却依然可以挤出私人与家庭时间。他们是怎么做到的呢?通过优先处理。他们知道什么才是真正重要的、哪些紧急而哪些又可以缓一缓。他们懂得如何拒绝或接受某些事情。而且,他们知道怎样最大化利用自己拥有的时间,而不是一味想着没有的。 Here's how you can optimize your time: 下面就教你如何最大化利用时间: 1. Track how you spend your time 记下自己都把时间花在了哪里

Do this for one week. Many people are entirely unaware of what they do hour to hour and where the day goes. This simple exercise of noting what you're doing each hour can have a huge impact. 坚持记录一个星期。很多人根本不清楚自己是怎么混过每时每天的。记下每小时做了什么虽然简单,却能发挥重要作用。 One recent client told me how she spent 15 minutes every morning trying to decide what to wear each day. That's almost two hours a week she spent deciding what to wear. Another client told me how he spent almost an hour a day in one sitting reading sports scores even though his intention was to just "check them quickly." Track your time and know where you're spending it. 最近有个客户告诉我,她每天早上要花15分钟决定该穿什么衣服。也就是说,她每周几乎花掉2小时来决定穿衣服这件事。还有一个客户跟我说,就算原本只想“快速扫一眼”,他每天还是会花掉将近1小时用来查看比赛得分。记下你的时间分配,看看自己到底都干了些什么吧。 2. Determine which tasks and activities are vital and which are optional 确定哪些任务和活动比较重要,而哪些是可有可无的 Structure other tasks around those that are vital. Schedule your day by doing the important tasks first. This is when you are freshest and energetic. So often the less important tasks get in the way of other things that need to be done. For many this is a distraction. It's easier to do the things that aren't as important. Fear leads to procrastination and ends us keeping us stagnant. Here's how to overcome procrastination. 其他都以重要任务为中心进行安排。日程安排要先处理重要任务。这时你大脑清晰、精力充沛。通常,不太重要的事情会半路插进其他必做事情中,而且往往造成干扰。因为不太重要的事情更容易处理。畏难心理进而导致拖延,最后使我们毫无进展。下面就教你如何克服拖延症。 3. Get up 15 minutes earlier than you normally do 比平常早起15分钟 Doing so will provide you with an extra 75 minutes in your work week. Many of my clients who are business leaders talk about how they maximize their mornings and see it as a time to respond to emails without the distraction of telephone calls or they use it to do their daily workout. 这么做可以让你每个工作周多出75分钟。我有很多客户是商业领导,在说到如何最大化利用早晨时间时,他们认为这段时间不受电话干扰,可以用来回复邮件,或者进行日常锻炼。 4. Schedule Internet use 计划上网时间 So often people lose their sense of time when they are online. Given the sensory overload, people are drawn into cyberspace and rarely can stick to just their intended task. Think about how many

times you went online to read the news or check the weather and ended up staying online much longer reading other articles. Or perhaps you're like so many of my clients whose intention is to check sports scores quickly, yet they spend seven hours a week doing that. Schedule time and stick to it. 很多时候,人们一上网就容易忘了时间。人们被网络空间吸引,思维被满满占据,很难坚持做完原本计划的任务。想想有多少次你上网看新闻或看天气预报,最后却因为浏览其他文章而长时间耽搁吧。或者,你就像我的某些客户,原本只想快速扫一眼比赛得分,最后却每周浪费数小时在这件事上。请计划好时间,并坚持执行吧。 5. Plan 计划 At the beginning of your week, schedule what you need to do with a "to-do" list. Similarly, at the end of your work day, plan the next day. 每周开始时,列出任务清单,计划好需要做的事情。以此类推,下班后计划好隔天的事情。 6. Log out of email and social media accounts 退出邮箱和社交媒体账户 Staying connected to such accounts will only distract you and waste time, especially when you are on a deadline or working on an important project. Schedule time to use your social media sites. 登录这些账户只会使你分心并浪费时间,尤其当你在赶任务或处理重大项目的时候。规划好使用社交媒体网站的时间。 7. Keep your expectations in check 随时检查自己的期望 Are these expectations reasonable or unreasonable? For example, are you trying to go to the gym, get the kids ready for school, do laundry, and walk the dog all before 9:00 a.m.? Make sure you don't bite off more than you can chew. 这些期望是否合理?举个例子,你有没有计划在早上9:00之前全部搞定健身运动、送小孩上学、洗衣服和遛狗?请量力而行,不要奢望一口吃成胖子。 8. Change your thinking 改变自身思维 "I'm so busy" and "I don't have time for anything" are negative comments that are sure to keep you feeling overwhelmed. You might think instead, "I will make good use of the time that I do have" or "I can only do so much in one day and I will make sure I accomplish what is reasonable today." “我很忙”和“我根本没时间做任何事”都是消极想法,会让你觉得不堪负重。或许你可以这样想:“我将好好利用拥有的时间”,或者“我一天只能做这么多事,还是先完成今天能够搞定的事情吧”。 9. Group your errands in one place 一次包揽所有杂事

For example, if you know you're going to be downtown for an appointment and you know you go to a grocery store in that area, then consolidate the trips into one. 举个例子,如果你确定要到市区赴约,而且你还要去趟那边的杂货店,那么何不一次就把两件事一起搞定呢? 10. Keep your surroundings clean and organized 保持周围环境整洁有序 A cluttered desk will distract you as will a messy home. By keeping things in order you'll keep information organized in your head and minimize the possibility of losing items and having to spend time looking for them. 乱七八糟的桌面或家里会让你分心。让物品井然有序,你也就能让大脑中的信息有条不紊,并且还能减少丢失物品的几率,免得浪费时间到处寻找。 你知道这10个常见的英语俗语吗? 存到微云收藏 1. Tie the Knot 喜结良缘 To get married. This is left over from the old tradition of handfasting, wherein the hands of the bride and groom would be tied together with a length of ribbon to symbolize that their lives were fastened together permanently. 就是指结婚。这是流传下来的旧式传统婚约,行礼时新娘和新郎的手会被一条丝带绑在一起,这象征着彼此将永远生活在一起。 2. You Can't Take It With You 赤条条地走 You can't take anything with you when you die, so don't bother hoarding your stuff . Live now, because all your stuff is going to be around long after you're gone. 当你死后你无法带走任何东西,所以不要对你的身外之物恋恋不舍了。活在当下,因为你的一切身家在你走后很长时间里都会安然无恙。 3. “Over My Dead Body” “除非我死了”(想都别想) When the only way you'll allow something to happen is if you're no longer alive to stop it. 你唯一能允许此事发生的情况就是你已与世长辞了。 4. Don't Judge a Book By Its Cover 不要从书的封面来评断(不要以貌取人)

Things aren't always what they appear to be at first glance, so it's a good idea to give something a chance, even if its outward appearance isn't immediately attractive. 万事并非总是如第一眼看到的那样,所以不妨给某些事物一次机会,即使其表面不够抓人眼球。 5. When Pigs Fly 当猪会飞的时候 This means “never”. Pigs aren't about to sprout wings and take flight anytime soon, so if someone says to their kid that they can get a forehead tattoo when pigs fly, it’s not gonna happen. 这是暗指“永无可能”。因为猪是不会长出翅膀飞上天的,所以有人会这样对小孩说,当猪会飞了就可以纹头纹,意思就是不可能。 6. Wear Your Heart on Your Sleeve 把心放在袖管上(表露感情) To freely show and express all of your emotions, as though your heart were on the outside of your body. 尽情地表达出你所有的情感,想象成你的心是在身体外面一样。 7. “It's a Piece of Cake!” “一小块蛋糕而已!”(小菜一碟) …meaning that it's incredibly easy. No-one has a difficult time eating a piece of cake, do they? …意思就是超级简单。任何人吃一小块蛋糕都没问题,是吧? 8.It Takes Two to Tango 探戈是双人舞(一个巴掌拍不响) A person can't dance the tango alone, nor can they fight by themselves either. If an argument has occurred, there were two people involved, so two were responsible. 没有人可以独自跳探戈,也没有人可以一个人打起架来。若有争吵发生,事出两人身上,所以都应负责。 9. Head Over Heels 欣喜若狂 To be incredibly excited and joyful, particularly with regard to being in love. Imagine someone so happy that they do cartwheels down the street: like that. 难以置信地激动与喜悦,尤其是指陷入爱河的人。想象某人高兴地在街上翻跟斗:说的就是那种情形。 10. An Arm and a Leg 代价惨烈 When something is so ridiculously expensive that you might have to sell your own body parts in order to afford it, it's said to cost “an arm and a leg”. 有些东西贵得离谱时,可能你只有卖掉身上的器官才买得起,那就可以说“an arm and a leg”. 乔布斯发人深省的经典名言 存到微云收藏

有关死亡 "Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart." “记住,每个人终将会死去,我认为这是一个人能够避免患得患失的最好方式。你已经赤裸裸地面对死亡了,那就没有什么理由不去追随自己的心。” 有关未来 "You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life." “你无法在展望未来时串联点滴,你只能在回顾过去时将其串联。所以你要相信,这些点滴片段会在未来以某种方式串联起来。你要相信某种东西——直觉也好,命运也好,生命也好,或者因缘甚至是其他一切。这种方法从来没有让我失望,这也造就了我的与众不同。” 有关坚持 "Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. So keep looking until you find it. Don’t settle." “你的工作将占据你生活中的很大一部分,能够让你真正满意的唯一方法就是做你相信是伟大的工作,而唯一伟大的工作就是爱你所做的事。如果你还没有找到它,那么继续找,不要停。用心去找,你会知道何时能够找到它。如同任何伟大的关系一样,随时间流逝它只会越来越好。所以继续找,不要停,直到你找到它。” 有关追求 "Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn't matter to me … Going to bed at night saying we've done something wonderful … that's what matters to me." “成为墓地里最有钱的人,这事我并不关心…真正对我有意义的事,就是在晚上睡觉前说上一句‘我已经做了一些非常棒的事’….这才是我最在乎的。” 有关创造力 "Creativity is just connecting things. When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn't really do it, they just saw something. It seemed obvious to them after a while." “创造力就是找到事物之间的联系。当你询问有创意的人他们是如何做事时,他们觉得有点内疚,因为他们并没有真的这么做,他们只是看到了其中一些关系。这种感觉在他们过后看来会很明显。” 有关创新

"I'm as proud of many of the things we haven't done as the things we have done. Innovation is saying no to a thousand things." “我引以为豪是,许多我们所做的事情变成我们还没有完成的事,创新就是对一千件事情说‘不’。” 有关目标 “I think if you do something and it turns out pretty good, then you should go do something else wonderful, not dwell on it for too long. Just figure out what's next.” “我想如果你做了某些事,结果顺利圆满,那么你应该选择转去做别的事情,别专注在美好的事情上太久,要保持寻找下一个目标。” 有关失意 "Getting fired from Apple was the best thing that could have ever happened to me. The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again. It freed me to enter one of the most creative periods of my life." “从苹果公司离职曾是我人生中最好的一件事,追求成功的沉重被创业者的轻松感觉所取代,这让我感觉如此自由,我重新进入一个人生中最有创造力的阶段。” 有关改变 "When I was 17, I read a quote that went something like: 'If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you'll most certainly be right.' It made an impression on me, and since then, for the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: 'If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?' And whenever the answer has been 'no' for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something." “我曾在 17 岁时读过这么一句名言:‘如果你把每一天当成自己人生的最后一天来过,那么将来某一天你会明白其中的真意’,这句话令我印象深刻,此后的 33 年来,我每天早上都会对着镜子自问:‘如果今天是我生命的最后一天,我还会想去做我今天要去做的事吗?’,每当我心里的答案是‘不’时,我知道自己需要做出改变了。” 有关毅力 "I'm convinced that about half of what separates successful entrepreneurs from the non-successful ones is pure perseverance." “我相信一半成功的企业家和另一半不成功的企业家的区别在于纯粹的毅力。”

一.九句让人感慨的英文 1.One is always on a strange road, watching strange scenery and listening to strange music. Then one day, you will find that the things you try hard to forget are already gone. 人总是走在陌生的路上,看着陌生的风景,听着陌生的音乐。然后有一天,你会发现你曾经努力去遗忘的东西早已变为过眼云烟。 2. Happiness is not about being immortal nor having food or rights in one's hand. It's about having each tiny wish come true, or having something to eat when you are hungry or having someone's love when you need love. 幸福并非是长生不老、有食裹腹、有权在握。幸福的意义在于:每一个微小的心愿都能实现,饥饿时有食物,想爱时便能爱。 3. Love is a lamp, while friendship is the shadow. When the lamp is off, you will find the shadow everywhere. Friend is who can give you strength at last. 爱情是灯,友情是影子,当灯灭了,你会发现你的周围都是影子。朋友,是在最后可以给你力量的人。 4. I love you not for who you are, but for who I am with you. 我爱你不是因为你是谁,而是和你在一起时我会是谁。 5.Love makes man grow up or sink down. 爱情要么让人成熟,要么让人堕落。 6. If you can hold something up and put it down, it is called weight-lifting; if you can hold something up but can never put it down, it’s called burden-bearing. It is a pity, most of people are bearing heavy burdens when they are in love. 拿得起放得下,是举重;拿得起放不下,是负担。很遗憾,很多恋爱中的人负着沉重的担。 7.We take a minute to know someone, one hour to like someone, and one day to love someone, but the whole life to forget someone. 认识一个人只要一分钟,喜欢上一个人只要一小时,爱上一个人也不过一天时间,但是忘记一个人却需要一生。 8. One may fall in love with many people during the life time. When you finally get your own happiness, you will understand the previous sadness is kind of treasure, which makes you better to hold and cherish the people you love. 一个人一生中可能会爱上很多人,但是当你找到自己的幸福时,你会发现之前的种种悲伤都是宝藏,会让你更好地珍惜你爱的人。 9. When you are young, you may want several love experiences. But as time goes on, you will realize that if you really love someone, the whole life will not be enough. You need time to know, to forgive and to love. 年幼时,你可能渴望多段感情经历。但是随着年龄渐长,你会意识到当你真正爱一个人时,一辈子的时间都不够用来爱她,因为你需要时间去了解、去原谅、去深爱。

二.面试时要懂得说的黄金五条 The best things you can say in an interview won’t necessarily get you the job on their own, but they can certainly pave the way. Keep these five things in mind as you go through the interviewing process to give yourself the best chance at landing the job. 光凭一张巧嘴不一定能让你得到心仪的工作,可有些时候,好口才确实是块不错的敲门砖。面试的时候,记住这五件事可以让你有更多被录用的可能。 Ask Good Questions 提好的问题 According to Howard Pines, founder and CEO of BeamPines, “the best thing a candidate can do at an interview is ask good questions.” Howard Pines是BeamPines (纽约一家大型人才管理公司)的CEO 和创立者。他说道:“候选人在面试中能做的最好的事,就是精明地提问。” Doing so shows that you are thoughtful and interested in understanding the company. There’s usually a chance to ask questions at the end of your interview, so be ready with questions that show you’re engaged in the process. 这样做可以让对方觉得你很有想法,而且对公司有着浓厚的兴趣。面试结尾通常都有提问的机会,所以为了显示自己的专业性,在你的提问上下点功夫吧。 Pines suggests several questions, including: Pines 推荐了以下几个问题: What are the biggest short- and long-term issues I would need to focus on in this position? 在这个职位中,我长期和短期上最重要的关注点是什么? What would I need to focus on differently than the previous person in this position? 跟上任员工相比,我应该更注重哪些不同的方面? What organizational issues should I be aware of? 我应该注意哪些组织上的问题? “I’m flexible.” 我工作上很灵活 Whether it’s about possible job duties, a potential start date or simply timing for the second interview, stressing your flexibility makes you easy to get along with. 不管提到工作职责,开始工作的时间或者简单的第二次面试的时间,你都可以通过强调你的灵活性,来表现你易于共事。 Hiring managers don’t like complications, and having to coordinate complicated schedules or haggle over a job description eventually just makes you look difficult. While you certainly don’t want to be a pushover — and “flexible” shouldn’t define your salary negotiation — show your potential employer that you’re interested in results that work for everyone.

招聘者讨厌繁琐。当他们不得不为你调整复杂的时间表,还要在职位描述上跟你字斟句酌时,你就显得很难共处。当然,谁也不想显得好欺负——你的薪资水平就不能那么灵活了——告诉你未来的雇主,你对金钱这个万金油很有兴趣。 The Company’s Own Words 用公司的行话 Before your interview, become familiar with the company’s website and literature. Pay attention to the words used — what’s important to the organization? 在你面试之前,要多熟悉公司的网站和宣传用语。留心他们的措辞,搞清楚对这个组织而言,什么是最重要的。 “In your interview, hit key words that appeared on the company website or brochure,” says Olivia Ford of Adeptio. “These key words might include team, leadership, simplistic, culture or growth.” “面试时,用公司网站和宣传册上的关键词语点睛,”来自Adeptio (美国一家商务培训机构)的Olivia Ford说道,“这些关键词语应该会包括团队,领导力,精简主义,企业文化和员工成长。 Mixing these keywords into your answers can provide a subtle hint that you are plugged in to what the organization is looking for. 回答问题时把这些关键词语掺在里面,巧妙地暗示面试官你就是公司要找的那种人。 “That’s a Good Question.” 这个问题提得好 Use this phrase instead of blurting out “I don’t know” if the interviewer stumps you with a surprise question. It can give you a few moments to come up with an answer and, in the meantime, strokes the interviewer's ego a little bit too. 用这句话来替代一句生硬的“我不知道”。如果面试官抛出一个意料之外的问题,这句话可以让你有时间去考虑自己的答案。同时,这句话也可以略微地打击一下面试官的自大情绪。 Avoid the “I don’t know” answer when possible, but of course don’t lie about your experience or training. 尽可能地避免说“我不知道”,当然,也不必为了这个就在自己的经历或培训方面上撒谎。 Reasons You Want the Job. 你需要这份工作的原因 Knowing a job prospect’s motivations is important for managers who are hiring. 对人事经理来说,了解候选人的动机是非常重要的。 During your interview, talk about how this position fits into your future plans and the ideas you have about your career, how it fits with your values, and what you would like to learn from it. Talk about how you see yourself in relation to the company and what you believe you can bring to the position. 在你面试期间,谈论一下这份工作如何与你的未来规划和对事业的认知相符,谈论一下这份工作如何与你的个人价值观相符,以及你希

望从中学到什么。谈论一下你如何看待与公司的关系,以及在这个岗位上你能为公司所做的贡献。 These kinds of thoughts show who you are as a person, and go a long way toward giving the hiring manager an idea about how you might fit in the company’s culture and values. 这些想法可以丰富你的个人形象,而且有助于给人事经理一个你能够适合企业文化和价值观的印象。 三. 关于时间的七大错觉 Ever felt like time stands still while you’re waiting for something, or that as you get older, the years slip through your fingertips with much more ease? With swaths of tech around us and virtually everything being available on demand, it’s a very real possibility that our body clocks and perception of time have changed. 可曾在等人的时候觉得时间仿佛停滞不前?或是感到年纪越大,光阴就越容易从指尖溜走?我们被各种酷炫科技包围着,无论想要什么都能伸手即来,而我们的生物钟和时间感很有可能也正因此发生了改变。 Time Doesn’t Fly 时间不会飞 As the adage goes, “Time flies when we’re having fun”. In reality, though, we know fully well that it does not. Nevertheless, psychologist James J. Kellaris conducted his own experiment to find out whether there’s any truth to the aphorism. Kellaris had people listen to a piece of music they liked, and when he later asked them how much time they thought had passed, the listeners’ estimates were usually longer. 一句谚语说得好:”欢乐光阴去如飞“。而现实生活中,我们都明白,事实并非如此。不过,心理学家詹姆斯·J·克拉李斯(James J. Keller’s) 开展了一项实验,试图探寻这句谚语是否某种程度上真有其事。克拉李斯让人们听一曲自己喜欢的音乐,然后问他们觉得过去了多长时间,结果,这些被试估计的时间往往偏长。 Keller’s suggested that when we’re enjoying ourselves, we pay more attention to the event and our minds perceive that as extra time. That’s how we get the saying ‘Lost in the music’. On the other hand, the adage might lend itself to a self-fulfilling prophecy: if we believe that time is meant to fly when we’re having fun, we’re more likely to t hink we’re enjoying ourselves when it passes faster. 克拉李斯提出观点认为,我们在自得其乐时,会对手头的事情给予更多的关注,而我们的大脑将之处理为额外的时间。这也就是为什么会有”迷失在音乐里“的说法了。另一方面,上面提到的这句谚语可能本身就是一个自证预言:如果我们坚信欢乐的时光一定过得飞快,那么当我们感到时间过得飞快的时候,也更容易认为自己过得开心。 We’re Tricked by Tech 高科技的时间骗局

As if we didn’t warp time enough on our own, a recent study has suggested that technology, too, is capable of altering our perception of time. In a world where we lead virtual and physical lives, it is hardly surprising that social media sites lend themselves to becoming veritable time sucks. A 2012 survey carried out by the clever folks at Cisco revealed that 60% of 18-30 year-olds check their smartphones compulsively for updates, with each glance taking with it bits and pieces of the day. 好像光靠我们自己扭曲时间还不够一样,最近一项研究发现,科技同样能够改变我们的时间感。当下这个世界,人们除了在为现实生活奔波之外,还拥有着虚拟人生,因此,社交网站成为名符其实的时间陷阱,也就毫不意外了。思科电子公司的聪明员工们在2012年进行了一项调查,他们发现,18岁到30岁的人群中,有60%会强迫性地打开智能手机查看社交网站更新,而时间就在这“看一眼,再看一眼”的过程中一点点消失了。 Stanford University psychologist Dr. Phillip Zimbardo thinks that this newfound obsession with the ‘right now’ moment has altered our idea of time. Having so much information readily available at out fingertips speeds up our internal clock. Likewise, each time we check Facebook or log in to Twitter, we subconsciously note the time, making us more aware of how much of it has passed in our day-to-day habits. Talking to the Huffington Post, Zimbardo said that “Technology makes us impatient for anything that takes more than seconds to achieve.” 斯坦福心理学家菲利普·津巴多(Phillips Zimbardo)博士认为,这种新兴的对“当下”时间的痴迷改变了我们的时间观念。触手可及的大量信息拨快了我们体内的时钟。而且,我们每刷一次脸书或者微博,都会潜意识地注意一下时间,从而让我们更强烈地意识到日常习惯行为会消磨多少光阴。在赫芬顿邮报(Huffington Post) 的采访中,津巴多说道:“科技让我们丧失了耐心,多等待几秒钟都受不了。” Moving in Slow Motion 慢动作运动 We’ve all seen thrillers where actors walk away from an explosion in slow motion for dramatic effect, but these slow-mo moments might also be experienced outside the of the silver screen. In life-threatening or dangerous situations, people often say that time seems to slow down, and there’s a fairly logical reason why. 我们都在电影里看到过这样的刺激场景,演员们慢动作逃离爆炸现场,镜头充满戏剧性。不过在银幕之外,我们同样能体验到类似的“慢动作”时间。人们总是说,在危及生命的险要关头会感到时间的脚步都慢下来了,这其中有一种很合逻辑的解释。 In 2007, a group of psychologists carried out a test where people fell 50 meters into a safety net and then were asked about their experience. Aside from being obviously terrified, researchers found that the test subjects recalled the experience as longer that it actually was, largely due to the way our bodies respond to danger. The

adrenaline we produce allows us to concentrate better when in a life-threatening situation so that we can stay alive. As a result, everything seems to pass in slow motion because we remember far more details over a short period of time. 2007年,一群心理学家进行了一项实验,他们让实验参加者从50米高空跳下来,落在一个安全网内,然后让他们描述自己的体验。被试们明显都被吓坏了,不过,研究者还发现,他们记忆中整个下落过程所花的时间要比实际时间长,其中很大一部分原因在于我们身体面对危险时的反应。危险处境下,我们体内分泌的肾上腺素让自己注意力更集中,从而保证了我们的生命安全。于是,周围的一切仿佛都在做慢动作运动,因为我们在短短的时间内记住了比平时多得多的细节。 Speeding Up With Age 年纪越大,时间越快 It’s commonly said that as we get older, time passes in the “blink of an eye”. Aside from the part that technology plays in speeding up our understanding of time, another factor affects our perception of time as we get older, and it’s something we can’t really change. 人们常说,年纪越大,时间越是“转瞬即逝”。随着我们逐渐变老,一方面,不断进步的科技的确在加快我们的时间感,,除此之外,还有另外一个因素在影响着我们的时间知觉,而且不像科技,对于这个因素我们可以说是束手无策。 When young and fresh-faced, we’re constantly discovering new and exciting things that we’ve not experienced before, and we naturally pay a lot more attention to them. As we get older, though, those “new” experiences grow pale. By extension, time seems to pass more quickly. Interestingly, a study carried out in 1997 by Mandan and Bolinsky went some way to proving that older people really do perceive time differently. While people in their 20’s could guess when three minutes had passed fairly accurately, those in their 60’s overestimated the time elapsed by about 20%, giving some credence to the idea that time really does speed up with age. 当我们还年轻,面带朝气,我们能够不断地发现之前从未体验过的刺激新鲜事儿,自然而然的,我们会对这些新鲜事物投以更多的注意力。而随着年龄增长,那些新奇的体验变得黯淡无光,乃至连时间的流逝都似乎变快了。有趣的是,在1997年,梅根(Megan)和柏林斯基(Bolinsky)开展了一项研究,初步证明了老年人感受时间的方式的确不一样。20多岁的年轻人能够相当精确地估计到何时刚好距离开始时间过去了3分钟,而60多岁的老年人中有20%高估了过去的时间长短,这个结果为“年纪越大时间过得越快”的说法提供了一定的可信度。 Afternoon Naps 午睡时光 One of the smallest but most enjoyable pleasures in the world is the humble afternoon nap. A quick, 20-minute power nap can revitalize us just enough to carry on with the rest of the day, but any longer than that and our ability to tell the time goes out the window.

午睡虽不起眼,但是可以说是世界上最微不足道但却幸福感慢慢的享受之一了。飞快地睡上20分钟充电午觉,能恰到好处地让我们恢复元气、精神饱满地度过一天剩下的时光,不过若是比这再多睡一会儿,我们就能明显感到窗外的时间流逝了。 When we’re tired, our perception of time goes completely off-kilter. That’s because when we’re sleep deprived, our brains just can’t keep up with discerning between short and long stretches of time. The length of time we nap is also key to how our mind keeps time. After 20 minutes of napping, we enter something called slow-wave sleep. If you break the wave mid-way through, it will take a while for you to accurately perceive time again, which is precisely why they call it a 20 minute power nap. 在疲劳的时候,我们的时间感会完全崩坏。因为一旦睡眠被剥夺,我们的大脑就不能够清晰地分辨时间的长短。午睡时间的长度对于大脑计时来说非常关键。小睡20分钟后,我们就进入了所谓的慢波睡眠状态。如果慢波睡眠被打断了,要想重新准确地知觉时间,就得花上一会儿工夫。这也正是为什么人们会把20分钟午觉称作“充电小睡“的原因。 Time Stands Still 时间静止 Remember watching the clock in high school and waiting for the bell to ring? If it felt like time was standing still, that might be because your brain genuinely thought it was. The “optical” illusion of time standing still is something that happens when our eyes move quickly from one point to another. According to Kielan Yarrow and a whole host of other psychologists, when our gaze fixes suddenly on the second hand of a clock, our perception of time stretches slightly backwards to compensate for that movement. As a result, your mind tells you that you’ve been looking at the second hand for longer, and thus fills in the blank with what it thinks should be there. 记不记得在高中的时候,盯着时钟等待下课铃响?如果当时你觉得时间仿佛静止了,可能因为你的大脑真的就是这么想的。当我们的眼睛快速地从一个点移动到另外一个点时,就会发生“时间静止”的视觉错觉。齐兰·雅罗(Kielan Yarrow)以及其他很多心理学家认为,当我们的视线突然聚焦在时钟的秒针上时,为了对这一动作进行补偿,我们的时间知觉会轻微提前。于是,你的大脑会告诉你,其实你已经盯着秒针看了一会儿了,从而填补上视线移动导致的时间空白,当然,这个空白并非真实存在,只不过你的大脑坚信它存在而已。 Getting Emotional 情绪化 Many like to think that they’re not ruled by their emotions, but they do affect our bodies more than you think—at least in terms of how we perceive time. At the bottom of a long list of ways in which our brain is constantly finding new ways to trick us, negative emotions in particular can wreak havoc on our time-keeping abilities. While

boredom can make time seem to stand still, just about any emotion will change how fast or slow the time goes—especially anxiety. 很多人宁愿相信他们并不受情绪左右,但是,情绪对身体的影响可能超出你的认识——至少在时间知觉方面确有此事。我们的大脑在不断开发新的花招骗得我们团团转,而在这个长长的“骗术”表单的最末,就是负面情绪,它能肆意破坏我们计时的能力。无聊能让时间静止,不光如此,几乎所有情绪都能让时间的进程变快或是变慢——焦虑情绪尤为明显。 For a few years now, psychologists have carried out studies on the subject and have concluded that individuals experiencing negative emotions concentrate more on the passing of time than those who are in a good mood, which makes a particularly anxiety-filled moment seem longer. That might explain why after we argue, the room’s tension-ridden atmosphere makes time seem to drag on and on. 过去几年,心理学家们就这个问题开展了多项研究,并总结发现,与心情好的人比,怀有负面情绪的人会更多地关注时间的流逝,从而让焦虑的一刻显得更漫长。这也许能够解释为什么我们在大吵一架之后,房间里紧绷的气氛能让时间看起来无限拖沓。 四,10个好习惯让你最大化利用时间 Time. You can't recover it, make up for it, or reverse it. There are 24 hours in a day and 168 in a week, and those numbers aren't changing. What you can do is use the hours more efficiently and wisely to free up at least 60 minutes a week. 时间——既不能收回,也无法弥补或倒流。一天24小时,一周168小时,永远不多不少。你能做的只有更有效地利用好这些时间,努力争取每周挤哪怕60分钟出来。 Many of my executive clients work 60-plus hours a week still find a way to do things for themselves and their families. How? They do it by prioritizing. They know what's truly important, what's urgent, and what isn't. They know how to say no to certain things and yes to other things. And they know how to maximize the time that they do have and not dwell on time that they don't have. 我的很多管理层客户每周至少工作60小时,却依然可以挤出私人与家庭时间。他们是怎么做到的呢?通过优先处理。他们知道什么才是真正重要的、哪些紧急而哪些又可以缓一缓。他们懂得如何拒绝或接受某些事情。而且,他们知道怎样最大化利用自己拥有的时间,而不是一味想着没有的。 Here's how you can optimize your time: 下面就教你如何最大化利用时间: 1. Track how you spend your time 记下自己都把时间花在了哪里

Do this for one week. Many people are entirely unaware of what they do hour to hour and where the day goes. This simple exercise of noting what you're doing each hour can have a huge impact. 坚持记录一个星期。很多人根本不清楚自己是怎么混过每时每天的。记下每小时做了什么虽然简单,却能发挥重要作用。 One recent client told me how she spent 15 minutes every morning trying to decide what to wear each day. That's almost two hours a week she spent deciding what to wear. Another client told me how he spent almost an hour a day in one sitting reading sports scores even though his intention was to just "check them quickly." Track your time and know where you're spending it. 最近有个客户告诉我,她每天早上要花15分钟决定该穿什么衣服。也就是说,她每周几乎花掉2小时来决定穿衣服这件事。还有一个客户跟我说,就算原本只想“快速扫一眼”,他每天还是会花掉将近1小时用来查看比赛得分。记下你的时间分配,看看自己到底都干了些什么吧。 2. Determine which tasks and activities are vital and which are optional 确定哪些任务和活动比较重要,而哪些是可有可无的 Structure other tasks around those that are vital. Schedule your day by doing the important tasks first. This is when you are freshest and energetic. So often the less important tasks get in the way of other things that need to be done. For many this is a distraction. It's easier to do the things that aren't as important. Fear leads to procrastination and ends us keeping us stagnant. Here's how to overcome procrastination. 其他都以重要任务为中心进行安排。日程安排要先处理重要任务。这时你大脑清晰、精力充沛。通常,不太重要的事情会半路插进其他必做事情中,而且往往造成干扰。因为不太重要的事情更容易处理。畏难心理进而导致拖延,最后使我们毫无进展。下面就教你如何克服拖延症。 3. Get up 15 minutes earlier than you normally do 比平常早起15分钟 Doing so will provide you with an extra 75 minutes in your work week. Many of my clients who are business leaders talk about how they maximize their mornings and see it as a time to respond to emails without the distraction of telephone calls or they use it to do their daily workout. 这么做可以让你每个工作周多出75分钟。我有很多客户是商业领导,在说到如何最大化利用早晨时间时,他们认为这段时间不受电话干扰,可以用来回复邮件,或者进行日常锻炼。 4. Schedule Internet use 计划上网时间 So often people lose their sense of time when they are online. Given the sensory overload, people are drawn into cyberspace and rarely can stick to just their intended task. Think about how many

times you went online to read the news or check the weather and ended up staying online much longer reading other articles. Or perhaps you're like so many of my clients whose intention is to check sports scores quickly, yet they spend seven hours a week doing that. Schedule time and stick to it. 很多时候,人们一上网就容易忘了时间。人们被网络空间吸引,思维被满满占据,很难坚持做完原本计划的任务。想想有多少次你上网看新闻或看天气预报,最后却因为浏览其他文章而长时间耽搁吧。或者,你就像我的某些客户,原本只想快速扫一眼比赛得分,最后却每周浪费数小时在这件事上。请计划好时间,并坚持执行吧。 5. Plan 计划 At the beginning of your week, schedule what you need to do with a "to-do" list. Similarly, at the end of your work day, plan the next day. 每周开始时,列出任务清单,计划好需要做的事情。以此类推,下班后计划好隔天的事情。 6. Log out of email and social media accounts 退出邮箱和社交媒体账户 Staying connected to such accounts will only distract you and waste time, especially when you are on a deadline or working on an important project. Schedule time to use your social media sites. 登录这些账户只会使你分心并浪费时间,尤其当你在赶任务或处理重大项目的时候。规划好使用社交媒体网站的时间。 7. Keep your expectations in check 随时检查自己的期望 Are these expectations reasonable or unreasonable? For example, are you trying to go to the gym, get the kids ready for school, do laundry, and walk the dog all before 9:00 a.m.? Make sure you don't bite off more than you can chew. 这些期望是否合理?举个例子,你有没有计划在早上9:00之前全部搞定健身运动、送小孩上学、洗衣服和遛狗?请量力而行,不要奢望一口吃成胖子。 8. Change your thinking 改变自身思维 "I'm so busy" and "I don't have time for anything" are negative comments that are sure to keep you feeling overwhelmed. You might think instead, "I will make good use of the time that I do have" or "I can only do so much in one day and I will make sure I accomplish what is reasonable today." “我很忙”和“我根本没时间做任何事”都是消极想法,会让你觉得不堪负重。或许你可以这样想:“我将好好利用拥有的时间”,或者“我一天只能做这么多事,还是先完成今天能够搞定的事情吧”。 9. Group your errands in one place 一次包揽所有杂事

For example, if you know you're going to be downtown for an appointment and you know you go to a grocery store in that area, then consolidate the trips into one. 举个例子,如果你确定要到市区赴约,而且你还要去趟那边的杂货店,那么何不一次就把两件事一起搞定呢? 10. Keep your surroundings clean and organized 保持周围环境整洁有序 A cluttered desk will distract you as will a messy home. By keeping things in order you'll keep information organized in your head and minimize the possibility of losing items and having to spend time looking for them. 乱七八糟的桌面或家里会让你分心。让物品井然有序,你也就能让大脑中的信息有条不紊,并且还能减少丢失物品的几率,免得浪费时间到处寻找。 你知道这10个常见的英语俗语吗? 存到微云收藏 1. Tie the Knot 喜结良缘 To get married. This is left over from the old tradition of handfasting, wherein the hands of the bride and groom would be tied together with a length of ribbon to symbolize that their lives were fastened together permanently. 就是指结婚。这是流传下来的旧式传统婚约,行礼时新娘和新郎的手会被一条丝带绑在一起,这象征着彼此将永远生活在一起。 2. You Can't Take It With You 赤条条地走 You can't take anything with you when you die, so don't bother hoarding your stuff . Live now, because all your stuff is going to be around long after you're gone. 当你死后你无法带走任何东西,所以不要对你的身外之物恋恋不舍了。活在当下,因为你的一切身家在你走后很长时间里都会安然无恙。 3. “Over My Dead Body” “除非我死了”(想都别想) When the only way you'll allow something to happen is if you're no longer alive to stop it. 你唯一能允许此事发生的情况就是你已与世长辞了。 4. Don't Judge a Book By Its Cover 不要从书的封面来评断(不要以貌取人)

Things aren't always what they appear to be at first glance, so it's a good idea to give something a chance, even if its outward appearance isn't immediately attractive. 万事并非总是如第一眼看到的那样,所以不妨给某些事物一次机会,即使其表面不够抓人眼球。 5. When Pigs Fly 当猪会飞的时候 This means “never”. Pigs aren't about to sprout wings and take flight anytime soon, so if someone says to their kid that they can get a forehead tattoo when pigs fly, it’s not gonna happen. 这是暗指“永无可能”。因为猪是不会长出翅膀飞上天的,所以有人会这样对小孩说,当猪会飞了就可以纹头纹,意思就是不可能。 6. Wear Your Heart on Your Sleeve 把心放在袖管上(表露感情) To freely show and express all of your emotions, as though your heart were on the outside of your body. 尽情地表达出你所有的情感,想象成你的心是在身体外面一样。 7. “It's a Piece of Cake!” “一小块蛋糕而已!”(小菜一碟) …meaning that it's incredibly easy. No-one has a difficult time eating a piece of cake, do they? …意思就是超级简单。任何人吃一小块蛋糕都没问题,是吧? 8.It Takes Two to Tango 探戈是双人舞(一个巴掌拍不响) A person can't dance the tango alone, nor can they fight by themselves either. If an argument has occurred, there were two people involved, so two were responsible. 没有人可以独自跳探戈,也没有人可以一个人打起架来。若有争吵发生,事出两人身上,所以都应负责。 9. Head Over Heels 欣喜若狂 To be incredibly excited and joyful, particularly with regard to being in love. Imagine someone so happy that they do cartwheels down the street: like that. 难以置信地激动与喜悦,尤其是指陷入爱河的人。想象某人高兴地在街上翻跟斗:说的就是那种情形。 10. An Arm and a Leg 代价惨烈 When something is so ridiculously expensive that you might have to sell your own body parts in order to afford it, it's said to cost “an arm and a leg”. 有些东西贵得离谱时,可能你只有卖掉身上的器官才买得起,那就可以说“an arm and a leg”. 乔布斯发人深省的经典名言 存到微云收藏

有关死亡 "Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart." “记住,每个人终将会死去,我认为这是一个人能够避免患得患失的最好方式。你已经赤裸裸地面对死亡了,那就没有什么理由不去追随自己的心。” 有关未来 "You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life." “你无法在展望未来时串联点滴,你只能在回顾过去时将其串联。所以你要相信,这些点滴片段会在未来以某种方式串联起来。你要相信某种东西——直觉也好,命运也好,生命也好,或者因缘甚至是其他一切。这种方法从来没有让我失望,这也造就了我的与众不同。” 有关坚持 "Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. So keep looking until you find it. Don’t settle." “你的工作将占据你生活中的很大一部分,能够让你真正满意的唯一方法就是做你相信是伟大的工作,而唯一伟大的工作就是爱你所做的事。如果你还没有找到它,那么继续找,不要停。用心去找,你会知道何时能够找到它。如同任何伟大的关系一样,随时间流逝它只会越来越好。所以继续找,不要停,直到你找到它。” 有关追求 "Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn't matter to me … Going to bed at night saying we've done something wonderful … that's what matters to me." “成为墓地里最有钱的人,这事我并不关心…真正对我有意义的事,就是在晚上睡觉前说上一句‘我已经做了一些非常棒的事’….这才是我最在乎的。” 有关创造力 "Creativity is just connecting things. When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn't really do it, they just saw something. It seemed obvious to them after a while." “创造力就是找到事物之间的联系。当你询问有创意的人他们是如何做事时,他们觉得有点内疚,因为他们并没有真的这么做,他们只是看到了其中一些关系。这种感觉在他们过后看来会很明显。” 有关创新

"I'm as proud of many of the things we haven't done as the things we have done. Innovation is saying no to a thousand things." “我引以为豪是,许多我们所做的事情变成我们还没有完成的事,创新就是对一千件事情说‘不’。” 有关目标 “I think if you do something and it turns out pretty good, then you should go do something else wonderful, not dwell on it for too long. Just figure out what's next.” “我想如果你做了某些事,结果顺利圆满,那么你应该选择转去做别的事情,别专注在美好的事情上太久,要保持寻找下一个目标。” 有关失意 "Getting fired from Apple was the best thing that could have ever happened to me. The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again. It freed me to enter one of the most creative periods of my life." “从苹果公司离职曾是我人生中最好的一件事,追求成功的沉重被创业者的轻松感觉所取代,这让我感觉如此自由,我重新进入一个人生中最有创造力的阶段。” 有关改变 "When I was 17, I read a quote that went something like: 'If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you'll most certainly be right.' It made an impression on me, and since then, for the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: 'If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?' And whenever the answer has been 'no' for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something." “我曾在 17 岁时读过这么一句名言:‘如果你把每一天当成自己人生的最后一天来过,那么将来某一天你会明白其中的真意’,这句话令我印象深刻,此后的 33 年来,我每天早上都会对着镜子自问:‘如果今天是我生命的最后一天,我还会想去做我今天要去做的事吗?’,每当我心里的答案是‘不’时,我知道自己需要做出改变了。” 有关毅力 "I'm convinced that about half of what separates successful entrepreneurs from the non-successful ones is pure perseverance." “我相信一半成功的企业家和另一半不成功的企业家的区别在于纯粹的毅力。”


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