
【U06-11D (3)】高阶写作教程·第三版 2013级化学院王浩然整理





With increasing development of technology, way of travel become various. A great diversity of

ways could be chosen to going out. Gradually, more and more people have comfortable journey process,

especially for the people who relative more expensive of aircraft. An airline seat curve is rather

important. The optimization for the back of the chair curve, we adopt cubic B-spline cure interpolation,

the design curve in the spine a bone, the two constantly close to the most suitable radius of curve

function F(x) is constructed to represent the error of curvature radius obtained after multiple



This paper demonstrates sophomore materials ammonia oxidation experiments carried out

exploration in theory expounded catalyst on the catalytic oxidation of ammonia, and the experiment is

improved. Obviously the whole phenomenon of the experiment, easy to operate, the cost of cheap,

pollution reduction, could help students to ammonia oxidation awareness and understanding of this

reaction, but also solve the difficult years of high school chemistry teachers in the successful

implementation of this demonstration experiment of the problem.


The paper will be followed by an analysis of different catalyst and their effect on the ammonia

oxidation. Several improvements are made to make sure the experiment is cheap, clean and easy to

operate. With proper demonstration, students will certainly make further understanding of the catalyzed

oxidation, which signifies the solution to this long-standing problem.


【U06-11D (3)】高阶写作教程·第三版 2013级化学院王浩然 整理


英语只有两种句子,一种是“什么是什么”,另一种是“什么干什么”。对于第一种句子,无外乎用be 动词表达,即“主系表”;对于第二种则采用实意动词谓语,即“主谓宾”。事实上,任何一个英语句子都同时具备以下五个特征:

1. 句子中的单词有一套标准的顺序;

2. 所有的句子第一个单词的首字母必须大写;

3. 任何一个英语句子都必须表达一个完整的意思;

4. 所有的句子以句号、问号和感叹号结尾,少数情况是分号或冒号;

5. 任何一个英语句子至少包含一个主干分句,即所有的句子至少包含一个主语和一个谓语。

举个例子说明第一点:你既可以说 The dog bit the man. (狗咬了人)也可以说 The man bit the dog. (人咬了狗)但你不能说 Bit the man the dog.(无意义)除此之外,第二点和第四点都好理解。第三点和第五点较为抽象,它们也是汉语与英语的差异所在。

在英语中,任何一个句子只能有一个主语(名词),并一定有谓语(动词)与其对应。主语与谓语的组合称为句子的主干分句(main/independent clause)。主干句不仅在形式上占主导地位,而且必须要表示这句话的中心思想,正所谓“形意双合”。既然已经主干已经确定,其它成分都是辅助性的。在此基础上任何动词的引入都不得抢去主干谓语动词的地位。否则游戏规则被打破,主干也没有任何意义。

因此英语句法规定,在主干之上引入任何其他动词时必须带上关系代词、关系副词或连词等信号词以示区分,最典型的就是that 。以that 为首的信号词告诉读者:“我和我身后的从句谓语动词是来帮忙的,不会喧宾夺主。即便是并列连词,也顶多与主干动词平起平坐。”当然,有些情况下,that 可以省略。


第五点在形式上控制。只要出现了主干句的主语和谓语动词,无论是否加入其他成分,就必须打句号。第三点在意义上控制。有些主干句虽然主谓宾健全,但“说话大喘气”,人们急于知道后面发生了什么。此类句子表意不全,不能加句号。例如:After /When we ate dinner together… 后面不能加句号作结。

复合句就是主干句和从句的有机结合。其中,主干句本身不需要其他成分就能独立成句,而从句由于形式或意思的残缺,无法独立成句。中文句子常是“形散神不散”,随你表达,中心思想不变即可。而英文则认为“形散则神散”,形式比意义更严格,是一个英文句子正确的先决条件。在绝大部分情况下,英语句子无论多长都只有一个主干,且表达一个完整而主要的意思。 综上,我给大家的建议是:



The isolation of the rural world, because of distance and the lack of transport facilities, is

compounded by the paucity of the information media.

这个由1个谓语动词,9个名词和5个介词的长句其实只有一个主干:Rural world is compounded. 然后用介词短语表达原因。新手在表述复合句时,先写用“什么是什么”、“什么干什么”出主干,再往里填词是一个不错的方法。如果用简单句表达,恐怕要写成这样:

【U06-11D (3)】高阶写作教程·第三版 2013级化学院王浩然整理

Because there is a great distance and there are not enough transport facilities, the rural world

is isolated. This isolation hay became more serious because there are not enough information



高级句式·第二版》,其中的高级句式是我平时积累而来,拿来背诵是个不错的选择。但是,大规模使用复杂句好不好呢?接下来这篇作文来自于某同学,题目是《There’s no shortcut in study》:

A few days before, I saw a cartoon, in which a student asks his teacher where he can find a

book named How to Do Well in School without Studying. The teacher asks him to find it in the

fiction section.

It’s the nature of study that requires a solid foundation. shatter the whole foundation, For example, students may choose to cheat to acquire a good score. many students are averse to learning by rote, only by rote can one

remember and learn basic knowledge, thus achieving the possibility to further study in the future.

In this case, shortcuts also do not exist.


(如划线处)。但是缺点也很明显,除去划线句子,你会发现作者的表达很苍白,尤其是shortcut in study 等出现了三四遍。有些地方还有语法错误,读来仍觉生硬。我认为可通过以下方法解决此问题:

1. 把复杂句与短语、词汇搭配使用,绝不仅依赖其中任何一种写作;

2. 文章很短,尽量不要同一个词反复出现,平时积累同义词以便替换;

3. 学习范文的关键在于学习作者给出的观点以及穿插其中的过渡句,然后比着范文摹写。


有些词汇很简单,以至于很多人熟视无睹,比如与see 有关的搭配可能连见都没见过,更不要说拿

来用了。如see through, see over sth., see about sth., see sb. /sth. out 等。而这些我们认为陌生的表达,母语人士可能在文章中大量运用。外教很可能不用every day 而用 on a daily basis, 不用 in a hurry而用at the drop of hat, 不用He took part in the competition. 而说He entered for the competition. 不说He must be nearly 60 years old. 而说He must be going on for 60. 恰到好处的词语活用所产生的效果有时丝毫不亚于复合句。例如,要表达秋叶满地的场景,下面哪个句子会更好?

1 There are a number of autumn leaves lying on the ground.

2 Dead leaves covered the ground.

答案当然是第二句。Dead 让表达简洁、传神;cover 与lying 一比,不需要a number of 就能表示

数量多。具体到日常写作中,我们要学会用好动词,能用动词代替形容词的时候尽量用动词,比如make something complicated可以直接用complicate something来代替。《经济学人》杂志中也有一个例子:

【U06-11D (3)】高阶写作教程·第三版 2013级化学院王浩然 整理

All this helps explain Germans' attitudes towards the euro crisis. German voters are skeptical

of transfers to southern Europe not just because of their fear of inflation or their experience with

After a decade of scant real wage growth, and given the unusually skewed wealth distribution, that

perception is not altogether wrong.

“他在布拉瓦海岸度假”,这句话如果让我们来写的话,我们可能会写出He goes on holiday on the Costa Brava. 但文中直接写成 He holidays on the Costa Brava. 这里直接将holiday 当成动词使用,句子变得简洁有力。在平时写作中不仅要意思正确,语法无误,还要尽量用词精准,表达有力。

注意:这里的搭配指的是在朗文词典中找到的,带有例句说明的搭配,咱们在课堂上学的搭配不一定在此范围内。中学所学的词组,英美人可能80年都不用一次。我们都学过made from 和made of, 还有die from和die of, 两者的辨析简直让人抓狂。直到有一天我看到老外用die of car accident时我直接震惊了,好像人家不太在乎这些细节。2015年有一档纪录片叫《当中国老师遇上英国学生》,很多英国学生接受采访时居然不知道swum 是个单词,翻词典之后才知道这是swim 的过去分词。不同的教学理念导致的教育结果必然不同,这就是不少中国学生出国后还要重学英语的原因。



规定性语法(prescriptive grammar)明确规定什么正确、什么不正确,主要解决“用的对不对”的问题。违背了这个规则,句子一定是错的。描述性语法(descriptive grammar )着重于描述和解释语言如何被人类使用,而不是规定语言应当如何使用,主要解决“用的好不好”的问题。例如:However, is the phenomenon worthy of such optimism? 就是一个符合规定性语法,但不符合描述性语法的句子,有点中式英语的意思。结合上下文改成However, can we be optimistic that what has worked in the past will work in the future? 就显得流畅许多。





【U06-11D (3)】高阶写作教程·第三版 2013级化学院王浩然整理




AIDS seems to follow a pattern of recognizable symptoms. First, after being exposed to the

virus, the AIDS patients tend to complain of a fever, sore throat, sore muscles, and diarrhea. Then

there seems to be a dormant period, which can last for three years or longer. Finally, after this

period, more serious symptoms begin to emerge.



Every summer, I go to traveling with my family or my best friends. When the new term comes,

I will surprisingly find my oral English is much improved. So I firmly believe book is not only the

source of knowledge.


个很好的逻辑关系:go to traveling with my family与后面的my oral English is much improved并没有必然联系,逻辑上讲不通。


致,比如文章The weaker sex,段落的结构非常清晰,主题句引领全段,而且段落之间是层层递进。

What can be done? Part of the solution lies in a change in cultural attitudes./ Policymakers

also need to lend a hand, because foolish laws are making the problem worse./ Even more

important than scrapping foolish policies is retooling the educational system, which was designed

in an age when most men worked with their muscles./ More generally, schools need to become

more boy-friendly.


求我们用好连接词和语义承接。在写作中常见的连接词有because, as, while, it, however, therefore, although, similarly, consequently, nevertheless等,它们属于“明连接”。“暗承接”即语义承接,通过上下文之间的承接关系行文,比如通过指示代词、人称代词等指代前一句中出现的内容,或转述、解释前一句的关键词,从而形成自然的承接关系。例如这篇雅思9分作文(选段):

I tend to agree that young children can be negatively affected by too much time spent on the

computer every day. This they are using the

computer for.

The main concern is about the type of computer activities that attract children. These are often

electronic games that tend to be very intense and rather violent. The player is usually the “hero” of

the game and too much exposure can encourage children to be self-centered and insensitive to


【U06-11D (3)】高阶写作教程·第三版 2013级化学院王浩然 整理

上面的作文片段中,This 用来指代I tend to agree...一整句的内容,连接词because 用来连接从句说明原因,regardless of 后面连接名词性从句做进一步说明。These 用来指代上一句中出现的computer activities ,用定冠词the 修饰的player 和game 则与上一句呼应,指代游戏中的玩家和游戏。




Some people think that students should go to boarding schools instead of living at home. Do

you agree or disagree?

我们应该在文章中明确给出自己的意见:赞同上寄宿学校或者反对,而不是模棱两可,观点不清。 同一律是指在思考过程中,使用的概念或判断必须始终不变,保持同一。这也是文章立意符合要求、语体风格得体的必要条件。比如:

Judging from the current tendency, I am inclined to believe that traditional shopping will

disappear gradually and the reasons are as follows: For one thing, the online shopping can bring

convenience to people's life…For another, the merchandizes in online shops are much cheaper than

that in those real shops because... Everybody tends to choose the online shopping in this case.


矛盾律是指文章论述必须首尾相贯,避免出现自相矛盾,跑题离题的现象。比如对于 Asking students to evaluate their teachers is a good idea这样的题目,文章中应该阐述学生评价老师带来的好处,而不应该把阐述重点放在学生评分带来的坏处上。


事实上,我们不能把一件事说清楚,很多时候并不是语言技巧的问题,而是在于,我们对这件事情不够了解,知识储备不够多。爱因斯坦说:“If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. ” 设想一下,让你写自己最擅长的领域和最不擅长的领域,哪一个更有条理?



【U06-11D (3)】高阶写作教程·第三版 2013级化学院王浩然整理




2015年11月13日,巴黎遭遇恐怖袭击。各大媒体对此进行了报道。先看《卫报》社论Darkness fills

the stadium of light in Paris I once knew 《熟悉的灯光弥漫着黑暗》的开头部分,注意划线句子:

Until Friday night, the Stade de France in the northern suburbs of Paris was a cauldron of

dreams. As a schoolgirl in the capital, it was where I watched Zinédine Zidane, the superstar

footballer from the same Algerian background as me, lift the 1998 World Cup in front of a united – the place where suicide bombers exploded devices








场法国近年来最为严重的恐怖屠杀被现场直播。(注:Zizou 是齐达内的昵称;Les Bleus意为


再看BBC 社论Paris attacks: Could they happen in the UK? 《巴黎遭袭:恐怖袭击会在英国发生吗?》的开头部分:

While the UK has sustained far, far fewer casualties from jihadist violence than France, all of

the available evidence indicates that the terrible events inflicted upon Paris could happen here - and

security chiefs have long planned for that possibility.



作为周刊,《经济学人》也推出了社论How to fight back 《如何反击》。且看开头:

THE assault on Paris by Islamic State on November 13th was an attack on life's innocent

pleasures. The terrorists shot anyone who strayed into their gunsights--ordinary mecs out for a gig,

【U06-11D (3)】高阶写作教程·第三版 2013级化学院王浩然 整理

sharing a drink, or watching a football friendly. It could have been any big city. It could have been you.



同样是报道骇人听闻的恐怖袭击,《卫报》的社论从记者的个人经历出发,感染力不强,对于灾难的描述也显得中规中矩;BBC 坚持“第零视角”,忙着分析国内安全形势,避免灾难重演,冷冰冰的写作未免有些狭隘;最高明的还是《经济学人》。本文首先强调这次恐怖袭击是对生命纯真乐趣的袭击,任何人都可能成为恐怖袭击的目标。尤其是最后两句话:It could have been any big city. It could have been you. 这告诉人们,恐怖袭击并不仅仅存在于电视和新闻中,下一秒就可能发生在你我身边。第一段只有短短四句话,但它的效果比《卫报》的连篇长句要好很多。


《经济学人》中时常用对比手法作开头。如Learning unleashed 《放宽私人办学》

THE Ken Ade Private School is not much to look at. Its classrooms are corrugated tin shacks

scattered through the stinking streets of Makoko, Lagos’s best-known slum, two grades to a room. The windows are glassless; the light sockets without bulbs. The ceiling fans are still. But by mid-morning deafening chants rise above the mess, as teachers lead gingham-clad pupils in educational games and dance. Chalk-boards spell out the A-B-Cs for the day. A smart, two-storey government school looms over its ramshackle private neighbor. Its children sit twiddling their thumbs. The teachers have not shown up.








再有一个生动的事例:Making friends again 《重归于好》

When Barack Obama took his Brazilian counterpart, Dilma Rousseff, for a stroll around the

Martin Luther King memorial on June 29th, the sky over Washington was cloudless. There was no hint, either, of the heavy weather caused by revelations two years ago that American spooks had spied on Ms. Rousseff’s e-mail. She reacted by calling off a state visit, plunging relations into a wintry gloom. Nobody expects that upset to be forgotten, but the rapport between the presidents has warmed.

【U06-11D (3)】高阶写作教程·第三版 2013级化学院王浩然整理







首先看《经济学人》怎样评价2016年美国总统大选的热门候选人,集逗比、土豪、疯子、政客于一身的唐纳德·特朗普。且看传记Trump’s America 《特朗普的美国梦》:

“This country is a hellhole. We are going down fast,” says Donald Trump. “We can’t do

anything right. We’re a laughing-stock all over the world. The American dream is dead.” It is a

dismal prospect, but fear not: a solution is at hand. “I went to the Wharton School of Business. I’m,

like, a really smart person,” says Mr. Trump. “It’s very possible”, he once boasted, “that I could be

the first presidential candidate to run and make money on it.”

When Mr. Trump first announced that he was running for president, he was dismissed as a

joke. A wheeler-dealer with lots of experience of reality TV but none whatsoever of elective office

wants to be commander-in-chief? Surely, sophisticates scoffed, no one could want this erratic

tycoon’s fingers anywhere near the nuclear button. But for weeks now he has led the polls for the

Republican nomination, despite saying things that would have torpedoed any normal campaign.

Americans are waking up to the possibility that a man whose hobby is naming things after himself

might —conceivably —be the nominee of the party of Lincoln and Reagan. It is worth spelling out

why that would be a terrible thing. Fortunately, the Donald’s own words provide a useful guide.












【U06-11D (3)】高阶写作教程·第三版 2013级化学院王浩然 整理

最后的例子是一封名叫A quiet bell ringing《静铃轻唱》的讣告。2015年10月2日,当代爱尔兰最杰出的剧作家布莱恩•弗莱尔去世,享年86岁。这是怎样的一个人,能让《经济学人》为他刊发讣告?无论是否了解布莱恩,且看开头和结尾的描写就能略知缘由:

If you were to catch Brian Friel in some public house in Derry he might well be joking,

“getting the craic”, his blue pixie’s eyes in his red lumpish face glinting with mischief and fun. On the other hand he might be sitting out of the way, nursing his beer with that look of moroseness that he had, and not inclined to answer questions. For there was a Private Friel, extrovert and witty with his friends, and a Public Friel who wanted to speak only through his plays and would not have slick interviewers define him otherwise: a bleak sort of fella, deadly serious in intent, whose natural state was a deep sense of confusion and ambivalence towards the world.

America was ever the land of liberation for him, the place his characters would leave for as

soon as the potato crop was in. But he knew that, if he went, homesickness for green Ireland would gnaw away at him as surely as at them. Exile was not the answer. There was a strange dignity in staying but wavering, trying to balance emotions that would not be reconciled. Confusion, he insisted, “is not an ignoble condition”.


的脸颊微微泛红,精灵般的蓝眼睛闪动着调皮的光芒。另一些时候,你很可能看到他坐在角落里,带着他惯有的阴郁表情,浅酌着手中的啤酒,不愿意回答任何问题。没错,世界上有“两个”布赖恩,朋友间的布赖恩待人开朗,处事机智;而公众见到的布赖恩却相对寡言,只愿通过戏剧发声。这让那些油腔滑调的媒体只得给他这样的描述:这个家伙有些阴沉,处事异常严肃。面对这个世界,他总是感到重重的矛盾,深深的彷徨。(注:craic 出自爱尔兰英语,指美好时光,尤其是友好愉快的交谈)





作为一部面向全球高端人士的杂志,《经济学人》包罗万象。除了任务访谈、社论时评、调查报告之外,还有一些优秀的科普文章。他们的存在,正是科学与人文之美的完美结合。且看Life, the multiverse and everything 《生命,多重宇宙及一切》

Science has remade the world, but scientists are not finished yet.

“I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore, and diverting myself in now and

then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.” Those words, ascribed to Sir Isaac New ton, might still be spoken, with the appropriate correction for sex, by any scientist today.

【U06-11D (3)】高阶写作教程·第三版 2013级化学院王浩然整理

The discipline of natural science that Newton helped found in the second half of the 17th

century has extended humanity’s horizons to a degree he could scarcely have envisaged. Newton

lived in a world that thought itself 6,000 years old, knew nothing of chemical elements or

disease-causing microbes, believed living creatures could spring spontaneously from mud, hay or

dirty bed-linen, and had only just stopped assuming that the sun (and everything else in the

universe) revolved around the Earth.

Yet even today, deep problems and deeper mysteries remain. Science cannot yet say how life

began or whether the universe is but one of many. Some things people take for granted—that time

goes forwards but never backwards, say—are profoundly weird. Other mysteries, no less strange,

are not even perceived. One is that 96% of the universe’s contents pass ghostlike and unnoticed

through the minuscule remaining fraction, which solipsistic humans are pleased to call “ordinary

matter”. Another is how, after billions of years when the Earth was inhabited only by single-celled

creatures, animals suddenly popped into existence. Perhaps the deepest mystery of all is how atoms

in human brains can consciously perceive the desire to ask all of these questions in the first place,

and then move other atoms around to answer them.

Bacteria and brontosaurus. Oxygen and octane. Quarks and quasars. All are the offspring of

Newton’s child. Moreover, it is the manipulation of nature which science permits that has brought

today’s unprecedented plenty and prosperity. Most of all, though, science has brought

self-knowledge, for it has put humans in their place in two contradictory ways. It has dethroned

them as the center of the universe, by showing that mankind is a Johnny-come-lately, living on a

tiny planet orbiting an ordinary star in an unremarkable galaxy that is, itself, one of more than 150

billion such galaxies. But it has also enthroned humanity, revealing the extraordinary nature of the

universe’s inner workings in ways that Newton’s contemporaries were only beginning to glimpse.

Simultaneously demoted and exalted by science in this unprecedented era of discovery, Homo

sapiens still has oceans to survey.



















【U06-11D (3)】高阶写作教程·第三版 2013级化学院王浩然 整理






看完此段,我被作者渊博的知识,灵活驾驭语言的能力和独到的写作角度所深深震撼。第一段“更改性别”的梗无端戳中了我的笑点;第二段和第四段的描写让人连声喝彩。人人都能想到牛顿的名言,但谁能想到借牛顿发力描写科技发展的日新月异?就算想到,又有谁能把牛顿时代的科技水平描绘的有声有色?人人都会知道“科学是把双刃剑”,但大多数人只会用“要合理而辩证的运用科学”而草草作结。但作者却从“科学使人谦卑”、“科学给人荣耀”两方面分析,真乃神来之笔。西方人写作历来有“东一锤子西一棒”的特点,卫星和地铁一起跑,火箭与异形并肩飞。这篇文章就有这种异想天开的奇妙气质。最后一段第一句运用押头韵(alliteration ),每对单词互不关联,但开头类似,结尾近同。合辙押韵,不失文风。此处应当有掌声!



《经济学人》的很多文章用词考究,手法精当,内容丰富,除了选取的这几篇,我还喜欢报道中国应对金融危机的T he Great Fall of China 《中国跌跌不休》;关注欧洲难民潮的Exodus 《出叙利亚记》;关注新兴市场的The two Mexicos 《双面墨西哥》;介绍屠呦呦与诺贝尔的Wisdom, ancient and modern 《古代与现代的智慧》;当然还有李克强总理的力作China's economic blueprint 《中国经济蓝图》。最让我动容的三篇文章是关注中国老龄化社会的The kin and I 《亲属与我》以及调查中国农村留守儿童现状的Little match children 《卖火柴的小孩子》与Pity the children 《同情留守儿童》。很难想象一个西方媒体能相对公允地调查分析中国的社会现象,因此三篇文章的深度和力度与中国媒体不相上下。仅从题目上看,这些文章或化用《圣经》名篇,或改变童话故事,或使用暗喻修辞,美感之余还简洁明快,值得细细品读。不过“旁观者”也有抹黑中国的时候,比如报道天津港8.12事件的Inferno 《熊熊大火》认为中国是“独裁国家”就让我很不爽。总之,《经济学人》是个提升阅读与写作能力的宝库,善加利用好处多多。


【U06-11D (3)】高阶写作教程·第三版 2013级化学院王浩然整理


Two Cheers for “Made in China”

While globalization turns China into the “world’s factory”, the world has witnessed China's progress. 1 in 5 air conditioners in the world is made in China and Chinese clothing takes up 68% of Korean import. Thanks to the reform and opening-up policy, Chinese domestic economy developed considerably in recent decades, which has brought its people an improving living standard and been a source of great pride.

However, is the phenomenon worthy of such optimism? I am afraid not. From each iPhone produced, China owns only 1.8% of its profits. Meanwhile, toxic foods and recalling incidents are not uncommon in the media. And instead of shopping domestically, Chinese citizens flock to Japan to purchase high-end products of light industry from toilet seats to electric cookers. Thus we can see: the existing low-cost, labor-oriented production not only brings great damage to the environment, but also interferes with inte grated development of our homeland. As far as I am concerned, we don’t have to cheer for ‘Made in China’. Instead, we should feel pity for it.

We once had faith in the philosophy of “getting rich matters most” and more or less ignored the huge price we had to pay. But, ironically, it was not long before we saw our great achievements were also leading to our backward developments. Truth be told, China specializes in producing all kinds of entry-level products, which undoubtedly makes intellectual property rights the Achilles’ heel of Chinese manufacturing. To reverse the situation, it is high time we transformed products from ‘made in China’ to ‘created in China’.

Firstly, national brand is the master card of any domestic company. Lenovo is one of the world’s largest producers of personal computers. The new-concept products it produces have made Lenovo worldwide famous. Another example goes to the Huawei Technology, whose reputation was earned by its incomparable contribution to the global information industry. Its brand has become one of the most sparkling business cards of China.

The second strategy lies in the innovation of technology. Obsolete modes of production are a high risk factor to both company staff and the environment. In the span-new epoch when technologies develop by leaps and bounds, it is through innovation that we assume leadership in the global market, just as what China has achieved in high-speed railway and space exploration.

Finally, an efficient administrative system is crucial to the shift of the production mode as well. It will lead to advanced labor distribution and well-balanced capital circulation. Haier Group turned itself into a limited liability company in 1993. Thanks to the transformation, the enterprise consolidated its core competence and became a potential competitor of the Fortune 500.

Ladies and gentlemen, I firmly believe that China will get a strong foothold in the global arena. When the moment arrives that millions of products are labeled ‘created in China’, we will cheer for what is truly ours. Thank you.

【U06-11D (3)】高阶写作教程·第三版 2013级化学院王浩然整理





With increasing development of technology, way of travel become various. A great diversity of

ways could be chosen to going out. Gradually, more and more people have comfortable journey process,

especially for the people who relative more expensive of aircraft. An airline seat curve is rather

important. The optimization for the back of the chair curve, we adopt cubic B-spline cure interpolation,

the design curve in the spine a bone, the two constantly close to the most suitable radius of curve

function F(x) is constructed to represent the error of curvature radius obtained after multiple



This paper demonstrates sophomore materials ammonia oxidation experiments carried out

exploration in theory expounded catalyst on the catalytic oxidation of ammonia, and the experiment is

improved. Obviously the whole phenomenon of the experiment, easy to operate, the cost of cheap,

pollution reduction, could help students to ammonia oxidation awareness and understanding of this

reaction, but also solve the difficult years of high school chemistry teachers in the successful

implementation of this demonstration experiment of the problem.


The paper will be followed by an analysis of different catalyst and their effect on the ammonia

oxidation. Several improvements are made to make sure the experiment is cheap, clean and easy to

operate. With proper demonstration, students will certainly make further understanding of the catalyzed

oxidation, which signifies the solution to this long-standing problem.


【U06-11D (3)】高阶写作教程·第三版 2013级化学院王浩然 整理


英语只有两种句子,一种是“什么是什么”,另一种是“什么干什么”。对于第一种句子,无外乎用be 动词表达,即“主系表”;对于第二种则采用实意动词谓语,即“主谓宾”。事实上,任何一个英语句子都同时具备以下五个特征:

1. 句子中的单词有一套标准的顺序;

2. 所有的句子第一个单词的首字母必须大写;

3. 任何一个英语句子都必须表达一个完整的意思;

4. 所有的句子以句号、问号和感叹号结尾,少数情况是分号或冒号;

5. 任何一个英语句子至少包含一个主干分句,即所有的句子至少包含一个主语和一个谓语。

举个例子说明第一点:你既可以说 The dog bit the man. (狗咬了人)也可以说 The man bit the dog. (人咬了狗)但你不能说 Bit the man the dog.(无意义)除此之外,第二点和第四点都好理解。第三点和第五点较为抽象,它们也是汉语与英语的差异所在。

在英语中,任何一个句子只能有一个主语(名词),并一定有谓语(动词)与其对应。主语与谓语的组合称为句子的主干分句(main/independent clause)。主干句不仅在形式上占主导地位,而且必须要表示这句话的中心思想,正所谓“形意双合”。既然已经主干已经确定,其它成分都是辅助性的。在此基础上任何动词的引入都不得抢去主干谓语动词的地位。否则游戏规则被打破,主干也没有任何意义。

因此英语句法规定,在主干之上引入任何其他动词时必须带上关系代词、关系副词或连词等信号词以示区分,最典型的就是that 。以that 为首的信号词告诉读者:“我和我身后的从句谓语动词是来帮忙的,不会喧宾夺主。即便是并列连词,也顶多与主干动词平起平坐。”当然,有些情况下,that 可以省略。


第五点在形式上控制。只要出现了主干句的主语和谓语动词,无论是否加入其他成分,就必须打句号。第三点在意义上控制。有些主干句虽然主谓宾健全,但“说话大喘气”,人们急于知道后面发生了什么。此类句子表意不全,不能加句号。例如:After /When we ate dinner together… 后面不能加句号作结。

复合句就是主干句和从句的有机结合。其中,主干句本身不需要其他成分就能独立成句,而从句由于形式或意思的残缺,无法独立成句。中文句子常是“形散神不散”,随你表达,中心思想不变即可。而英文则认为“形散则神散”,形式比意义更严格,是一个英文句子正确的先决条件。在绝大部分情况下,英语句子无论多长都只有一个主干,且表达一个完整而主要的意思。 综上,我给大家的建议是:



The isolation of the rural world, because of distance and the lack of transport facilities, is

compounded by the paucity of the information media.

这个由1个谓语动词,9个名词和5个介词的长句其实只有一个主干:Rural world is compounded. 然后用介词短语表达原因。新手在表述复合句时,先写用“什么是什么”、“什么干什么”出主干,再往里填词是一个不错的方法。如果用简单句表达,恐怕要写成这样:

【U06-11D (3)】高阶写作教程·第三版 2013级化学院王浩然整理

Because there is a great distance and there are not enough transport facilities, the rural world

is isolated. This isolation hay became more serious because there are not enough information



高级句式·第二版》,其中的高级句式是我平时积累而来,拿来背诵是个不错的选择。但是,大规模使用复杂句好不好呢?接下来这篇作文来自于某同学,题目是《There’s no shortcut in study》:

A few days before, I saw a cartoon, in which a student asks his teacher where he can find a

book named How to Do Well in School without Studying. The teacher asks him to find it in the

fiction section.

It’s the nature of study that requires a solid foundation. shatter the whole foundation, For example, students may choose to cheat to acquire a good score. many students are averse to learning by rote, only by rote can one

remember and learn basic knowledge, thus achieving the possibility to further study in the future.

In this case, shortcuts also do not exist.


(如划线处)。但是缺点也很明显,除去划线句子,你会发现作者的表达很苍白,尤其是shortcut in study 等出现了三四遍。有些地方还有语法错误,读来仍觉生硬。我认为可通过以下方法解决此问题:

1. 把复杂句与短语、词汇搭配使用,绝不仅依赖其中任何一种写作;

2. 文章很短,尽量不要同一个词反复出现,平时积累同义词以便替换;

3. 学习范文的关键在于学习作者给出的观点以及穿插其中的过渡句,然后比着范文摹写。


有些词汇很简单,以至于很多人熟视无睹,比如与see 有关的搭配可能连见都没见过,更不要说拿

来用了。如see through, see over sth., see about sth., see sb. /sth. out 等。而这些我们认为陌生的表达,母语人士可能在文章中大量运用。外教很可能不用every day 而用 on a daily basis, 不用 in a hurry而用at the drop of hat, 不用He took part in the competition. 而说He entered for the competition. 不说He must be nearly 60 years old. 而说He must be going on for 60. 恰到好处的词语活用所产生的效果有时丝毫不亚于复合句。例如,要表达秋叶满地的场景,下面哪个句子会更好?

1 There are a number of autumn leaves lying on the ground.

2 Dead leaves covered the ground.

答案当然是第二句。Dead 让表达简洁、传神;cover 与lying 一比,不需要a number of 就能表示

数量多。具体到日常写作中,我们要学会用好动词,能用动词代替形容词的时候尽量用动词,比如make something complicated可以直接用complicate something来代替。《经济学人》杂志中也有一个例子:

【U06-11D (3)】高阶写作教程·第三版 2013级化学院王浩然 整理

All this helps explain Germans' attitudes towards the euro crisis. German voters are skeptical

of transfers to southern Europe not just because of their fear of inflation or their experience with

After a decade of scant real wage growth, and given the unusually skewed wealth distribution, that

perception is not altogether wrong.

“他在布拉瓦海岸度假”,这句话如果让我们来写的话,我们可能会写出He goes on holiday on the Costa Brava. 但文中直接写成 He holidays on the Costa Brava. 这里直接将holiday 当成动词使用,句子变得简洁有力。在平时写作中不仅要意思正确,语法无误,还要尽量用词精准,表达有力。

注意:这里的搭配指的是在朗文词典中找到的,带有例句说明的搭配,咱们在课堂上学的搭配不一定在此范围内。中学所学的词组,英美人可能80年都不用一次。我们都学过made from 和made of, 还有die from和die of, 两者的辨析简直让人抓狂。直到有一天我看到老外用die of car accident时我直接震惊了,好像人家不太在乎这些细节。2015年有一档纪录片叫《当中国老师遇上英国学生》,很多英国学生接受采访时居然不知道swum 是个单词,翻词典之后才知道这是swim 的过去分词。不同的教学理念导致的教育结果必然不同,这就是不少中国学生出国后还要重学英语的原因。



规定性语法(prescriptive grammar)明确规定什么正确、什么不正确,主要解决“用的对不对”的问题。违背了这个规则,句子一定是错的。描述性语法(descriptive grammar )着重于描述和解释语言如何被人类使用,而不是规定语言应当如何使用,主要解决“用的好不好”的问题。例如:However, is the phenomenon worthy of such optimism? 就是一个符合规定性语法,但不符合描述性语法的句子,有点中式英语的意思。结合上下文改成However, can we be optimistic that what has worked in the past will work in the future? 就显得流畅许多。





【U06-11D (3)】高阶写作教程·第三版 2013级化学院王浩然整理




AIDS seems to follow a pattern of recognizable symptoms. First, after being exposed to the

virus, the AIDS patients tend to complain of a fever, sore throat, sore muscles, and diarrhea. Then

there seems to be a dormant period, which can last for three years or longer. Finally, after this

period, more serious symptoms begin to emerge.



Every summer, I go to traveling with my family or my best friends. When the new term comes,

I will surprisingly find my oral English is much improved. So I firmly believe book is not only the

source of knowledge.


个很好的逻辑关系:go to traveling with my family与后面的my oral English is much improved并没有必然联系,逻辑上讲不通。


致,比如文章The weaker sex,段落的结构非常清晰,主题句引领全段,而且段落之间是层层递进。

What can be done? Part of the solution lies in a change in cultural attitudes./ Policymakers

also need to lend a hand, because foolish laws are making the problem worse./ Even more

important than scrapping foolish policies is retooling the educational system, which was designed

in an age when most men worked with their muscles./ More generally, schools need to become

more boy-friendly.


求我们用好连接词和语义承接。在写作中常见的连接词有because, as, while, it, however, therefore, although, similarly, consequently, nevertheless等,它们属于“明连接”。“暗承接”即语义承接,通过上下文之间的承接关系行文,比如通过指示代词、人称代词等指代前一句中出现的内容,或转述、解释前一句的关键词,从而形成自然的承接关系。例如这篇雅思9分作文(选段):

I tend to agree that young children can be negatively affected by too much time spent on the

computer every day. This they are using the

computer for.

The main concern is about the type of computer activities that attract children. These are often

electronic games that tend to be very intense and rather violent. The player is usually the “hero” of

the game and too much exposure can encourage children to be self-centered and insensitive to


【U06-11D (3)】高阶写作教程·第三版 2013级化学院王浩然 整理

上面的作文片段中,This 用来指代I tend to agree...一整句的内容,连接词because 用来连接从句说明原因,regardless of 后面连接名词性从句做进一步说明。These 用来指代上一句中出现的computer activities ,用定冠词the 修饰的player 和game 则与上一句呼应,指代游戏中的玩家和游戏。




Some people think that students should go to boarding schools instead of living at home. Do

you agree or disagree?

我们应该在文章中明确给出自己的意见:赞同上寄宿学校或者反对,而不是模棱两可,观点不清。 同一律是指在思考过程中,使用的概念或判断必须始终不变,保持同一。这也是文章立意符合要求、语体风格得体的必要条件。比如:

Judging from the current tendency, I am inclined to believe that traditional shopping will

disappear gradually and the reasons are as follows: For one thing, the online shopping can bring

convenience to people's life…For another, the merchandizes in online shops are much cheaper than

that in those real shops because... Everybody tends to choose the online shopping in this case.


矛盾律是指文章论述必须首尾相贯,避免出现自相矛盾,跑题离题的现象。比如对于 Asking students to evaluate their teachers is a good idea这样的题目,文章中应该阐述学生评价老师带来的好处,而不应该把阐述重点放在学生评分带来的坏处上。


事实上,我们不能把一件事说清楚,很多时候并不是语言技巧的问题,而是在于,我们对这件事情不够了解,知识储备不够多。爱因斯坦说:“If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. ” 设想一下,让你写自己最擅长的领域和最不擅长的领域,哪一个更有条理?



【U06-11D (3)】高阶写作教程·第三版 2013级化学院王浩然整理




2015年11月13日,巴黎遭遇恐怖袭击。各大媒体对此进行了报道。先看《卫报》社论Darkness fills

the stadium of light in Paris I once knew 《熟悉的灯光弥漫着黑暗》的开头部分,注意划线句子:

Until Friday night, the Stade de France in the northern suburbs of Paris was a cauldron of

dreams. As a schoolgirl in the capital, it was where I watched Zinédine Zidane, the superstar

footballer from the same Algerian background as me, lift the 1998 World Cup in front of a united – the place where suicide bombers exploded devices








场法国近年来最为严重的恐怖屠杀被现场直播。(注:Zizou 是齐达内的昵称;Les Bleus意为


再看BBC 社论Paris attacks: Could they happen in the UK? 《巴黎遭袭:恐怖袭击会在英国发生吗?》的开头部分:

While the UK has sustained far, far fewer casualties from jihadist violence than France, all of

the available evidence indicates that the terrible events inflicted upon Paris could happen here - and

security chiefs have long planned for that possibility.



作为周刊,《经济学人》也推出了社论How to fight back 《如何反击》。且看开头:

THE assault on Paris by Islamic State on November 13th was an attack on life's innocent

pleasures. The terrorists shot anyone who strayed into their gunsights--ordinary mecs out for a gig,

【U06-11D (3)】高阶写作教程·第三版 2013级化学院王浩然 整理

sharing a drink, or watching a football friendly. It could have been any big city. It could have been you.



同样是报道骇人听闻的恐怖袭击,《卫报》的社论从记者的个人经历出发,感染力不强,对于灾难的描述也显得中规中矩;BBC 坚持“第零视角”,忙着分析国内安全形势,避免灾难重演,冷冰冰的写作未免有些狭隘;最高明的还是《经济学人》。本文首先强调这次恐怖袭击是对生命纯真乐趣的袭击,任何人都可能成为恐怖袭击的目标。尤其是最后两句话:It could have been any big city. It could have been you. 这告诉人们,恐怖袭击并不仅仅存在于电视和新闻中,下一秒就可能发生在你我身边。第一段只有短短四句话,但它的效果比《卫报》的连篇长句要好很多。


《经济学人》中时常用对比手法作开头。如Learning unleashed 《放宽私人办学》

THE Ken Ade Private School is not much to look at. Its classrooms are corrugated tin shacks

scattered through the stinking streets of Makoko, Lagos’s best-known slum, two grades to a room. The windows are glassless; the light sockets without bulbs. The ceiling fans are still. But by mid-morning deafening chants rise above the mess, as teachers lead gingham-clad pupils in educational games and dance. Chalk-boards spell out the A-B-Cs for the day. A smart, two-storey government school looms over its ramshackle private neighbor. Its children sit twiddling their thumbs. The teachers have not shown up.








再有一个生动的事例:Making friends again 《重归于好》

When Barack Obama took his Brazilian counterpart, Dilma Rousseff, for a stroll around the

Martin Luther King memorial on June 29th, the sky over Washington was cloudless. There was no hint, either, of the heavy weather caused by revelations two years ago that American spooks had spied on Ms. Rousseff’s e-mail. She reacted by calling off a state visit, plunging relations into a wintry gloom. Nobody expects that upset to be forgotten, but the rapport between the presidents has warmed.

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首先看《经济学人》怎样评价2016年美国总统大选的热门候选人,集逗比、土豪、疯子、政客于一身的唐纳德·特朗普。且看传记Trump’s America 《特朗普的美国梦》:

“This country is a hellhole. We are going down fast,” says Donald Trump. “We can’t do

anything right. We’re a laughing-stock all over the world. The American dream is dead.” It is a

dismal prospect, but fear not: a solution is at hand. “I went to the Wharton School of Business. I’m,

like, a really smart person,” says Mr. Trump. “It’s very possible”, he once boasted, “that I could be

the first presidential candidate to run and make money on it.”

When Mr. Trump first announced that he was running for president, he was dismissed as a

joke. A wheeler-dealer with lots of experience of reality TV but none whatsoever of elective office

wants to be commander-in-chief? Surely, sophisticates scoffed, no one could want this erratic

tycoon’s fingers anywhere near the nuclear button. But for weeks now he has led the polls for the

Republican nomination, despite saying things that would have torpedoed any normal campaign.

Americans are waking up to the possibility that a man whose hobby is naming things after himself

might —conceivably —be the nominee of the party of Lincoln and Reagan. It is worth spelling out

why that would be a terrible thing. Fortunately, the Donald’s own words provide a useful guide.












【U06-11D (3)】高阶写作教程·第三版 2013级化学院王浩然 整理

最后的例子是一封名叫A quiet bell ringing《静铃轻唱》的讣告。2015年10月2日,当代爱尔兰最杰出的剧作家布莱恩•弗莱尔去世,享年86岁。这是怎样的一个人,能让《经济学人》为他刊发讣告?无论是否了解布莱恩,且看开头和结尾的描写就能略知缘由:

If you were to catch Brian Friel in some public house in Derry he might well be joking,

“getting the craic”, his blue pixie’s eyes in his red lumpish face glinting with mischief and fun. On the other hand he might be sitting out of the way, nursing his beer with that look of moroseness that he had, and not inclined to answer questions. For there was a Private Friel, extrovert and witty with his friends, and a Public Friel who wanted to speak only through his plays and would not have slick interviewers define him otherwise: a bleak sort of fella, deadly serious in intent, whose natural state was a deep sense of confusion and ambivalence towards the world.

America was ever the land of liberation for him, the place his characters would leave for as

soon as the potato crop was in. But he knew that, if he went, homesickness for green Ireland would gnaw away at him as surely as at them. Exile was not the answer. There was a strange dignity in staying but wavering, trying to balance emotions that would not be reconciled. Confusion, he insisted, “is not an ignoble condition”.


的脸颊微微泛红,精灵般的蓝眼睛闪动着调皮的光芒。另一些时候,你很可能看到他坐在角落里,带着他惯有的阴郁表情,浅酌着手中的啤酒,不愿意回答任何问题。没错,世界上有“两个”布赖恩,朋友间的布赖恩待人开朗,处事机智;而公众见到的布赖恩却相对寡言,只愿通过戏剧发声。这让那些油腔滑调的媒体只得给他这样的描述:这个家伙有些阴沉,处事异常严肃。面对这个世界,他总是感到重重的矛盾,深深的彷徨。(注:craic 出自爱尔兰英语,指美好时光,尤其是友好愉快的交谈)





作为一部面向全球高端人士的杂志,《经济学人》包罗万象。除了任务访谈、社论时评、调查报告之外,还有一些优秀的科普文章。他们的存在,正是科学与人文之美的完美结合。且看Life, the multiverse and everything 《生命,多重宇宙及一切》

Science has remade the world, but scientists are not finished yet.

“I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore, and diverting myself in now and

then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.” Those words, ascribed to Sir Isaac New ton, might still be spoken, with the appropriate correction for sex, by any scientist today.

【U06-11D (3)】高阶写作教程·第三版 2013级化学院王浩然整理

The discipline of natural science that Newton helped found in the second half of the 17th

century has extended humanity’s horizons to a degree he could scarcely have envisaged. Newton

lived in a world that thought itself 6,000 years old, knew nothing of chemical elements or

disease-causing microbes, believed living creatures could spring spontaneously from mud, hay or

dirty bed-linen, and had only just stopped assuming that the sun (and everything else in the

universe) revolved around the Earth.

Yet even today, deep problems and deeper mysteries remain. Science cannot yet say how life

began or whether the universe is but one of many. Some things people take for granted—that time

goes forwards but never backwards, say—are profoundly weird. Other mysteries, no less strange,

are not even perceived. One is that 96% of the universe’s contents pass ghostlike and unnoticed

through the minuscule remaining fraction, which solipsistic humans are pleased to call “ordinary

matter”. Another is how, after billions of years when the Earth was inhabited only by single-celled

creatures, animals suddenly popped into existence. Perhaps the deepest mystery of all is how atoms

in human brains can consciously perceive the desire to ask all of these questions in the first place,

and then move other atoms around to answer them.

Bacteria and brontosaurus. Oxygen and octane. Quarks and quasars. All are the offspring of

Newton’s child. Moreover, it is the manipulation of nature which science permits that has brought

today’s unprecedented plenty and prosperity. Most of all, though, science has brought

self-knowledge, for it has put humans in their place in two contradictory ways. It has dethroned

them as the center of the universe, by showing that mankind is a Johnny-come-lately, living on a

tiny planet orbiting an ordinary star in an unremarkable galaxy that is, itself, one of more than 150

billion such galaxies. But it has also enthroned humanity, revealing the extraordinary nature of the

universe’s inner workings in ways that Newton’s contemporaries were only beginning to glimpse.

Simultaneously demoted and exalted by science in this unprecedented era of discovery, Homo

sapiens still has oceans to survey.



















【U06-11D (3)】高阶写作教程·第三版 2013级化学院王浩然 整理






看完此段,我被作者渊博的知识,灵活驾驭语言的能力和独到的写作角度所深深震撼。第一段“更改性别”的梗无端戳中了我的笑点;第二段和第四段的描写让人连声喝彩。人人都能想到牛顿的名言,但谁能想到借牛顿发力描写科技发展的日新月异?就算想到,又有谁能把牛顿时代的科技水平描绘的有声有色?人人都会知道“科学是把双刃剑”,但大多数人只会用“要合理而辩证的运用科学”而草草作结。但作者却从“科学使人谦卑”、“科学给人荣耀”两方面分析,真乃神来之笔。西方人写作历来有“东一锤子西一棒”的特点,卫星和地铁一起跑,火箭与异形并肩飞。这篇文章就有这种异想天开的奇妙气质。最后一段第一句运用押头韵(alliteration ),每对单词互不关联,但开头类似,结尾近同。合辙押韵,不失文风。此处应当有掌声!



《经济学人》的很多文章用词考究,手法精当,内容丰富,除了选取的这几篇,我还喜欢报道中国应对金融危机的T he Great Fall of China 《中国跌跌不休》;关注欧洲难民潮的Exodus 《出叙利亚记》;关注新兴市场的The two Mexicos 《双面墨西哥》;介绍屠呦呦与诺贝尔的Wisdom, ancient and modern 《古代与现代的智慧》;当然还有李克强总理的力作China's economic blueprint 《中国经济蓝图》。最让我动容的三篇文章是关注中国老龄化社会的The kin and I 《亲属与我》以及调查中国农村留守儿童现状的Little match children 《卖火柴的小孩子》与Pity the children 《同情留守儿童》。很难想象一个西方媒体能相对公允地调查分析中国的社会现象,因此三篇文章的深度和力度与中国媒体不相上下。仅从题目上看,这些文章或化用《圣经》名篇,或改变童话故事,或使用暗喻修辞,美感之余还简洁明快,值得细细品读。不过“旁观者”也有抹黑中国的时候,比如报道天津港8.12事件的Inferno 《熊熊大火》认为中国是“独裁国家”就让我很不爽。总之,《经济学人》是个提升阅读与写作能力的宝库,善加利用好处多多。


【U06-11D (3)】高阶写作教程·第三版 2013级化学院王浩然整理


Two Cheers for “Made in China”

While globalization turns China into the “world’s factory”, the world has witnessed China's progress. 1 in 5 air conditioners in the world is made in China and Chinese clothing takes up 68% of Korean import. Thanks to the reform and opening-up policy, Chinese domestic economy developed considerably in recent decades, which has brought its people an improving living standard and been a source of great pride.

However, is the phenomenon worthy of such optimism? I am afraid not. From each iPhone produced, China owns only 1.8% of its profits. Meanwhile, toxic foods and recalling incidents are not uncommon in the media. And instead of shopping domestically, Chinese citizens flock to Japan to purchase high-end products of light industry from toilet seats to electric cookers. Thus we can see: the existing low-cost, labor-oriented production not only brings great damage to the environment, but also interferes with inte grated development of our homeland. As far as I am concerned, we don’t have to cheer for ‘Made in China’. Instead, we should feel pity for it.

We once had faith in the philosophy of “getting rich matters most” and more or less ignored the huge price we had to pay. But, ironically, it was not long before we saw our great achievements were also leading to our backward developments. Truth be told, China specializes in producing all kinds of entry-level products, which undoubtedly makes intellectual property rights the Achilles’ heel of Chinese manufacturing. To reverse the situation, it is high time we transformed products from ‘made in China’ to ‘created in China’.

Firstly, national brand is the master card of any domestic company. Lenovo is one of the world’s largest producers of personal computers. The new-concept products it produces have made Lenovo worldwide famous. Another example goes to the Huawei Technology, whose reputation was earned by its incomparable contribution to the global information industry. Its brand has become one of the most sparkling business cards of China.

The second strategy lies in the innovation of technology. Obsolete modes of production are a high risk factor to both company staff and the environment. In the span-new epoch when technologies develop by leaps and bounds, it is through innovation that we assume leadership in the global market, just as what China has achieved in high-speed railway and space exploration.

Finally, an efficient administrative system is crucial to the shift of the production mode as well. It will lead to advanced labor distribution and well-balanced capital circulation. Haier Group turned itself into a limited liability company in 1993. Thanks to the transformation, the enterprise consolidated its core competence and became a potential competitor of the Fortune 500.

Ladies and gentlemen, I firmly believe that China will get a strong foothold in the global arena. When the moment arrives that millions of products are labeled ‘created in China’, we will cheer for what is truly ours. Thank you.


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