


GA49H 脉冲式安全阀主要用于电站锅炉、压力容器、减温减压装置等设备,防止压力超过允许最高压力值,保证设备安全运行。结构简述:















L 100


Lo 670


This valve is used for power plant boilers, pressure containers,pressur e and temperatur e reducin g device and othe r facilitie. It se r ve s to pr e ve n t th e pr e ssu r e e xce e d i n g th e hig h e s t all owa b l e pressur e value and ensur e the safety of the device when working.

Structure briefing

1. The pressure of the disc is balanced through the lever and

heavy hammer and the valve is ensured seal by moving the postiton of heavy hammer and changing the weight of heavy hammer to reach the required set pressure

2. The sealed surfac e is made of Fe base stainless steel by over-laying welding. Through thermal treatment, the wear resistance and anti-erosion of disc is improved.

3. At the top of valve is equipped an electromagnet to open and another to close the valve. The actions of the

mechanism and

the electric applianc e are separate and will not affect each other.

Installation instruction

1. This valv e shalll be used wit h mai n safet y valve A49H-4


2. Impuls e sefety valv e shal l be installe d vertically and the lever shall be kept level. The clearance from the lever to both sides of guide fork shall be even.

3.The pip elin e shall be washe d clean before installing imp-ulse safety valve.

4. A long distance betw een the leadi ng pipe of the impulse safety valve and the inlet pipe of the main safety valve shall be kept. An d the distan c e be tw ee n th e electri c co nta ct pre ssu r e mete r and the inle t pip e of the mai n safet y valv e shal l be no les s tha n 5times of the diameter of the inlet pipe, for feat that the validity of the meter and the impulse safety valve may be affected by the steam releasing process of the main safety valve.



GA49H 脉冲式安全阀主要用于电站锅炉、压力容器、减温减压装置等设备,防止压力超过允许最高压力值,保证设备安全运行。结构简述:















L 100


Lo 670


This valve is used for power plant boilers, pressure containers,pressur e and temperatur e reducin g device and othe r facilitie. It se r ve s to pr e ve n t th e pr e ssu r e e xce e d i n g th e hig h e s t all owa b l e pressur e value and ensur e the safety of the device when working.

Structure briefing

1. The pressure of the disc is balanced through the lever and

heavy hammer and the valve is ensured seal by moving the postiton of heavy hammer and changing the weight of heavy hammer to reach the required set pressure

2. The sealed surfac e is made of Fe base stainless steel by over-laying welding. Through thermal treatment, the wear resistance and anti-erosion of disc is improved.

3. At the top of valve is equipped an electromagnet to open and another to close the valve. The actions of the

mechanism and

the electric applianc e are separate and will not affect each other.

Installation instruction

1. This valv e shalll be used wit h mai n safet y valve A49H-4


2. Impuls e sefety valv e shal l be installe d vertically and the lever shall be kept level. The clearance from the lever to both sides of guide fork shall be even.

3.The pip elin e shall be washe d clean before installing imp-ulse safety valve.

4. A long distance betw een the leadi ng pipe of the impulse safety valve and the inlet pipe of the main safety valve shall be kept. An d the distan c e be tw ee n th e electri c co nta ct pre ssu r e mete r and the inle t pip e of the mai n safet y valv e shal l be no les s tha n 5times of the diameter of the inlet pipe, for feat that the validity of the meter and the impulse safety valve may be affected by the steam releasing process of the main safety valve.


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