
News headline: Smartphone mania drives families apart

Summary: Smartphone mania drives families apart

A recent survey carried out by the magazine--Marriage and Family found those who spend more time on using mobile electronic devices are more likely to put family relationships at risk.

According to the released data, 47.2 percent of surveyed couples tend to be less happy when the time they spend together is companied by the use of smartphones, and 60.1 percent of them made complaints about intrusion in th eir ties from electric rival. What’s more, with 36.6 percent of respondents using electronic devices keep children quiet, smartphones interfere with the parent-child bonds. Worse still, apart from taking their device to bed, half of respondents continue to use it in the dark, resulting in difficulty falling sleep, in which case personal health is affected.

Several typical respondents agreed that mobile electronic devices are putting a squeeze on family time and conversation, which is a threat to the quality of family.

Based on the survey’s result, the organizer call on the public to switch off the smartphones for an hour every day to ensure enough direct communication between family members.

Objection: Does smartphone deserve the blame for eroding family ties? After re-analyzing the process of coming to the conclusion that electronic devices have negative effects on family relationships, a question comes up spontaneously in my mind—is it actually reasonable to attribute the issue influenced by complex factors to smartphones? In the first place, the survey is obviously targeted at causality, which probably was trapped in logic errors. On one hand, we can vent on smartphones for their excessive use leading to unhappy marriage; on the other hand, we can also doubt that emotional incompatibility makes couples inclined to seek comfort from smartphones. Additionally, it remains to be verified whether the questionnaire has misleading content pointing at smartphone’s disadvantages and whether the sample selection measure is scientific, in other words, surveyed respondents are representative overall.

Secondly, as the most widely spread technology, the smartphone, objectively speaking, is technologically neutral in substance; that is to say, the point is how to use it in helpful ways. Although a great many people has reached a consensus on smartphone’s guilt, we cannot overstate this willfully, regardless of its undeniable benefits. In fact, it’s impossible to solve problems between couples only by switching off mobile phone for an hour every day. Someone even argued that focusing on smartphones is much better than having an affair, which indicates the external temptation is the key to causing marriage breakdown.

Next, I’ll give specific examples to prove that appropriat e use of smartphones can be the accelerant of harmonies in family.

Firstly, smartphones can narrow the generation gap between parents and children and promote mutual understanding. Using WeChat, parents could convey what is difficult to express through ora l words to their children. By browsing teenagers’ forwarding state, a father would find his daughter has many unique ideas, while by giving a like button or

leaving messages, the girl also realizes the attention from relatives and her similar tastes with father. Moreover, smartphones can be used to deepen the goodwill between spouses. A husband could share the articles about tea-drinking and education for children on micro-blog with his wife because she is fond of tea as well as her child. Besides, smartphones can ease the empty-nesters’ loneliness and create a sense of family by video chat. The smart tool that is more and more portable and easy-operating with various apps would allow grandparents witness grandchildren’s growth even if they are separated by distance.

All in all, the smartphone is by no means the rope binding daily life. On the contrary, it can certainly function as a powerful means for good communication to tighten family bonds on the basis of independence on phones. There is no denying that smartphones has revolutionized our life, and this tendency will go further. At the same time, it’s of great importance for us to master the skills and regain the patience on managing family relationships.

News headline: Smartphone mania drives families apart

Summary: Smartphone mania drives families apart

A recent survey carried out by the magazine--Marriage and Family found those who spend more time on using mobile electronic devices are more likely to put family relationships at risk.

According to the released data, 47.2 percent of surveyed couples tend to be less happy when the time they spend together is companied by the use of smartphones, and 60.1 percent of them made complaints about intrusion in th eir ties from electric rival. What’s more, with 36.6 percent of respondents using electronic devices keep children quiet, smartphones interfere with the parent-child bonds. Worse still, apart from taking their device to bed, half of respondents continue to use it in the dark, resulting in difficulty falling sleep, in which case personal health is affected.

Several typical respondents agreed that mobile electronic devices are putting a squeeze on family time and conversation, which is a threat to the quality of family.

Based on the survey’s result, the organizer call on the public to switch off the smartphones for an hour every day to ensure enough direct communication between family members.

Objection: Does smartphone deserve the blame for eroding family ties? After re-analyzing the process of coming to the conclusion that electronic devices have negative effects on family relationships, a question comes up spontaneously in my mind—is it actually reasonable to attribute the issue influenced by complex factors to smartphones? In the first place, the survey is obviously targeted at causality, which probably was trapped in logic errors. On one hand, we can vent on smartphones for their excessive use leading to unhappy marriage; on the other hand, we can also doubt that emotional incompatibility makes couples inclined to seek comfort from smartphones. Additionally, it remains to be verified whether the questionnaire has misleading content pointing at smartphone’s disadvantages and whether the sample selection measure is scientific, in other words, surveyed respondents are representative overall.

Secondly, as the most widely spread technology, the smartphone, objectively speaking, is technologically neutral in substance; that is to say, the point is how to use it in helpful ways. Although a great many people has reached a consensus on smartphone’s guilt, we cannot overstate this willfully, regardless of its undeniable benefits. In fact, it’s impossible to solve problems between couples only by switching off mobile phone for an hour every day. Someone even argued that focusing on smartphones is much better than having an affair, which indicates the external temptation is the key to causing marriage breakdown.

Next, I’ll give specific examples to prove that appropriat e use of smartphones can be the accelerant of harmonies in family.

Firstly, smartphones can narrow the generation gap between parents and children and promote mutual understanding. Using WeChat, parents could convey what is difficult to express through ora l words to their children. By browsing teenagers’ forwarding state, a father would find his daughter has many unique ideas, while by giving a like button or

leaving messages, the girl also realizes the attention from relatives and her similar tastes with father. Moreover, smartphones can be used to deepen the goodwill between spouses. A husband could share the articles about tea-drinking and education for children on micro-blog with his wife because she is fond of tea as well as her child. Besides, smartphones can ease the empty-nesters’ loneliness and create a sense of family by video chat. The smart tool that is more and more portable and easy-operating with various apps would allow grandparents witness grandchildren’s growth even if they are separated by distance.

All in all, the smartphone is by no means the rope binding daily life. On the contrary, it can certainly function as a powerful means for good communication to tighten family bonds on the basis of independence on phones. There is no denying that smartphones has revolutionized our life, and this tendency will go further. At the same time, it’s of great importance for us to master the skills and regain the patience on managing family relationships.


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