小学英语作文-Cooking 烹饪

小学英语作文:Cooking 烹饪


By Zhong Wanting

Before this summer, I always regarded the kitchen stove as something formidable. But this summer, my parents decided that I should learn some cooking.

'How can you LIVE in the future if you don't even know how to COOK for yourself? Go to fast food chains everyday?' My parents often teased me like this. So this summer, I'm determined to master the art of cooking. The first step of course, was to learn to sauté vegetables. My first try was bitter gourd.

'I don't think your dish would be edible.' Dad suggested jokingly. I only retorted, 'Wait and see!'

I felt a little nervous but also rather excited as I stood ready at the stove, holding the shovel and staring at the pan, which was beginning to heat up on the flames. I watched almost impatiently as the oil sizzled cheerily.

Now it was ready. 'What should I do next Mum?' I asked over the usual kitchen racket.

'Add the bitter gourds into the pan. And be quick!'

'Oh…' Under her command, I reached for the basket of bitter gourds and dumped all of them into the sizzling pan. There was loud crackling as oil splashed and I stepped back instinctively, trying to avoid the sparks. 'Ouch!!' I got splattered on the right hand and jumped aside as quickly as possible, but there was no time to care about that. I pushed the shovel quite clumsily, turning the gourds over and over. Their color seemed to alter.

'Should I add some salt now?'


'And how much should I add?'

'A spoonful would be enough.'

'All right.'

I cautiously scooped up a spoonful of salt and shook it into the pan. I continued to stir the vegetables in the pan. The color became more pleasing. The oil crackled in a dull, cheerful way. One piece of gourd was thrown out of the pan because of my violent movements with the shovel, and I had to fling it back into the pan, trying to subdue contact with it to the minimum.

Soon, the vegetables were ready to be served. I shoveled the gourds into a plate, smiling satisfyingly. I had successfully completed the task! When we sat down to eat, I kept piling bitter gourds in my parents' bowls enthusiastically. 'What do you think? How do they taste like? Tuck in!' My parentseven Dad-- both praised me for my outstanding cooking and I returned a broad smile.

Cooking doesn't seem so horrible to me now. Actually, I find it very fun and I'm always volunteering to cook!

广东实验中学 初二(1)班 钟琬婷

小学英语作文:Cooking 烹饪


By Zhong Wanting

Before this summer, I always regarded the kitchen stove as something formidable. But this summer, my parents decided that I should learn some cooking.

'How can you LIVE in the future if you don't even know how to COOK for yourself? Go to fast food chains everyday?' My parents often teased me like this. So this summer, I'm determined to master the art of cooking. The first step of course, was to learn to sauté vegetables. My first try was bitter gourd.

'I don't think your dish would be edible.' Dad suggested jokingly. I only retorted, 'Wait and see!'

I felt a little nervous but also rather excited as I stood ready at the stove, holding the shovel and staring at the pan, which was beginning to heat up on the flames. I watched almost impatiently as the oil sizzled cheerily.

Now it was ready. 'What should I do next Mum?' I asked over the usual kitchen racket.

'Add the bitter gourds into the pan. And be quick!'

'Oh…' Under her command, I reached for the basket of bitter gourds and dumped all of them into the sizzling pan. There was loud crackling as oil splashed and I stepped back instinctively, trying to avoid the sparks. 'Ouch!!' I got splattered on the right hand and jumped aside as quickly as possible, but there was no time to care about that. I pushed the shovel quite clumsily, turning the gourds over and over. Their color seemed to alter.

'Should I add some salt now?'


'And how much should I add?'

'A spoonful would be enough.'

'All right.'

I cautiously scooped up a spoonful of salt and shook it into the pan. I continued to stir the vegetables in the pan. The color became more pleasing. The oil crackled in a dull, cheerful way. One piece of gourd was thrown out of the pan because of my violent movements with the shovel, and I had to fling it back into the pan, trying to subdue contact with it to the minimum.

Soon, the vegetables were ready to be served. I shoveled the gourds into a plate, smiling satisfyingly. I had successfully completed the task! When we sat down to eat, I kept piling bitter gourds in my parents' bowls enthusiastically. 'What do you think? How do they taste like? Tuck in!' My parentseven Dad-- both praised me for my outstanding cooking and I returned a broad smile.

Cooking doesn't seem so horrible to me now. Actually, I find it very fun and I'm always volunteering to cook!

广东实验中学 初二(1)班 钟琬婷


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