
A,B:Good evening, dear ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to our Christmas party!


A:With the snow flakes falling from the sky,


A:With the Christmas carols resounding around our ears


B:With the Christmas presents passing through our friends and ourselves


A:With the kindest Santa Christ in red walking towards us


A,B:Let's shout,"Christmas is coming! Merry Christmas!!!


A: _________,at this special moment, I can't be more excited. How about you?


B:Of course,__________, me too. And I dare say that I've never been so happy in my life. I bet you do, yeah?


A:Sure, you are right. So why are we still waiting? I gueour audience can't wait to enjoy our exciting performance. Do you think so,________?


B:it's just the truth. So now, let's enjoy!

B:这是事实。所以现在,让我们一起来享受吧! ! !




合:Good evening, dear ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to our Christmas party!

Boy: With the snow flakes falling from the sky,

Girl: With the Christmas carols resounding around our ears

Boy: with the Christmas presents passing through our friends and ourselves

Girl: with the kindest Santa Christ in red walking towards us

合: Let's shout,"Christmas is coming! Merry Christmas!!!

Girl: Jimmy(男主持人姓名),at this special moment, I can't be more excited. How about you?

Boy: Of course, Monica(女主持人姓名), me too. And I dare say that I've never been so happy in my life. I bet you do, yeah?

Girl: Sure, you are right. So why are we still waiting? I gueour audience can't wait to enjoy our exciting performance. Do you think so?

Boy: It's just the truth. So now, let's enjoy!!!


Girl: Thanks for the great performance of our students!

Boy: Thanks for the present of our dear parents!


Today we gather here to celebrate our Christmas, Let's look forward to our next gathering! Merry Christmas again! See you.......。

A,B:Good evening, dear ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to our Christmas party!


A:With the snow flakes falling from the sky,


A:With the Christmas carols resounding around our ears


B:With the Christmas presents passing through our friends and ourselves


A:With the kindest Santa Christ in red walking towards us


A,B:Let's shout,"Christmas is coming! Merry Christmas!!!


A: _________,at this special moment, I can't be more excited. How about you?


B:Of course,__________, me too. And I dare say that I've never been so happy in my life. I bet you do, yeah?


A:Sure, you are right. So why are we still waiting? I gueour audience can't wait to enjoy our exciting performance. Do you think so,________?


B:it's just the truth. So now, let's enjoy!

B:这是事实。所以现在,让我们一起来享受吧! ! !




合:Good evening, dear ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to our Christmas party!

Boy: With the snow flakes falling from the sky,

Girl: With the Christmas carols resounding around our ears

Boy: with the Christmas presents passing through our friends and ourselves

Girl: with the kindest Santa Christ in red walking towards us

合: Let's shout,"Christmas is coming! Merry Christmas!!!

Girl: Jimmy(男主持人姓名),at this special moment, I can't be more excited. How about you?

Boy: Of course, Monica(女主持人姓名), me too. And I dare say that I've never been so happy in my life. I bet you do, yeah?

Girl: Sure, you are right. So why are we still waiting? I gueour audience can't wait to enjoy our exciting performance. Do you think so?

Boy: It's just the truth. So now, let's enjoy!!!


Girl: Thanks for the great performance of our students!

Boy: Thanks for the present of our dear parents!


Today we gather here to celebrate our Christmas, Let's look forward to our next gathering! Merry Christmas again! See you.......。


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