
Today I want to introduce my favorite cartoon character, 樱木。He is "slamdunk" protagonist, freshmen of XiangBei high school, Often fighting problem boy. He has the iconic red hair.

Three years of Junior middle school he was dumped 50 times. Enter high school , one day, qingzi asked him: "Do you like basketball?",this sentence touched him.He renew hope for love。In order to get qingzi's heart, 樱木 joined the school basketball team,He began to practice from the most basic skills, and improved with amazing speed. He is a Layman for basketball, in a few months he developed into a good basketball player.

I think樱木(HanamichiSakuragi) is a simple yet cute characters.In some time he innocent like a child, sometimes often proud defiant. He often calls himself genius.

when 樱木 meet difficult situations, lovely 樱木军团(SakuragiGundan) will appear in time. Although they appears always in funny way,there is no dout that their friendship is true. They work hard just to see 樱木 play basketball match. They stand up and fight for him,they cheer for him. They laughed at him, explosion his scandal everywhere , but always stood by his side. So A friend is used to fight, but in times of difficulty they never abandon each other.

This is the person hehatemost, at the same time, a little jealous.Beacuse he plays basketball very well and qingzi like him.

The author said that 樱木 is the most difficult character to draw,with his personality change his appearance should change.The hero must have a unique sense of power.He think that樱木 is a man who can speak with his back.

I still remember that time after class in the afternoon I would picked up my bag immediately rushed out of the classroom.Ran all the way to go home,Panting to turn on the TV,Just to catch this cartoon。in reality(其实) ,as A child who can understand what is the basketball match.What is a handsome boy or beauty girl,May be I just felt 樱木’s happy,See his action and expression I will feel very happy 。Perhaps this is we will always cherish memory , the simple happiness.

Thank you for your listening!

Today I want to introduce my favorite cartoon character, 樱木。He is "slamdunk" protagonist, freshmen of XiangBei high school, Often fighting problem boy. He has the iconic red hair.

Three years of Junior middle school he was dumped 50 times. Enter high school , one day, qingzi asked him: "Do you like basketball?",this sentence touched him.He renew hope for love。In order to get qingzi's heart, 樱木 joined the school basketball team,He began to practice from the most basic skills, and improved with amazing speed. He is a Layman for basketball, in a few months he developed into a good basketball player.

I think樱木(HanamichiSakuragi) is a simple yet cute characters.In some time he innocent like a child, sometimes often proud defiant. He often calls himself genius.

when 樱木 meet difficult situations, lovely 樱木军团(SakuragiGundan) will appear in time. Although they appears always in funny way,there is no dout that their friendship is true. They work hard just to see 樱木 play basketball match. They stand up and fight for him,they cheer for him. They laughed at him, explosion his scandal everywhere , but always stood by his side. So A friend is used to fight, but in times of difficulty they never abandon each other.

This is the person hehatemost, at the same time, a little jealous.Beacuse he plays basketball very well and qingzi like him.

The author said that 樱木 is the most difficult character to draw,with his personality change his appearance should change.The hero must have a unique sense of power.He think that樱木 is a man who can speak with his back.

I still remember that time after class in the afternoon I would picked up my bag immediately rushed out of the classroom.Ran all the way to go home,Panting to turn on the TV,Just to catch this cartoon。in reality(其实) ,as A child who can understand what is the basketball match.What is a handsome boy or beauty girl,May be I just felt 樱木’s happy,See his action and expression I will feel very happy 。Perhaps this is we will always cherish memory , the simple happiness.

Thank you for your listening!


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