
商英101 [1**********]2 徐年红

HP = Hewlett-Packard Development Company, LP

About Hp labs


some opportunities

Worldwide sites


About Hp labs

HP is a technology company that operates in more than 170 countries around the world. We explore how technology and services can help people and companies address their problems and challenges, and realize their possibilities, aspirations and dreams. We apply new thinking and ideas to create more simple, valuable and trusted experiences with technology, continuously improving the way our customers live and work.

No other company offers as complete a technology product portfolio as HP. We provide infrastructure and business offerings that span from handheld devices to some of the world's most powerful supercomputer installations. We offer consumers a wide range of products and services from digital photography to digital entertainment and from computing to home printing. This comprehensive portfolio helps us match the right products, services and solutions to our customers' specific needs. History

Stanford University classmates Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard founded HP in 1939. The company's first product, built in a Palo Alto garage, was an audio oscillator —an electronic test instrument used by sound engineers. One of HP's first customers was Walt Disney Studios, which purchased eight oscillators to develop and test an innovative sound system for the movie Fantasia

some opportunities that we believe

Cloud and Security – Delivering the secure application and computing end-state of Everything-as-a-Service.

Intelligent infrastructure – Designing a system of smarter, more secure enterprise computing devices, networks, and storage built on scalable architectures. It’s about creating technology that blends into the way we work and live our lives as individuals and in business.

Mobile and Immersive Experiences – Designing compelling user experiences that fundamentally change how people communicate, collaborate, socialize, and entertain---utilizing multimedia technologies to deliver intuitive, interactive, mobile, and immersive audio-visual experiences.

Networking and Communication – Creating the next generation of network architectures and communications technologies, which provide predictable, high-quality and power-efficient networking while reducing management complexity.

Printing and Content Delivery – Transforming inflexible, manual mass production printing processes to flexible, customized, on-demand printing processes which are enabled by new digital technologies that allow for lower cost, higher quality commercial printing.

Services – Creating technologies and processes that deliver new ways to leverage data across different formats and business disciplines, enabling faster, better

Worldwide sites

»Bangalore, India »Beijing, China »Bristol, England

»Fusionopolis, Singapor »Haifa, Israel »Palo Alto, USA

»St. Petersburg, Russia



Laptop & Tablet PCs »Laptops for home

»Laptops for business

Pavilion, Presario, Mini, EliteBook, and more laptops and notebook computers


Printers & All-in-ones »Printers for home

»Printers for business

Inkjet, laser, all-in-one, multifunction, large-format, and otherprinters


Software »Software products

Software and operating systems for management, security and more


»Desktops forbusiness

PCs, Workstations, Thin Clients, POS, and more desktop computer


»Supplies for home

»Supplies for business

Ink, toner, paper and other printer supplies


»Scanners for home

»Scanners for business

Scanners, fax and products that do scan / fax / copy / print

Smartphones & Handhelds

For home »

Smartphones & handhelds


For business

»Smartphones & handhelds


More smartphones, accessories & calculators.


»Monitors for home

»Monitors for business

Flat screens, LCDs and more computer monitors Monitors »Monitors for home

»Monitors for business

Flat screens, LCDs and more computer monitors

商英101 [1**********]2 徐年红

HP = Hewlett-Packard Development Company, LP

About Hp labs


some opportunities

Worldwide sites


About Hp labs

HP is a technology company that operates in more than 170 countries around the world. We explore how technology and services can help people and companies address their problems and challenges, and realize their possibilities, aspirations and dreams. We apply new thinking and ideas to create more simple, valuable and trusted experiences with technology, continuously improving the way our customers live and work.

No other company offers as complete a technology product portfolio as HP. We provide infrastructure and business offerings that span from handheld devices to some of the world's most powerful supercomputer installations. We offer consumers a wide range of products and services from digital photography to digital entertainment and from computing to home printing. This comprehensive portfolio helps us match the right products, services and solutions to our customers' specific needs. History

Stanford University classmates Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard founded HP in 1939. The company's first product, built in a Palo Alto garage, was an audio oscillator —an electronic test instrument used by sound engineers. One of HP's first customers was Walt Disney Studios, which purchased eight oscillators to develop and test an innovative sound system for the movie Fantasia

some opportunities that we believe

Cloud and Security – Delivering the secure application and computing end-state of Everything-as-a-Service.

Intelligent infrastructure – Designing a system of smarter, more secure enterprise computing devices, networks, and storage built on scalable architectures. It’s about creating technology that blends into the way we work and live our lives as individuals and in business.

Mobile and Immersive Experiences – Designing compelling user experiences that fundamentally change how people communicate, collaborate, socialize, and entertain---utilizing multimedia technologies to deliver intuitive, interactive, mobile, and immersive audio-visual experiences.

Networking and Communication – Creating the next generation of network architectures and communications technologies, which provide predictable, high-quality and power-efficient networking while reducing management complexity.

Printing and Content Delivery – Transforming inflexible, manual mass production printing processes to flexible, customized, on-demand printing processes which are enabled by new digital technologies that allow for lower cost, higher quality commercial printing.

Services – Creating technologies and processes that deliver new ways to leverage data across different formats and business disciplines, enabling faster, better

Worldwide sites

»Bangalore, India »Beijing, China »Bristol, England

»Fusionopolis, Singapor »Haifa, Israel »Palo Alto, USA

»St. Petersburg, Russia



Laptop & Tablet PCs »Laptops for home

»Laptops for business

Pavilion, Presario, Mini, EliteBook, and more laptops and notebook computers


Printers & All-in-ones »Printers for home

»Printers for business

Inkjet, laser, all-in-one, multifunction, large-format, and otherprinters


Software »Software products

Software and operating systems for management, security and more


»Desktops forbusiness

PCs, Workstations, Thin Clients, POS, and more desktop computer


»Supplies for home

»Supplies for business

Ink, toner, paper and other printer supplies


»Scanners for home

»Scanners for business

Scanners, fax and products that do scan / fax / copy / print

Smartphones & Handhelds

For home »

Smartphones & handhelds


For business

»Smartphones & handhelds


More smartphones, accessories & calculators.


»Monitors for home

»Monitors for business

Flat screens, LCDs and more computer monitors Monitors »Monitors for home

»Monitors for business

Flat screens, LCDs and more computer monitors


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