

第二节 书面表达(满分25分)

假定你是李华。请你给笔友Peter 写封信,告诉他你叔叔李明将去他所在城市开会,带去他想要的那幅中国画,同时询问他是否可以接机。信中还需说明: 李明:高个子,戴眼镜



注意:1. 词数100左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3. 开头语和结束语已为你写好。


Dear Peter,

How are you doing?

I’m writing to tell you that my uncle Li Ming is going to your city for a conference, and I’ve asked him to bring you the Chinese painting you’ve asked for before.

Also, I’d like you to do me a favor. Would you please meet my uncle at the airport and take him to his hotel since this is his first visit to the U.S.? Thank you in advance!

His flight number is CA985, and it will arrive at 11:30 am, August 6. My uncle is tall and he is wearing glasses. And he will be in a blue jacket. Looking forward to your reply.

Yours, Li Hua




I. 自我介绍(包括英语能力);2. 参加意图(介绍中国、了解其他国家);3. 希望获准.


1. 词数100左右:2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3. 邮件开头和结尾已为你写好。

Dear Sir or Madam,

I'm Li Hua, a middle school student from China. I read the announcement of the summer

camp that you have posted on the Internet and I am interested in it. I know that you welcome

students from different countries and I'd like to take part in it. I've been learning English for

10 years, and I speak fluent English. What is more, I'JI be able to tell students from other

countries about China and learn about their countries as well. I hope I will be accepted as a

member of your summer camp.

Looking forward to your reply!


Li Hua


假定你是李华,你所喜爱的Global Mirror 周报创刊五周年之际征集读者意见.请你依据以下内容给主编写封信,内容主要包括:



1) 兼顾国内外新闻 2) 介绍名人成功故事




1.词数100左右,开头语己为你写好; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 ******************************************************************

Dear Editor-in-Chief,

Sincerely yours,

Li Hua

Dear Editor-in-Chief,

I ’m a regular reader of your newspaper. I like it very much mainly for the following two reasons. First, it covers both national and international news so that, by simply turning the pages, I can learn all important things that have happened during the week. Equally attractive are the success stories of world-famous people, which help me understand how a person can work hard to make the world a better place.

As a young student, I suggest that Global Mirror carry articles to guide us in our English learning , and I hope that it will become even more popular.

Sincerely yours,

Li Hua


假设你是育才中学学生会主席李华。你校将举办一次英语演讲比赛(speech contest ),希望附近某大学的外籍教师Smith 女士来做评委。请参照以下比赛通知给她写一封信。

Dear Ms. Smith,

With best wishes,

Li Hua


1. 自我介绍 2. 邀请做评委 3. 演讲主题

4. 比赛时间 5. 参赛选手 6. 联系方式

One Possible Version

Dear Ms. Smith,

I'm Li Hua, a chairman of the Student Union of Yucai Middle School, which is close to your university. I'm writing to invite you to be a judge at our English speech contest to be held in our school on June 15. It will start at 2:00 pm in Room 501 and last for about three hours. Ten students will deliver their speeches on the given topic “Man and Nature”. We hope that you will accept our invitation if it is convenient for you. Please call me at 44876655 if you have any questions.

I am looking forward to your reply.

With best wishes,

Li Hua


假定你是李华,正在英国接受英语培训,住在一户英国人家里。今天你的房东Mrs Wilson 不在家,你准备外出,请给Mrs Wilson 写一留言条,内容包括:

1. 外出购物

2. 题房东还书

3.Tracy 来信留言:1)咖啡屋(Bolton Coffee)见面取消



注意:1 词数100左右;


Mrs Wilson

Li Hua

Mrs Wilson,

I’m going out shopping, and won’t be back until about 5:00 pm. I have taken with me the two books you asked me to return to the City Library. At about 1 o’clock this afternoon, Tracy called, saving that she could’t meet you at Bolton Coffee tomorrow morning as she has something important to attend to. She felt very sorry about that, but said that you could set some other time for the meeting. She wanted you to call her back as soon as you are home. She has already told Susan about this change.

Li Hua


假定你是李华,从小喜爱大熊猫(panda ), 一直通过有关网站(website)关注三年前在美国圣迭哥动物园出生的大熊猫“苏琳”和她的母亲“白云”。现在苏琳即将三岁。请根据以下要点给动物园工作人员写一封信:

1、 自我介绍; 2、祝贺苏琳生日;3、感谢工作人员;4、索取苏琳三岁生日照。

注意:1、词数100左右; 2、可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3、开头语已为你写好。

Dear Sir/Madam,

Greetings from China!

__________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Yours truly, Li Hua


1、自我介绍 2、信息来源 3、祝贺生日 4、感谢照顾

5、索取照片 6、合适的结尾

One Possible Version

Dear Sir/Madam.

Greetings from China!

I’m Li Hua, a student in Sichuan. I’ve been a panda lover since I was a child. About three years ago I was delighted to learn that Baiyun gave birth to her daughter Sulin and I’ve been watching her grow on your

website, now she’s going to be three. I’d like to wish her a happy birthday and to express my thanks toyou for your hard work, because of which Sulin and her parents are living a happy and healthy life in the US. By the way , could I have a photo of Sulin taken on her third birthday? Thank you very much in advance.

Yours truly.

Li Hua


第二节 书面表达(满分25分)

假定你是李华。请你给笔友Peter 写封信,告诉他你叔叔李明将去他所在城市开会,带去他想要的那幅中国画,同时询问他是否可以接机。信中还需说明: 李明:高个子,戴眼镜



注意:1. 词数100左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3. 开头语和结束语已为你写好。


Dear Peter,

How are you doing?

I’m writing to tell you that my uncle Li Ming is going to your city for a conference, and I’ve asked him to bring you the Chinese painting you’ve asked for before.

Also, I’d like you to do me a favor. Would you please meet my uncle at the airport and take him to his hotel since this is his first visit to the U.S.? Thank you in advance!

His flight number is CA985, and it will arrive at 11:30 am, August 6. My uncle is tall and he is wearing glasses. And he will be in a blue jacket. Looking forward to your reply.

Yours, Li Hua




I. 自我介绍(包括英语能力);2. 参加意图(介绍中国、了解其他国家);3. 希望获准.


1. 词数100左右:2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3. 邮件开头和结尾已为你写好。

Dear Sir or Madam,

I'm Li Hua, a middle school student from China. I read the announcement of the summer

camp that you have posted on the Internet and I am interested in it. I know that you welcome

students from different countries and I'd like to take part in it. I've been learning English for

10 years, and I speak fluent English. What is more, I'JI be able to tell students from other

countries about China and learn about their countries as well. I hope I will be accepted as a

member of your summer camp.

Looking forward to your reply!


Li Hua


假定你是李华,你所喜爱的Global Mirror 周报创刊五周年之际征集读者意见.请你依据以下内容给主编写封信,内容主要包括:



1) 兼顾国内外新闻 2) 介绍名人成功故事




1.词数100左右,开头语己为你写好; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 ******************************************************************

Dear Editor-in-Chief,

Sincerely yours,

Li Hua

Dear Editor-in-Chief,

I ’m a regular reader of your newspaper. I like it very much mainly for the following two reasons. First, it covers both national and international news so that, by simply turning the pages, I can learn all important things that have happened during the week. Equally attractive are the success stories of world-famous people, which help me understand how a person can work hard to make the world a better place.

As a young student, I suggest that Global Mirror carry articles to guide us in our English learning , and I hope that it will become even more popular.

Sincerely yours,

Li Hua


假设你是育才中学学生会主席李华。你校将举办一次英语演讲比赛(speech contest ),希望附近某大学的外籍教师Smith 女士来做评委。请参照以下比赛通知给她写一封信。

Dear Ms. Smith,

With best wishes,

Li Hua


1. 自我介绍 2. 邀请做评委 3. 演讲主题

4. 比赛时间 5. 参赛选手 6. 联系方式

One Possible Version

Dear Ms. Smith,

I'm Li Hua, a chairman of the Student Union of Yucai Middle School, which is close to your university. I'm writing to invite you to be a judge at our English speech contest to be held in our school on June 15. It will start at 2:00 pm in Room 501 and last for about three hours. Ten students will deliver their speeches on the given topic “Man and Nature”. We hope that you will accept our invitation if it is convenient for you. Please call me at 44876655 if you have any questions.

I am looking forward to your reply.

With best wishes,

Li Hua


假定你是李华,正在英国接受英语培训,住在一户英国人家里。今天你的房东Mrs Wilson 不在家,你准备外出,请给Mrs Wilson 写一留言条,内容包括:

1. 外出购物

2. 题房东还书

3.Tracy 来信留言:1)咖啡屋(Bolton Coffee)见面取消



注意:1 词数100左右;


Mrs Wilson

Li Hua

Mrs Wilson,

I’m going out shopping, and won’t be back until about 5:00 pm. I have taken with me the two books you asked me to return to the City Library. At about 1 o’clock this afternoon, Tracy called, saving that she could’t meet you at Bolton Coffee tomorrow morning as she has something important to attend to. She felt very sorry about that, but said that you could set some other time for the meeting. She wanted you to call her back as soon as you are home. She has already told Susan about this change.

Li Hua


假定你是李华,从小喜爱大熊猫(panda ), 一直通过有关网站(website)关注三年前在美国圣迭哥动物园出生的大熊猫“苏琳”和她的母亲“白云”。现在苏琳即将三岁。请根据以下要点给动物园工作人员写一封信:

1、 自我介绍; 2、祝贺苏琳生日;3、感谢工作人员;4、索取苏琳三岁生日照。

注意:1、词数100左右; 2、可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3、开头语已为你写好。

Dear Sir/Madam,

Greetings from China!

__________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Yours truly, Li Hua


1、自我介绍 2、信息来源 3、祝贺生日 4、感谢照顾

5、索取照片 6、合适的结尾

One Possible Version

Dear Sir/Madam.

Greetings from China!

I’m Li Hua, a student in Sichuan. I’ve been a panda lover since I was a child. About three years ago I was delighted to learn that Baiyun gave birth to her daughter Sulin and I’ve been watching her grow on your

website, now she’s going to be three. I’d like to wish her a happy birthday and to express my thanks toyou for your hard work, because of which Sulin and her parents are living a happy and healthy life in the US. By the way , could I have a photo of Sulin taken on her third birthday? Thank you very much in advance.

Yours truly.

Li Hua


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