




  As a military doctor, I participated in anti-China war and later escaped from the army. Because of guilt towards Chinese people, I practise medicine in order to help the people. I am now 102 years old and live in Jinan. I am still quietly practising medicine.









  More than 70 years ago, I came to China from Japan, which was an unbearable past to recall. At that time, I didn’t know I came here to fight. With the so-called good wish of “Great East Asia Co - prosperity”, I thought I would bring happier and better life to Chinese people. I was afraid of war and also didn’t want to kill people, so I escaped from the army and traveled along to came to Jinan. People here gave me water to drink and food to eat. They didn’t kill me because I was a Japanese soldier. I then took up my residence here, later I had wife and children. Over 70 years passed in a flash. This year I am already 102 years old. As a doctor, I know living to this age is already considered as longevity. I went through the procedures of body donation. After death, I won’t go back and will stay in China for ever.

  The longer I live, the more I love Jinan. Japanese people pay attention to beauty. What is more particular is that the stress isn’t attached to arts field such as drawing and music but runs through every life detail. My home town is Okayama Prefecture of Japan, which is famous for fruits such as grape and white peach. The scenery there is very beautiful. Jinan is a city with mountain and water. I can see shades of Okayama in some places here. I know Jinan’s springs are very famous. Maybe I originally took my residence here because the spring water was sweet and pleasant to drink. It is only because I wasn’t in a leisurely and carefree mood to consider this in chaos of war years. Jinan people are kind-hearted and we can have some idea of this from the fact that this city accepted a Japanese soldier in the first place.Those common people who come to see doctor here all have instinctive respect towards doctor and always come to visit me again with gift after recovery, which makes me feel deeply moved. Jinan people are also diligent. I witnessed with my own eyes how this city cured wounds of war and grew up step by step. A few years ago when my health permitted, I used to stroll around fair and watch people busily manage their own life. I felt light and comfortable, which was really the largest beauty in the world.

  I also profited greatly from Chinese culture. Shortly after the end of war, I used to hear “serve the people” in radio. Because of guilt towards Chinese people, instead of going back to Japan, I practised medicine in Jinan. I had a more profound understanding of my job after knowing this sentence: my curing sickness to save the patient is not only “atonement”, it is more about “service”, namely I use professional skill to solve difficulties of others and make them live better. After so many years, now I have realized my initial aim of coming to China in another way, which makes people lament. Because of this, I free myself from the guilt in my mind. With further understanding about Chinese culture, I know Confucius and Mencius. Confucianism core is “benevolence”. From the political point of view, it refers to implement of benevolence policy and it refers to being kind to others in dealing with people. Maybe it is because China has been dipping in this climate of thought for thousands of years that the sentence of“serve the people” appears. It stresses “people” and ”service” and is a noble idea.

  I also deeply yearn for Taoism. What distinguishes it from Confucianism is that it seems to put more emphasis on man himself and hold quietness and non-action. I understand it as natural and lack of desire. My daughter had a bird but I set her free, because bird should live in forest and fly in the sky. It goes against natural law to keep it in a cage. As for me, I take a nap and a sponge bath every day because these can keep me clean and resourceful and also accord with nature. As for lack of desire, because I’m good at treating children's illness, I worked in grass-roots unit all the time. Although the salary may be less, it allows me to play a greater role. Therefore I gained respect from people and realized self-worth. Lack of desire in matter makes me gain a lot in other aspects.

  Here, you see, Chinese culture is so broad and profound: there is Confucianism in society domain which reminds people of thinking more for others and the country so as to maintain social harmony; there is Taoism in individual ideological realms which proposes obeying nature so as to gain purity of mind and peace of spirit.

  I haven’t changed nationality all the time. Although I have lived in China for such a long time and there are no relatives in my home town, this is my unchangeable identity. One the one hand, I love my country and home town; on the other hand, it reminds me that body pain is curable but war wound is hard to heal and I should try my best to do something for China as well as for Japan. Despite of this, it still doesn’t influence my enjoyment of Jinan life and appreciation of Jinan as well as the beauty of Jinan people.






  As a military doctor, I participated in anti-China war and later escaped from the army. Because of guilt towards Chinese people, I practise medicine in order to help the people. I am now 102 years old and live in Jinan. I am still quietly practising medicine.









  More than 70 years ago, I came to China from Japan, which was an unbearable past to recall. At that time, I didn’t know I came here to fight. With the so-called good wish of “Great East Asia Co - prosperity”, I thought I would bring happier and better life to Chinese people. I was afraid of war and also didn’t want to kill people, so I escaped from the army and traveled along to came to Jinan. People here gave me water to drink and food to eat. They didn’t kill me because I was a Japanese soldier. I then took up my residence here, later I had wife and children. Over 70 years passed in a flash. This year I am already 102 years old. As a doctor, I know living to this age is already considered as longevity. I went through the procedures of body donation. After death, I won’t go back and will stay in China for ever.

  The longer I live, the more I love Jinan. Japanese people pay attention to beauty. What is more particular is that the stress isn’t attached to arts field such as drawing and music but runs through every life detail. My home town is Okayama Prefecture of Japan, which is famous for fruits such as grape and white peach. The scenery there is very beautiful. Jinan is a city with mountain and water. I can see shades of Okayama in some places here. I know Jinan’s springs are very famous. Maybe I originally took my residence here because the spring water was sweet and pleasant to drink. It is only because I wasn’t in a leisurely and carefree mood to consider this in chaos of war years. Jinan people are kind-hearted and we can have some idea of this from the fact that this city accepted a Japanese soldier in the first place.Those common people who come to see doctor here all have instinctive respect towards doctor and always come to visit me again with gift after recovery, which makes me feel deeply moved. Jinan people are also diligent. I witnessed with my own eyes how this city cured wounds of war and grew up step by step. A few years ago when my health permitted, I used to stroll around fair and watch people busily manage their own life. I felt light and comfortable, which was really the largest beauty in the world.

  I also profited greatly from Chinese culture. Shortly after the end of war, I used to hear “serve the people” in radio. Because of guilt towards Chinese people, instead of going back to Japan, I practised medicine in Jinan. I had a more profound understanding of my job after knowing this sentence: my curing sickness to save the patient is not only “atonement”, it is more about “service”, namely I use professional skill to solve difficulties of others and make them live better. After so many years, now I have realized my initial aim of coming to China in another way, which makes people lament. Because of this, I free myself from the guilt in my mind. With further understanding about Chinese culture, I know Confucius and Mencius. Confucianism core is “benevolence”. From the political point of view, it refers to implement of benevolence policy and it refers to being kind to others in dealing with people. Maybe it is because China has been dipping in this climate of thought for thousands of years that the sentence of“serve the people” appears. It stresses “people” and ”service” and is a noble idea.

  I also deeply yearn for Taoism. What distinguishes it from Confucianism is that it seems to put more emphasis on man himself and hold quietness and non-action. I understand it as natural and lack of desire. My daughter had a bird but I set her free, because bird should live in forest and fly in the sky. It goes against natural law to keep it in a cage. As for me, I take a nap and a sponge bath every day because these can keep me clean and resourceful and also accord with nature. As for lack of desire, because I’m good at treating children's illness, I worked in grass-roots unit all the time. Although the salary may be less, it allows me to play a greater role. Therefore I gained respect from people and realized self-worth. Lack of desire in matter makes me gain a lot in other aspects.

  Here, you see, Chinese culture is so broad and profound: there is Confucianism in society domain which reminds people of thinking more for others and the country so as to maintain social harmony; there is Taoism in individual ideological realms which proposes obeying nature so as to gain purity of mind and peace of spirit.

  I haven’t changed nationality all the time. Although I have lived in China for such a long time and there are no relatives in my home town, this is my unchangeable identity. One the one hand, I love my country and home town; on the other hand, it reminds me that body pain is curable but war wound is hard to heal and I should try my best to do something for China as well as for Japan. Despite of this, it still doesn’t influence my enjoyment of Jinan life and appreciation of Jinan as well as the beauty of Jinan people.



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