
File B1: Manuscript template for CJOL

Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology (CJOL)

Manuscript Template

Font of manuscript: Times New Roman; Line spacing: 1.5

Manuscript structure : For most research papers, please include the following sections for the main body: Introduction, Material and Method, Result, Discussion, and Conclusion.

Title: Separation of up-going and down-going wave fields of vertical cable data (16 pt)

Author list: WANG Haibo (王海波) 1, ZHANG Li (张利) 2 (10.5pt, capitalize the surnames)

Affiliation: 1Institute of Oceanology , Chinese Academy of Sciences , Qingdao 266071, China ; 2 Ocean University of China , Qingdao 266071, China (7.5pt in italics)

Abstract: The vertical cable method for acquiring and processing pre-stack 3-D marine seismic data is based on the technology developed by the US Navy for antisubmarine warfare…. (9pt; 150–250 words)

Keyword: 3-D; ocean; environment; wave field…. (9pt, 3–6 words)


Subsection title: 1.1 Xxx; 1.2; Yyy; 1.3 Zzz … (12pt; lowercase, bold, capitalize the first word only)

Article Body Text: (10.5pt)

Figure caption: Fig.1 Coordinates of a Snell’s law ray -path in a horizontally layered medium. The vertical cable is fixed and records signals at different depths (9pt)

Table caption: Table 1 Tidal current velocity off Chahe outlet from September 5 to 6, 1996 (unit: m/s) (bold; 9pt)

Citations and References: please refer to the file or for details.

For a sample manuscript: .

PLEASE note in your manuscript:

No page and line numbering!

No EndNote application!

Updated on 2014-7-28

File B1: Manuscript template for CJOL

Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology (CJOL)

Manuscript Template

Font of manuscript: Times New Roman; Line spacing: 1.5

Manuscript structure : For most research papers, please include the following sections for the main body: Introduction, Material and Method, Result, Discussion, and Conclusion.

Title: Separation of up-going and down-going wave fields of vertical cable data (16 pt)

Author list: WANG Haibo (王海波) 1, ZHANG Li (张利) 2 (10.5pt, capitalize the surnames)

Affiliation: 1Institute of Oceanology , Chinese Academy of Sciences , Qingdao 266071, China ; 2 Ocean University of China , Qingdao 266071, China (7.5pt in italics)

Abstract: The vertical cable method for acquiring and processing pre-stack 3-D marine seismic data is based on the technology developed by the US Navy for antisubmarine warfare…. (9pt; 150–250 words)

Keyword: 3-D; ocean; environment; wave field…. (9pt, 3–6 words)


Subsection title: 1.1 Xxx; 1.2; Yyy; 1.3 Zzz … (12pt; lowercase, bold, capitalize the first word only)

Article Body Text: (10.5pt)

Figure caption: Fig.1 Coordinates of a Snell’s law ray -path in a horizontally layered medium. The vertical cable is fixed and records signals at different depths (9pt)

Table caption: Table 1 Tidal current velocity off Chahe outlet from September 5 to 6, 1996 (unit: m/s) (bold; 9pt)

Citations and References: please refer to the file or for details.

For a sample manuscript: .

PLEASE note in your manuscript:

No page and line numbering!

No EndNote application!

Updated on 2014-7-28


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