
1. On my recent visit, I held a lively three-month-old twin that had been rejected by 2. ____ (it) choking smog. 3. “ Did anyone lose a suitcase at the last stop?” A woman on the bus shouted, “Oh, dear! It’s _(I).” 4. but we can’t do5. ones. 6. Susan made______ clear to me that she wished to make a new life for herself. 7. —When shall I call, in the morning or afternoon?—_______ I’ll be in all day. 8. She'd lived in London and Manchester, but she liked ______ and moved to Cambridge. 9. I’d appreciate ________ if you could let me know in advance whether or not you will come. 10. You can ask anyone for help. ________ here is willing to lend you a hand. 11. I knew that _____ would ever discourage him; he would never give up wanting to be a director. 12. Larry asks Bill and Peter to go on a picnic with him, but ________ of them wants to, because they have work to do. 13. No matter where he is, he makes _____a rule to go for a walk before breakfast. 14. If you’re buying today’s paper from the stand, could you get________ for me? 15.My brother would like to buy a good watch but______was available from that shop. 16. I’ve lived in New York and Chicago, but don’t like ____ of them very much. 17.The meeting will be held in September, but________ knows the date for sure. 18. The quality of education in this small school is better than ________ in some larger schools.

1. 2. 3. 4. It does not cost many, yet we can still learn a lot. My classmates and I are talking about how to do during the holiday. At first,I thought I knew everything and could make decisions by yourself. At last, I will be on my own, but I still want to have my parents to turn to whenever need help.21教育网 5. My uncle says that he never dreams of becoming rich in the short period of time. Instead, he hopes that our business will grow steady. 6. Much rare animals are dying out . 7. We must find ways to protect your environment. 8. cannot get from books 9. A woman saw him crying and telling him to wait outside the shop. Five minutes later, Tony saw parents. 10. We have been allowing tomatoes to self-seed where they please. As a result, the plants are growing somewhere. 11. There are so much that we often share them with our neighbors. 12. We don’t need to do so many homework. 13. They are three lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon. 14. My mother is very much kind and is friendly to everybody. 15. I was eager to see him, but outside her room I stopped. 16. We took ours fishing poles and headed for the lake. 17. I let her copy my answers. But after the test, all of us were called to the teacher’s office. 18. I was happy when the toys worked, but when things did wrong, I got angry and broke it. 19. My brother was so much fond of the museums there that he begged my parents to staying another couple of day. 20. It's been a week after we left your family and we are now back home. Thank you very much for showing them around your city and providing us for the wonderful meals. 21. Close to the school there was a beautiful park with many trees around them. 二.单句改错 高考代词练习题 一.单句填空

1. On my recent visit, I held a lively three-month-old twin that had been rejected by 2. ____ (it) choking smog. 3. “ Did anyone lose a suitcase at the last stop?” A woman on the bus shouted, “Oh, dear! It’s _(I).” 4. but we can’t do5. ones. 6. Susan made______ clear to me that she wished to make a new life for herself. 7. —When shall I call, in the morning or afternoon?—_______ I’ll be in all day. 8. She'd lived in London and Manchester, but she liked ______ and moved to Cambridge. 9. I’d appreciate ________ if you could let me know in advance whether or not you will come. 10. You can ask anyone for help. ________ here is willing to lend you a hand. 11. I knew that _____ would ever discourage him; he would never give up wanting to be a director. 12. Larry asks Bill and Peter to go on a picnic with him, but ________ of them wants to, because they have work to do. 13. No matter where he is, he makes _____a rule to go for a walk before breakfast. 14. If you’re buying today’s paper from the stand, could you get________ for me? 15.My brother would like to buy a good watch but______was available from that shop. 16. I’ve lived in New York and Chicago, but don’t like ____ of them very much. 17.The meeting will be held in September, but________ knows the date for sure. 18. The quality of education in this small school is better than ________ in some larger schools.

1. 2. 3. 4. It does not cost many, yet we can still learn a lot. My classmates and I are talking about how to do during the holiday. At first,I thought I knew everything and could make decisions by yourself. At last, I will be on my own, but I still want to have my parents to turn to whenever need help.21教育网 5. My uncle says that he never dreams of becoming rich in the short period of time. Instead, he hopes that our business will grow steady. 6. Much rare animals are dying out . 7. We must find ways to protect your environment. 8. cannot get from books 9. A woman saw him crying and telling him to wait outside the shop. Five minutes later, Tony saw parents. 10. We have been allowing tomatoes to self-seed where they please. As a result, the plants are growing somewhere. 11. There are so much that we often share them with our neighbors. 12. We don’t need to do so many homework. 13. They are three lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon. 14. My mother is very much kind and is friendly to everybody. 15. I was eager to see him, but outside her room I stopped. 16. We took ours fishing poles and headed for the lake. 17. I let her copy my answers. But after the test, all of us were called to the teacher’s office. 18. I was happy when the toys worked, but when things did wrong, I got angry and broke it. 19. My brother was so much fond of the museums there that he begged my parents to staying another couple of day. 20. It's been a week after we left your family and we are now back home. Thank you very much for showing them around your city and providing us for the wonderful meals. 21. Close to the school there was a beautiful park with many trees around them. 二.单句改错 高考代词练习题 一.单句填空


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