
Unit 1(B卷)



1.A.working B.studying C.making D.reading( ) 答案:B

听力原文:I like studying with a group.

2.A.practise B.speak C.improve D.make( ) 答案:A

听力原文: Do you often practise conversations with your friends?

3.A.in the morning B.after meal

C.in the evening D.before you go to bed( )


听力原文:What about reading aloud in the morning?

4.A.in the list B.in magazines

C.in the club D.in notebooks( )


听力原文:Mei can’t understand the words in magazines.

5.A.listening B.asking

C.watching D.studying( )


听力原文:Do you learn English by watching English videos?


6.A.Yes,she did. B.No,she didn’t.

C.Yes,she has. D.No,she hasn’t.( )


听力原文:M:Ma Li,have you ever gone out with an English-speaking friend?


Question: Ma Li has ever gone out with an English-speaking friend,hasn’t she?

7.A.By writing vocabulary lists. B.By watching TV.( )

C.By listening to cassettes. D.By reading English books.


听力原文:W:Do you learn English by listening to cassettes,Pierre?

M:No,I learn English by watching TV.

Question : How does the man learn English?

8.A.Join an English club. B.Do more reading.

C.Study with a group. D.Take a lot of notes. ( )


听力原文:W:I can’t understand spoken English,Mr Wu.What should I do?

M: Don’t worry,Li Li.Why don’t you join an English club to practise your speaking?

Question: What does Mr Wu tell Li Li to do?

9.A.No,he didn’t. B.Yes,he does.

C.Yes,he did. D.No,he doesn’t.( )


听力原文:W:Mr Wang,how do you improve your English?

M:I think watching English-language TV helps me a lot.

Quesition: Does Mr Wang often watch English-language TV to improve his English?

10.A.Yes,he was. B.No,he wasn’t.

C.Yes,she was. D.No,she wasn’t.( )


听力原文:W:Xiao Li,did you often make mistakes when you started speaking practice? M:Yes,I made a lot of mistakes.But I’m not afraid.

Question:Was Xiao Li afraid to make mistakes when he started to speak English?


11._________ people are_________ English now.


12.They want to _________why learning English is so _________.


13.People should learn some knowledge about _________ _________.


14.English is_________ up of_________ languages.


15._________Chinese words can be _________ in the English language.


听力原文:Now Many people are studying English.And they want to know why it is so difficult to learn.It’s not too difficult to learn if you know some knowledge about the language and English culture.Perhaps the first thing you need to know about English is that English is made up of several other languages,for example,French and German.Even some Chinese words can be found in the English language.So people meet with some difficulties when they are learning English.



16.What is your _________way to learn more English?


17.It doesn’t _________if you can’t understand spoken English.


18.Mei often _________mistakes in grammar.


19.Li Hong decided to_________lots of grammar notes in every class.


20.Her English improved when she started lots of_________practice.



21.—How did you get there yesterday?( )


A.Take a taxi B.By walking

C.On a car D.I walked there

答案:B How did you...是对做事方式的提问,所以相应的回答也应是“通过„„方式”,B项结构符合。

22.English is popular around the world _________computers.( )

A.from B.into C.for D.around


23.As time _________,we know each other better.( )

A.goes by B.passes by C.went off D.going by

答案:A 主句的时态决定了从句应用现在时,排除C、D两项;go by指时间等的流逝。

24.Tony thinks it is easy _________ English.( )

A.study B.learns C.to learn D.studies

答案:C 动词不定式短语作宾语。

25.I know Lillian Li enjoys_________out with English-speaking friends.( )

A.go B.went C.gone D.going

答案:D enjoy 后面接动词的-ing形式。

26.Why don’t you _________your teacher for help?( )

A.ask B.to ask C.asking D.asks

答案:A Why don’t you ...?句型后面接动词原形。

27.Please tell Mr Zhang some ways of _________English.( )

A.to teach B.teaching C.learn D.to learn

答案:B of介词后面接动词时,动词要改为-ing形式。

28.—What for you hurry like that?( )

—I heard someone _________ help downstairs.

A.need B.call for C.calling for D.ask for

答案:C call for “呼救”,hear为感官动词,后接动词的-ing形式表示“听到某人正在„„”。

29.—Why did you quarrel with your mum?( )

—She was always _________ a little guy.

A.regarding me as B.thinking me as

C.treating me like D.thinking of me like

答案:A “把„„认为(作)是„„”的表达方式有:regard...as,think of...as,treat...as等。

30.When I spoke English,people there always laughed _________me.( )

A.at B.in C.over D.from

答案:A laugh at 固定短语。




I ________my________ English skills ________ practising conversations _________friends. 答案:improve,speaking,by,with


Antonio_________ _________the words _________ _________.

答案:can’t understand, in magazines

33.Lydia 因一件小事跟她朋友生了好长时间的气。

Lydia _________ _________ with her friend for a long time _________ a small problem. 答案:stayed,angry,about


It_________ _________ if you_________ _________ every word.

答案:doesn’t matter, don’t understand

35.Toney 害怕说英语,因为同学们可能会嘲笑他。

Toney is _________to_________ English_________his classmates _________ laugh at him. 答案:afraid,speak,because,may


36.Where there is a will,there is a way. A.经验是良师。( )


37.No answer is also an answer. B.有志者事竟成。( )


38.Experience is the best teacher. C.一知半解是危险的事。( )


39.Example is better than precept. D.沉默也是一种回答。( )


40.A little learning is a dangerous thing. E.身教胜于言教。( )



Food is very important.Everyone needs to well if he or she wants to have a strong body.Our minds also need a kind of food.

This kind of food is children are everything around them.They learn they are watching and story books,science books...,anything they like.When they find something new,they love to ask questions and find out the answers.

What is the best ourselves,we will get the most getting answers from others and do not ask why,we will never learn .

41.A.sleep B.read C.drink D.eat( )


42.A.sport B.exercise C.knowledge D.meat( ) 答案:C

43.A.interested B.interesting C.weak D.better( ) 答案:A

44.A.everything B.something C.nothing D.anything( ) 答案:B

45.A.lend B.read C.learn D.write( ) 答案:B

46.A.try B.have C.think D.wait( ) 答案:A

47.A.place B.school C.way D.road( ) 答案:C

48.A.on B.with 答案:D 49.A.often B.always D.sometimes( )


50.A.harder B.much


Ⅴ.阅读理解(20分) C.to D.by( ) C.usually C.better D.well( )


We are all busy talking about and using the Internet,but how many of us know the history of the Internet?Many people are surprised when they find that the Internet was set up in the 1960s.At that time,computer networks didn’t work well.If one computer in the network broke down,then the whole network stopped.So a new network system had to be set up.It should be good enough to be used by many different computers.If part of the network was not working,information could be sent through another part.In this way computer network system would keep on working all the time.

At first the Internet was only used by the government,but in the early 1970s,universities,hospitals and banks were allowed to use it,too.However,computers were still very expensive and the Internet was difficult to use.By the start of the 1990s,computers became cheaper and easier to use.Scientist had also developed software(软件) that made “surfing” the Internet more convenient(方便的).

Today it is easy to get on-line and millions of people use the Internet every day.Sending e-mail is more and more popular among people.

The Internet has now become one of the most important parts of people’s life.


51.The Internet has a history of less than thirty years.( )


52.In the 1960s computer networks went wrong easily.( )


53.Scientists set up a new network system to make computers cheaper.( )


54.People didn’t have enough software to get on-line conveniently until the early 1990s.( )


55.The Internet is only easily used by governments,banks,offices and universities.( ) 答案:F


In learning English,one should first pay attention to(注意) listening and speaking.It is groundwork of reading and writing.You’d better try your best to speak while you do much listening.Don’t be afraid of making mistakes.But be careful not to let them stop you from improving your English.While you are doing this,a good way is to write—keep a diary,write notes or letters,then if you can,ask some others to go through what you have written and tell you where it is wrong.Many mistakes in your speaking will be easily found when you write.Through correcting the mistakes,you can do better in learning English.

If you are slow in speaking,don’t worry.One of the helpful ways is reading,either aloud or to yourself.The important thing is to choose something interesting to read.It mustn’t be too difficult for you.When you are reading in this way,don’t stop to look up the new words if you can guess their meanings when they have nothing important to do with the sentences.You can do that some other time.


56.For the beginners,_________and _________is more important than reading and speaking. 答案:listening,speaking

57.When you are speaking,you may _________ _________.

答案:make mistakes

58.One of the good ways to find your mistakes in your speaking is to write ______or _______.


59.If you want to be fluent(流利的) when speaking,you should choose_________ _________to read to yourself.

答案:something interesting/easy

60.When you are reading,you’d better _________ _________up the new words if you can guess their meaning.




答案:Here are some ways of studying/learning English well.You can learn English by listening to cassettes/asking the teacher for help/making flashcards/working with friends/reading aloud/studying with a group/practising conversation with friends....You can study English grammar.The best way to learn new words is reading English magazines.You can also watch English movies/join the English club at school.When you are listening English,you should listen to the most important words,not every word.

Unit 1(B卷)



1.A.working B.studying C.making D.reading( ) 答案:B

听力原文:I like studying with a group.

2.A.practise B.speak C.improve D.make( ) 答案:A

听力原文: Do you often practise conversations with your friends?

3.A.in the morning B.after meal

C.in the evening D.before you go to bed( )


听力原文:What about reading aloud in the morning?

4.A.in the list B.in magazines

C.in the club D.in notebooks( )


听力原文:Mei can’t understand the words in magazines.

5.A.listening B.asking

C.watching D.studying( )


听力原文:Do you learn English by watching English videos?


6.A.Yes,she did. B.No,she didn’t.

C.Yes,she has. D.No,she hasn’t.( )


听力原文:M:Ma Li,have you ever gone out with an English-speaking friend?


Question: Ma Li has ever gone out with an English-speaking friend,hasn’t she?

7.A.By writing vocabulary lists. B.By watching TV.( )

C.By listening to cassettes. D.By reading English books.


听力原文:W:Do you learn English by listening to cassettes,Pierre?

M:No,I learn English by watching TV.

Question : How does the man learn English?

8.A.Join an English club. B.Do more reading.

C.Study with a group. D.Take a lot of notes. ( )


听力原文:W:I can’t understand spoken English,Mr Wu.What should I do?

M: Don’t worry,Li Li.Why don’t you join an English club to practise your speaking?

Question: What does Mr Wu tell Li Li to do?

9.A.No,he didn’t. B.Yes,he does.

C.Yes,he did. D.No,he doesn’t.( )


听力原文:W:Mr Wang,how do you improve your English?

M:I think watching English-language TV helps me a lot.

Quesition: Does Mr Wang often watch English-language TV to improve his English?

10.A.Yes,he was. B.No,he wasn’t.

C.Yes,she was. D.No,she wasn’t.( )


听力原文:W:Xiao Li,did you often make mistakes when you started speaking practice? M:Yes,I made a lot of mistakes.But I’m not afraid.

Question:Was Xiao Li afraid to make mistakes when he started to speak English?


11._________ people are_________ English now.


12.They want to _________why learning English is so _________.


13.People should learn some knowledge about _________ _________.


14.English is_________ up of_________ languages.


15._________Chinese words can be _________ in the English language.


听力原文:Now Many people are studying English.And they want to know why it is so difficult to learn.It’s not too difficult to learn if you know some knowledge about the language and English culture.Perhaps the first thing you need to know about English is that English is made up of several other languages,for example,French and German.Even some Chinese words can be found in the English language.So people meet with some difficulties when they are learning English.



16.What is your _________way to learn more English?


17.It doesn’t _________if you can’t understand spoken English.


18.Mei often _________mistakes in grammar.


19.Li Hong decided to_________lots of grammar notes in every class.


20.Her English improved when she started lots of_________practice.



21.—How did you get there yesterday?( )


A.Take a taxi B.By walking

C.On a car D.I walked there

答案:B How did you...是对做事方式的提问,所以相应的回答也应是“通过„„方式”,B项结构符合。

22.English is popular around the world _________computers.( )

A.from B.into C.for D.around


23.As time _________,we know each other better.( )

A.goes by B.passes by C.went off D.going by

答案:A 主句的时态决定了从句应用现在时,排除C、D两项;go by指时间等的流逝。

24.Tony thinks it is easy _________ English.( )

A.study B.learns C.to learn D.studies

答案:C 动词不定式短语作宾语。

25.I know Lillian Li enjoys_________out with English-speaking friends.( )

A.go B.went C.gone D.going

答案:D enjoy 后面接动词的-ing形式。

26.Why don’t you _________your teacher for help?( )

A.ask B.to ask C.asking D.asks

答案:A Why don’t you ...?句型后面接动词原形。

27.Please tell Mr Zhang some ways of _________English.( )

A.to teach B.teaching C.learn D.to learn

答案:B of介词后面接动词时,动词要改为-ing形式。

28.—What for you hurry like that?( )

—I heard someone _________ help downstairs.

A.need B.call for C.calling for D.ask for

答案:C call for “呼救”,hear为感官动词,后接动词的-ing形式表示“听到某人正在„„”。

29.—Why did you quarrel with your mum?( )

—She was always _________ a little guy.

A.regarding me as B.thinking me as

C.treating me like D.thinking of me like

答案:A “把„„认为(作)是„„”的表达方式有:regard...as,think of...as,treat...as等。

30.When I spoke English,people there always laughed _________me.( )

A.at B.in C.over D.from

答案:A laugh at 固定短语。




I ________my________ English skills ________ practising conversations _________friends. 答案:improve,speaking,by,with


Antonio_________ _________the words _________ _________.

答案:can’t understand, in magazines

33.Lydia 因一件小事跟她朋友生了好长时间的气。

Lydia _________ _________ with her friend for a long time _________ a small problem. 答案:stayed,angry,about


It_________ _________ if you_________ _________ every word.

答案:doesn’t matter, don’t understand

35.Toney 害怕说英语,因为同学们可能会嘲笑他。

Toney is _________to_________ English_________his classmates _________ laugh at him. 答案:afraid,speak,because,may


36.Where there is a will,there is a way. A.经验是良师。( )


37.No answer is also an answer. B.有志者事竟成。( )


38.Experience is the best teacher. C.一知半解是危险的事。( )


39.Example is better than precept. D.沉默也是一种回答。( )


40.A little learning is a dangerous thing. E.身教胜于言教。( )



Food is very important.Everyone needs to well if he or she wants to have a strong body.Our minds also need a kind of food.

This kind of food is children are everything around them.They learn they are watching and story books,science books...,anything they like.When they find something new,they love to ask questions and find out the answers.

What is the best ourselves,we will get the most getting answers from others and do not ask why,we will never learn .

41.A.sleep B.read C.drink D.eat( )


42.A.sport B.exercise C.knowledge D.meat( ) 答案:C

43.A.interested B.interesting C.weak D.better( ) 答案:A

44.A.everything B.something C.nothing D.anything( ) 答案:B

45.A.lend B.read C.learn D.write( ) 答案:B

46.A.try B.have C.think D.wait( ) 答案:A

47.A.place B.school C.way D.road( ) 答案:C

48.A.on B.with 答案:D 49.A.often B.always D.sometimes( )


50.A.harder B.much


Ⅴ.阅读理解(20分) C.to D.by( ) C.usually C.better D.well( )


We are all busy talking about and using the Internet,but how many of us know the history of the Internet?Many people are surprised when they find that the Internet was set up in the 1960s.At that time,computer networks didn’t work well.If one computer in the network broke down,then the whole network stopped.So a new network system had to be set up.It should be good enough to be used by many different computers.If part of the network was not working,information could be sent through another part.In this way computer network system would keep on working all the time.

At first the Internet was only used by the government,but in the early 1970s,universities,hospitals and banks were allowed to use it,too.However,computers were still very expensive and the Internet was difficult to use.By the start of the 1990s,computers became cheaper and easier to use.Scientist had also developed software(软件) that made “surfing” the Internet more convenient(方便的).

Today it is easy to get on-line and millions of people use the Internet every day.Sending e-mail is more and more popular among people.

The Internet has now become one of the most important parts of people’s life.


51.The Internet has a history of less than thirty years.( )


52.In the 1960s computer networks went wrong easily.( )


53.Scientists set up a new network system to make computers cheaper.( )


54.People didn’t have enough software to get on-line conveniently until the early 1990s.( )


55.The Internet is only easily used by governments,banks,offices and universities.( ) 答案:F


In learning English,one should first pay attention to(注意) listening and speaking.It is groundwork of reading and writing.You’d better try your best to speak while you do much listening.Don’t be afraid of making mistakes.But be careful not to let them stop you from improving your English.While you are doing this,a good way is to write—keep a diary,write notes or letters,then if you can,ask some others to go through what you have written and tell you where it is wrong.Many mistakes in your speaking will be easily found when you write.Through correcting the mistakes,you can do better in learning English.

If you are slow in speaking,don’t worry.One of the helpful ways is reading,either aloud or to yourself.The important thing is to choose something interesting to read.It mustn’t be too difficult for you.When you are reading in this way,don’t stop to look up the new words if you can guess their meanings when they have nothing important to do with the sentences.You can do that some other time.


56.For the beginners,_________and _________is more important than reading and speaking. 答案:listening,speaking

57.When you are speaking,you may _________ _________.

答案:make mistakes

58.One of the good ways to find your mistakes in your speaking is to write ______or _______.


59.If you want to be fluent(流利的) when speaking,you should choose_________ _________to read to yourself.

答案:something interesting/easy

60.When you are reading,you’d better _________ _________up the new words if you can guess their meaning.




答案:Here are some ways of studying/learning English well.You can learn English by listening to cassettes/asking the teacher for help/making flashcards/working with friends/reading aloud/studying with a group/practising conversation with friends....You can study English grammar.The best way to learn new words is reading English magazines.You can also watch English movies/join the English club at school.When you are listening English,you should listen to the most important words,not every word.


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