
Castle hiding in the lonely, lonely in singing, very familiar melody, lyrics are fuzzy.

You paby the rose garden, I hide in your side quietly swaying. Ask you to dream city road, I hid in the streams of people busily coming and going in the crowd. You are in the fields of gold, I sneezed, golden and with the waves. You laugh in the playground, I took your little Trojan quiet sits on the Ferris wheel.

Ali asked:" I just went to take a nap, you came back?" her mother smiled and shook his head. " I take the train from the town, the first station sits to the last stop, you came back?" her mother smiled and shook his head. "Then I listen to your words, clear the room, you will be back?" her mother smiled and shook his head. " Just wait until winter when the snow, you came back? You said every winter to give me a new hat." My mother smiled and shook his head. " When I planted saplings grow into a tree, you must be back?" her mother smiled and shook his head. " Mom, what time do you come back?"

" The world slept longer nap, can wait for wake up ..."" the long travel, can wait until the end of time ..."" again cold winter, can wait for the last time ..."" noisy world, also can wait until the quiet time ... ..."

You can't see me, but I do not too far away from you.

Fumble, fall, a loss, blundering with ... ...

In this age of confusion, in the blind world, I can't see ahead, though no longer walk alone.

The passage of time always soundleand stirless.

Like never separate waiting for tomorrow. Like never go through that year.

You now in where? Doing what? You like I like you like that to remember me? If like me alone? If like I still believe there are chicken roll out a flower?

I stand here, on the flowing years winter said: if one day, if we can meet, if fate really too wonderful for words. Go back to the moment, we accidentaly across.

In many years after the winter, in the life of this crossroads, in warm each other 's eyes, met you today, yesterday I saw.

Friends, you know, some things never change.

Ali himself caught in the drying clothes rope, elongated ears to make, because he loves the rabbit. However, he love a rabbit, rabbit drink N gallons of coffee, listening to rock music High, days and nights without sleep, want to get the black eye socket, because he love the panda. However, the panda is not a care him, panda to catapult himself playing up to the sky, because he fell in love with the sparrow. However, the panda didn't taste, sparrow swimming, every day can hold your breath for a minute, because he loves a fish. However, fish like sparrow special teouble, fish all day like Ali bubble blowing head, obviously, he fell in love with ali.

Ali because on the clothesline hanger for too long, hanging out ... ...

White flower blooms, the dream the flower falls ... ...

If one day, the devil falls in love with an angel. If one day, the cat and the mouse turned to Brokeback mountain. If one day, Lily fell in love with winter sprite, bloom in winter. If one day, Romeo and Juliet do to accompany the life. If ..." If that day, I will not let you be my boyfriend, Ali!" said to Ali.

I learned to wear a mask to smile, even if I am not happy.

I learned the language of angels and demons.

I learn how to kill the dragon in the Schwarzwald.

But ... I can't learn how to forget you. Forget you, is the hardest thing in the world ... ...

Clock tower clock stops, said that this is clock tower core gear suddenly broken. The actual clock tower did not stop, but because people don't eat Tata noodles, leading to visual disorder. The rabbit thought that is because clock tower is not adore carrots reason. Little thought she was no time to take a shower obediently rabbit, ma-ki-ng clock tower grandpa angry results.

The world of ... Everyone ... Has its own interpretation of .. ... ...

Time to stop because clockwise with the minute hand, never want to leave, just like, I, love, you.

Love, is not accurate, not in every new attempt, is not the mistakes and forgive, is not blind and worship. It is the responsibility of.

Life is like a seed, regardleof whether you are ready, always to germination. We can only in the long dark, quiet pregnant with short and brilliant open time.

Ali said sternly," I think I should be chicken roll seed." " ... ..."

The time always lonely day in and day out, always go round and begin again.

I believe we are hard to star in his own life this play.

I believe that a certain shower, will wash away all my sorrow.

I believe that at a certain corner will meet my love.

I believe that the maze like city hidden in my childhood Teddy bear.

I believe I was the ugly duckling, despite the absence of the fate of the White Swan, I live very happy.

I believe that sending letters is stealing uncle Tom supermarket gum also tense.

I believe the time is to appease all the magic.

I believe we will become your loved one, as we watch the stars.

I believe, I ran away from home even go farther will go home.

I believe that the world will have the chicken roll out a flower.

I believe that the mom is the world's most beautiful warm.

You, believe?

Castle hiding in the lonely, lonely in singing, very familiar melody, lyrics are fuzzy.

You paby the rose garden, I hide in your side quietly swaying. Ask you to dream city road, I hid in the streams of people busily coming and going in the crowd. You are in the fields of gold, I sneezed, golden and with the waves. You laugh in the playground, I took your little Trojan quiet sits on the Ferris wheel.

Ali asked:" I just went to take a nap, you came back?" her mother smiled and shook his head. " I take the train from the town, the first station sits to the last stop, you came back?" her mother smiled and shook his head. "Then I listen to your words, clear the room, you will be back?" her mother smiled and shook his head. " Just wait until winter when the snow, you came back? You said every winter to give me a new hat." My mother smiled and shook his head. " When I planted saplings grow into a tree, you must be back?" her mother smiled and shook his head. " Mom, what time do you come back?"

" The world slept longer nap, can wait for wake up ..."" the long travel, can wait until the end of time ..."" again cold winter, can wait for the last time ..."" noisy world, also can wait until the quiet time ... ..."

You can't see me, but I do not too far away from you.

Fumble, fall, a loss, blundering with ... ...

In this age of confusion, in the blind world, I can't see ahead, though no longer walk alone.

The passage of time always soundleand stirless.

Like never separate waiting for tomorrow. Like never go through that year.

You now in where? Doing what? You like I like you like that to remember me? If like me alone? If like I still believe there are chicken roll out a flower?

I stand here, on the flowing years winter said: if one day, if we can meet, if fate really too wonderful for words. Go back to the moment, we accidentaly across.

In many years after the winter, in the life of this crossroads, in warm each other 's eyes, met you today, yesterday I saw.

Friends, you know, some things never change.

Ali himself caught in the drying clothes rope, elongated ears to make, because he loves the rabbit. However, he love a rabbit, rabbit drink N gallons of coffee, listening to rock music High, days and nights without sleep, want to get the black eye socket, because he love the panda. However, the panda is not a care him, panda to catapult himself playing up to the sky, because he fell in love with the sparrow. However, the panda didn't taste, sparrow swimming, every day can hold your breath for a minute, because he loves a fish. However, fish like sparrow special teouble, fish all day like Ali bubble blowing head, obviously, he fell in love with ali.

Ali because on the clothesline hanger for too long, hanging out ... ...

White flower blooms, the dream the flower falls ... ...

If one day, the devil falls in love with an angel. If one day, the cat and the mouse turned to Brokeback mountain. If one day, Lily fell in love with winter sprite, bloom in winter. If one day, Romeo and Juliet do to accompany the life. If ..." If that day, I will not let you be my boyfriend, Ali!" said to Ali.

I learned to wear a mask to smile, even if I am not happy.

I learned the language of angels and demons.

I learn how to kill the dragon in the Schwarzwald.

But ... I can't learn how to forget you. Forget you, is the hardest thing in the world ... ...

Clock tower clock stops, said that this is clock tower core gear suddenly broken. The actual clock tower did not stop, but because people don't eat Tata noodles, leading to visual disorder. The rabbit thought that is because clock tower is not adore carrots reason. Little thought she was no time to take a shower obediently rabbit, ma-ki-ng clock tower grandpa angry results.

The world of ... Everyone ... Has its own interpretation of .. ... ...

Time to stop because clockwise with the minute hand, never want to leave, just like, I, love, you.

Love, is not accurate, not in every new attempt, is not the mistakes and forgive, is not blind and worship. It is the responsibility of.

Life is like a seed, regardleof whether you are ready, always to germination. We can only in the long dark, quiet pregnant with short and brilliant open time.

Ali said sternly," I think I should be chicken roll seed." " ... ..."

The time always lonely day in and day out, always go round and begin again.

I believe we are hard to star in his own life this play.

I believe that a certain shower, will wash away all my sorrow.

I believe that at a certain corner will meet my love.

I believe that the maze like city hidden in my childhood Teddy bear.

I believe I was the ugly duckling, despite the absence of the fate of the White Swan, I live very happy.

I believe that sending letters is stealing uncle Tom supermarket gum also tense.

I believe the time is to appease all the magic.

I believe we will become your loved one, as we watch the stars.

I believe, I ran away from home even go farther will go home.

I believe that the world will have the chicken roll out a flower.

I believe that the mom is the world's most beautiful warm.

You, believe?


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