
2. 危害分析




主题句1:Such __ is /are bound to (generate/result in/ give rise to/ lead to) (severe/negative/serious) (consequences/impacts) if we keep turning a blind eye to. 万能词汇:phenomenon /phenomena

☆主题句2: Apparently enough, there are some negative impacts which we should not


☆主题句3:Quite obviously, it is of great necessity to figure out the negative influences ②危害举例

☆危害1: ☆危害2:Moreover, (强调句式) it is _____ that exerts/ produces/ generates bad

impacts on _______

危害3:(浪费)Besides, it can be argued that _____ means a grave waste of

time/energy/money/natural resources.


危害总结1:As has been noted, ____ do/does impact ________ negatively to a

large/some extent.

危害总结2:To conclude, it is undeniable that the bad impacts of _____ can never be

turned a blind eye to.



Unhealthy Living Habits

1. 现在很多大学生有不健康的生活习惯 2. 这些习惯的危害 (危害分析) 3. 我的建议 主题句1:Such phenomenon is bound to generate negative impacts if we keep turning a

blind eye to.

或 主题句2: Apparently enough, there are some negative impacts which we should not


☆主题句3: Quite obviously, it is of great necessity to figure out the negative ☆危害1: ☆危害2:

(危害3:(浪费) Besides, it can be argued that time, money and energy.)

尾句危害总结1:negatively to some extent.

☆危害总结2:To conclude, it is undeniable that the bad impacts of


主题句2: Apparently enough, there are some negative impacts which we should not



危害3:(浪费money and energy.

危害总结2:can never be turned a blind eye to.

练习 2008.12 1. 一次性塑料袋的使用 2. 使用一次性塑料袋带来的问题 (危害分析) 3. 限制使用一次性塑料袋的意义 一次性塑料袋= disposable plastic bags 主题句3: Quite obviously, it is of great necessity to figure out the negative influences ☆危害1:To begin with, undermine the ☆危害2:Moreover, it is that generates bad impacts on 危害总结1:As has been noted, does impact

3. 原因分析 三步走 →主题句+ 具体原因(2-3个) +原因总结 ①主题句 主题句1:Generally speaking, several reasons can account for this phenomenon. (中性) ☆主题句2:In general, there are several reasons/ factors/ causes/ purposes responsible for _________. (中性) responsible for 是…的原由 ②具体原因 ☆原因1: First and foremost, ______is the root cause. An illustration of this point would be that ______. illustration 例证 原因2: In addition/ what’s more, ________ constitute another major reason. 原因3: 正面原因 Last but not least, (强调句式) it is _____ that attracts ____ to ___. ③原因总结 ☆原因总结:As a result, ____ pay relatively more/less attention to _____. 练习 2010.6

Due attention should be given to spelling.

1. 如今不少学生在英语学习中不重视拼写 2. 出现这种情况的原因是…… (原因分析) 3. 为了改变这种现状,我认为 原因分析 三步走 →主题句+ 具体原因(2-3个) +原因总结 2. 出现这种情况的原因是…… 主题句1:Generally speaking, several reasons can account for this phenomenon. (中性) ☆主题句2:In general, there are several reasons/ factors/ causes/ purposes responsible

for .

拼写错误 ☆主题句2:In general, there are several reasons/ factors/ causes/ purposes responsible

for 主题句3:It is evident that the causes of are diverse.

主题句4(负面) :To deal with this worrying issue,possible reasons.

☆原因1: First and foremost, is the root cause. An illustration of this

point would be that .

学生的忽视= students’ inattention

thousands of students are unaware of the importance of the spelling.

2. 出现这种情况的原因是……

原因3: What’s more, (强调句式) it is that 更重视语法不重视拼写= be more concerned with grammar but not spelling ☆原因总结:As a result, pay relatively less attention to 组合1

☆主题句2:In general, there are several causes responsible for 原因1: First and foremost, point would be that 原因3: What‘s more, it is that 原因总结:

2. 危害分析




主题句1:Such __ is /are bound to (generate/result in/ give rise to/ lead to) (severe/negative/serious) (consequences/impacts) if we keep turning a blind eye to. 万能词汇:phenomenon /phenomena

☆主题句2: Apparently enough, there are some negative impacts which we should not


☆主题句3:Quite obviously, it is of great necessity to figure out the negative influences ②危害举例

☆危害1: ☆危害2:Moreover, (强调句式) it is _____ that exerts/ produces/ generates bad

impacts on _______

危害3:(浪费)Besides, it can be argued that _____ means a grave waste of

time/energy/money/natural resources.


危害总结1:As has been noted, ____ do/does impact ________ negatively to a

large/some extent.

危害总结2:To conclude, it is undeniable that the bad impacts of _____ can never be

turned a blind eye to.



Unhealthy Living Habits

1. 现在很多大学生有不健康的生活习惯 2. 这些习惯的危害 (危害分析) 3. 我的建议 主题句1:Such phenomenon is bound to generate negative impacts if we keep turning a

blind eye to.

或 主题句2: Apparently enough, there are some negative impacts which we should not


☆主题句3: Quite obviously, it is of great necessity to figure out the negative ☆危害1: ☆危害2:

(危害3:(浪费) Besides, it can be argued that time, money and energy.)

尾句危害总结1:negatively to some extent.

☆危害总结2:To conclude, it is undeniable that the bad impacts of


主题句2: Apparently enough, there are some negative impacts which we should not



危害3:(浪费money and energy.

危害总结2:can never be turned a blind eye to.

练习 2008.12 1. 一次性塑料袋的使用 2. 使用一次性塑料袋带来的问题 (危害分析) 3. 限制使用一次性塑料袋的意义 一次性塑料袋= disposable plastic bags 主题句3: Quite obviously, it is of great necessity to figure out the negative influences ☆危害1:To begin with, undermine the ☆危害2:Moreover, it is that generates bad impacts on 危害总结1:As has been noted, does impact

3. 原因分析 三步走 →主题句+ 具体原因(2-3个) +原因总结 ①主题句 主题句1:Generally speaking, several reasons can account for this phenomenon. (中性) ☆主题句2:In general, there are several reasons/ factors/ causes/ purposes responsible for _________. (中性) responsible for 是…的原由 ②具体原因 ☆原因1: First and foremost, ______is the root cause. An illustration of this point would be that ______. illustration 例证 原因2: In addition/ what’s more, ________ constitute another major reason. 原因3: 正面原因 Last but not least, (强调句式) it is _____ that attracts ____ to ___. ③原因总结 ☆原因总结:As a result, ____ pay relatively more/less attention to _____. 练习 2010.6

Due attention should be given to spelling.

1. 如今不少学生在英语学习中不重视拼写 2. 出现这种情况的原因是…… (原因分析) 3. 为了改变这种现状,我认为 原因分析 三步走 →主题句+ 具体原因(2-3个) +原因总结 2. 出现这种情况的原因是…… 主题句1:Generally speaking, several reasons can account for this phenomenon. (中性) ☆主题句2:In general, there are several reasons/ factors/ causes/ purposes responsible

for .

拼写错误 ☆主题句2:In general, there are several reasons/ factors/ causes/ purposes responsible

for 主题句3:It is evident that the causes of are diverse.

主题句4(负面) :To deal with this worrying issue,possible reasons.

☆原因1: First and foremost, is the root cause. An illustration of this

point would be that .

学生的忽视= students’ inattention

thousands of students are unaware of the importance of the spelling.

2. 出现这种情况的原因是……

原因3: What’s more, (强调句式) it is that 更重视语法不重视拼写= be more concerned with grammar but not spelling ☆原因总结:As a result, pay relatively less attention to 组合1

☆主题句2:In general, there are several causes responsible for 原因1: First and foremost, point would be that 原因3: What‘s more, it is that 原因总结:


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