

下面是一篇自我介绍的范文,以供大家参考:Good morning/afternoon,professors. Glad to see you. My name is XXX (你的中文名). It is great honor for me to attend today’sinterview, and I hope I can make a good performance today, Now I will introduce myself briefly.

I am on my first year of postgraduate in XXX (学校名称). My major is teaching Chinese as a second language. Before I majored in English and last June, I got my certification of TEM8. I love learning different languages, and my second foreign language is Japanese. I also have learned some Korean when I was a high school student and I am learning Portuguese now. Confucius said that learning without thinking might be confused while thinking without learning might be perilous. Yet gradually I found that language is just like a facilitate and I still have to learn something else to combine with my polyglot advantages, that is one reason why I decided to attend this interview, for I consider this opportunity as a good way for me to improve and reflect myself.

Also I am a big fan of Chinese classic novel, A Dream of Red Mansions . I hope that more foreigners can appreciate the wisdom of it by learning and understanding Chinese so I choose to be a Chinese teacher abroad and to undertake the responsibilities of Chinese cultural transmission.

I know that I still have much to improve, and I wish that not only should I work harder and harder, but also I can learn a lot from all professors here today.Thank you.




下面是一篇自我介绍的范文,以供大家参考:Good morning/afternoon,professors. Glad to see you. My name is XXX (你的中文名). It is great honor for me to attend today’sinterview, and I hope I can make a good performance today, Now I will introduce myself briefly.

I am on my first year of postgraduate in XXX (学校名称). My major is teaching Chinese as a second language. Before I majored in English and last June, I got my certification of TEM8. I love learning different languages, and my second foreign language is Japanese. I also have learned some Korean when I was a high school student and I am learning Portuguese now. Confucius said that learning without thinking might be confused while thinking without learning might be perilous. Yet gradually I found that language is just like a facilitate and I still have to learn something else to combine with my polyglot advantages, that is one reason why I decided to attend this interview, for I consider this opportunity as a good way for me to improve and reflect myself.

Also I am a big fan of Chinese classic novel, A Dream of Red Mansions . I hope that more foreigners can appreciate the wisdom of it by learning and understanding Chinese so I choose to be a Chinese teacher abroad and to undertake the responsibilities of Chinese cultural transmission.

I know that I still have much to improve, and I wish that not only should I work harder and harder, but also I can learn a lot from all professors here today.Thank you.




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