

TianAi Coffe bar

This coffee bar has been set up for ten years,Do u know why it is called Tieai Coffee bar?Because it's located in the Tie ai Road.There is also a love story about the Coffee bar's name?(裁缝和佣人)20RMB

If you have a chance to go there with your another part,you two will be together forever after walking through the Tian Ai Road hand in hand.


Happiness 131

where the love happens in the corner,(转角遇到爱) it has the spicy dishes,you will see many pepers hanging on the wall,and i'm sure your love will be as passonate as the peppers.50RMB


Jean Georges

外滩(The Bund)

the restaurant is named after a guy whose name is Jean Georges,the man is a skiled chef from NY,the one in SH is the second restarant.The graceful environment with tasty food will make you feel enjoyable.500RMB


Peaceful hotel

it is locted in the Bund,you can get there when you walk to the end of The Nanjing Road.I have been to the gate of the peaceful hotel,but it is reconstructed in order to welcome the foreigners who come to SH to enjoy the Expo...From the first tep of coming to the peaceful hotel,the fist sight comes in your eyes is the old style of SH,it makes you feel like walking in the old SH's street.



It is a Thailand restarant with quiet and romantic astmosphere located in Hunan Road.The old funithure chairs and tabes ,gives you a traditional style of Southeast Asia.After you walk into the restarant,you will different wooded buildings in various heights and a small river aroud all the buildings.It looks like your home and a paradise for you.58RMB


Yake Pink (雅克红房子)

it is a western food restaurant comes from France which located in SH shangxi south Road.It has attracted the super star wangfei to come here to celebrate her birthday.No matter you are a gentleman or a lady,you will not hesitate to have a taste of the delicious French food.



仙炙轩is more than the words gaceful and noble can describe ,evey girl who come here will feel like a Pincess ,the high white main building gains the name of Little White House.The main dishes is the Japanese BBC but they all look like beautiful and colorful.350RMB


外滩游艇会(陆家嘴CBD)central business district

it is combined 5stars hotel and the luxury yacht organization.The dishes are mainly seafood,actually the most important part is that you will be sailling with the luxury yacht in the HPjiang togother with your boyfriend.游艇(金茂君悦 、海悦)Imagine that situation,you and your another part ,he is sitting in front of you,and both of you tate the delicious food and enjoy the beautiful sightseeing,how will you feel?NOT vip 8000Per hour

vip 800per hour

You need to make full use of the luxury yacht,and you can imtate the scene of the Titanic "you jump,I jump"there.



It is a restarant located in the Bund 3.Many world famous supre star such

as Tom Crush,Brad pita,Robort Partison ,they all have been there.

Here you will get your own servant who comes after you until you leave there,the servant must have more than 5 years experience.

Because 望江阁 is very famous and populate with the people,you need to make a reservation more than one week before.At the top of the 望江阁,there is not enough to hold more than 2 people,so you and your boyfriend will enjoy the beautiful night scenery with the colorful lights ,Jazz music around both of you at the pujiang bank...

The percentage of successful proposing marriage is 100%


AT night you always see a boy make a proposal to his lovey girl with a bunch of roses in huangpu jiang pang ,espcially the puxi de huangpu jiang pang.


TianAi Coffe bar

This coffee bar has been set up for ten years,Do u know why it is called Tieai Coffee bar?Because it's located in the Tie ai Road.There is also a love story about the Coffee bar's name?(裁缝和佣人)20RMB

If you have a chance to go there with your another part,you two will be together forever after walking through the Tian Ai Road hand in hand.


Happiness 131

where the love happens in the corner,(转角遇到爱) it has the spicy dishes,you will see many pepers hanging on the wall,and i'm sure your love will be as passonate as the peppers.50RMB


Jean Georges

外滩(The Bund)

the restaurant is named after a guy whose name is Jean Georges,the man is a skiled chef from NY,the one in SH is the second restarant.The graceful environment with tasty food will make you feel enjoyable.500RMB


Peaceful hotel

it is locted in the Bund,you can get there when you walk to the end of The Nanjing Road.I have been to the gate of the peaceful hotel,but it is reconstructed in order to welcome the foreigners who come to SH to enjoy the Expo...From the first tep of coming to the peaceful hotel,the fist sight comes in your eyes is the old style of SH,it makes you feel like walking in the old SH's street.



It is a Thailand restarant with quiet and romantic astmosphere located in Hunan Road.The old funithure chairs and tabes ,gives you a traditional style of Southeast Asia.After you walk into the restarant,you will different wooded buildings in various heights and a small river aroud all the buildings.It looks like your home and a paradise for you.58RMB


Yake Pink (雅克红房子)

it is a western food restaurant comes from France which located in SH shangxi south Road.It has attracted the super star wangfei to come here to celebrate her birthday.No matter you are a gentleman or a lady,you will not hesitate to have a taste of the delicious French food.



仙炙轩is more than the words gaceful and noble can describe ,evey girl who come here will feel like a Pincess ,the high white main building gains the name of Little White House.The main dishes is the Japanese BBC but they all look like beautiful and colorful.350RMB


外滩游艇会(陆家嘴CBD)central business district

it is combined 5stars hotel and the luxury yacht organization.The dishes are mainly seafood,actually the most important part is that you will be sailling with the luxury yacht in the HPjiang togother with your boyfriend.游艇(金茂君悦 、海悦)Imagine that situation,you and your another part ,he is sitting in front of you,and both of you tate the delicious food and enjoy the beautiful sightseeing,how will you feel?NOT vip 8000Per hour

vip 800per hour

You need to make full use of the luxury yacht,and you can imtate the scene of the Titanic "you jump,I jump"there.



It is a restarant located in the Bund 3.Many world famous supre star such

as Tom Crush,Brad pita,Robort Partison ,they all have been there.

Here you will get your own servant who comes after you until you leave there,the servant must have more than 5 years experience.

Because 望江阁 is very famous and populate with the people,you need to make a reservation more than one week before.At the top of the 望江阁,there is not enough to hold more than 2 people,so you and your boyfriend will enjoy the beautiful night scenery with the colorful lights ,Jazz music around both of you at the pujiang bank...

The percentage of successful proposing marriage is 100%


AT night you always see a boy make a proposal to his lovey girl with a bunch of roses in huangpu jiang pang ,espcially the puxi de huangpu jiang pang.


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