




( ) 1、A、tall B、taller C、shorter

班级: 姓名 考 ( ) 2、A、both B、metre C、bigger ( ) 3、A、slept B、thinner C、thin ( ) 4、A、shoes B、whose C、size ( ) 5、A、head B、heavier C、heavy 二、听录音,选择相应的答句,并将序号写在括号里。(10分) 1.( ) A. I’m 1.61 metres. B.I’m 52 kilograms. C. Thanks. 2.( ) A. Size 8. B. It’s 5 tons . C. Yes, I am. 3.( ) A.She’s 1.65 metres. B. It was fine,thanks. C. Yes, she is. 4.( ) A.I’m fine. B. I stayed at home . C. Thank you. 5.( ) A. Yes, she does. B.Yes, I did. C. No, he didn’t. 三、听录音,根据所听到的内容选出正确的图片并将下列的编号填在序号里。(10分)

A B C D E 1.( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( )


( ) 1、Oh, She’s my friend.

( ) 2、Her name is Mary.

( ) 3、Look at that girl.Who is she?

( ) 4、What’s her name?

( ) 5、Let’s say hello to her.



( ) 1、A、 B、

( ) 2、A、 B、( ) 3、A、 B、

( ) 4、A、 B、( ) 5、A、 B、六、选出不同类的单词,把序号写在括号里。(5分)

( ) 1、A、thinner B、strong C、taller

( ) 2、A、dinosaur B、hall C、monkey

( ) 3、A、swim B、walk C、her

( ) 4、A、tall B、short C、bigger

( ) 5、A、did B、watched C、see

七、单项选择。(10分) ( )1、I'm two years _______than you . A、 young B、shorter C、younger ( ) 2、How ______is your best friend ? ----- Thirteen years old . A、old B 、tall C、heavy ( )3、How tall is Chen Jie? A、He is 12 years old. B、I'm 147cm. C 、She is 150cm. ( )4、I’m than you.

B. thin C. thinner ( )5、Did you help me clean my room ?

-Yes , I . A、did B、do C、does ( )6、What did Lisa do yesterday?

-She TV .

A、watches B、watch C、watched ( )7、They last weekend . A、read B、readed C、look ( )8、What ____ you _____ yesterday ? A. does, do B. do , did C. did, do

( )9、How weekend? It was fine.

A.is B.was C .are

( )10.Is your brother shorter than A. Yes,I am . B Yes, he is. C .Yes, I are.


My name is Jim. There are five people in my family. They are my grandma, my mother, my father, my sister and I. My grandma is old. She stays at home. My mother is a teacher. She teaches English in No.3 Middle School. Now she is making a cake in the kitchen. My father is a doctor. He is reading a book now. He is busy all the time. My sister, Lucy, is 12. We are twins. We’re in the same school, but in different classes. We have a lot of friends here. We are doing our homework now.

( )1. There are five people in Jim’s family.

( )2. Jim’s mother is a doctor.

( )3. Now Jim’s mother is in the kitchen.

( )4. Jim and his sister are watching TV now.

( )5. Jim is 12 years old.


1、strong(比较级) 2.is(过去式)

3.shorter(反义词) 4.thinner(原级

5、clean(过去式) 6、than(中文)

7、dinosaur(中文) 8、slept(中文)

9.read(ing形式 10.更小的(英文)十、根据中文提示,完成下列句子,并将答案写在横线上。没空一词。(10分)


are you? Your’ re than me.


What you do ? I my clothes.


How ? It fine.


It’s than both us together.

5.小 狗越来越强壮。

Little .


1、is, who, younger (?)

2、heavy, are ,how you (?)

3、do , else, did, anything ,you(?)

4、stayed ,I ,home ,at ,TV, watched,and(.)

5、did, do,,you ,what(?)





( ) 1、A、tall B、taller C、shorter

班级: 姓名 考 ( ) 2、A、both B、metre C、bigger ( ) 3、A、slept B、thinner C、thin ( ) 4、A、shoes B、whose C、size ( ) 5、A、head B、heavier C、heavy 二、听录音,选择相应的答句,并将序号写在括号里。(10分) 1.( ) A. I’m 1.61 metres. B.I’m 52 kilograms. C. Thanks. 2.( ) A. Size 8. B. It’s 5 tons . C. Yes, I am. 3.( ) A.She’s 1.65 metres. B. It was fine,thanks. C. Yes, she is. 4.( ) A.I’m fine. B. I stayed at home . C. Thank you. 5.( ) A. Yes, she does. B.Yes, I did. C. No, he didn’t. 三、听录音,根据所听到的内容选出正确的图片并将下列的编号填在序号里。(10分)

A B C D E 1.( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( )


( ) 1、Oh, She’s my friend.

( ) 2、Her name is Mary.

( ) 3、Look at that girl.Who is she?

( ) 4、What’s her name?

( ) 5、Let’s say hello to her.



( ) 1、A、 B、

( ) 2、A、 B、( ) 3、A、 B、

( ) 4、A、 B、( ) 5、A、 B、六、选出不同类的单词,把序号写在括号里。(5分)

( ) 1、A、thinner B、strong C、taller

( ) 2、A、dinosaur B、hall C、monkey

( ) 3、A、swim B、walk C、her

( ) 4、A、tall B、short C、bigger

( ) 5、A、did B、watched C、see

七、单项选择。(10分) ( )1、I'm two years _______than you . A、 young B、shorter C、younger ( ) 2、How ______is your best friend ? ----- Thirteen years old . A、old B 、tall C、heavy ( )3、How tall is Chen Jie? A、He is 12 years old. B、I'm 147cm. C 、She is 150cm. ( )4、I’m than you.

B. thin C. thinner ( )5、Did you help me clean my room ?

-Yes , I . A、did B、do C、does ( )6、What did Lisa do yesterday?

-She TV .

A、watches B、watch C、watched ( )7、They last weekend . A、read B、readed C、look ( )8、What ____ you _____ yesterday ? A. does, do B. do , did C. did, do

( )9、How weekend? It was fine.

A.is B.was C .are

( )10.Is your brother shorter than A. Yes,I am . B Yes, he is. C .Yes, I are.


My name is Jim. There are five people in my family. They are my grandma, my mother, my father, my sister and I. My grandma is old. She stays at home. My mother is a teacher. She teaches English in No.3 Middle School. Now she is making a cake in the kitchen. My father is a doctor. He is reading a book now. He is busy all the time. My sister, Lucy, is 12. We are twins. We’re in the same school, but in different classes. We have a lot of friends here. We are doing our homework now.

( )1. There are five people in Jim’s family.

( )2. Jim’s mother is a doctor.

( )3. Now Jim’s mother is in the kitchen.

( )4. Jim and his sister are watching TV now.

( )5. Jim is 12 years old.


1、strong(比较级) 2.is(过去式)

3.shorter(反义词) 4.thinner(原级

5、clean(过去式) 6、than(中文)

7、dinosaur(中文) 8、slept(中文)

9.read(ing形式 10.更小的(英文)十、根据中文提示,完成下列句子,并将答案写在横线上。没空一词。(10分)


are you? Your’ re than me.


What you do ? I my clothes.


How ? It fine.


It’s than both us together.

5.小 狗越来越强壮。

Little .


1、is, who, younger (?)

2、heavy, are ,how you (?)

3、do , else, did, anything ,you(?)

4、stayed ,I ,home ,at ,TV, watched,and(.)

5、did, do,,you ,what(?)


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