
To Stem Protests, China Mandates ‘Social Risk’ Reviews for Big Projects

By KEITH BRADSHER November 13, 2012


KEITH BRADSHER 报道 2012年11月13日

Faced with a series of large and increasingly violent environmental protests  against big industrial projects, the cabinet of China has ordered that all further  big projects must pass a ''social risk assessment'' before they can start, the  country's environment minister said  Monday.


The unexpected decision comes after  thousands of protesters have taken to  the streets over the past year in at least  eight cities, forcing the suspension or  cancellation of chemical plants, coal- fired power plants and a giant copper  smelter.


The initial protests a year ago drew  mostly middle-aged and older demonstrators who had little to lose if the police put disparaging remarks about them into the personnel files that the  government maintains on every citizen.  But demonstrations over the last several months have involved angry youths  who gathered from multiple towns and  used social media to coordinate their activities during clashes with security  forces - new trends that are certain to  have dismayed the country's political  leadership.


  Ng Han Guan/Associated Press


''No major projects can be launched  without social risk evaluations,'' Zhou  Shengxian, the environment minister,  said at a news conference held in conjunction with the 18th Party Congress.  ''By doing so, I hope we can reduce the  number of mass incidents in the future.''


Each new protest in recent months  has set off frenzied national discussions  on Sina Weibo, the popular Chinese  microblogging site, soaring repeatedly  to the top of the list of most-searched  subjects.


Strengthening grass-roots protests  against chemical factories in mainland  China also has parallels to the experience of Taiwan in the 1970s. Similar  protests against chemical factories  there were tolerated despite martial  law, and they helped create a pro-democracy movement that led to the repeal of martial law in 1987 and the subsequent creation of a vibrant  democracy with two parties alternating  in power.


China has led the world with double- digit economic growth for the past three  decades, but it has paid a heavy environmental price. Acrid smog coats most  large Chinese cities for much of the  year, while large numbers of lakes and  rivers have been heavily contaminated.


The announcement of social risk assessments is a surprise that the national  government had not even hinted at previously, although Jiangsu Province in  east-central China has considered  them, said Ma Jun, the director of the Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs, one of the best-known environmental groups in Beijing.


Thousands of young protesters  fought the riot police for two nights in  early July in Shifang, in western China,  prompting the local government to announce the cancellation of a giant copper smelter that was seen by demonstrators as a pollution threat. The  government also issued a public warning on the Internet that any further  protests would be met with a harsh use  of force.


But the following night, the largest  crowd yet gathered to demand the release of a couple dozen protesters detained during the two previous nights, and the local government backed down  and released them.


Mr. Zhou, the environment minister,  said that mass protests tended to happen because of one or more of the four  mistakes that the government now intends to remedy. These mistakes involve the start of projects without official approval, a lack of proper  environmental impact assessments,  weak local governments and a failure to  conduct social risk evaluations in advance.


Mr. Zhou did not provide a description  of how social risk assessments would be  conducted but indicated that they would  involve looking at the likelihood that a  project would set off a public backlash.


Mr. Zhou also said that effective Sept.  1, all government agencies in China had  been ordered to make public all environmental impact assessments by posting  them on the Internet, together with a  description of what the government  planned to do about the assessments.


Mr. Ma said by telephone that the  Ministry of Environmental Protection  had previously sent out a legal notice of  this decision, although it had received  limited public attention. He said that the  policy did not go far enough, because  government agencies are required to  post only the summaries of environmental impact statements and not the  statistical details, which may be more  revealing.


Environmental officials in China want  the introduction of social risk assessments because protests against industrial projects often involve broader issues than just the environment and may  extend to questions like whether the  land for the project was lawfully obtained with proper compensation for its  previous owners, Mr. Ma said.


''The environmental agencies feel  they have been put under too much  pressure, beyond the authority they've  got,'' he added.



To Stem Protests, China Mandates ‘Social Risk’ Reviews for Big Projects

By KEITH BRADSHER November 13, 2012


KEITH BRADSHER 报道 2012年11月13日

Faced with a series of large and increasingly violent environmental protests  against big industrial projects, the cabinet of China has ordered that all further  big projects must pass a ''social risk assessment'' before they can start, the  country's environment minister said  Monday.


The unexpected decision comes after  thousands of protesters have taken to  the streets over the past year in at least  eight cities, forcing the suspension or  cancellation of chemical plants, coal- fired power plants and a giant copper  smelter.


The initial protests a year ago drew  mostly middle-aged and older demonstrators who had little to lose if the police put disparaging remarks about them into the personnel files that the  government maintains on every citizen.  But demonstrations over the last several months have involved angry youths  who gathered from multiple towns and  used social media to coordinate their activities during clashes with security  forces - new trends that are certain to  have dismayed the country's political  leadership.


  Ng Han Guan/Associated Press


''No major projects can be launched  without social risk evaluations,'' Zhou  Shengxian, the environment minister,  said at a news conference held in conjunction with the 18th Party Congress.  ''By doing so, I hope we can reduce the  number of mass incidents in the future.''


Each new protest in recent months  has set off frenzied national discussions  on Sina Weibo, the popular Chinese  microblogging site, soaring repeatedly  to the top of the list of most-searched  subjects.


Strengthening grass-roots protests  against chemical factories in mainland  China also has parallels to the experience of Taiwan in the 1970s. Similar  protests against chemical factories  there were tolerated despite martial  law, and they helped create a pro-democracy movement that led to the repeal of martial law in 1987 and the subsequent creation of a vibrant  democracy with two parties alternating  in power.


China has led the world with double- digit economic growth for the past three  decades, but it has paid a heavy environmental price. Acrid smog coats most  large Chinese cities for much of the  year, while large numbers of lakes and  rivers have been heavily contaminated.


The announcement of social risk assessments is a surprise that the national  government had not even hinted at previously, although Jiangsu Province in  east-central China has considered  them, said Ma Jun, the director of the Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs, one of the best-known environmental groups in Beijing.


Thousands of young protesters  fought the riot police for two nights in  early July in Shifang, in western China,  prompting the local government to announce the cancellation of a giant copper smelter that was seen by demonstrators as a pollution threat. The  government also issued a public warning on the Internet that any further  protests would be met with a harsh use  of force.


But the following night, the largest  crowd yet gathered to demand the release of a couple dozen protesters detained during the two previous nights, and the local government backed down  and released them.


Mr. Zhou, the environment minister,  said that mass protests tended to happen because of one or more of the four  mistakes that the government now intends to remedy. These mistakes involve the start of projects without official approval, a lack of proper  environmental impact assessments,  weak local governments and a failure to  conduct social risk evaluations in advance.


Mr. Zhou did not provide a description  of how social risk assessments would be  conducted but indicated that they would  involve looking at the likelihood that a  project would set off a public backlash.


Mr. Zhou also said that effective Sept.  1, all government agencies in China had  been ordered to make public all environmental impact assessments by posting  them on the Internet, together with a  description of what the government  planned to do about the assessments.


Mr. Ma said by telephone that the  Ministry of Environmental Protection  had previously sent out a legal notice of  this decision, although it had received  limited public attention. He said that the  policy did not go far enough, because  government agencies are required to  post only the summaries of environmental impact statements and not the  statistical details, which may be more  revealing.


Environmental officials in China want  the introduction of social risk assessments because protests against industrial projects often involve broader issues than just the environment and may  extend to questions like whether the  land for the project was lawfully obtained with proper compensation for its  previous owners, Mr. Ma said.


''The environmental agencies feel  they have been put under too much  pressure, beyond the authority they've  got,'' he added.




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