

1:Good morning , ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the English award ceremony. I am honored to be the host of the English award ceremony.

2:So am I .

1:1全班合唱 《take me to your heart》

《take me to your heart 》is a classical song ,it will inform us of many things .Now, let’s sing the song.


Now I would like to introduce the rules for the link .


OK ,we will review PPTs from previous performance. 2:4歌曲

We will enjoy Yao shuyun’s song


Today we will witness six awards including best actor award ,best actress award , best director award ,best PPT award ,best team award ,best innovative award .

2:6唱《you are not along》

Now let’s listen 《you are not along》


The best actor will be found .


The best actress award will be announced.

1:8小游戏:每组派两名成员,用PPT 将所猜词打出来,一个用不包含此单词的英语进行描述,另一个背对PPT 猜

Now I would like to introduce the rules for the game .teams should two teammates to attend this game ,the one of these two can see the ppt shows , while the other can’t ; the former who describe the shown word with other words ,should make sure his paternal understand. 2:9最佳导演(获奖者的获奖感言)

The best director award will be witness

1:最佳PPT (获奖者的获奖感言)

The best PPT award will be announced

2:10诗朗诵The Giving Tree


This link ,I am will ask you some questions 2:12最佳团队(获奖者的获奖感言)

The best innovative award


The best innovative award will be published .


Ok, time for show, a small game ,riddle.


The most exciting link begins .Extract Lucky viewers 2:Ok, now, let's warmly welcome our English teacher, Mrs. zhang to give us a short speech


1:Thanks for Mrs. zhang ‘s speech. And now I know we are all deeply impressed by the wonderful proform presented by the

groups. Thank you for your hard work. ladies and gentlemen,(转向听众)Let's give them a big round of applause.(为参赛者鼓掌)

2:Last but not the least, ladies and gentlemen, I think you deserve a big round of applause, too for being such good audience.(感谢听众, 自己给自己鼓掌)

1,2:Good bye! See you next time!


1:Good morning , ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the English award ceremony. I am honored to be the host of the English award ceremony.

2:So am I .

1:1全班合唱 《take me to your heart》

《take me to your heart 》is a classical song ,it will inform us of many things .Now, let’s sing the song.


Now I would like to introduce the rules for the link .


OK ,we will review PPTs from previous performance. 2:4歌曲

We will enjoy Yao shuyun’s song


Today we will witness six awards including best actor award ,best actress award , best director award ,best PPT award ,best team award ,best innovative award .

2:6唱《you are not along》

Now let’s listen 《you are not along》


The best actor will be found .


The best actress award will be announced.

1:8小游戏:每组派两名成员,用PPT 将所猜词打出来,一个用不包含此单词的英语进行描述,另一个背对PPT 猜

Now I would like to introduce the rules for the game .teams should two teammates to attend this game ,the one of these two can see the ppt shows , while the other can’t ; the former who describe the shown word with other words ,should make sure his paternal understand. 2:9最佳导演(获奖者的获奖感言)

The best director award will be witness

1:最佳PPT (获奖者的获奖感言)

The best PPT award will be announced

2:10诗朗诵The Giving Tree


This link ,I am will ask you some questions 2:12最佳团队(获奖者的获奖感言)

The best innovative award


The best innovative award will be published .


Ok, time for show, a small game ,riddle.


The most exciting link begins .Extract Lucky viewers 2:Ok, now, let's warmly welcome our English teacher, Mrs. zhang to give us a short speech


1:Thanks for Mrs. zhang ‘s speech. And now I know we are all deeply impressed by the wonderful proform presented by the

groups. Thank you for your hard work. ladies and gentlemen,(转向听众)Let's give them a big round of applause.(为参赛者鼓掌)

2:Last but not the least, ladies and gentlemen, I think you deserve a big round of applause, too for being such good audience.(感谢听众, 自己给自己鼓掌)

1,2:Good bye! See you next time!


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